16380/Out for a drink...
Revision as of 20:04, 17 July 2024 by Liu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/06/21 |Location=Joe's Bar, Kingsbridge, The Bronx |Synopsis=A chance meeting between Jacen and Sarah. |Cast of Characters=10414, 9892 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:10414|Jacen (10414)}} has posed:'''<br> Jacen doesn't get a lot of places. Work, food, and home tend to rule his existence, but he does enjoy a beer on the reg when he can get one. Apparenly off duty tonight, he rests his elbows on the top of the bar and swirls the a...")
Out for a drink... | |
Date of Scene: | 21 June 2024 |
Location: | Joe's Bar, Kingsbridge, The Bronx |
Synopsis: | A chance meeting between Jacen and Sarah. |
Cast of Characters: | Jacen Masters, Sarah Connor
- Jacen Masters has posed:
Jacen doesn't get a lot of places. Work, food, and home tend to rule his existence, but he does enjoy a beer on the reg when he can get one. Apparenly off duty tonight, he rests his elbows on the top of the bar and swirls the amber brew in the glass absently. While usually wound a little tight do to work, tonight he seems almost at peace. Certainly relaxed.
- Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah had deked into the bar rather than roaming the streets as she was wont to do. And it was still early for her summertime runs. Really, she felt like she had to have some pseudo-company for a change. Pseudo as she wasn't very friendly, and had no friend. For reasons.
When Jacen walked in, she guffawed under her breath. "Figure." Though she doesn't wave him over.
- Jacen Masters has posed:
If he noticed her, he doesn't indicate it. Instead he takes a seat and starts to drink. It is a nice chance to unwind for a while. Once he is through the first mug, he finally looks her way. Since she seems stand offish, he raises the new mug that he ordered and nods to her in greeting. Not one to force himself on anyone and only too good at reading body language, he turns back to the bar and takes a drink.
- Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah lifts her mug back at him. It should be noted that her drink was still full. Though she had a plate of fries that she had been picking through.
- Jacen Masters has posed:
Sometimes it is easier that way. She seems to be a bit surly and he doesn't seem too inclined to engage. Too few nights where the beer can flow freely. He is most of the way through another when he gets a basket of his own fries to eat. Have to balance the alcohol a little.
- Sarah Connor has posed:
Sarah shrugs. He doesn't want to come over, and she certainly doesn't need to beg him to. As for her drink, it remains untouched. But the fries? That was a whole other thing. Looking over the bar, she finished the fries. And thanked the waitress when she came and took her plate. "They were really good. Thank you!"
- Jacen Masters has posed:
A slow inhale and sigh before he rises and finishes the beer. He does make his way to her general area and offers,"Good evenin' Sarah. Didn' seem like ya wanted company'n I didn' wanna bother ya. Been a while. How've ya been?"
His gait is mostly steady, but he's definately had a few. A card rests in his free hand with a phone number. At least he isn't driving by all appearances.
- Sarah Connor has posed:
"Hello Jacen." Sarah watched him carefully before answering him. "If you haven't noticed? I rarely invite people into the inner circle of my acquaintance. For obvious reasons. It has nothing to do with you. Besides, I would have thought you would be happy to pretend I wasn't here. The last time we were together wasn't the.. most.. happy of occasions?"
- Jacen Masters has posed:
"No I got't loud'n clear." he replies about noticing she isn't inviting. He shrugs and adds,"As f'r th' other. I c'n say it wasn' dull with you around f'r sure. I reckon there's more ta it than y'all tol' me, but I get it. Machine's bad. That thing w's ridiculous dangerous'n I get th' idea Cameron's more than she appears, but I ain' askin' questions. Jus' wanted ta say hello f'r a moment."
- Sarah Connor has posed:
A loud sigh erupts from Sarah. "It's not that you aren't welcome. Just.. Why would you feel that being a friend to me was worth the risk of being hunted down? I just don't understand it. I was thinking of you?"
- Jacen Masters has posed:
His phone buzzes and he checks the screen. A shake of his head and he replies,"Life ain' easy Sarah. Things ain' black'n white, much's I wish it'd be." Touching his hat brim, he nods,"F'r now. I gotta go'n check on a patient o' sorts. After that I might be back ta drink a couple more. If ya wanna kick'm back t'gether ah'ight. If not, that's ah'ight too." He nods and then turns on his heel to stride out of the bar,"See ya when I see ya Sarah."