US Agent

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John Walker (Scenesys ID: 1223)
Full Name: John Walker
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Freedom Enforcer
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: BS in History
Status: Dropped
Groups: SHIELD
Other Information
Apparent Age: 48 Actual Age: 48
Date of Birth 9 August 1982 Actor: John Cena
Height: 193 cm (6'4") Weight: 123 kg (271 lb)
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "America, **** Yeah" by Trey Parker & Matt Stone


A former Army Ranger medic and officer, John Walker took part in the Power Broker's off the books treatment to gain superhuman strength and physical characteristics. For several years he was Captain America when the real Cap laid lost and frozen. It's been years now since John 'retired' Cap, with Steve Rogers taking his rightful role. Since then John has served as U.S. Agent. He has bounced around several federal agencies and is currently assigned to SHIELD.

Current Player Approved: Character Available for Application



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At six foot four this man is a tall drink of water - with shoulders to match. He weighs perhaps two hundred and sixty pounds - most of it muscle it would seem - with rippling biceps and thick thighs and broad chest. His jaw is square-like and just as wrought in hard lines and his eyes are a pale brown underneath his eyebrows, when seen. The bulk of his face is obscured by his mask in dark black, which leaves his eyes uncovered. The black motif continues down through his chest, arms and legs, red coloring used on the heavy boots with their bloused tops. Likewise his gloves are red as is the belt he wears with it's silver squared buckle - black pouches securing items along it. A red and white alternating set of stripes adorns the middle of his chest, punctuated with a black star in the upper left hand corner. To complete the motif, small pale wings adorn the sides of his mask. Secured either to his left forearm or to the back of his arm is a 3' concave shield - also in circles of black, red, and white with a white star at it's center. The entire costume has a slightly thick nature to it, as if it's armored.


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Born in the small rural town of Custers Grove, Georgia, John Walker grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Mike. Mike was a chopper pilot with the Army in Desert Storm, something that changed John forever. In high school he was a natural athlete, playing football and wrestling. Post high school he went to college at his parent's insistence - graduating with a degree in history in early 2011. He joined the Army then, enlisting under an Option 40 contract - Army Ranger. Graduating boot camp his ASVAB scores slotted him for a 68W MOS - combat medic. AIT led him to the famed 75th Ranger Regiment, where he completed his Ranger Indoctrination Program and joined Bravo Company, 2nd Platoon, 1st Squad. In time he attended the Special Operations Combat Medic course - all six months of it, along with the grueling Ranger school. As an E-5 sergeant and after four deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and several training schools, he was recommended for - and volunteered - to put in an OCS packet, given his bachelors degree. Freshly minted 2nd Lt Walker redeployed again and again to the dual sandboxes, continuing to drive his men to perfection. By 2011 he had over a decade in service and was ready for a change of pace. Retiring as an O-3 - Captain - he returned home to Georgia. Military contracting with a private company didn't suit him - he tried it, and knees that were ruined from 10 yrs of hard edged operating meant becoming a cop probably wasn't a good idea either. He milled around his home until a friend of a friend led him to a contact. That ended up with the Power Broker, John dumping his entire savings into a shot at the scientist's program of chemical and radiation. John didn't know the fail rate - fifty percent, but luckily he was one of the successful ones.

Now gifted with greatly enhanced super strength, agility, dexterity, speed and stamina he was looking for a new focus on his life when he came across a SHIELD operative. This led him to SHIELD which led him to the SHIELD leadership, resulting in John working with them in the 2000s. In his name was floated in the government as a good replacement for Steve Rogers John found himself being trained by the Taskmaster and others in how to be Captain America.

A horrible incident with two former comrades - men he knew from the Power Broker process - changed John's life forever during this time. Outing "Captain America's" secret ID as John Walker on national tv, his former friends insured that a terrorist group quickly found his parents in rural Georgia. They were killed on national tv - a warning to Captain America and the rest of the government. Against the wishes of his handlers, John ran down the cell, killing those three men that had killed his parents - not only an act of vengeance for the Ranger, but an unforgettable example to future would-be criminals. This - as well as his very military-focused mindset - was unsettling to the commission that ran the 'Captain America' operation. In time, this would prove too much for them. %R%R After Steve Rogers was unfrozen and cleared for duty a series of conversations led to John (secretly, gratefully) giving up the Captain America mantle and shield to the super hero icon and taking on the moniker of 'US Agent. That was several years ago.


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John Walker was raised in Georgia, a good old boy of conservative values and masculine temperament. Wild in his youth, he found purpose and discipline in the Marines, and he tries to honor both the Corps and his mother and father in all his actions. He considers himself a man's man - he likes football, beer, guns, trucks and country music (although classic rock doesn't do him wrong). His mind has been broadened somewhat by his time abroad and by the diversity of the Corps, wearing away the more prejudicial aspects of his character while leaving the basic tone of his personality and tastes. He holds himself to a high standard and expects the same of anyone who works with or under him. He is a devout Christian, although he'll be the first to admit he doesn't hold to the standards of the faith in the way that he should. He likes violence, straight-out, as a spectator and a participant - he loves to fight and never feels more alive than when he's out on the streets stomping the hell out of a bad guy.


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Honed in the valleys and mountains of Afghanistan and the door to door fighting of Iraq and then service not only as Captain America and then as US Agent, John has seen his fair share of horror, visceral combat and life experiences. This has honed within him the iron like determination to never give up, never surrender and always drive on and accomplish the mission. In his mind you bite down on the mouthpiece and get it done, no matter the cost and no matter what's going on. This acts as an increased Willpower boost in times that this is applicable.

A recipient of the Power Broker treatment, John has greatly enhanced strength, agility and stamina. His reaction time, hand-eye coordination and reflexes are boosted to just beyond normal human maximums. His strength is significantly boosted well into superhuman territory - he can lift ten tons with significant effort. His body has been greatly changed in how it processes fatigue toxins and the efforts of work on his tissue and flesh - He will absorb and process poisons and alcohol faster than normal by far; he can operate at peak capacity for eight hours straight before fatigue begins to effect his performance. He will recover from toxins and drugs three times faster than normal - this includes painkillers, however.

Lastly, the treatment altered his very tissues in his body. They are resistant to injury and harder to damage; he can withstand impact forces and trauma that would severely injure or kill a normal human with mild discomfort. He is not, however, invulnerable by any stretch of the imagination.


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When he served as Captain America, John was trained in gymnastics by the Taskmaster. He is conversant with basic parkour and gymnastic techniques, including movement while in combat, wall-sliding, front flips and cart wheels, leaping over obstacles and so on. He is not however on the level of Spiderman or another exceptional acrobat.

Trained first as an Army Ranger, John spent years on the tip of the spear, deployed to sandy warzone after sandy warzone. He's logged a dozen plus deployments and countless hours in combat, both at range and close in with the enemy. From this he was trained up by the Taskmaster and US government in Captain America's fighting style - including using his trademark shield. He is a recognized expert in hand to hand combat across multiple forms - from Brazilian jiujitsu to boxing, wrestling to Muay Thai, Filipino Kali to Krav Maga to the Army's 'Modern Army Combatives'. He can easily hold his own against numerous trained opponents while maintaining a superior edge.

Trained by SHIELD and the operatives of the US intelligence agencies, John is no new bride to the idea of undercover ops or covert espionage. He is versed in dead drops and basic intelligence operations, the use of coded languages and common and US-used intel SOPs. He is not an expert spy by any stretch of the imagination however, and his knowledge does have gaps as he's not a subject matter expert.

John Walker is a natural leader. His voice and personality is magnetic, combined with his years of time on the battlefield make Walker someone worth listening to when the going gets tough. His superior tactical knowledge and experience allows him to see any opportunity in combat, and utilize his teammates in the best possible way as taught in the hell that was Army Ranger School.

With nearly 13 yrs in the service, John spent his time downrange and then some. First as an enlisted Ranger combat medic and then as an officer, he thousands of hours of training in elite, special operations light infantry skills. A graduate of a six month medical course, he was trained in trauma medicine at an elite EMT level, capable of responding to traumatic combat injuries provided the resources and equipment was available. As an NCO he was trained in small unit leadership and administration, a graduate of the basic parachuting course at Ft Benning as well. He attended the Military Free Fall Course and Jumpmaster schools before his transition to commissioned officer. As an officer he was a graduate of the basic officer's course, the Ranger course (a second time, a requirement) and the Captain's Career Course, a six month leadership and training school for company-level officers. He is well versed in military operations in a variety of terrain from the small unit to 100+ unit level, as well as training and developing officers underneath him.

With a decade's experience as an Army officer in an elite top-tier unit with a dozen combat deployments under his belt, John is a seasoned tactician with fire-team sized units (3-4 personnel) up to company sized elements (100 personnel or more.) The enemy always gets a vote, but John is used to fluid combat interactions, with trained and experienced enemy personnel that adapt quickly to your decision making. His time as Captain America honed these skills as well, as he was in a leadership position as a 'top tier' superhero. With proper planning and resources he could be out-foxed.


John Walker, as a former Army Ranger, has been trained in most known weapons in the US military arsenal. However, Walker is more at home in using the item he has been given as a unique weapon - his Vibranium shield. As for other weapons he will use them as the mission requires - from shotguns to pistols to rifles. He is an above average marksman due to his enhanced ability and is more comfortable with small arms and regular military small arms. Walker is less accustomed to using heavy weapons such as a portable missile system but feels comfortable wielding such in a pinch. With his shield, John is highly experienced with several years use in using it to not only rebound off several targets but use in multiple opponent close quarters combat.


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A truncheon shaped not unlike a one-limbed sai with thickened pommel. He can control this with a variety of energy settings - the lowest will work not unlike a taser weapon on a normal human and possibly stun them; the highest setting is designed to take out super powered foes. It is reinforced to be used as a blocking weapon in melee combat against edged weapons.

In his role as a government superhero with a military bent, US Agent often will bring along weapons if the mission requires it. This could be a custom designed piece of firearm technology, or something as rudimentary as a Glock semi automatic pistol. In most instances where he wants a ranged attack he'll carry a custom Springfield XDm converted to .460 Rowland use with a custom Trijicon RMR and barrel porting to control the weapon's recoil - the magazine holding 13+1 rounds. He's also carried shotguns, submachine guns and assault rifles or carbines in the past. He typically carries a blade of some sort if for no other reason than for utility purposes. At request, he has access to most commonly found military weapons for his use on missions.

U.S. Agent has been equipped with a vibranium alloy shield, similar to the one used by Captain America. Thanks to the energy absorbing properties of vibranium, the shield can withstand amazing amounts of punishment, whether it be blows of superhuman power, energy blasts or falling objects. Since the shield's absorption doesn't transfer the impact as much into his arm, John can hold the shield against attacks up four or five times his own strength without giving ground, so long as he catches it full with the shield. He can angle the shield to deflect bullets and ricochets. In close combat, the shield is an incredible bludgeoning weapon and the edge, while not sharp, can still break things open when John puts his arm into it. The shield is designed to be aerodynamic, making it useful as a throwing weapon. While he can sometimes get it to rebound to his hand after this use, John isn't nearly as practiced as Captain America in this art - as a result, he tends to keep his shield on his arm and leave the long distance attacks to his firearm.

John has recently been transferred into SHIELD as an anti-terrorist operative. As a result, he has access to that organizations technology, resources, personnel and equipment. He has the authority of an active SHIELD agent and can use that authority to supersede local law enforcement.

US Agent's uniform is a type of interwoven Beta cloth, Vibranium and other composite cloth materials, a "complex weave of micro-fibers" as the military scientists put it. This allows it to be incredibly durable and resistant to damage. It can withstand incredible blows from a fist, blade or firearm - he still feels the strike, for certain, it just absorbs most of the blow. He will still take dangerous levels of damage from, say, Thor or The Hulk, but he should survive the blow - just probably taken out of the fight, or badly injured.

This costume also provides some protection from electricity and energy attacks, as it absorbs the charge all across the micro-weave and Vibranium weaving. For a small charge it may absorb it entirely however, it does not block large or intense charges completely and he still takes damage, depending on how intense the charge was. The Vibranium can also absorb only so much energy before it must passively discharge over time. The Vibranium lacing in the uniform and boots does allow him to resist some fall damage through the same vector. The suit provides some insulation from cold as well, allowing him to survive in arctic conditions for short periods of time. It does not provide protection from cold attacks. It does naturally dampen his infra-red/thermal signature, to aid in stealth maneuvers. The uniform does include a built in headset for radio/encrypted communications.


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Duty, Honor, Country - they just aren't cute bumper sticker phrases to John, they are his life. They are the emotional armor he has built up around himself to shield himself from the consequences of his years of fighting - both in the Army and behind a mask. They help him regain courage when he needs it most, but they also drive him to the exclusion of almost anything else - if you can convince him something is for the greater good of the country, and it's not going to kill innocents, he's going to look at it favorably. As the Ranger creed declares, "Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some."

After years spent out in the desert and mountains of Iraq and Afghanistan, the man that was John Walker has become someone who has a very rough and tough exterior. The man is always on the offensive and his idea in any conflict big or small is the apply maximum firepower, pop smoke and break contact.

When his real ID was outed, John's beloved mother and father were murdered in cold blood on live television. He found those involved - two former friends - and found his justice, but there were two hard scars in his psyche from this. One, he realized, more than most heroes, the cost of doing this job. This means it's hard for him to make those emotional attachments. And secondly, the US government faked the death of John Walker, creating a new fully backstopped fake ID, Jack Daniels. This means the world believes John Walker is dead. However, as time passes, John is more and more free with his 'private' ID.


Having spent the vast majority of his adult life working for the military and then as a special direct action resource of the US Government, John is a military officer through and through. While this makes him dispassionate and calm in a crisis, it means everything breaks down along very black and white lines: You are a civilian or you are a target. That's the bad guy's house, lets mount an assault, take them down. It can lead to somewhat railroaded thinking. Larger philosophical discussions are not something he's comfortable with.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Informal Welcome Wagon May 28th, 2019 Lunchtime in the Triskelion sees Sibilance meeting USAgent and Darcy Lewis and visiting with May until Skye shows up and reveals her nerves about upcoming missions by being ... bratty.
Chilling at Harry's July 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Brainiac Res/U/Rre/X/Ion: Start Program July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Doctors and Rangers July 30th, 2017 Summary needed


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