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Courtney Whitmore (Scenesys ID: 206)
"No offense, but I don't see History 101 here as being real useful to me. I'd rather be out kicking butt, y'know?"
Full Name: Courtney Elizabeth Whitmore
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Student/Hero
Citizenship: US citizen
Residence: New York City/Blue Valley, Nebraska
Education: Attending City University, New York
Status: Dropped
Groups: Justice Society, Justice League
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 1 May 2007 Actor: Brec Bassinger
Height: 165 cm (5'5") Weight: 62 kg (136 lb)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:


Courtney Whitmore is the heir to two legacies: that of the Star-Spangled Kid (Sylvester Pemberton) and Starman (the Knight family). She's determined to show people that she's worthy to bear both mantles as... Stargirl!

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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The costume might ring a bell, but it might not if one is not familiar with obscure World War II heroes. This young lady stands about five and a half feet tall and probably weighs 135 pounds or so. She's built slim but athletic - she would make a perfectly classical cheerleader. Her hair is sunny blonde, worn loose to about her shoulders. Her face is oval, her chin a little sharp and with high cheekbones. Her eyes are cornflower-blue behind her mask.

The costume itself is a stretchy fabric - spandex or the like - a top only stretching to just above her navel, leaving her midriff bare. There's a large white star in the middle of her chest and between her shoulder blades. three smaller ones down each arm. She wears blue bike shorts tripped in wide white stripes. She has tall boots that reach halfway to her knees, of the same color as her top and shorts, the miles of showlaces a bright crimson. She has gloves of the same color, the edges rolled up into a thick band. Her lipstick too is the same color - at least she knows how to accessorize. Her mask is attached to the top, covering her forehead but not her ears, her hair coming out of the top of the thing. There's a belt too, red like the gloves, the strap hugging her hips and bearing a thick metal disk, She carries a golden staff, taller than she is, there's a crook at the end. As likely as not she is standing on it as the staff floats off the ground or sitting on it sidesaddle like a witch's broom.


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Courtney Whitmore was perfectly happy in Beverly Hills, thank you very much! She had been the most popular girl at her junior high and was about to start high school when her mother gave her the bad news - they would be moving to some armpit of a place called "Blue Valley", in Nebraska of all places. Her mother had met someone, an ancient old guy named 'Pat Dugan' that Courtney instantly loathed. So, in one fell swoop she had to say goodbye to her friends, her favorite mall, her popularity, and start over in Hickville with a new school and a new stepdad who was old and smelled like beer.

Things didn't go so badly, though at the time she was a terrible brat, she saw later. Things got interesting at the Spirit Week dance - Courtney learned that Pat had volunteered to be a chaperone. Her social life was over, clearly. So, to get back at him she took a costume she found in one of Pat's boxes - a blue top with stars and a red belt bearing a weird red metal disc. A few modifications and she was ready. Pat was FURIOUS when he saw Courtney's costume, and rightfully so! She had stolen the costume of a dead friend, Sylvester Pemberton, the Star-Spangled Kid and destroyed it - just out of spite. Just as he was going to frog mach her home to groiund her forever the dance was attacked by a group of ninjas. They were the minions of an immortal villain called 'The Dragon King' who had detected a burst of cosmic energy like his foe from long ago (Ted Knight, Starman) had used decades before. Unwisely, Courtney decided to fight the trained killers with her little bit of kickboxing training. Luckily, as she started to do so, a low whirring began, coming from the disc on her belt and she felt herself fill with a strange energy. She found that suddenly had abilities out of a wire martial-arts movie - enhanced strangth, agility, and even the ability to do otherwise-impossible flips and acrobatics. She and Pat handily defeated the ninjas, and thus began a partnership that would last for years.

High school went by quickly, between school and patrolling. The new Star-Spangled Kid gained the attention of older super-heroes as she grew more confident in her abilities, she was even given a spare Cosmic Staff by a relative of the original Starman. She graduated and decided that though she could continue her education close to home in Nebraska, New York, Metropolis, and Gotham needed all the help they could get. They needed... Stargirl!


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Courtney is best described as "relentlessly cheerful". There is almost no situation that she can't find a bright spot in. People that don't know her well may think of this as being overly optimistic or even flighty, but that's far from the truth. No, this is a sign of her drive and willpower. She is definitely a person one would want to have on one's side when the proverbial chips are down. The last few years have been exciting times and she's grown up a lot since she first became a heroine, both physically and emotionally. She regrets the childish brat she was and means to never let that sort of thing happen again. She always tries to see the good in people... surely anyone can be redeemed, even supervillians. Right? The only real negative in her life is that there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done between school, patrolling, responding to emergencies and trying to make inspirational appearances. That leaves negative time to have a social life and almost zero for sleep. It's almost enough to drag Courtney down a little. But, she does what she has to do because it's the right thing to do.


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Cosmic Converter Belt
The Cosmic Converter Belt fills Courtney with cosmic energy - this allows her enhanced strength, durability, agility, and speed. the belt is attuned to Courtney and no one else can use it until they wear it for several days to attune it to themselves. The device itself (which appears as a small metal film can or disk and the belt itself are full of cosmic energy too, making them nigh-indestructible. If the belt is removed from Courtney somehow, it will take several days for the energy to dissipate from Courtney's body, and so her powers will fade during that time. As the device functions there is a slight whiff of ozone and an almost imperceptible electronic hum but as Courtney exerts herself to higher and higher supernatural levels, the hum becomes a louder and louder whine. Courtney has never tested the upper limits of what she might be able to do as the ominous noise eventually begins to sound as if something may break. Since she does not understand the technology (though she's working on it) she doesn't dare go too far. the downside to wearing the device where it sits on her body for so long is that the inlux of energy has killed all of her eggs, though she does not know it. Courtney is now sadly sterile for the rest of her life.

Cosmic Staff
An iteration and improvement of Ted Knight's Cosmic Rod (itself an improvement of his Gravity Rod) allows manipulation of cosmic energy to do a number of things - including gravity manipulation, creation and manipulation of forcefields, and projection of energy blasts. The staff is attuned to Courtney and so it is just an inert metal staff for most people. She can give the staff mental commands remotely and it can act on those commands even when it is not in her hand. The staff's metal is infused with cosmic energy and so it is nigh-indestructable. However, with a mental command the staff's shape and size can be altered - generally this is just used to miniaturize the staff so it can be tucked into a backpack or pocket. The staff can be commanded to fly to her hand or to other locations as necessary. The staff itself is a useful hand-to-hand weapon, especially if wielded by someone with great strength.

Energy Projection
The staff can fire energy blasts or expanding bursts of energy of various sorts: concussive stun blasts, heat blasts than can melt steel, laser-like damaging rays, or stellar energy beams of red or yellow solar energy (the red solar energy being effective against Kryptonians). At maximum power Courtney can disintegrate people or things, but she never uses this ability. She only did it once when she lost control in anger and destroyed something. She has vowed never to do it again, especially on a person.

Enhanced Agility
Courtney can act with superhuman agility and speed. When full of cosmic energy she can run as fast as the speediest of human atheletes and react far faster. She can perform impossible stunts, things only seen in wuxia movies - she can dodge bullets at all but point-blank range, run up walls, perform elaborate flips and gyrations in the air, and make massively long leaping kicks.

Enhanced Durability
When full of cosmic energy, Courtney is able to take impacts that would otherwise kill a normal human. She can shrug off bladed weapons and small-arms fire, though she is not completely immune to the pain involved, so she prefers to avoid bullets. She also recovers from unconsciousness much more quickly than a normal human. The cosmic enegy helps Courtney avoid physical fatigue, though she does need to sleep as much as a normal person.

Enhanced Strength
Courtney can safely and reliably dead lift about fifteen tons and carry or throw ten. She dare not go beyond that for fear that the device will break.

Using the staff, Courtney is able to defy gravity. She can hover at any height, fly at a maximum of Mach 2 with great manuverbility and agility. In theory she could go faster, but she finds that her senses do not allow her enough reaction time faster than that. Courtney commonly stands or sits on the staff as she flies (as it looks cool), but this is not necessary. She generally combines this with a forcefield around herself and the staff so she cannot fall off.

Courtney can do a number of interesting things with forcefields - a protective field for herself or others that can protect those inside from even massive explosions or impacts from superhumanly-strong foes. These protective objects can be made to allow air to pass freely in and out of the field or they can be sealed completely. This could be used as a way to gether up dangerous gases or cause unconsciousness. It can also be used to create simple enegy constructs (usually lassos or impactors. In theory she could create Green Lantern-style constructs but she has not practiced doing so. A forcefield could be created to make something invisible, but someone iside would not be able to see out, so generally this is just used to make the staff invisible when necessary. Courtney has a protective field established all the time, one skin-tight and has trained herself to instantly create a one foot radius bubble around herself if something dangerous strikes this inner field. Once established, the staff keeps the various fields up until purposefully turned off, Courtney does not need to concentrate on keeping them functional. When the staff is in her hand, her inner field is extended to the staff itself, so it is nearly impossible to take the staff away from her.


Courtney can fire streams of energy stars that can be used as impact weapons or cause unconsciousness in living beings. They can also disrupt electronics if fired at them.


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Courtney studied gymnastics since she was a small child. Even without her enhanced abilities she can do freerunning and parkour very successfully when called upon.

Cosmic Science
Ted Knight had a wealth of advanced technology and knowledge concerning cosmic and solar energy and how to utiize it. Unfortunately, the devices he created to tap into this energy are many decades old. With noone else left who understands the devices and the technology other than her stepfather Pat Dugan (who only knows enough to be able to maintain the devices), Courtney has begun to study Knight's notes and blueprints in the hope of being able to understand cosmic technology completely. It is slow going, but with the notes she has combined with her science studies it is slowly beginning to make sense.

Martial Arts

Courtney had studied sport kickboxing and judo for many years as her mother wanted her to be able to defend herself. Though she did not have time to formally belt in any style since she became a heroine, practical experience on the street is better than a certificate anyway. She tends to rely on her enhanced agility in a fight if she even bothers to - a well placed energy blast from behind a forcefield is usually more effective anyway.


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Though not exactly wealthy herself, Courtney's stepfather is (though he is very thrifty as well). He realizes how difficult it is for a hero to do everything they need to do and hold down a job. So, he makes certain Courtney has enough money for room, board, and minor expenses while she is studying. She can't go around buying whatever she wants, but neither does she have to worry about money.


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Though Pat Dugan was once a hero and still is formidable, Courtney's family is vulnerable if her indentity were revealed. In addition to her stepfather, there is Courtney's mother, her toddler half-sister and stepbrother (Pat's son). Her biological father is long gone, though he is actually a minor criminal.

The Need For Speed

There are not enough hours in the day for everything Courtney needs to do between studying, patrolling, responding to emergencies, making appearances and so on... sleep rarely comes at regular times or for very long. So, Courtney uses a lot of caffiene, including pills to stay mentally alert. Every few days she has to crash hard or she finds that the world begins to seem strange. Eventually she may have to turn to something harder to caffiene to keep up the pace. Eventually.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Watchtower cuisine July 30th, 2019 Cronuts in the tower.
Just a day at the office July 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Martian stars July 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Nature Puts Down The Folly of Man August 19th, 2017 A huge monster emerges out of the sea, and many heroes join to turn it back.
They Came at Night! August 17th, 2017 A group of strange beings make themselves known for 'First Contact'.
Literature on the Lamb August 17th, 2017 Summary needed
TITANS: It Came From The Green Depths! August 13th, 2017 They may offer you fortune and fame,

Love and money and instant acclaim, But whatever they offer you- DON'T FEED THE PLANTS!

After the battle: Pennsylvania August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
City of Starros August 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Saving the World, One Slice at a Time August 12th, 2017 Three blondes walk into a pizzeria and attempt to not reveal any secrets. They fail.
A Day at the Stadium August 11th, 2017 Five blondes at a stadium. Snacks, kicking, crooks and incompetent guards happen.
Human Wrongs August 11th, 2017 Assassinations rarely right any wrongs, but Heroes have to stop them anyway. Also, Psylock Telepathathically teaches English to Kenan Kong.
Hunger from the Deep August 5th, 2017 Heroes arrive at the site of a cargo ship under attack frhom ravenous sea monsters!
The Ice Cream Problem August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 1825 August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Metro Bomber Girls: Derby in Brooklyn May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
A Star Shines Over Gotham May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Gym Rats May 1st, 2017 Summary needed
We Could Be Heroes April 30th, 2017 When is a bomb not a bomb? Wait, no, that's the Riddler's line, isn't it?


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