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Ivory Valentine (Scenesys ID: 8808)
Full Name: Ivory Valentine
Gender: Either
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Designer
Citizenship: US-American
Residence: New York
Education: Apprenticeship
Status: Approved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 30 August 2006 Actor:
Height: 180 cm (5'11") Weight: 65 kg (143 lb)
Hair Color: White Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:


As a tiny designer, their brand has just about enough traction to stay strong. As a bullying victim they are an advocate for a nonbiased lifestyle. As a Metahuman, they're a cat. And maybe somewhat adept in drawing the wrong people's attention.

Current Player Approved: August 26, 2019



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Ivory is maybe in the late teens or early twenties, the long sleved, black pullover on their body, together with the dark blue silk scarf around the neck giving no clear indication about the gender of them. A white persian cat print covers the back of the pullover, the animal semingly asleep. Their white hair falls long, parly caught in a ponytail but the sides fall free to frame the delicate face. Baggy cargo pants in black together with some Converse All-Stars which repeat the animal logo from the bag, painted on them by some artist.


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Born as the third child of a third child in a rather rural Maine town, Ivory became the heir of an old family heirloom that had been passed down along their mother's line for seven generations together with the words to put it on the third child of a third child. Their elder siblings, twins, had left home since a couple of years when Ivory was born, looking for greener pastures in the big city. The heirloom was a neckband made from white deer leather decorated with painted on patterns. As soon it was put around their Neck the first time, they started to glow in an otherworldy light for a couple moments, but that was it. Only months later, the changes became apparent: One minute their mother put the child into the bed, the next a kitten would mewl at her for attention, only to turn back as they were picked up by the confused parent. By the time their first birthday rolled around, their mother wasn't even sure anymore if she had given birth to a girl or a boy, as their gender changed several times a day. But as much as their parents tried to make sure they'd grow up nicely, the other kids in Elementary school bullied them for being strange and not understanding them at all, and so they were homeschooled until High School.

As they came to the High School, they were the silent one in the back, the one everybody but the teacher ignored but to try to bully them. But the had learned how to fight for themselves, which put those incedents few and far inbetween. Still, they chose an apprenticeship as a tailor over the last year of high school. In this field, they kind of had a talent, giving them their journeyman degree after their training completed and to get their master, they left home for greener pastures... New York.

Over the last year or two, Ivory had turned the salary they were getting as a larger designer's tailor into a tiny label on her own, paying for their living expenses, flat and the cost of running her own company by the age of 21.


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Usually, Ivory is maintains a chilled and laid back approach to life. If it is avoidable, they keep to their own, nocturnal schedule by sleeping in late and getting to bed only when the sun comes up and doing her bst to disregard the time plans normal people live on. But on the flipside, to some degree they have to conform to the buisiness hours, even if it is a pain, to fuel their cravings for a luxurious bed and idling around for hours.

For the most part, Ivory ignores minor irritations and verbal assaults, as they rarely have any impact on their further life. But if their boundries are wounded, they'll warn once and only once before they fight tooth and nail.


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As a child, Ivory was gifted with a neckband that turned them into an ailuranthrope, meaning they are a human that turns into a feline. With little effort, they can transform their body into a white persian housecat, retaining the ability to speak. When turning back, they can choose to retain some feline traits like ears, eyes or tail.

In all her shapes, Ivory is gifted with the coordination, dexterity, flexibility and agility of a feline, allowing her to make contortionists and world class gymnastic athlethes jealous. Her reaction time is similarily above human level. With a tail their balance is incredible. Keeping the ears allows a much greater audio spectrum and some audiolocation, but at the cost of sensitivity to loud sounds. When having feline eyes, they act as a natural light enhancement system allowing vision in near darkness.

Cat's Luck:
People say, that cats have nine lives. It's not like Ivory can die and scratch one from nine and get away, but they are quite lucky when it comes to serious injuries: Wounds usually turn out to be much less grevious than they initially seemed, after a careful inspection when the stress is gone. They still need to heal though.

Fangs and Claws:
In their feline shape, Ivory has the weapons of any cat. While they might be insufficient to tear armor, they are designed to puncture tough skin and allow her to climb very steep surfaces with ease.


Ivory left their days as a simple one gendered being behind the same day they became an ailurantrope. Since then they can alter from being a male to a female or vice versa in an instant. While it changes their body shape to accomodate to the unique traits of each form, it does not change any other trait such as height, strength, eye hair or eye color.


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Being a cat quite often, Ivory is a natural gymnast and has a high fitness.

Ivory has trained under a master seamstress and learned to create clothing from the base up. It is their daily bread to design and make clothing for their tiny label.

Fine Arts:
Having been grown up in a rural area, Ivory spent tons of time alone, venting emotions though paint. Aquarell or oil, crayons or markers, pencil or coal - when it comes to creating pictures with the own hands, they are quite good at it, though not a sought for artist.


Having grown up as pretty much an outsider, Ivory had to learn how to defend themselves in the school of hard knuckles style. They might not pack a well formalized blow, but Ivory literally knows how to fight tooth and nail and get somebody to the ground with the odd dirty punch to where it hurts.


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Blog Network:
While being a quite small designer, she has a small but effective network of bloggers she can reach out to promote her stuff or try to rally people with a message, though they won't get people into danger.

White Persian Cat:

Under the label "White Persian Cat", Ivory brands and sells their clothing designs via a webstore. They are targeting a somewhat young audience with the style catering to an androgynous or gender transcending look. Due to a Joint Venture with Oracle Inc, the collection is also available in brick and mortar stores starting with the spring 2020 collection.


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Combat Instincts:
Even though Ivory has a pretty good grip on themself usually, if stuff coes to fighting, things get hazy and instincts take over quickly. Once the fists actually fly, they are going all out and using everything at their disposal to try to force the enemy to retreat or surrender, barreling out and trying to overcome the enemy with a flurry to try to end it quick. They don't have time to think about evasion or dodging, instead relying on overwhelming the enemies in quick succession. Though once taking a couple blows or if the opponent is obviously superior, their instincts force them to tuck the tail and flee. It's better to live and fight another day after all. On the flipside, it makes them rather predictable in combat, making just holding out and being stubborn a sure way to make them abort and flee.

Ivory is publically not ashamed to swap genders based on what they deem more fitting, fun or suitable for a situation or what others might be more comfortable with. This puts them into the crosshairs of people that dispise LBGTQ-people, metamorphes or just find the very idea of somebody who changes their gender like socks evil.

Magic Blood:
Having never learned how to tap the magic the neckband instilled on them fully, their blood has become saturated with magic energy over time. This gives people able to feel magic power not only a good idea that somethign is off with them, but it also easily can become the reason others are after them. Using their blood, body or flesh to empower a spell or artifact would be a rather potent, puttng the toll of it upon Ivory. Even holding onto some of their blood would also allow someone wielding magic to easily affect them with spells. A side effect is, that it has a distinct taste that might be appealing for otherworldly beings or haemovores.


While the neckband they were gifted and wear isn't necessary for them to change their shape, the band carry a very strong connection to them. Not only does it carry the exact same aura as them, it behaves as if it is a part of their body for most spells, homing them to them should it be cast on the neckband alone. It also allows to find them with ease, should one have the neckband, even without magic of themselves.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Cats at Earnies September 13th, 2024 Trini and Ivory meet up after a training session, drink some milkshakes and then plan to go movies!
The Prince and the Paw-per. May 13th, 2024 Loki and Ivory renew their acquaintance in Da Club
Double Date March 1st, 2024 Summary needed
Movie Night: The Tradition Continues February 24th, 2024 Movie night with Ivory, Clark, Lois, a bad movie. Plus Lois admits a bit of fear when it comes to her motherhood abilities.
The Devil Went Down to Georg..The Daily Planet February 16th, 2024 Ivory visits while Lois interviews Satana. The interview ends in a sympathetic hug and a deeper understanding. Can one have a succubus as a friend? Lois means to find out.
Showy Cats February 4th, 2024 Trini looks at Ivory's latest collection offer... and gets a custom shirt!
The Reclusive Dr. Cassandra Read February 2nd, 2024 Lois Lane is missing her interview target and meets Ivory, Tini and Kimberly!
Of Witches and Dates January 24th, 2024 An invitation is relayed!
A Titans (And Friends) Thanksgiving November 23rd, 2023 Kara hosts a Thanksgiving dinner! No one gets food poisoning.
Witchy Cat Training November 20th, 2023 Summary needed
Magical Shopping September 8th, 2023 Summon success!
Witching Supplies August 21st, 2023 A short discussion about potioncraft and tools for witchery
Deli Run! August 6th, 2023 What was supposed to be a quick bite at Katz's turns awkward when Gwen Stacy runs unexpectedly into Felicia Hardy. Gwen gets inexplicably competitive and jealous over Peter, meets Ivory, and then things get REALLY crazy when Deadpool, Bebop, and Rocksteady show up. Luckily, Ghost Spider shows up to try to capture Bebop and Rocksteady while she has the chance, luring them away from the diner.
Rips and Tears! July 30th, 2023 Clark needs to have Lois Jacket fixed! Luckily he can ask the designer of the very piece to fix it.
Coffee Shop Meetup July 14th, 2023 Lois goes to meet Ivory for coffee to get her jacket and bumps into an interesting array of characters!]
Coffee in the Big Apple June 21st, 2023 Lois and Clark meet Ivory while getting coffee, and Ivory draws them as cats. Lois orders a jacket with that picture on it!
UPS! Rampage! June 19th, 2023 Pepper rescues Ivory from a speeding reckless UPS truck and then dotes over the cat-person to get them treatment.
Caffeine. The universal language. June 14th, 2023 Kimberly, Ivory and Diana cross paths in a coffee shop and share some conversation.
Light the Candle June 4th, 2023 First successes in magic training are observed!
Magic is Hard May 27th, 2023 Ivory gets a new book to study magic with from Sabrina
What's new pussy cat May 14th, 2023 Ivory and Crush the Bouncer (as played by Thomas Raith) talk about their shared interest in kitties.
Magic Supply Run May 3rd, 2023 Books were had supplies were Taken!
Magical Cats April 5th, 2023 Sabrina guides Ivory on the first baby steps to magic.
Picking Fights March 30th, 2023 Trouble breaks out at the Bronze, new revelations are made
Super Burger Time March 29th, 2023 A Witch, a Cat and a Sun-Alien walk into a burger joint...
Who's that Lurking in the Shadows March 22nd, 2023 Selina flees from unknown assailants and runs into some bats.
One Night Only March 18th, 2023 Zatanna does a magic show. People are ... entertained?
An evening at the manor. March 11th, 2023 Summary needed
50 shades of cat March 5th, 2023 Zee meets a magical cat person and agrees to get them on stage!
From Cat to Cat February 21st, 2023 Selina and Ivory discuss cat stuff
What the Cat Dragged in.. February 18th, 2023 Selina tries to process info from her first hypnotic session with Harley
Cat Training February 9th, 2023 Bruce Wanye tries to estimate where Ivory is fighting level wise, and manages to get them doen to instincts.
What was that about Curiosity and cats February 2nd, 2023 Summary needed
Crazy and the Cat January 29th, 2023 Summary needed
Yule at Lux December 24th, 2022 Festivus at Lux
Devil on the Boardwalk October 13th, 2022 Summary needed
Cats on Ice July 19th, 2022 Summary needed
A god and a cat walk into a coffee shop June 21st, 2022 Summary needed
A Quiet Afternoon in Bay Side June 20th, 2022 Kara talked to Ivory about life over ice cream.
Out for a Run June 14th, 2022 Teddy goes for a run in the park and meets Ivory, learns about their clothing line, and inspires a lazy cat design.
Purrrrrrrloined June 1st, 2022 Summary needed
Of Cats and Kittens May 4th, 2022 Summary needed
Of Strays and Catwomen April 11th, 2022 Two lovers of felines rescue a couple felines.
Out In The Cold April 7th, 2022 Kara accidentally catnaps Ivory! It's cool, though. They're friends now.
Rocket Run: Here puppy, puppy! April 6th, 2022 The Spectral Howler goes to ground on Earth. And Rocket needs help from the natives to run him down.
When You're Downtown March 31st, 2022 Summary needed
A Cat Walks Into A Bar (okay...club) August 19th, 2021 Summary needed
Test your Might July 16th, 2021 A flashmob-fightclub ends with flash of unbound energy.
Egyptian Grace July 6th, 2021 An Ivory sketching session in the MET leads to Yondu commissioning a piece of art.
Burger Robbery! June 1st, 2021 Bank robbers try to flee through a Big Belly Burger... but have not thought about the chance to encounter a Werewolf and others.
Seeking lost friends April 30th, 2021 Summary needed. Incomplete Scene.
The Open Door: The Neverending Night April 20th, 2021 A rare sighting of a solar eclipse is prelude to an army of vampires attacking the park, in search of something important..
Cold Cat April 8th, 2021 Summary needed
Fools of April April 1st, 2021 A couple Thugs think Ivory is an easy target... an end up meeting the fist of the PUNISHER!
Conversations on Rooftops February 14th, 2021 A nice quiet moment in an alley. Rare for New York.
Rainbow Warriors February 4th, 2021 Summary needed.
Just Another Morning In The Park January 31st, 2021 Impromptu Flute Concert In The Park!
Planning another Heist January 22nd, 2021 Catwoman unveils her plan to Ivory to break into the Cat Lady's mansion.
Lunch Time Socializing. January 14th, 2021 Tyler and Ivory meet and discuss various subjects
Cats & Confessions December 16th, 2020 Ivory and Felicia meet to talk cat stuff
B&E at the Magic Box. December 7th, 2020 Summary needed. Incomplete Scene.
Coffee with Cats November 19th, 2020 Selina proposes occasional work to Ivory...
Black and White, Take 2 November 17th, 2020 Ivory and Felicia meet up again.
Cats in the Cradle..Or something. November 11th, 2020 Catwoman pursues Ivory in search of answers.
Simulation Theory: Alpha Test November 11th, 2020 Information Superhighway to the Danger Zone!
Big cat, small cat and cap November 9th, 2020 Ivory, Cheetah and Steve catch up!
The Cure: Creatures of the Night November 8th, 2020 A bat lady wrecks havok on Gotham zoo, releasing a swarm of bats on terrified onlookers. Various heroes come to the rescue. So do mysterious people dressed in white.
Captain Cat! November 7th, 2020 A day in the mueum makes Cap 20 buck poorer... and the museum that muh richer.
a beautiful cat dates exotic feline November 4th, 2020 Two cat-styled people go on a blind date...
It's a Match! November 2nd, 2020 Booze! Action! Merkins?
Costume Dancing October 27th, 2020 A handful of kitties dance at a cat-themed party.
Coffee Cat October 26th, 2020 Carol and Ivory discuss cats over coffee, including a spacefairing one.
Puss in boots October 22nd, 2020 When a wolf fails to ask the right questions, because a puss in boots does their best.
Thick As Thieves October 8th, 2020 Spike and Catwoman encounter an unlikely ally while tracking down Cat Lady.
Fast Food October 1st, 2020 Rave and Ivory catch up over coffee
Hellenic statues, persian cats and american soil September 26th, 2020 Alice eyes some statues, when Professr Minerva starts a discussion about statues, cats and culture.
Perusing the Purrrrrfect Present September 18th, 2020 Selina scopes out a new cat exhibit at the museum and runs into familiar feline figures..
Cat in the Backyard September 16th, 2020 Clint invites a cat into the mansion - and gets more than he bargained for.
Mustard in Manhattan September 13th, 2020 Kory's odd dietary habits makes her a new friend in Ivory
Creature of the Night September 4th, 2020 Ivory encounters a dangerous cat lurking in the night. Catwoman comes to their rescue.
Cats and Dogs Masquerade Fundraiser August 22nd, 2020 A fundraiser is held to raise money for an animal shelter..But things go wrong.
Blue Cats August 17th, 2020 Ivory and Rave catch up.
Milk Cartons: Exodus 21:24 August 11th, 2020 WILD PACK ATTACKS! Cloak and Dagger get a surprise visitor.
Antics, auctions and....something that starts with A July 9th, 2020 Prue meets and greets while taking a shipment in at Bucklands
A wild Morgana appears! June 28th, 2020 Ivory and Nick meets Morgana
Another walk in another park. June 21st, 2020 Buffy battles werewolves and saves a mysterious cat.
Oil be over there... May 24th, 2020 Mercy looks into Ivory's bus and helps out a pair of stranded folks....alright she called a tow truck but...
A Purrfectly Feline Encounter at the Museum May 22nd, 2020 Duncan and Nick met up at the Museum of Natural History. They saw Ivory pass through. Nick ended up getting a hisory lesson on Native American culture and the old west era. Duncan agreed to train him in self defense and the duo managed to get a following of middle school aged kids following them around listening to Duncan talk.
Flowers and Kitties April 27th, 2020 Ivory visits Sherwood Florist and orders a bunch of boquets for an upcoming pride event
Carnival Lights and Sounds April 20th, 2020 Flex makes a Cameo! Rave, Drake and Ivory ride coasters and eat Coney Island hotdogs!
Milk Cartons: Exodus 21:16 April 6th, 2020 Tandy goes looking for answers. She gets what she wanted and a lot more. A Marvel Team Up with Sabertooth, Jessica Jones and Ivory.
Gremlins: This Little Light of Mine March 31st, 2020 A Talent Show turns to Chaos when Gremlins once again Attack!
Cat talk with White Persian Cat February 27th, 2020 Saoirse conducts a surprise interview of Ivory!
Feline Cleanup February 18th, 2020 Ivory wakes up in Titans Tower, Tim takes some samples...
A Cat's Moon: Track 13 February 14th, 2020 Ivory meets Cheetah a third time. This time though, the Cheetah bites her and creates a cat monster!
Valentine Cat February 14th, 2020 After having bee made Typhoid Hairy by Cheetah, Ivory get wrecked havoc upon by Pixie, Nightwing and a silly 'yote.
Sunday Bake Sale Shenanigans February 9th, 2020 Ivory and Samuel come upon the Gotham University Culture Club wrapping up thier bake sale and bucket brigade, with Phoebe Beacon looking out a bit for Sam and Bear. Tim Drake-Wayne is nearly fed dog treats.
Magical Cat January 31st, 2020 The Sanctorum calls Ivory, who meets Strange.
Afternoon Coffee January 22nd, 2020 Summary needed
Cats, Track 19 January 18th, 2020 Summary needed
Bloodbath! January 7th, 2020 Selene and Buffy turn a vampire club in a slaughterhouse into a vampire slaughterhouse.
P3 Uniform Delivery January 4th, 2020 An order from White Persian Cat gets delivered to Piper Hallywell
A cat and a cop...in the Bronx December 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Love, Hate, And Burgers December 17th, 2019 Another DITL at Halo Burger! A lady is VERY ANGRY about the service. Milkshakes are on the menu.
The Saint Patricks Cathedral Unboxing Challenge December 8th, 2019 Sara goes to Saint Patrick's to donate for the Christmas drive. Meets Caitlin and Ivory. There's still good in the world.
P3 Uniforms December 8th, 2019 Piper contacts Ivory and orders a couple Uniforms for the P3.
Foodcourt Tinies December 7th, 2019 Ivory tries to persuade Nadia Pym to sell the secret behind her seemingly endless pocket space.
Log 10258 November 30th, 2019 Summary needed
Running Hala, Hidden Cat November 30th, 2019 A little jog in the park for Captain Marvel, a chance to be just themselves for Ivory.
Sidewalk Shuffle November 28th, 2019 Sara waits on the sidewalk. She meets Ivory and gets a bit of info and help.
Coffee, cats and creamer November 21st, 2019 Summary needed
That Old Mansion November 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Robbing Pita to pay Nita November 4th, 2019 Mina goes for pita breead and food, runs into Nita and Ivory. Plans are made and shenanigans are schemed.
Fred got roasted. The X-Men try to unroast her. October 25th, 2019 The Xmen pull Fred back from the jaws of death, and restore her.
Park and Carr October 21st, 2019 Sara Pezzini stops on a crisp fall day to hear Alexis Carr play some Bach Violin solos in Central Park. Joseph Miller returns a young rogue to the scene of the crime, and Ivory protests their brand's association with drugs. Hotdogs are had.
Just another Shot October 16th, 2019 Punisher deals with with local trash in the middle of his other campaigns. In his escape, two friendlies approach with offers of help, in their own ways, with a cat watching. Yes, a cat.
Getting in Ghia October 14th, 2019 Mercy has a Vanagon to sell. Ivory's the lucky one and buys it
The Hell of the Ball October 9th, 2019 The Metropolis Fashion Show's wednesday evening catwalk is crashed by Cheetah... and she seems to find a little interest in Ivory as he is a little slow to flee the scene.
A Meeting at the Zoo October 4th, 2019 Hammerhead and Cheetah make a deal while Ivory watches
Happy Birthday, Space Avenger! October 2nd, 2019 Asgardian Ale! Traditional dancing! Flying people! More dancing! A birthday party to remember!
Meeting for Coffee September 28th, 2019 Nita and Ivory cross paths once more, and meet Mercy at a coffee shop.
Coffee and Scones September 18th, 2019 Coffee and debts
Hammertime September 15th, 2019 Power Girl goes Incognito at Club Mjolnir, meeting Ivory.
Joint Ventures September 12th, 2019 A buisiness meeting of Ivory with Namorita ends with a roadplan to put up White Persian Cat as a brand made and distributed by Oracle Inc.
City Fall: Cleaning House September 6th, 2019 Bodies rain in Manhattan as the Foot sends a message to the city.
Pop Up Shop Stop August 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Walkman August 28th, 2019 Hammerhead's latest attempt to assisinate McCoy through a hitman named Walkman fails.
Shopping August 27th, 2019 a little publicity and a little meeting with the wierd Alek
New Clothes for the Southern. August 26th, 2019 Sam meets Ivory and orders some shirts
Bean there before August 26th, 2019 Mina and Ivory get to talking. Nita drops in for a hug, then runs off again


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