Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier (Scenesys ID: 229) | |||
Quote | |||
"There are things from the Winter Soldier days that I'm just remembering. Weapons left in the field... Dangers I can still prevent. I think maybe that's the path... A way to the redemption I've been looking for." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Occupation: | Assassin | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America...various others. | ||
Residence: | Brooklyn, New York | ||
Education: | Advanced Military | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | SHIELD | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 114 | Actual Age: | |
Date of Birth | 4 June 1917 | Actor: | Sebastian Stan |
Height: | 183 cm (6'0") | Weight: | 118 kg (260 lb) |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Theme Song: | "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who |
Once upon a time, he was the best buddy and playground defender of Steven Rogers. Then he was Captain America's sidekick, a war hero in his own right, and one of the Howling Commandos. But by the end of the war, he and Steve had both vanished into frozen wastes. Steve they found decades later and defrosted....but Bucky had fallen into the hands of HYDRA, and was turned into the Winter Soldier. There was an escape, help, the succor of friends, but the construct that was Winter remained there, dormant but not destroyed. And all the while, HYDRA lay in wait for him.
Current Player Approved: Available for Application
He's only medium-sized, leanly muscled but not bulky. He moves heavily somehow, with a strange deliberation that gives him an almost machined quality.
He's plainly dressed in a white dress shirt, dark pants, boots, a dark gray overcoat....and a worn black leather glove on his left hand.
To his surprise, Bucky actually throve in the Army. It was something real on so many fronts, a chance to confront and defy genuine evil - first in Northern Africa, then the long campaign up Italy, and finally the path to Germany and Hitler himself. His friend had reappeared - transformed, of course, but still the man he'd known inside. It was as good as war could get, until he was captured. His friend was his rescuer, but not in time to keep the Skull's scientists from experimenting on him. The immediate effects weren't clear, and he went back to fighting at his buddy's side. It was very nearly the last battle of the war, the frantic rush to keep a last experimental weapon from reaching America and the New York they loved. They were victorious....but also some of the last sacrifices, for neither returned from that desperate mission. One vanished into the frozen north....the other into the clutches of the Red Army....and then HYDRA.
Arguably, he's America's longest lost POW, for James Buchanan Barnes, the commando and would-be artist, was soon submerged beneath the layers of programming, drugs, conditioning....and what emerged from beneath the knives and needles was only the Winter Soldier, masked, deadly, and wholly obedient to his masters. Mantras to control, drugs and cryogenics to suspend his aging, a prosthesis intended to do far more than merely replace the one he'd lost in that last battle. The post-war world reduced to a strobe of confused violence, blood on his hands, names without meaning turned only to targets, but faces that refused to leave him, the dying and the dead. Questions his masters refused to answer, who, why?
There were moments of clarity, when his own name trembled on his tongue, memories that were truly his. Faces and places he was sure of. Even stretches of rebellion, fleeing away, stumbling attempts to patch together a new life as something other than a weapon. But, inevitably, the long hand reached out, and he finds himself again in their grip, frozen and waiting.
The difference between them was only heightened by World War II. As Steve struggled against his physical weaknesses and continued his siege on the Army's physical fitness boards, Bucky went through the tough schooling of first Army training and then the campaign across north Africa. While he's never had Steven's effortless charisma and natural leadership, he's learned to be an effective leader, especially of a small unit. It also left him far more cynical about devotion to leadership and country....and willing to be violent in ways that perturbed Steve even before HYDRA got their hands on him. He was the Commandos' sniper, after all.
Winter, of course, is a whole different matter. Inasmuch as a construct has a personality, he's got all the sunny charm of a Siberian winter. HYDRA's servant is about as stubborn as the average Terminator when it comes to pursuing a target, and has pretty much no scruples at all. Innocents are so much chaff to be discarded, save as they might be useful in completing his mission.
Enhanced Physiology:
Bucky Barnes is a recipient of the Soviet version of the super serum. as such, much of his abilities have been power-boosted to near-superhuman levels, some even above that. As such, with training, he has reached the very peak of human ability in more than one area.
Infinity Formula:
A seperate serum (not the super soldier serum) that Fury gave to Barnes in order to save his life at one point. The formula itself is meant to stop Barnes' aging and keep his body in absolute perfect condition should he ever go astray or live an unhealthy lifestyle. It's fully possible that in terms of aging, Barnes has been rendered possibly immortal, though he could just be aging very very slowly. Presently unknown.
Master Marksman:
The Winter soldier is a skilled shot. Almost perfect actually. He rarely ever misses a shot, especially at long range...where he really shines as an assassin. He's so skilled he can actually shoot through someone to hit his target with perfect accuracy.
Metabolism Healing:
Barnes heals far faster than the average human. He's able to heal moderate and severe injuries within several days...though even after he suffers them, he is able to keep going. In example, he was able to heal from being shot multiple times in a single day.
Metal Arm:
Bucky lost his left arm in the incident that had him captured by the Soviets...and waste not want not, they used him as a subject in experiments in Vibranium-based augmented prostheses. It's bulletproof, literally - if he's fast enough, he can block bullets with it. It's also stronger even than his augmented physical self: he can tear the door off a car with ease, punch through plate steel, and throw a shield hard enough to knock Cap himself back a good ways. The electrical conduits that serve it as both nerves and power are vulnerable to attacks of that kind, and it does need occasional maintenance to keep it from locking up or otherwise malfunctioning.
Peak Human Agility:
Due to the super soldier serum and through strict and unforgiving training, Barnes has reached the peak in terms of physical agility that a human being can go. He can easily leap from one building to another when he's running, and can avoid attacks and bullet shots even in mid-air. He can leap up to ten feet without needing a running start.
Peak Human Endurance:
Barnes can take a licking and keep on ticking. He can withstand extreme temperatures without discomfort, hold his breath for several minutes, and work endlessly for several hours before tiring or beginning to succumb to pain or toxins.
Peak Human Reflexes:
The Winter Soldier is no joke when it comes to reaction speed...perhaps having one of the best around. He can dodge bullets from multiple gunmen at close range and even sway out of strikes from multiple opponents at the same time.
Peak Human Strength:
Bucky, along with Steve, was an artist in training - they were in art class when Pearl Harbor was announced. He's badly out of practice, but it's still in there somewhere. It occasionally comes out as an odd urge to sketch.
He started with the kind of vehicle training an American NCO in WW II would've had: cars, small trucks, motorcycles. When the Red Room got hold of him, they only added to it, all the way up to tanks, helicopters, smaller planes and watercraft.
Expert Tactician:
Barnes is a master at planning before he strikes, being able to outwit his opponent on a multitude of occasions. Given that most of the people he fights nowadays have incredible powers, he's gotta be smarter. Thus, does he put this skill to good use quite a bit.
Master Acrobat:
Barnes is a very experienced acrobat and can easily perform acrobatic feats, such as twirling in the air when it seems unlikely, easily traversing structures that some would have trouble following. He is quite masterful of arts such as parkour and other mixed practices of leaping about.
Master Marksman:
The Winter Soldier is an extremely accurate marksman and very skilled specifically in sharpshooting and knife throwing. His accuracy is so perfect that he has shot twelve men at different locations at the same time with one bullet. It's easy when they line up."
Master Martial Artist:
The Winter Soldier is an extremely proficient practitioner of martial arts. He received combat training in WW2 and that was only bolstered by HYDRA's control and strict training to become the elite Winter Soldier. He's held his own and won against the likes of Captain America and Iron man. He's skilled in a vast multitude of disciplines, and can without a doubt stand up to even opponents who are stronger than he is. In short, his martial arts skill is equal to that of Captain America's own mastery.
Master Spy:
Being an assassin means needing to know how to blend in, sneak in, be nowhere, yet everywhere. Even as a Howling Commando, Barnes was exceptionally good at blending in to his environment. and as an assassin as the Winter Soldier, he's learned from a vast number of individuals to enhance the skill to nearly ridiculous levels. He can survive on his own, making his own bombs from scratch, and can successfully use inductive and deductive reasoning effectively.
The Winter Soldier is known to be fluent in English, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Arabic, and some dialects of Swahili.
Scattered throughout the world, though most are in major cities, Bucky has caches of weapons and ammo, cash, gear, and medical supplies. Many of them are known to HYDRA, but not all.
Captain America:
While this can most certainly be used against him(see flaw), Bucky has one person he can always count on to help him: Captain America. In their most intense trials, he will always be there for Steve and Bucky knows Steve will always be there for him.
Guns, kevlar armor, more guns, and various other equipment and weapons are at Barnes' disposal.
He's got multiple false IDs, backstopped with the necessary documentation and database entries, stashed in various places around the globe. If he can get his hands on one, he can effectively become someone else in moments, at least in the eyes of bureaucracy.
Bucky normally travels using his customized motorcycle that can go over 100 mph.
They wipe him. Nearly every time. He exists in a kind of tremulous Now, like someone with Alzheimer's. He can store memories post-wipe, but he's all too conscious of the holes and missing pieces. He doesn't know who's friend or foe, or what he might've done. It's like an awful game of whack a mole, trying to suppress the memory fragments that the wipes don't destroy but render horrifying or puzzling flashes devoid of context. The worst of them can send him into a kind of frozen near-catatonia, or fits of aimless violence.
Captain America:
Steve Rogers. Bucky's best friend in the world, and the only person he could ever count on in all situations. This man had faith in him that he could be redeemed, and was ultimately his redeemer. While Captain America can fend for himself easily, were he ever in trouble, Bucky would come to his aid regardless of what he was doing. For his best friend, he would move heaven and hell. this can easily be used against him by people with nefarious plans.
Bucky's wanted for his crimes - no longer a ghost in the machine, the mythical boogeyman of the Cold War era intel community. Now that they know he's real and one man, the various law enforcement agencies are out for blood. Everyone from Scotland Yard and the NYPD up to Interpol are after him, and many have him sought dead or alive.
The organization that made Bucky's life a living hell. When Bucky broke free of his mental enslavement to them, they lost a severe asset. As such, they would very much so like to either get him back or put him down, whichever comes first and is available at the time. They hunt him like a dog....and the problem with HYDRA is that you don't know who is and who isn't.
No matter where he goes, the programming is still there. He's a literal Manchurian Candidate, vulnerable to anyone with the right string of words on their tongue. At the moment, there are two main phrases - the 'Longing Rusted' string activates command programming, and leaves him subservient to the orders of whoever utters the phrase. 'Soldat Sputnik' is a shutdown command: if he hears it clearly, he loses consciousness in seconds and remains out for at least several minutes.
The Arm:
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Snake Charmer, or Charming Snake | February 14th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Back To The Swing Of Things | February 12th, 2023 | Peter's luck presents him with a photographic opportunity involving Rockstar Nick Drago. And some worrisome conversation material from a Winter Soldier. Ah. There's that Parker luck again. |
Away from the office | January 19th, 2023 | Friends assemble for dinner at a remote cabin, where Bucky introduces Steve to Sarah, the wanted fugitive. |
Old friends, old habits | January 8th, 2023 | Brooklyn buddies, both battle brothers, catch up over beers. |
Meet the Chef | December 13th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Little Russia, Big Trouble | December 4th, 2022 | Vasyli thinks he has a good thing going, smuggling illegal weapons into the country. Unfortunately for him, Berri, Kit, and Bucky have each independently decided that it's time to shut him down. |
Fortunate Son: Bright Sunshine in Kentucky | December 2nd, 2022 | SHIELD and allies raid a former HYDRA site suspected of housing Project Prodigy. Things quickly go wrong, and an elaborate trap is sprung. |
A Winter's Hunt | November 27th, 2022 | Bucky comes by the suite to share with Nick and Skye what he's found out looking into the attack on the shelter. Operation Fortunate Son is reopened and an early flight is planned |
Twas The Kind Of Morning After Thanksgiving | November 25th, 2022 | After the atttack at the shelter, Nick and Skye get back to the Trisk just in time for a wandering Winter Solider to come by and ask what the hell is going on. |
The hills are alive with the sound of gunfire | November 17th, 2022 | Sarah and Bucky reminisce over some target shooting, and plans are made... Oh no, what have we wrought?! |
Mister Yi is expecting you | November 11th, 2022 | Significant trouble in Little China Town, as Bucky, willow, Nick and Buffy pay a surprise visit to a gang run by vampires. Theatrical vampires. Such a show, they slay it. |
A Night on the Mutant Town | November 1st, 2022 | Summary needed |
Mister Yi will see you now | October 9th, 2022 | A clandestine meeting in Chinatown goes wrong for Bucky. Luckily Willow is around to lend a hand. |
Summer Soltice..ish | September 28th, 2022 | Sarah.. makes a friend? With Bucky?? |
Fred's gone fancy?! | September 22nd, 2022 | A slightly unreal experience at Fred's diner as an Aardwolf and a Kryptonian walk into a diner staffed by an undercover Bucky.
Status: Finished |
Some people just can't get enough of Nick | August 17th, 2022 | A Terminator comes into the diner where Sarah eats. It doesn't go the way you think. Bucky and Nick probably didn't get their food order. |
Can you smeeeeellllllll what the Nick is cookin | July 18th, 2022 | Bucky and Yaozu swing by Nick's guest quarters to enjoy home cooking. Bucky indicates that Nick's current troubles with Hydra might be nearing a close and Yaozu offers up a chance to train with him |
Making Friends | June 3rd, 2022 | Bucky, Leon, and Nick visit and leave Channel Park for various reasons |
Return to Proxima Centauri B | May 12th, 2022 | The team investigates the danger pudding and Tony needs time for research so they miss their window and end up spending the night. IN SPACE! |
Barking Mad | May 8th, 2022 | Sarah informs Bucky he looks like a cyborg assassin in front of Nick. Bucky does not deny this. Wait... What? |
AEC, Team Scene 2.5: In Transition | April 29th, 2022 | Cap helps people align their core synergies to come up with a new paradigm shift to get their action items in order with only a few takeaways. |
AEC, Team Scene 2: Proxima Centauri B | April 15th, 2022 | The team investigates Proxima B and comes away with interesting intel. |
AEC, Part 6, 'Old pals, new horizons.' | April 6th, 2022 | Cap checks in with Bucky about possibly joining the team. |
AEC Group 1, Meet and Greet | April 5th, 2022 | A meeting is had and the results are hammered out. |
In your own time, fire at will | April 4th, 2022 | Real simulated combat. How far can the trainee be pushed? Featuring Goats and Vampires, oh my... |
Put on your war paint | March 30th, 2022 | Clint and Nick get a personal arsenal upgrade, and try to recruit Bucky for Team Bird. Shenanigans ensue. |
An Assassin's Test | March 1st, 2022 | Bucky Barnes stops by unexpectedly to test some of Tony's security. Pepper gets one of the most pleasant surprises she's had in a long while. Old stories are shared about Stark men and Howling Commandos. |
Triskellion Workout: Better Late than Ever. | February 9th, 2022 | Insomnia, gym equipment and morality, not always the best mix. |
Its The Final Countdown... | January 1st, 2022 | Nick sneaks out, is caught by Skye, then Bucky. An agreement is made. |
Fortunate Son: Prologue | November 21st, 2021 | The time has come to take the fight back to HYDRA and finish the evil that Stuck and Clayton have started once and for all. But first, planning! Who let Bucky name an operation anyway?! |
Unstoppable: The Liberation of Skye Johnson | November 18th, 2021 | Bucky, Yaozu, and Phantasm come to save Skye, but recent discoveries cause an unlikely alliance. |
Fishing For Trouble | November 17th, 2021 | Do chocolate chip cookies and cocoa by the seashore result in statistical anomalies (i.e. attacks of fish-people)? Stay tuned for more! |
Make me one with everything | November 11th, 2021 | Two paranoid people, one Diner, a whole lot of mutual assumptions. They'll be back. |
Digging Up The Past : Safe House Salutations | November 10th, 2021 | So you're probably wondering why we've gathered you here... Bucky and Punisher explain what's going on to the Safe House Crew |
Digging Up The Past - As You Were | October 27th, 2021 | Nick and Bucky decide to make it Official |
Car trouble on Memory Lane | October 23rd, 2021 | A chance encounter with a mechanic who fixes more than just cars. And it is confirmed that Lilli is, in fact, the best dog ever. |
Digging Up The Past : Friend or Foe | September 3rd, 2021 | Bucky comes by to get an idea to what Wade is like and a get second opinion on Nick |
Digging Up The Past - Laying Low | August 27th, 2021 | Bucky has a problem and it is staying in his safehouse |
SHIELD shorts: Stuck for words | August 26th, 2021 | Alonso Stuck is finally brought to task, but the HYDRA agent has one last trick in mind... |
SHIELD shorts: Cabin in the woods | August 25th, 2021 | A clean up reveals a HYDRA plot, forcing James Barnes to do things the hard way... by the book. |
Digging Up The Past: Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place | August 21st, 2021 | Bucky and Punisher race the clock to prevent the dangers that arose during Stuck's apprehension |
Digging Up The Past: Thank God For Stupid Bad Guys | July 23rd, 2021 | Let's compare notes |
Prison Convoy Attack | July 20th, 2021 | Juggernaut and some mercs attack a police convoy on Lex Luthor's command. |
Ghost Ship | July 18th, 2021 | A cargo ship is attacked by vampires. Fortunately various heroes are on hand to stop them |
Digging Up The Past: Back to Cape Coral | July 14th, 2021 | Bucky lost his job at Door Dash... |
Ferdinand's Dilemma | May 31st, 2021 | A funny thing happened on the way to lunch. |
A Beast drops in, therapy session or friendly visit | May 29th, 2021 | Bucky opens up more to Henry, promises are made on both ends. |
Now That's Just Plain Weird | May 28th, 2021 | Several SHIELD agents get together to discuss the Kellogg Case. |
Hooked on a Feeling | May 28th, 2021 | Still buzzed, Bucky sets out to share in his good mood. Hydra has other ideas. |
Putting the New in the New York Public Library | May 27th, 2021 | The grand opening of the Tony Stark Historical Hall of Heroes in the New York Public Library goes off without a hitch. Monkey jokes ensue. Nothing goes boom. |
Happy Birthday, Stark! | May 27th, 2021 | Stark survives another year! |
Digging Up The Past: Salutations, Savio! | May 23rd, 2021 | Bucky temps for Door Dash. Really That's it. ^________^
He also visits Nick's father. |
Last Second Visit | May 18th, 2021 | Bucky swings by to give Nick an update, and asks for a referral |
It's just a LITTLE favor. | May 17th, 2021 | Skye agrees to help Bucky despite the risk because well... it's what friends do. |
A Person of Interest: Condo Edition | May 16th, 2021 | Summary Needed |
The Mutant Farm: The next level | May 15th, 2021 | Scott took things to the 'next level' and called in SHIELD to help clean up this Mutant Farm. |
What happens at fight club... | May 13th, 2021 | Bucky calls reaches out to an unusual choice for a little help, Iron Man saves the day. |
One tin soldier and a big Blue Meanie | May 9th, 2021 | Tin soldiers, Big Foot and breakthroughs. Bucky, Steve and Hank will fix it. |
Shield Briefing | May 6th, 2021 | Reynard briefs the Alphas about current the state of matters. |
ADVENTURE! | May 6th, 2021 | Three SHIELD agents are accosted by Hermes and deal with his obnoxiousness. |
The First Asgardian Air Force! | May 6th, 2021 | The heroes sail with the first Asgardian ship to launch from Kvalvika while they deploy Bor's Shield into orbit. |
Space Attack! | May 6th, 2021 | Svartalfar attack and the heroes repel them! |
Cold Cat | April 8th, 2021 | Summary needed |
In the heart of Winter | February 16th, 2021 | In the dark of winter, we think of what matters to us. Bucky meets up with Shannon, Piotr and Sam outside of the Club Evolution. Lilli makes new friends and earns a treat. |
The Cure: Raising Spirits in Mutant Town | January 26th, 2021 | A number of Xmen and Popstars bring a message of hope to a shaken mutant community. |
Dinner Served At New Hope | January 11th, 2021 | A day after the attack in Mutant Town, a trio of persons show up at a Mutant friendly shelter to help out. |
New Years Explosion | January 1st, 2021 | Ringing in the New Year with music and explosives |
Big Trouble on Little Hala: Part 2 | December 16th, 2020 | That's no donut, that's a donut-shaped space station! |
Digging Up The Past: Say Cheese II | December 15th, 2020 | Bucky fills in Nick and Steve on what he found looking into Colby Schmirler |
Owed drink | December 12th, 2020 | Two warriors stopped long enough to have a beer together. |
Big Trouble on Little Hala: Part 1 | December 7th, 2020 | It's not really called 'Little Hala', but there IS Big Trouble there. |
Santa Claws' Naughty List: Part 2 | December 7th, 2020 | Petty Revenge! But they deserved it. |
Late Night Withdrawals | November 30th, 2020 | How not to rob a bank |
Digging Up The Past: Say Cheese | November 22nd, 2020 | Colby Schmirler gets paid a visit by the Winter Soldier |
A Drink in the Hand | November 20th, 2020 | Two damaged souls find far more in common than a love of pie. |
It's a Match! | November 2nd, 2020 | Booze! Action! Merkins? |
What A Mess | October 30th, 2020 | Bucky comes by the condo to assess the damage. Nick has to make an important decision |
Iced Lotus, no salad. A hunt begins. | October 25th, 2020 | Plots are hatched, pizza is consumed, someone is doomed for a rude awakening... |
Infiltritating the Russian mob | October 18th, 2020 | Skye, Winter Soldier and Hawkeye take on a Russian mobsters warehouse |
Infiltrating the Russian Mob | October 18th, 2020 | Skye, Winter Soldier and Hawkeye take on a Russian mobsters warehouse |
Mutant Squatters | October 10th, 2020 | Mutant squatters are attacked by thugs. They receive unexpected help from some heroes. |
The Cure: No Place Like Home | October 7th, 2020 | Metaforce ruins a construction site. Avengers send them packing. |
Annual AvX Basketball Classic '28 | September 22nd, 2020 | Teamwork! Matching Uniforms! Triumphant Victory for the X-Men! |
Trail of the Technovore! | September 14th, 2020 | Action! Adventure! Animatronics! Bucky blows up some stuff! Hawkeye gets goop everywhere! Everyone else is there too! |
Homeward Bounds 3: All Dogs Go To Heven | September 13th, 2020 | Our Heroes follow Lockjaw to Heven. It's strange there. They don't like it. They come back. |
Homeward Bounds 2: The Incredible Journey | September 12th, 2020 | After a quick pit stop, Lockjaw takes Our Heroes to an active battlefield... IN SPACE! |
Homeward Bounds | September 9th, 2020 | Avengers and Co. get swept up in a dazzling story of romance, intrigue, and... actually they just get teleported by Lockjaw to a supervillain bar. |
A Real Workout | September 3rd, 2020 | Peg and Bucky start in a friendly sparring match and end almost dying as the very base they live in turns against them. Bucky learns what wins: A vibranium arm or a steel door. Uncomfortable memories visit in more than one way. |
Winter meets Summer | August 29th, 2020 | Megan receives an unexpected message and meets a familiar face once more. |
Killing time at the coffee shop | August 27th, 2020 | A tale of too much expresso |
Unwind, rewind, drink up | August 23rd, 2020 | Three friends meet in a bar to revive an old custom, relax, and realize that pub games may be beyond them. |
Home Sweet SHIELD | August 21st, 2020 | Steve comes back from a mission with a somewhat damaged Quinjet and more questions than answers about the Molotov. Bucky and Peggy get their own, personal debrief before sending Cap to talk to the higher ups. |
A Stark Difference | August 19th, 2020 | Tony flies into SHIELD with an 80 billion dollar idea. Or maybe it's just a drive of too many memories from days gone by. |
Resupplying | August 17th, 2020 | Nick and Bucky encounter art supplies and run into paparazzi |
Time out of Time | August 17th, 2020 | Peggy Carter and James Barnes meet for the first time in decades. |
Lost Siryn found | August 16th, 2020 | What started out as a rescue mission turned into quite the adventure, complete with appearances by The Winter Soldier and The Juggernaut. |
Muttonheads Unite! | February 9th, 2020 | Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to the Winter Soldier watching you sleep. Lili provides unlimited canine affection as always and Steve reminds Bucky of the justice of poker games. |
Betcha Can't Drink That Many Shots...of Espresso | January 21st, 2020 | Since Bucky can tolerate eight shots of espresso in his peppermint mocha, Felicia decides that it needs to be twelve next time. Science! |
Not Entirely Left Out in the Cold | January 11th, 2020 | Felicia shares some warmth and friendship through a peppermint mocha she bought for herself originally, but gives to Bucky because winter's a tough time. And don't think she'll share next time! |
In The Bleak Midwinter | December 30th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Where We Come Alive | December 8th, 2019 | The remains of the day will be a mess. |
Whoosh! | November 28th, 2019 | No one got shot. Another night, maybe not so lucky! |
Standard Club Things | November 21st, 2019 | Felicia introduces Bucky to Lucifer. |
Walkies in the Park | November 15th, 2019 | Taking dogs for a walk in the park. It turns out that two Russians and one very strange pupper are indicative of murder, despair and... glowing balls? |
A touch of Winter | November 5th, 2019 | The Winter Soldier and the Child Soldier talk, co-starring Lilli who is A Very Good Dog. |
Ah, Public Transit | November 3rd, 2019 | Felicia somehow convinces Bucky to join her in meeting the Devil. Surely nothing will go badly! |
Off-Leash | October 16th, 2019 | Barnes meets Hvedrungr the wolf, and lady Sif. |
Look at Those Glow-in-the-Dark Balls! | October 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Thor consults Steve and Bucky about what Loki's been doing... | October 11th, 2019 | A plan is formed for dealing with Loki's magic, and soon Bucky will be free of unwanted demands, hopefully. |
Handy at Heroism AND Handball | October 3rd, 2019 | Bucky and Steve indulge in an old hobby: handball. There's also potentially a v-blog in the future? |
The Men with the Mechanical Arms | September 25th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Knock Knock. Who is it | September 11th, 2019 | Diana meets Bucky outside of the Sanctum. |
Loki Update | September 11th, 2019 | Bucky speaks with May about Loki, they agree to let Barnes be the primary and sole point of contact with the sorcerer. |
Snits and Servants | September 8th, 2019 | Bucky encounters a grumpy but 'generous' wounded Loki. |
Sentinels: You broke the Mold with this one | September 7th, 2019 | A Paladin, an Assassin, a Technomancer and a Glamourist walk into an illegal factory. |
To the Pain | September 7th, 2019 | Bucky finds a very injured Loki. |
How Much Trouble Are We In | September 6th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Sentinels: Bucky's Lab Mission, Take 2 | September 3rd, 2019 | A SHIELD mission into a HYDRA lab takes some odd cybernetic turns. |
History By Those Who Are It | August 20th, 2019 | Meetings, greetings, currywurst and Kells. |
Confidential Discussion | August 19th, 2019 | Bucky comes to May about Loki's news regarding the Winter Soldier programming. He's understandably upset, and May offers what she can to help. |
White Lies Wound | August 19th, 2019 | Steve receives some unfortunate news from Bucky, but one thing is clear: the Brooklyn Boys are all for sticking their noses into trouble, even if it's served on a silver platter from a silver, forked tongue. |
What do we do with you, now.... | August 18th, 2019 | Loki discusses what is owed to him, and how much it will cost. |
Completely Unexpected | August 16th, 2019 | Poor Bucky. He stops by the Sanctum at just the right time to get embroiled in a spat...which is not, as it turns out, JUST a spat between Loki and Felicia. |
Karen is a Worry Wart | August 11th, 2019 | Bucky's not been by Josie's Bar in a while. Karen worries and haunts the place until he finally shows. They catch up on things, discuss the ways the world has changed in the past 80 years, and speculate on future outings. And baked goods. |
Resonance from the Past | August 8th, 2019 | A meeting of the minds and an alliance begins based in a time long since passed. |
Going Back | August 7th, 2019 | Lana returns to the Triskelion, catching up with Bucky and meeting Samantha. |
Clandestine Questions by Moonlight | August 6th, 2019 | Black Cat finally gets to ask Bucky her question and gets reticent information about his own experiences with Loki. |
SHIELD Lunch Time | August 2nd, 2019 | In which Jemma is inspired by Bucky's arm, May have to grab thirds from the kitchen, Lili gets doggo treats for being a Good Girl, and Darcy talks herself into a new assignment, or NYPD needs to be very afraid. |
Artistic Criticism | July 31st, 2019 | Despite working for the government, Bucky draws all over the walls. Felicia makes off with a glowstick. Gwen can't shake the feeling she knows that darn cat. |
Black Sun Rising: Echoes of the Future | July 28th, 2019 | Cap and Bucky meet Max, an intense young prisoner rescued from the work camp who has valuable information about the castle, and a very strange future ahead of him. The Shadow brings news of another small crisis and helps them head it off before it gets bloody. |
Sentinels: Long Distance Calls | July 26th, 2019 | SHIELD takes a risk by letting Sebastion out of the Triskelion to save some lives.... |
I am also a fan of Steve! | July 25th, 2019 | Bucky meets Wade, and there's blood and a Steve! |
So, You Found Hank! | July 21st, 2019 | Felicia gets to enjoy hearing of Bucky's encounter with the fabulous Hank and ends up not being taught how to knife-fight after all. |
Gee, Where's That Hank Guy | July 20th, 2019 | Bucky, with Steve in attendance, finds Hank at the bar mentioned by one cat-suited thief and gets to appreciate the retired CIA agent's tales of his hunting for the Winter Solider. Hank, by the way, is an excellent karaoke singer. |
A Little While Ago | July 18th, 2019 | Some alien technology is tested, to be stored/salvaged for parts later. Whilst Nat, Bucky and Lara do a little chatting! |
Absence makes... | July 18th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Past-Tense Perplexion | July 17th, 2019 | Felicia informs Bucky of who let on to her about his status of Winter Soldier - or previous status - and shares enough to warrant a visit to a bar in the Bronx. |
A Second Shadow in the Gloam | July 15th, 2019 | Bucky can't appreciate the street-art murals around Brooklyn without interruption, it seems. Felicia finds out that Barnes is more than he seems. |
So... you've got a girlfriend, huh | July 15th, 2019 | Pete and Steve talk about the young avengers bad luck with women. Silk and Bucky show. Everyone sees Pete has bad luck with men too. |
Sentinels: What Doth Make a Man | July 12th, 2019 | May and Skye have a serious talk with Bucky about Sebastian. They hatch a plan to move forward with their 'guest' and ascertain if he's truly a risk, or just a risky ally. |
Black Sun Rising: An Unofficial Mission | July 11th, 2019 | Cap, Bucky, Peggy and the Australians go on an unofficial night mission. Work camp prisoners are rescued and the SS air threat is eliminated. Mission: success. |
Meeting in Trillium park! | July 11th, 2019 | Summary needed |
To Every Thing.. | July 3rd, 2019 | Castiel arrives at Bucky's only to confront one Peggy Carter. No blood was shed. Bucky gets healed. Castiel does not stab Steve. Tea was had by all. How perfectly English. |
Tales of Another Time and Place | July 2nd, 2019 | Diana reveals to Steve and Bucky that she once knew Joseph Rogers -- that, and when 900 years old you reach, look as good YOU will not! |
Everything okay | June 28th, 2019 | Karen shares some judgement free time with Bucky, and Steve and Elektra drop in to partake as well. |
Black Sun Rising: Das Ahnenerbe | June 27th, 2019 | Forces assemble to stop the Nazi scheme in its tracks. Diana, Cap, and Bucky meet Howard Stark at the Forward Operating Base, and a Shadowy new recruit joins them. |
Black Sun Rising: The New Recruit | June 25th, 2019 | At the tail end of World War 2, Bucky Barnes meets an Art Dealer, Diana Prince, to take her on a secret mission. They are ambushed, but Captain America comes to the rescue. Thus Diana meets another Captain Steve. Things are going to get interesting... |
Surprise Party! (part 5) | June 24th, 2019 | Lions, and Tigers and.. Wait. No. Cake, and Presents, and Song! oh my. Steve and Skye's friends shower them with thoughtful gifts. Including two oranges. Maybe there's something about that in the box Skye gave Steve.. |
Sick Leave | June 24th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Surprise Party! (part 1) | June 24th, 2019 | In which Darcy comandeers the Barton-Johnson house for a party; Skye rings her own doorbell; Samantha gets promoted!; May makes postickers (no surprises there!); and a mysterious package arrives. What could it be? Stay tuned for Pt. 2. |
Surprise Party! (part 2) | June 24th, 2019 | The mystery parcel has Stark tech to save Skye from not being able to use her hands - and everyone else from Skye! May is convinced to eat some questionable looking salsa courtesy of Rhodes' daughter, and finds it good. Bucky... relaxes. Who knew kids and dogs were a thing. Stay tuned for part 3! |
Changeling: Finale | June 19th, 2019 | SHIELD finally tracks down Arnim Zola and enacts their plan not only to take him and his forces down, but to purge him from SHIELD's systems forever, in a finale to years of RP that brings the house down...literally. |
Jimmy's Diner | June 19th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Family Matters: That Feeling When You're Not Alone | June 18th, 2019 | Skye, May, and some of the gang deal with pre-mission jitters by discussing Skye's odd invitation to the Avenger's mansion to meet another Inhuman who has requested an audience. Plus stirfry is eaten. Om Nom Nom. |
Just a tiny favor | June 17th, 2019 | Bucky gets to murder some people at Loki's request. |
Sentinels: Origins | June 15th, 2019 | SHIELD agents assault a Russian facility; it's mostly boom, less sneak, and the situation gets very tense very quickly.... |
The Sound of One Hand Clapping | June 13th, 2019 | Post-being sprung from jail, Elektra wanders the halls of the Triskelion and bumps into Bucky, whom she finds out she has a lot in common with. |
Lunch with Mooaz | June 13th, 2019 | In which Darcy's out of medical, Galina suggests an oomphier taser, and Thor makes a heroic entrance. Or the SHIELD Cafeteria plays Kenny G and no one is surprised. ( |
The Bitter Watches of the Night | June 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Favors | June 8th, 2019 | Loki calls in favors from Steve and Bucky. |
Do me a favor | June 5th, 2019 | Loki, pretending to be Thor, gets away with a heist. For now. |
City Fall: Dangling Conversations | June 5th, 2019 | Summary needed |
City Fall: A little tall for a stormtrooper | June 4th, 2019 | The Defenders play dress up and impersonate the Foot Clan to shake Shredder's hold on some of the crime bosses. |
You Picked This Place on Purpose! | June 3rd, 2019 | Look, pizza's good, but it's weird when your own picture is staring back at you. Bucky, you did that on purpose!!! |
On | May 30th, 2019 | Peggy drops by with curry. Thankfully there's enough for three as Bucky shows up too. He arranges a shopping trip with Peggy to Target. Skye is horrified. |
So, This Brushetta... | May 30th, 2019 | A surprise vegetable delivery attack by May and company ends up in an impromptu pizza making party. They'll have Skye eating like a regular human being yet at this rate. |
Tacoless Tuesday | May 29th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Don't Let'em See You Cry | May 24th, 2019 | Bucky catches a distraught Peggy on the jogging path. He manages, with the help of Lili Marlene, to talk her down off an emotional cliff. |
...and Jane came by with a lock of your hair | May 22nd, 2019 | An innocent meal quickly becomes all the pasts colliding with Tony, Peggy, Bucky, and Steve. Skye an innocent bystander. |
Blame the Liquor | May 19th, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Voice of an Angel | May 15th, 2019 | Castiel visits Bucky unannounced and learns not only more about what it means to be human, but about himself. |
Tell Me How You Feel | May 15th, 2019 | Summary needed |
I Still Can't Get Drunk | May 14th, 2019 | Oh no, Steve, both you AND Bucky can get drunk. And regret it. |
Changeling: What's it Gots in Its Boxes Precious | May 13th, 2019 | Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marrying Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour, so all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the Princess, and make our escape after I kill Count Rugen.. Er, Peggy reappears back in time out of one of Howard Stark's oopsie machines because of a stray bit of static electricity and the expected hilarity and paranoia ensues. Now with more cantaloupe plaid! |
Sleepless in Not-Seattle | May 11th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Changeling: So We Stole a Plane... | May 9th, 2019 | The team from the Cuba mission returns to the Triskelion, they report to May, and get ready to find Zola's base and bring his plans to an end. |
Changeling: Everything's Fine Here. How Are You | May 8th, 2019 | In which SHIELD agents go on a mission to steal data and come back with a plane. |
Happy Birthday to Me | May 2nd, 2019 | Kate celebrates her birthday with friends. As it should be. |
Reunion of Old Soldiers | May 2nd, 2019 | Natasha and Bucky reunite for a talk about the past |
A Meeting of Very Different Minds | April 30th, 2019 | A former assassin, his service dog, and an angel meet in a bar to drink. Karen Page is there and just a bit too oblivious for her own good. At first, anyway. OOC Note: Bucky player was spoofing by paging Karen with his poses, thus why they don't show on the log as his. |
Dining Hall Meetings | April 30th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Off Duty | April 25th, 2019 | A pleasant chat between therapist and Soldier. |
CityFall: Cards on the Table | April 24th, 2019 | The 'gang' meet Agent May, and Bucky Barnes, and lay their cards on the table. Kate realizes she's not the best fit for the job. Nobody has to tell Matt and Danny who is.. |
Black Bread | April 22nd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Rubber Band Man (Meeting Reed Richards) | April 17th, 2019 | Everyone is on their 'mostly' best behaviour to meet Dr. Reed Richards - until the fanboying begins. Despite that, agreements are made to forge forward with projects, including a tenuous invitation to help with the secret work being done at Skye and Clint's place. |
Changeling: Catching up on Details | April 14th, 2019 | Natasha and Bucky come over for burgers and Natasha learns about what's been going on, while everyone marvels at Bucky's new relaxed mood. Plotting and planning for the ousting of Zola continues. |
More Evaluations | April 13th, 2019 | Evaluations for Darcy and Castiel go well enough, until they don't. |
Private Evaluation | April 9th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Training Evaluation Day | April 8th, 2019 | Several agents have their skills evaluated, these are a few highlights. |
Women. Can't Live Without 'Em. Pass the Peanuts. | March 31st, 2019 | Castiel, Constantine, and Bucky Barnes talk women. 'Nuf said. |
Parley with the Punisher | March 30th, 2019 | The arranged meeting between the Punisher and Agent May goes according to plan. Nothing explodes, no one dies. Castle agrees to stop trying to hunt Barnes down. There are celebratory doritos. |
Catching Coulson up on current events. | March 28th, 2019 | May has a meeting with Coulson. Skye, Barnes, and others crash and that's okay. |
Leviathan: They're Crepes in France You Know | March 24th, 2019 | Brunch at Chez Miscreant is filled with revelations. Some good. Some bad. The food? Tasted kinda like Waffle House.. |
Post Derby Date Debriefing | March 24th, 2019 | A post Roller Derby date party at Luke's becomes increasingly more surreal. Including a near battle royale between Hellboy and Castiel that takes no less than Agent May, Steve Rogers, and Bucky to break it up. Castiel's people skills are improving. Somewhat. |
Fruit Basket full of Ammo | March 23rd, 2019 | Janet makes a game attempt to win Bucky over. |
Winter Dynamo | March 17th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Defection:No Le'carre | March 15th, 2019 | Summary needed |
When in Rome... or the Triskelion. | February 27th, 2019 | Janet in sneaks into the Triskelion to confront her main contender for Steve's attention: The Winter Soldier. |
The Family You Choose | February 24th, 2019 | Bucky is officially brought into the fold, and plans are made to have a talk with one Mr. Frank Castle about cease and desist. |
Manhunt: Subway Punishment | February 21st, 2019 | Winter Soldier dangles himself as bait to lure out the person trying to kill him... and gets a lot more than he bargained for. |
So Tell Me About this Landmine... | February 14th, 2019 | Steve checks in on Bucky after the incident with the claymore and picks his brain about less dangerous(?) things. |
Two Dogs, A girl, and Their Boy | February 8th, 2019 | Skye takes Lucky and Lili for a walk, then spends time with Bucky. Clint drops in. The discussion opens up vulnerable topics, but it's all good. Skye and Clint go on the warpath on Bucky's behalf. |
Winter (Soldier) in the Park | February 7th, 2019 | Summary needed |
A Safe Place | February 3rd, 2019 | Steve sets up Bucky in his Brooklyn apartment for now and brings along a new friend for the man. Enter Lili the service dog, most spoiled dog in New York. |
Changeling: Fossil Tossing | January 11th, 2019 | May arranges a slightly unusual training session for Skye with the potential of becoming a fast-paced game of super soldier dodgeball. |
Falling Frost: The Dreaming Ends | January 7th, 2019 | What's the worth of four promised favors? An awakening from a living nightmare. |
Falling Frost: The Last Word | January 2nd, 2019 | In a harrowing attempt to escape, Winter comes to blows with Steve Rogers and, for once, the tide turns in the favor of words rather than weaponry. |
Falling Frost: Is There Anybody in There | December 29th, 2018 | Skye visits Bucky in security and opens up to him about.. everything. |
Falling Frost: Recalibrate the Programming, Y or N | December 26th, 2018 | The first time is never the charm. Steve squares off against HYDRA's calibration of the Winter Soldier with memories to aid. |
Changeling/Falling Frost: Busted! | December 21st, 2018 | Skye goes to Bucky's hospital room and gets caught out by May and Clint. Bucky, unsurprisingly, isn't co-operative. |
Changeling/Falling Frost: If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Does Everybody Hear | December 19th, 2018 | Steve comes to visit Logan in his hideway with Clint and Skye, the Winter Soldier follows him. People are shot and Skye ends up cutting way more firewood than anyone wanted. |
Not Such a Quiet Morning Jog | December 12th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Falling Frost: Fallen Soldier | December 2nd, 2018 | Cap and Bucky undertake a recovery mission in Sibera, only to find that it's one of them who gets lost. |
Game Night | November 28th, 2018 | In which Ward plays with Darcy, Skye, and Bucky and everyone might have gotten wet. Or this is why we all try to keep Darcy from making up scene outcomes. |
Astral Flux: Metal and Fungus | November 20th, 2018 | A small team of engage the monster fungus under the town, possessed by the Shadow KIng. |
Leviathan/Falling Frost: SURPRISE Happy Anniversary | November 14th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Leviathan/Falling Frost: Righting Wrongs | November 13th, 2018 | Skye takes on mission command, sending Buck Barnes and Cap off to Siberia to gather intel on a formerly abandoned Hydra base. It's just a portent of things to come. |
Beer and Brits | September 13th, 2018 | Summary needed |
In Which There is Dancing in Brooklyn | August 16th, 2018 | Or Something Sappy This Way Comes. |
To Stalk a Derby Girl | August 9th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Dance Cards | August 2nd, 2018 | In which Darcy meets Bucky, Bucky tells her he's not allowed to leave HQ and the first thing Darcy does is take him out of HQ, OR This is why Darcy might need to be kept on a leash some days. |
Field Trip | May 6th, 2018 | Steve and Bucky visit the museum exhibit -- about their past. |
Visiting Darcy | May 1st, 2018 | Bucky's talked down from his last mission by Darcy. |
Follow Up With Bucky | May 1st, 2018 | Fury and Barnes meet up for a catch up conversation, and to set Bucky's role in SHIELD. |
Movies... and Ladies | April 17th, 2018 | Chatting about some old memories, and newer ladies. |
Captain Rogue Soldier | April 14th, 2018 | Bucky storms off because he's a butt. |
Conspiracy: The Hunt For Triage | April 12th, 2018 | Captain America and Bucky Save the day! From the evils of Triage |
Faulting the Frisbee | April 8th, 2018 | Steve and Bucky talk about the past. Sort of. |
Weight Lifting | April 6th, 2018 | Rogue and Remy meet Bucky. Remy watches them lift things. |
Slipstream & Gym | April 6th, 2018 | Drake encounters a grumpy Winter Soldier. |
Uncle Sam Wants You! | April 6th, 2018 | Cap meets with Bucky and pulls him off the job he'd been put on. |
Just Another Day in the Medbay | March 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Catching Up | March 15th, 2018 | Three super-soldiers cross paths in the SHIELD Triskelion workout room. |
Settling In | February 15th, 2018 | Svetlana, Darcy and Bucky talk about adjustments. Valentine's Day is explained. |
Scientifically Proven to Releave Stress | February 11th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Waking Up | January 30th, 2018 | Svetlana wakes from her cryo sleep. Bucky explains things to her. |
A Marine's Best Friend | January 23rd, 2018 | Summary needed |
A happy date | December 30th, 2017 | Summary needed |
An amusing meeting. | December 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
There's no 'OMD what NOW' in TEAM | December 18th, 2017 | Tony Stark visits the Triskelion to share intel, toys for R&D, and sass. Barnes, Barton, May, and Skye all stop in to say hello. |
A Park Meeting | December 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Winter Work Out | December 17th, 2017 | Clint and Bucky spar. Skye stops things before it goes too far. Clint learns the value of things that can be drunk through straws. |
Home for the Holidays | December 15th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Operation Hammerfall | December 10th, 2017 | SHIELD and allies attack the Hydra base codnamed |
Operation Hammerfall: The Hack | December 10th, 2017 | First stage of Operation Hammerfall is a go and the Black Widow and Skye take down the Hydra network letting phase two begin. |
Lunch time. | December 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Train to the Future | December 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log 3290 | December 2nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Bullies Gonna Bully | November 28th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Failure is Not Acceptable | November 27th, 2017 | Natasha is upset after failing to stop the assassination of the President. She is drowning her sorrows when Clint arrives to give her a pep talk. Some fellow agents arrive just as a bar fight breaks out, thanks to Natasha. |
Lunch at the Trisk | November 26th, 2017 | Thanksgiving dinner at the Triskelion caffeteria. Food is had by all. Flirting... well, you'll have to read and find out. |
Things We Do In The Subway | November 23rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
It's All a Matter of Discipline | November 22nd, 2017 | Skye gets caught doing a little archery practice.. Bucky Barnes, followed closely by Directory Fury, wander onto the scene. Snarkiness ensues, and just before Skye drags Fury off for a private conversation over the upcoming mission, Gregory Stark shows up, the latter showing off his high tech toys to Bucky and Clint after Skye and Fury leave. |
Recruitment Part Deux | October 21st, 2017 | Summary needed |
SHIELD Urban Conflict Firearms Training Scenario | October 16th, 2017 | SHIELD senior agents run the newest batch through a training course. |
They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab | October 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Siege Aftermath | October 9th, 2017 | Summary needed |
SHIELD Under Siege | October 8th, 2017 | Enemy agents infiltrate SHIELD and attempt to abscond with incredibly valuable equipment. |
Rise Up While You Can | October 6th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Broken Bridges | October 5th, 2017 | Bucky and Natasha have a long-avoided but inevitable conversation about their shared history -- and future. |
The Charges of a Teacher | October 4th, 2017 | Captain America, Black Widow and the Winter Soldier assist the Green Ranger on a rescue mission |
Heads Will Roll | October 2nd, 2017 | SHIELD sends a team on a rescue op. Things are far worse than intel suggested. |
Rainbow in the Dark | September 30th, 2017 | An unusual arrival in Gotham gets the attention of SHIELD and WAND people. And others besides. |
Real or Imagined | September 27th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Splintered Futures | September 24th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Necessary | September 21st, 2017 | The recovered Bucky Barnes has a brief but necessary conversation with Melinda May. |
In This Together | September 10th, 2017 | In the wake of his recovery from his Hydra brainwashing, a troubled Bucky Barnes receives a visit from Steve Rogers. The two reconnect, and discuss the important question: what now? |
Awkward Awakenings | September 10th, 2017 | Claire Temple awakens back in safety, after her harrowing experience. She and Mercy Thompson catch up on all that happens. Bucky Barnes is super guilty. |
Don't Look Back | September 6th, 2017 | Sam Winchester extends the hand of friendship to James Buchanan Barnes. |
Ataraxia | September 1st, 2017 | Plot finale. Having developed a plan to save Claire Temple, Steve Rogers, Mercy Thompson, Sam Winchester, and Winifred Burkle follow Bucky Barnes to the Hydra base where the former Winter Soldier knows she is held captive... but find themselves facing their personal nightmares before they can break her free. |
A Polite Interrogation | August 31st, 2017 | Mercy Thompson wants some answers about the wolves she lost. Bucky Barnes gives them. Neither parties feel any better. |
Chain of Command | August 31st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Awkward Preparations | August 30th, 2017 | Sam, Fred, Mercy and the Winter Soldier discuss next steps. There are plenty of mental and verbal landmines to avoid while the four begin to plan Claire's rescue. |
Anamnesis | August 26th, 2017 | With the Winter Soldier captured, the difficult task of undoing decades of brainwashing awaits. Loki, making use of the Mind Stone, sets out to do just that, enabling Steve Rogers, Mercy Thompson, Sam Winchester, Melinda May, and a very cross Winifred Burkle to assist him in the repair of the Soldier's fragmented mind. Additional guidance comes in the periodic appearance of Claire Temple(?). |
Captured | August 25th, 2017 | Winter Soldier has been captured. Mercy Thompson is there for when he awakens. There are words by both. |
Visitation Rights | August 25th, 2017 | Winter Soldier receives a visitor. Captain America. Sam and Mercy give the low-down of their plan. |
The Nature of War | August 24th, 2017 | Sam Winchester takes a turn guarding the Winter Soldier. They discuss the nature of war, and reach a strange sort of understanding between one another. |
Epokhe | August 23rd, 2017 | Several days ago, Sam Winchester received a precognitive vision, telling him where the Winter Soldier would be on this date. He and Mercy, Fred, and Dean pull together their weeks of preparation, and set and spring a trap. |
3 Russians, 1 Coyote | August 21st, 2017 | Mercy, acting on impulse, tracks and assails the Winter Soldier after running across the result of one of his jobs. The encounter is complicated by the fact that not only was the Soldier talking to Akula at the time, Vanya followed Mercy's trail as well. |
Memories of Winter: A Backstory | August 9th, 2017 | Two long-lived hunters meet for the first time when they have the same target, for entirely different reasons. |
Wayward Son | August 7th, 2017 | Dean Winchester goes in search of the Winter Soldier, and certainly finds him. |
I Want to Break Free | August 4th, 2017 | Mercy Thompson, Fred Burkle, Dean Winchester, The Black Widow, Melinda May and two werewolves team up to retrieve Sam Winchester from Hydra's clutches. The Winter Soldier shows up to stop them, as does a special guest hydra (emitted by Claire Temple). |
Hello Little Girl | July 29th, 2017 | The Winter Soldier visits Fred. |
Shield Brothers | July 26th, 2017 | After forty years, the Winter Soldier and John Aaron cross paths again, and Ares assesses for himself the nature of the Soldier versus that of James Buchanan Barnes. |
Respite | July 24th, 2017 | The Winter Soldier visits Sam in his cell. It seems almost friendly. Right up until it isn't. |
Under the Iron Sea | July 24th, 2017 | Two old Soviet relics, the Winter Soldier and Akula, re-find one another in America in the 21st century. |
Where In The World Is Claire Temple | July 23rd, 2017 | Mercy and Natasha look into the case of the missing Claire |
Korenizatsiya | July 18th, 2017 | Sam Winchester faces the questioning of the Winter Soldier's Hydra handlers. |
If You Build It | July 18th, 2017 | Fred and Mercy meet at her garage to start building an arsenal that might slow down the Winter Soldier with the help of Loki. The Winter Soldier taunts them. |
Volume 5 | July 18th, 2017 | Peggy Carter comes face to face with the Winter and Soldier and finds him familiar. He has no such recollection. |
Volk i Koyot | July 14th, 2017 | Having taken Claire Temple, the Winter Soldier attempts to take Mercy Thompson, but Loki has something to say about it. |
Moose Hunting | July 14th, 2017 | The Winter Soldier takes Sam Winchester hostage for Hydra's own inscrutable purposes. |
Na lovtsa i zver' bezhit. | July 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
84 Olympics, Part Deux! | July 9th, 2017 | A terrorist plot at the '84 Olympics is foiled by an unlikely group of heroes -- Ares, Black Widow and the Winter Soldier |
Team Bucky Nooooo | July 7th, 2017 | Claire Temple, Mercy Thompson, The Black Widow and Sam Winchester come up with a plan to retrieve the Winter Soldier from the clutches of his handlers. |
Schwerpunkt | July 2nd, 2017 | A premonition prompts Sam and Dean Winchester to race to the aid of James Barnes. They're able to save Claire Temple, but Hydra gets their Soldier back. |
An Assassin's Anguish | June 30th, 2017 | Winter Soldier is stuck in a nightmare from his own mind. Claire and Mercy-Coyote try to save him. |
The Troubled Trickster | June 30th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Nurse's Nightmare | June 29th, 2017 | Nightmares accost Claire Temple, as the Coyote's mind attacks her. Mercy-Coyote steps in to help her friend. |
Wounded on a Shore | June 29th, 2017 | Sam Winchester's efforts to protect the Winter Soldier from the shadows brings him face to face with the a man. Bucky Barnes struggles to break through the cracks in the walls. |
1984, Konspiratsiya | June 28th, 2017 | Backscene. The year is 1984. The Black Widow, the Winter Soldier, and Ares come together to form a plan to stop an attack on the Olympics that would turn the Cold War hot. |
The Asgardian and The Assassin | June 28th, 2017 | Loki and Winter Soldier team up to save Claire and Mercy. They, however, fall a little short in saving them. |
Red Memories | June 22nd, 2017 | Natasha and the Winter Soldier meet to speak and Natasha learns that things aren't always what they appear. |
Hunting a Soldier | June 19th, 2017 | Mercy Thompson seeks out the Winter Soldier after witnessing (and disrupting) his reconditioning, only to find he has already been seeking her. |
Soldier and Hunter | June 15th, 2017 | One of Sam Winchester's premonitions presents him with a choice: face the Winter Soldier alone, or allow a man to die by the grace of an assassin's bullet. He makes the only choice he can. Despite assistance from his strange and growing suite of unasked for powers, the assassin once again turns the young hunter into an unholy mess of quivering Sam beans...and might well have killed him, had the past itself not risen up to intrude. |
Fugue State | June 14th, 2017 | Confused and disoriented after Claire Temple and Mercy Thompson interrupted his reconditioning session, the Winter Soldier visits Claire for answers. |
Down the Rabbit Hole | June 13th, 2017 | Claire Temple enlists the aid of Mercy Thompson to find out more about the Winter Soldier. The two wind up discovering far more about what is done to him than they expect. |
Leviathan Rises | June 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Wendigo: Clean Up On Aisle (Floor) 1 | June 9th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Mysterious Rooftop Encounters | June 9th, 2017 | Winter Soldier and Daredevil find themselves in pursuit of the same man. They heartily disagree about the manner in which he should be dealt with. |
Provokatsiya | June 6th, 2017 | Winter Soldier extends the Black Widow a bloody invitation and an unacceptable offer, subsequent to their encounter at the embassy attack. |
The Wendigo Hunt | June 3rd, 2017 | A Wendigo stalks the hallways of a hospital in Hell's Kitchen. Mercy, Claire, Loki and Winter Soldier work to defeat. Or Claire and Mercy run like hell and Loki and the Soldier kill the beast. |
Soldiers and Nurses and Cops, Oh My! | May 31st, 2017 | Sometimes Claire Temple has to trek out to Gotham to get supplies for her work as the Night Nurse. Interested in preserving his medical care asset, the Winter Soldier tails along. Things go sideways, but fortunately Karrin Murphy is also on hand. |
Parties and Embassies and Death | May 30th, 2017 | A routine SHIELD warding job for one Sam Winchester turns into a big mess when the Winter Soldier arrives on the scene to kill the Ukrainian ambassador. |
Defendersmeet | May 25th, 2017 | Jessica Jones brings Karen Page by Claire Temple's place for some treatment after a minor scuffle. Unfortunately, the Winter Soldier was already there. He almost goes unnoticed up until Daredevil shows up. |
You Again-- | May 23rd, 2017 | Winter Soldier needs his arm fixed. Claire brings him to Mercy's Garage for repair. |
The Soldier and the Cop | May 23rd, 2017 | Karrin Murphy left her last encounter with the Winter Soldier with an offer to bring him up to speed on the happenings in Gotham. He takes her up... and she winds up reaching something in him she does not expect. |
Frost and Steel | May 18th, 2017 | Molly Carpenter crosses paths with the Winter Soldier on a job. |
This Job Can Be A Real Drain | May 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Fancy Meeting You... | May 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Killer Instincts | May 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Operation: Iconoclast | May 3rd, 2017 | The winter soldier goes for what should be an easy hit, and makes a surprising discovery |
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