14868/Super Burger Time

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Super Burger Time
Date of Scene: 29 March 2023
Location: Burger Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: A Witch, a Cat and a Sun-Alien walk into a burger joint...
Cast of Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Solaire, Ivory

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
It's Just after normal lunch so there is almost nobody left in the shop. Right now, Sabrina is sitting at a table, looking at her hands and frowning.. She dosn't notice a lot of people, maybe cause she's got very pretty, very long nails.. the issue fro her is those nails were not there a moment ago, and right now she's trying to will them to go away!
Solaire has posed:
Solaire's been busy exploring of late. So wandering into a burger joint, which smells quite nice actually, is not too far from ordinary. Though why a slightly glowing and very warm person is now loitering just beside the door inside is anyone's guess. Solaire is taking a long moment to drink up everything he can of the visuals in the space and taking his time with it as well.
Ivory has posed:
When Ivory slips in after the lunch rush, it's with the usual looks they gather. Well, mostly it'S the T-shirt and jacket that gathers the more lingering looks, because they have cute cats playing and doing all too human things in a feline fashion. Like today, a short blackhaired cat operating a game controller in a maniac fashion.

Walking to the counter, they order some fries and a fish-burger, paying by card.

Though those that can feel magic? Those might pick up that Ivory is pretty much leaking from it.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
A nice distraction it works she dosn't even noticeher nails snap back as her attention is pulling towards the Magic meeter then she frowns and blinks. She looks from one to the other one the glowing man has everybody in the resturant stopping to stare even the owner.. and her attention also moves to the kitty girl peering at her as if trying to figure out.. she wiggles her fingers as if trying to get her attention sending out a little magic
Solaire has posed:
Solaire's magically sensitive. A holdover of his time before his stellar conversion, and the presence of it from two individuals has him taking a small inhale. He pauses and pays more careful attention to Ivory in particular, since Sabrina doesn't seem to be quite as obvious in her efforts. For now anyway. It's a lingering stare from the star-eyed man near the door, whom still hasn't made any attempts to come in and order anything.
Ivory has posed:
Ivory though, does not recognize the spell. Because, as loaded as they are about magic... they are also unskilled in its use, and kinda deaf to it. Because... after all everything around is somewhat covered by themselves. So they just seem to order their diner.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks frown and hmms as she cocks her head she's got one eye on the glowing guy something is not right there.. She Casts some detection magic onto her eye's as if to take a look a both this time via a diffrent lense . She wants tog et up but that glowing guy got her nervous a bit , The Shop owner too he's frowns " You got buisness here bud? You one of them mutants ? "
Solaire has posed:
Solaire peers to the... sudden attention he gets. "I apologise, I was just exploring. Is this not an open establishment?" he asks back at the business question. "And I do not believe I am a mutant. That would require me to be an aberration of the normal species, I am just from another place." he says with an attempt of reassurance for the ... manager? Owner?
Ivory has posed:
Ivory turns the head at the talk about from a normal species and another place, mustering Solaire a few moments before shrugging. "Looks rather humanoid, but apparently that's the predominant style of intelligent lifeforms this side of the galaxy. I mean, look at the Superman and the Supergirl and Power Girl, that Martian Manhunter... all of them look mostly human."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
The man grunts and rubs his cheek he looks over at sabrina who lifts an eyebrow and puts her hands on her hips as he remembers the last time he kicked a mutant out and she lead a protest. He just sighs and grunts " Well stop glowing and sit down your freaking out my customers " he says and motions towards a booth int he corner !

     sabrina just seems to nod as if that's an acceptable compramise befroe she moves over to sit near where that mutant man is but also closer to the kitty girl .
Solaire has posed:
Solaire takes a moment with another inhale and.. any glowing fades, though he's still immediately warm. He nods with some accepting of the statement of the owner, going on to the offered corner booth. Thankfully for his suit's insulation, the booth is not scorched! He takes a glance at both Sabrina and the jacket-wearing person with some raised brows- given that these two have less distinctive responses. "This galactic cluster has been interesting to explore so far. But I admit this is the only star's world I've spent time on aside from home. Not that home is a place I can use as a relative point any longer." he admits to the comment from Ivory, and the list of names he is.. largely ignorant of aside from commentary in the past.
Ivory has posed:
Ivory shrugs at the sudden resolution, pulling out their wallet to pay for the foods, then gather it together at the counter and move, pondering about it and then towards the table Sabrina occupies, making a little gesture. "That spot free?"

"Oh, home's where your heart is or something. Or where you get a Tuna-tuna sandwich with shrimps and extra cheese."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Smiles and motions for her to sit since they are across from Solaire the booth next to him. She has her own chocolate milk and burger and wedge fry plate. She beams a smile at the other person before looking to the solair fellow " So your an alien then? " She asks given the words he uses it's an easy jump .

     To Ivory she grins " You sound like my best friend salem " she says brightly " He orders a tuns sandwich with extra tuna.. Shrimp and Samon.. extra cheese and hold the bread " She giggles "then he'd order seconds and complain too me all night why I let him have seconds "
Solaire has posed:
Solaire hmms? "Perhaps, though my home is currently. Unaccessible. Gone." he says, trying to find right words. "Yes, I believe alien is the right word, and listens on the topic of Sabrina's friend. "Sounds like he would be best not eating it all in a single sitting, then." he says with some light amusement.
Ivory has posed:
"Sounds like he understands what's good about a sandwich, but has a too small belly for his taste. And for all the tasty fish, hold the mackrel, that's just plain fatty." What makes Ivory a fish connaisseur? Well... They like fish.

"Tragic! And no chance to make another spot your home? Find a love to cherish, a being to exchange hugs with or a feline to huddle and pamper? I mean, this can't be the only place where there's feline overlords!"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Lifts an eyebrow and smirk " Last I checked humans still run the show.. ask salem that will change but I'm not so sure " She chuckles. Tough she agress with ivory about the whole finding your planet and getting to go back " Is there a reason it's cut off ? "

5t She makes a small motion under the table a surge of magic speaking Directly to Ivory .oO You really should pull in your magic your lit up like a beacon! Oo.
Solaire has posed:
Solaire mms. He absorbs this topic on fish and sandwiches, words he'll need for later but have no reference yet. "Well. I could find another place, but the reason my world is no longer accessible is something I have to bear with me." he reaches behind himself to pull out.. well, it's kind of _weird_. A perfect sphere made of Dark. No light is absorbed or reflected from it, so the edges seem slightly unreal. "My world is sealed in here, and the story of why is long, and the dangers of breaking the seal are currently. Insurmountable." as he goes to put it away. That thing just feels entirely anathema, a pure otherness that is thankfully out of mind now as Solaire puts it away.. wherever it went.
Ivory has posed:
Ivory blinks twice, no three times as suddenly voices are there, tilting the head at Sabrina a little. "Oh, come on, it's an internet meme about cats being the secret dominating species, because they get pampered for sleeping and cuddling. As for dimming... uh... sorry, I can't."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Seems to understand ivory and nods her head ' Okay we can talk more about that later " She says as she blinks at the black orb and frowns " Waht the heck was that " She says a littl alarmed " That wasn't wow " She frowns ' yeah sounds like you got a big mess to deal with "
Solaire has posed:
Solaire gives a small, half-hearted smile to Sabrina's statement about a big mess. "A whole world of a mess, really." he reiterates. Internet is a word he hears a lot but has not yet. Are cats the dominant species here? He'll need to investigate this further, another time. "What is a cat?" he asks as this is the most pressing, pertinent thing he needs to clarify.
Ivory has posed:
"Oh, that's.... dark. I mean, really dark. A world in that? Anyway... what is a cat.. the most cute thing on this planet? Also, sometimes they're jerks, but generally? Totally floofy and nice. They eat rodents and fish and moste hate water but some bigcats love it and some are even internet stars." Ivory explains, then points to the stylized on on their T-shirt. "That's supposed to be a shorthair one."

"Later, huh? Sounds like something Zee would say."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
     She nods " That's basicly it they are pets.. animals that have been tammed but are used to keep you comapny and to help with your mood, some people view them as family members.. some use cats or dogs as guardians they have been with humans for thousands of years " . She beams " My best friend is a cat " She grins then frowns " Zee is that short for something? "
Solaire has posed:
Solaire listens and.. nods. "Right.. so not actually the secret dominant species of the world. Just pets." he can grasp that concept atleast. This has satisfied his questions on the appearance and information about cats. "And rather popular pets at that." yes yes. How many varieties are there? He must investigate further, for culture's sake really.
Ivory has posed:
"Zee as in... Zatanna Zatara?" Ivory notes, shrugging a little as Sabrina doesn't seem in on that.

"Don't forget that Cats were worshipped as gods too. I mean, still are. In Egypt and Wakanda. And then there's Tigra, who's like a tiger-woman and Cheetah, the same but for a cheetah and those are both cats..."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Blinks and cocks her head " I dunno who that is " she frowns and grabs her phone " Maybe my aunts know " she starts to type furiously before she looks back and ndos " That's true about the kitty's we try and not remind salem tends to go to his head you know " she grins . She laughs " Some people would say they are more than bpets but yeah " she grins as she hsrugs.
Solaire has posed:
Solaire nods a few more times and then notes cats are worshipped. And perhaps cat people? This world is certainly diverse. "Are your aunts very knowledgable? There are no shortage of things about this world that I want to know about." he says with some warmth.
Ivory has posed:
Ivory pulls out a phone to open an ad of one of Zatara's shows. "That's Zee." they offer, showing the picture to Sabrina. "She's a super friendly one."

"So, let me guess: Salem is the cat that allows you to reside in his home?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
She looks up " hmm Oh no , he's family he got punished for soemthing and is forced to be with us.. It's my aunts home if he said it was his she'd hit him with a slipper he's not stupid " . she smirks and looks " wow she's super pretty ' she says brightly as she giggles and checks hmmm Okay " Have you hung out with this zee lots? " She asks after checking the phone
Solaire has posed:
Solaire seems to be content with justlistening to this conversation as it evolves to questions between Sabrina and Ivory, both of which he's going to have to think up names for.
Ivory has posed:
"Oh, anyway, I'm Ivory. Ivory Valentine." They offer, pulling a buisness card from the pocket. Embossed... with a cat face. "White Persian Cat" the card proclaims, and below that "Design."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Smiles " I'm a student I'm sabrina nice to meet you " she holds out her hand for a hand shake but she gives a nod towards solair as she gives him a big smile
Solaire has posed:
Solaire smiles and takes mental notes of the names. "I'm Solaire Yrael. Though it seems that each day, my lineage is less and less important." he says with some thought, how often do alien monarchs get any special treatment? Not at all 'round here anyway.
Ivory has posed:
Ivory yawns a moment. "Excuse me a sec, need to go for small king tigers." they note with a wink, walking to the toilets...