7866/A walker, a werewolf, and a shopping trip

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A walker, a werewolf, and a shopping trip
Date of Scene: 13 June 2019
Location: Upper East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Mercy and Joseph go for a shopping trip.Oz tags along and leaves to go do musical things.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Overlord, Daniel Osborn

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The crowds that throng the Upper East Side are many, varied and a smorgasboard of culture. Mercy Thompson's among them, the Native American walker's just another face in the crowd. She actually took a cabb from her garage, no way she's risking her Vanagon here and now....she's walking. That and she's figuring it'll be easier to take home whatever she buys. Though admittedly on her limited money, it's mostly window shopping with the odd trip into a store. Mercy's just wishing mostly she could afford the high end stuff.....as she's paused to look at a furniture set. It's reminding her of Montana, really. How she'd sit at her foster father's knee and learn, while he sat in his favorite chair. Mercy on impulse heads into the store and begins asking questions. Admittedly....the chair's actually part of a bigger store. It sels.....things. She's walked into Bloomingdales....if only to ask questions and bother the staff of the store a little. She's also looking through the clothes, too and imagining what could be....if she wasn't so broke with running her garage and stuff.

Mercy's wearing casual gear this time, she's wearing jeans, battered sneakers, an American flag t-shirt, with her pendant under it, disappearing into the shirt. She's got shades on, it is after all bright outside, the clock hitting a little after two in the afternoon with cloudless New York skies. Mercy's just browsing the store, kind of a littl upset about how much everything costs.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller was running a little late. He sends Mercy a text letting he should be in the area soon. There was an attempted robbery while he was in a convenience store. He was held up a moment dealing with it, not quite the scene from Shazam but probably similar. Once in the area where she told him she would be he will send another text to find out which store she is in.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
There's another man in town, Oz, DAMB has a gig later. And, he, as such, has a DAMB t-shirt on. And of course, prayer beads around his neck. He's in Bloomingdales as well, looking at clothes, probably for Willow, or something. Perhaps he's looking for a present, or perhaps he's just enjoying his time in NYC. He's had a love for traveling ever since he set out a while ago to find himself and a cure for his licanthropy, and so, even though he's returned home to Sunnydale, he still can't keep his feet planted on old ground. So, he's still traveling, even if he's not going nearly as far as in the past. He happens to end up right next to Mercy, actually. He seems to notice something different about her, probably her scent, given she's a walker, but he doesn't say anything, she's still a stranger, after all.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy sorts through a rack of women's clothing, as she feels Oz there and nods to him. She's not saying a word.....yet. Instead she digs out a brand new expensive set of pants and holds them up. Women's pants. She sighs and puts them back seeing the price tag. $950. No way she can afford this, then as her phone goes offf she checks it and replies to Joseph's text, and goes back to wishfully shopping. She looks over to Oz again. "DAMB? Is that a local band?" she asks. "Or did you just get bored making your t-shirt and put random letters on it?" she adds, aware she's getting stares. Compared to the other customers, she seems out of place. But she's no pushover....instead she's just staying put. "You know, everything's so expensive here" Mercy points out. "I came in to look at a chair" she adds and carries on looking for clothes she can actually....you know....afford. Which, knowing Mercy's bank balance, won't be easy. She may have picked the wrong store. Still she's not actually bothering anyone. She's just wandering around shopping, though she ends up back near Oz. "I mean, $200 for a polo shirt, $450 for a wet of glasses" she whispers, stage whispers with a hint of incredulity.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will step inside and looks around the store. The big man does have the advantage of being able to look over most people's heads. He will walk over towards them, not really even looking at the clothes as he knows there is not going to be clothes here to fit him. Once nearer he will walk a bit more carefully, big guys in stores have to be a bit more observant to not knock stuff off hooks and hangers.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh hey," Oz says, his head snapping around to look at mercy when she addresses him. "Oh, this? It's my band," he says, simply with a shrug. When she holds up the pants he shakes his head. She goes around looking at others and he shakes his head slightly, again, with a sigh. "It's all too expensive," he says, when she comes back to him. He spots the big guy approaching, and he takes a step back, a little surprised, but not really intimidated. "I changed my mind about getting Willow a present..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy just sighs and shakes her head. "I know, right?" Mercy asksks and groans. Who in their right mind would pay $400 for a shirt? Mercy's got no idea, but she looks to Joseph then Oz. "Oh your band?" she asks. "See. $950 for shoes?" Mercy asks with a squeak in her voice. She feels like this is....a little silly really, though she's found stuff for under $100. More her scene....but Mercy's unsure.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and says "Hey I have to get most of my stuff at the big and tall man's store, and I thought they were over priced." He will walk over and lean down and hug Mercy. So you know never thought I would be in here."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs, feeling slightly more confident since the big guy seems to be good natured. "Hello Hagrid," he says, in his best immitation of a British accent, with a slight smirk. He steps up, but he's patient, waiting for the hug to end. He wasn't planning to be here, and he feels like he's third wheeling, so he might try and tactically slip away soon.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy reaches up to hug Joseph again with a smile. "Hey, what're you doing here?" she asks with a smile then looks over at Oz after letting Joseph go as Mercy looks to Oz. "Willow. Is she your girlfriend or something?" she asks then smiles looking amused, her brown eyes sparkling. "So" Mercy says. "Joseph, this is a band geekz.Band geek...this is Joseph" she says and digs out a pair of $95 pants....tattered jeans, as she looks them over again, tattered jeans as Mercy looks amused and waves the jeans. "So what do you think?" she asks. "So, about this Willow?" Mercy asks and looks back to Oz again. "Go on. I'm all ears. A band geek like you deserves somebody who ain't a groupie" Mercy points out."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will offer Oz a hand shake firm but not crushing. He smiles and says "Well, I thought I would see what you were up to and maybe take you out to eat somewhere when your finished looking. He looks over at the pants, and says "Could probably take some twenty dollar jeans and run them over a few times and have the same look.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shakes Joseph's hand, with a nod. "Oz," he says. "Oh, Willow, yeah, you could say that." he smiles, with a chuckle. When he mentions the jeans Oz actually laughs, with a nod. "Most of these are way overpriced."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head and groans. "You don't say" she says and looks to Oz. "Wait a minute, There's a rip in the back of the jeans" Mercy says and looks unimpressed. Still she'll take the jeans. Still she'll just wear them under the coveralls. Glancing to Joseph Mercy smiles. "Sure, you could come along" she says with a nod to Oz, "Dominos isn't far away. Though I feel bad for just coming into a store and not buying something" Mercy says, then makes a 'hmm' sound, walking off to find a small thing for $15. She'll buy that then, and looks from Oz to Joseph again. "I stepped away for a few minutes and you didn't kill each other. Good" Mercy points out.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will raise a brow at Mercy "Do I really seem the violent type?" He will ask her "Well violent for no reason at least?" He grins a bit and says "I am sure we could find something here you could use or at least set on a shelf and look at." He comments about finding sometime cheap here.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs, shaking his head slightly. "Oh, don't worry about me," he says. "You 2 enjoy your food, I'm not gonna third wheel." He doesn't seem like the violent type either, and he nods slightly to Joseph in agreement, with a bit of a laugh. He decides he's definitely not buying anything here for Willow, it wouldn't be her style anyway, she would probably prefer books, or candles, or some other occult stuff, she's weird like that, but it's why he loves her after all.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods and has come back with a poster of a coyote. What else would she get for under ten bucks. "I'm just glad I found this" she adds and looks amused at them all. "It's either that, or a $45 stuffed wolf. I pickd the coyote" Mercy adds and has the roll poking out of a bag. "Aw, c'mon" Mercy pleads with Oz. "Come on, come eat with us at least. We'll have good conversation with you" she asks "I mean it'll be a change from cars or things, right?" she persists and looks to Joseph then Oz again. "You could even tell us what you been up to" she adds with a sly grin. A coyote's grin if you will. She looks amused at the idea as she checks the bag. Poster. Check. jeans. Check. Total cost, $110.. Mercy's done good. She's done better when she got a free gift card thrown in. She didn't though much like being patronized by the woman at the register cooing over her heritage....much. Mercy's got her guns locked away. No need to get sent down for life for murder.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over to Oz, and says "So at least tell us when the band is playin next time, and we can see what you guys are like." He offers for at least a chance to find out what the guys band is like

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Gig, tonight," Oz says, with a smile. He pulls a flyer, folded up, from his pocket and offers it to Joseph. The place is some no name, in the lesser part of the Upper East Side. "Still feel like I'm third wheeling," he says. "But catch me tonight or tomorrow. You 2 make a cute couple by the way. I just hope he doesn't crush you in bed." He grins, turning to slip away with a wave, and then he's back into the crowd and gone.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to Joseph. "So do we go? "she asks with a grin. "I mean. Harmless enough really" she shrugs and seems amused. "That Oz guy, he looks harmless enough. I didn't smell copious amounts of drugs on him so he's no 80s holdout. He's....if anything, clean and..smels of being a wolf" Mercy points out, whispering the last bit.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises a bit and says "You smelled a wolf on him, what do wolves smell like?" He asks as he walks along with her, not having been filled in on her being anything more than normal. He dord movr yo put a hand on her hip to walk close with her.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy doesn't object as she finally leaves the storre with Joseph. She's happy to walk with him with his hand on her hip, her Bloomingales bag in her other hand as she smiles more. "So, where are we going to get food?" Mercy asks with a grin. "Pizza or somewhere classy? I mean. I don't do five star places though" she admits with a knowing nod.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmms and says "Actualy if your ok with it I was thinking burgers, maybe big belly burgers?" he asks her, watching and checking out her reaction for going out to a fast food joint.