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Tendril (Scenesys ID: 1064)
"Now, I know this looks bad, but really, it's not at ALL what it looks like. Mostly."
Full Name: Alexia Nemo
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (OC)
Occupation: Student/Former Thief
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: Late teens
Date of Birth 4 May 2007 Actor:
Height: 179 cm Weight: 80 kg
Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Gold
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Alexia has had her share of hard knocks, having grown up on the streets for much of her life due to her mutant heritage, living primarily as a fairly successful burglar and thief. Luckily for her, she managed to not commit any major crimes (that she was arrested for), enough that when she was finally arrested, a sympathetic police officer arranged for her to be fostered to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, hoping that a more stable environment with other gifted kids would straighten her out. Thus far, she's behaved. Mostly.



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Animalistic Senses, Atmospheric Adaption, Enhanced Physiology, Metabolic Efficiency, Perfect Balance, Prehensile Whips, Wild Hair


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Acrobatics, Brawling, Climbing, Disguise, Infiltration, Lockpicking, Morlocks, Multilingual, Piano, Self Taught, Sleight of Hand, Streetwise


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Morlocks, Savings, Underworld Contacts, Xavier's School


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Animal Instinct, Criminal Record, Increased Metabolism, Mutant


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Title Date Scene Summary
Kaydin's Pizza: 30 Seconds Or It's Free. October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
The New Kid October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
We Have Cancelled The Apokolips October 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Feast Fit For a Faerie October 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2649 September 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Tigger Momma Advice for the Lovelorn September 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Where Nightmares Are Made September 27th, 2017 Several students from Xavier's find themselves in an unexpected conflict
Apokolips Now: Justifiable Violence September 23rd, 2017 One of Apokolips' Generals arrives to capture mutants for conversion to the Apokoliptian Army.
Balls out September 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Tigger Momma on Campus September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
An Odd Teacher September 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Tigger Remodeling September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Popcorn and Candy September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Leave It Like you Found It September 9th, 2017 Tabitha and Lexi meet the newly arrived Miss Monet St. Croix, and are unimpressed.
Queen of the Mallrats September 4th, 2017 Summary needed
How deep does it go September 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Strong and the Weak September 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Wolf and Tiger September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
There's a WHAT Outside August 29th, 2017 Klavdiya Vasiliev
A Magical Shopping Tour August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Let Sleeping Tiggers Lie August 25th, 2017 Lexi comes to check on Tigger Momma, and finds Diya. This clears up a few things, and creates new problems. She calls in Yana.
A New Teacher August 25th, 2017 Summary needed
What Are Roomies For August 25th, 2017 Summary needed
No, Seriously, Tiger! August 24th, 2017 Lexi decides to go find Tigger Momma, and ends up involving Tabitha and Dani. They conclude the tigger may well be a shapeshifter of some variety.
Wayward Kittens August 23rd, 2017 Lexi tries to leave the Mansion grounds, and runs into Tigger Momma again.
The X-Scoop August 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Up The Hill Backwards August 20th, 2017 Yana visits Alexia in the infirmary.
The Beast Within August 19th, 2017 In the underground tunnels, the hunt is on for Alexia who has gone feral.
Tiger on the Loose 2 August 18th, 2017 This is a continuation of log 2028.
Paris: An X-Men Wedding August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Tiger on the Loose August 18th, 2017 Lexi tries to leave the mansion and head back into NYC; she is pounced by a tiger instead.
An X-men Wedding August 18th, 2017 Two X-Men getting married... what could go wrong? EVERYTHING!
The Perfect Thingee August 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Tentacular Training August 13th, 2017 Yana begins to teach Alexia how to use her powers for both defense and offensive purposes. Beginner's class.
Bughunters Triumphant! August 13th, 2017 After a 'Danger Room' Session in the gym, the girls relax, Boom-Boom goes off.
Danger Room Session August 12th, 2017 Colossus helps run a program in the Gym (aka student Danger Room) for some new students, and some old.
Saturday In The Park August 12th, 2017 Laura does her katas, runs into Lexi and Jimmy Olsen. It doesn't go well for Jimmy.
Water You Doin August 11th, 2017 Just chatting poolside.
No Horses in the Pool August 10th, 2017 Sleeping by poolside... what could possibly go wrong?
Mad Juice for Mutants August 8th, 2017 Yana, Ohotnik, and Alexia take on the Evos gang at their Headquarters. It gets very, very messy.
A Heart Full of Rage August 7th, 2017 Directly following "Does This Kitchen have Deviled Eggs?" as Rahne encounters an angry Dani with Doug and Alexia involved as well.
Disturbing Floating Tiggers August 7th, 2017 Alexia Nemo and Yana Asarov track own their friend, who ran into the sewers and had helped them clear out a bed of gangsters in Mutant Town the prior evening.
Does This Kitchen have Deviled Eggs August 7th, 2017 Kurt's back! And he's stealing Dani's deviled eggs!!!
(In)tolerance for all August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Enemies of Mutantkind August 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
THe Huntress Stalks August 1st, 2017 Okhotnik follows the trail of Tendril to the grounds of the X-Mansion, and she waits and watches. When Lex tries to run away back to the City intending to involve herself with the coming gang war in Mutant Town, Diya stops her. Sort of.
I Can Tell That We're Gonna Be Friends July 30th, 2017 Alexia and Yana meet over lunch to cement their friendship.
Nerdy Night for Movies July 29th, 2017 We'll send them cheesy movies, the worst we can find! LA LA LA.
Forgotten Tigers July 27th, 2017 Alexia and Okhotnik meet, and deal with a gangster problem. Yana comes along and makes it her problem, too.
Roomies July 27th, 2017 Dani and Alexia roomies? Heaven help us!
We Can Dance If We Want To July 25th, 2017 Dani & Alexia meet Yana at a rave set up in Mutant Town
Valkyries and Horses, July 24th, 2017 Alexia and Dani meet up while the latter was taking Brightwind out for a flight
Chilling At The Rec Room July 14th, 2017 Ellie meets Lexi, everyone got a sob story at Xavier's.
A Rec Room Duet July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
What the Ears Heard; What the Eyes Beheld July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Failing a Sneak Check July 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Rec Room Chats July 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
A Change of Scenery June 30th, 2017 Summary needed


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