Mikh Drakos (Scenesys ID: 269) | |||
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Beep Beep Vroom | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | C. Mikhael Drakos | ||
Gender: | Other | ||
Species: | Robot Mutant | ||
Theme: | Original (OSC) | ||
Occupation: | StarShip Pilot | ||
Citizenship: | 629/MWG/Terra/USA | ||
Residence: | Deeps Space Is My Dwelling Place | ||
Education: | Way too much | ||
Status: | Shelved | ||
Groups: | |||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 37 | Actual Age: | 37 |
Date of Birth | 1 January 1990 | Actor: | CGI |
Height: | 188 cm | Weight: | 1361 kg |
Hair Color: | Gold | Eye Color: | Green |
Theme Song: | "Starships" by Nicki Minaj et al. (Pentatonix cover) |
The best robot starship pilot in the galaxy. Well. One of the best. Certainly one of the furthest-traveled.
Once upon a time in a universe far far far away, a boy was born with a very special mutation. He was a technopath, but a focused and specialized technopath who worked most effectively with vehicles. He had the power to merge into vehicles and transform them. If they were damaged, when he emerged, he had a robotic replacement part in a corresponding place, which was strange. And one day he was merged into a sports car, and got hit by a train (WHY DON'T THEY LOOK?) and it was totalled. The wrecking yard cubed the car. And he woke a week later with the godmother of headaches in an entirely android body and got sent to an X-school.
Some years later, he was working for his world's version of SHIELD, and an alien spacecraft showed up. He tried to merge with it, discovered that it had a planet-buster and managed to get it away from the small blue-green planet, turned its weapon against itself, when the detonation blasted him through the Bleed into another part of the multiverse. Pulling himself together, he assembled a new body, and joined a group of time travelers from a Legion of the future, and then later, was caught in yet another universe-breach destroying yet another carefully crafted and customized body and leaving him with only minimal bits ... this repeated itself two or three times. Finally he got fed up with being disintegrated across universal walls and rebuilt his core more durably, with a dimensional shift engine, a dimensional ANCHOR, about four varieties of spacedrives for various kinds of travel, and a subspace tap that he could use to draw energy from nearby massive sources and turn it into substance. And he jumped out of the place he was staying because it was about to collapse into a tangle of improbable contradictions and temporal unloops. That was the closest he'd been able to get to his original universe. It seemed to have been eaten by whatever was killing universes, the scrambling force of un-being that was much less than sentient or intentional.
Essentially a ghost, Mike is able to possess technological devices, turning them into his own body. He's limited, however, to vehicles that carry passengers, with the sole exception that he can make a robotic human body that serves as his own vehicle. The exact nature of this power he keeps secret because at least once he's had plain ordinary people, not just weird aliens, attempt to enslave him. He cannot use this power to possess robots or vehicles that have sufficient sentience and complexity to be considered 'self willed'.
Mike can go "pure ghost" but doing so makes it much harder for him to interact with people, as he's not there unless they can perceive astral entities. He's also somewhat susceptible to being psychically or magically trapped, and even some devices (Ghostbusters) exist that can trap him. This is why he prefers to be embodied.
Mike can operate whatever kind of vehicle he becomes or possesses, as long as it's something he can comprehend in the first place (not post-31st-century tech.) He'll know what its limits are, how it works, etc. because it's his own body. This knowledge may fade over time if he doesn't formally consolidate it.
While Mike's modification power is what he uses to instinctively repair himself, it can also be used on his passengers. He frequently changes their clothing or other gear to fit his "design theme" but the power can be used to restructure them with bionic/robotic prosthetic parts similar to those in his regular body. This is normally only done to heal an injury. He doesn't like changing beings to be more robotic unless it's really needed, especially since he cannot reverse it.
As long as he has SOME of what he needs to build or repair a vehicle, Mike can manifest more of it. He does this by spinning new matter from the subspace dimensional leakage of large objects (stars, galaxies, black holes, etc.) He can speed the process by building a "tool" that makes custom components. He can use it to make vehicular parts and fittings, life-support materials for passengers, and weapons and ammunition. The rate at which he can do this is drama-based -- if it drags on too long, it would get boring, and if it's too fast, then it's too easy. Generally, it would take him a few hours per metric ton of mass, with hardware, but sometimes it's slower and others faster, for story reasons.
Mike can move metal and tech around by force of will. While doing so, he has to concentrate and otherwise only pre-programmed movements can be undertaken. It doesn't have to just be stuff that would be part of a vehicle. It can also be raw materials, processed materials, etc. His range is line-of-sight within a hundred meters, falling off slowly past that point.
Mike can modify vehicles that he's possessing. This generally is the equivalent of restructuring material on the subatomic level very quickly. This power cannot be used to hurt other complex living things (because Mike FEELS it when it does) EXCEPT as noted under "HEALIFICATION" ... This is normally done to perform on-demand upgrades, repairs, and to turn ugly cars into hot rods (a hobby.)
Mike was trained in Bagua, a form of kung-fu that worked well with his desire to do minimal damage but still be able to protect. He has added "space melee" -- the stuff you need to do to deal with short-range attacks from pirates -- as well as archiving some more general tactical and strategic resources on various worlds, should he need to reactivate them.
It's inevitable that a technomanipulator will have to learn some degree of computer intrusion, hacking, etc. Mike can use his power to create interfaces, but there's often much more to getting at other people's data. He knows how to social-engineer as well as how to physically and softwarily intrude on other people's computing and data resources. He's limited by his technology levels.
When he's pure ghost, Mike's merely a genius of high human rank -- not a Richards or a Cho, except about vehicles and their components. When he's built a body and inhabits it, he generally has a computer brain, and has absolute recall, which lets turn his emotions off entirely if he needs to, and can "split" his consciousness into up to four separate copies of himself. This lets him resist some kinds of psionic manipulation because he can "vote" between his separate selves to detect tampering and error. His computer brain also lets him manage the sensors of whatever system he's in, and he usually has supplementary computing resources for simple, algorithmic tasks. One of the most unusual parts of the computer brain is the interface that allows him to integrate his "ghost senses" into his sensorium providing a single seamless record for his short and mid-term memory systems.
The bit of fourth dimensional exotic matter that contains Mike's holograpically encrypted memories, held relative to his "location" in regular space. This is a maguffin that lets him have plans, a backup to his physical memory when his body gets destroyed, and other useful information resources. It also grants him the ability to recognize when he's been hacked (psionically or technologically) and to override the hacking.
Mike's run a few successful courier runs for the Space Doggity who rules Knowhere. He's spent most of the creds on getting tech to upgrade into the StarDrake.
A custom motorcycle (no specific engine) is locked into a keeper cube in the main cargo hold. This is one of Mike's oldest vehicles.
A pair of five-person runabouts with reactionless drives, structural integrity fields, and a fairly limited cargo capacity. They're each about the size of a Ford Transit van. There are manipulator arms and plasma and pellet blasters on the eight corners of the "box" that can be operated from the copilot station because pirates. These runabouts dock into the StarDrake.
Mike's android form is largely made of various forms of carbon, with a variety of metallic frameworks, some liquids, and a nanoforge that he uses "T2" style to build up a humanlike appearance. While it normally replicates an explicitly robot-like version of his human body as it would be at age 24, and it has LMD-grade disguise capacity.
It carries a ComputerBrain that is normally quantum-linked to the matching ComputerBrain on the StarDrake. He can drive the body remotely when it's within a half-lightyear of the StarDrake, and vice-versa. There's a docking station on the StarDrake where he normally stores the body when he isn't using it.
RoboMike has generally T2-equivalent strength (about a 25 ton carry) unmodified. With standard human-five-sense sense sensors, visual high-band through x-rays and low-band through deep infrared, sonic sensors that can handle extreme low through extreme high frequency sounds, and a wide number of body-senses. It's very durable in the "light power armor" kind of way, especially if he adds the armor plating.
Mike's preferred vehicle to inhabit is the StarDrake, a medium range courier vessel with a crew capacity of five, supercargo of seven, two five-person runabouts, a temperature-and-atmosphere controlled hold 145x200x200 meters, and an external cargo-box lading that will hold up to ten standard mid-size space-hardened cargo-boxes.
As a courier, the StarDrake doesn't usually need asteroid tunneling lasers, but it does have an inertial warpshield as part of the warp-drive that deflects most objects with a dangerous relative velocity around the Stardrake, and its drives include a reactionless drive that can do 1/2 lightspeed without time dilation, a Alcubierre/Drakos dark-matter warp drive able to sustain a 1LY/m rate for an hour at top speed, a subspace skip drive that works on physics so exotic that its benefit over Warp or Jumpgates varies from minute to minute. There is a spot where he can install a Dimensional Anchor and a Dimensional Shifter, but he doesn't keep those systems physically rezzed unless he's expecting to need one of them.
StarDrake also has a load of 120 3/4lightspeed interceptor missiles and fore, aft, top and bottom laser/plasma-packet guns, because pirates.
Sleep is mandatory for humans, but not robots. Still, Mike needs to rest in order to archive stuff to his "Core" as well as to rearrange and prune mnemonic activation networks. He can do this by entering a slow-response state for about two hours every 30 hours, or he can go completely quiet for 20 minutes. If he's in pure-ghost form, he'll need to rest for a minimum of 4 hours out of 30.
Mike's got a code of ethics and honor. His parents were priests and he internalized their teachings. He will never cheat someone, never rip someone off, and he may be caught helping people out for free or at a cut rate when he doesn't need to. He keeps his word. And he hates fighting. (He's good at it but he dislikes it so avoids it if possible.)
Mike can turn off his pain receptors in his computer brain if he happens to be in a vehicle where there is one. Otherwise, whatever he is? That's his BODY. He feels pain when it's damaged, and doesn't feel good when it's all messed up and ugly. When he's in some OTHER vehicle that lacks a ComputerBrain? He feels it much more intensely, as if he had very low pain tolerance. Just as when he was totaled in his teenage years, if he's wrecked, or damaged badly enough, he'll be knocked unconscious by feedback shock even though he's basically a ghost. It might take a day or two for him to get back enough energy to begin reformatting a body.
As a 'ghost' Mike's mind is accessible to regular human telepathy (or its equivalents) and while he's trained to resist probes and outright compulsions, in ghost state, his mind can be reached, probed, and trapped.
However, once he's possessing a vehicle that has a Computer Brain, he becomes susceptible to technopathic hackery. Also, he's learned over time that he can be hacked in this form by telepathic powers that mess with second-level perception (the part where it goes from processed inputs into consciousness.)
He's built in safeguards to help kick him out of these kinds of control but they've got to be triggered. Also, Empathic manipulation works on him until he turns of his emotions.
Mike is a human mind and spirit wrapped in an energy construct that lets him possess machinery of a particular kind. He can make a humanoid body capable of everything a human can do -- and it feels ALMOST right. But there are several things he can't do. His emotions are not driven by the complex mix of biology and chemistry that drives a normal human, and he's been a robot long enough to have lost the precise awareness of how that feels, so he has to choose to have realistic emotions. Further, he cannot reproduce. While he can make a second "Mike" that acts mostly like him, it isn't him and it has no self-will, no 'spark'.
Mike's dependent on a particular level of technological development to be able to fit in with other people. Say, late steam/early gasoline age. He's also able to handle very complex technology instinctively, but after a certain point, alien-ness and lack of basic conceptual framework can make it difficult for him to manage. He has a DCU 30th Century tech level, ala Legion, because he spent many years there and learned it. That's his effective limit. It puts him on a par with galactic citizens. He'd have to spend several years boosting himself up to a higher level if he were caught up in such a culture.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Briefing the New Guy | July 15th, 2018 | Summary needed |
That is NOT Zardu Hasselfrau | June 15th, 2018 | While running errands for Cosmo, Star*Drake collects and delivers some things and people. Featuring the Hoff and ABBA |
Special Delivery | May 21st, 2018 | Someone signed Mikh up to be a Legionnaire, apparently without his knowledge. But it was just what he wanted anyway! |
Uh-Oh, Darkseid-i-ohs | October 23rd, 2017 | Quill starts out with Spaghetti-Os, detours around Darkseid, and ends up with a Kinect |
Log 2483 | September 16th, 2017 | The Guardians and Star*Drake team up (loosely) to capture a criminal. |
A Lucrative Little Job | August 27th, 2017 | Coco presents the Guardians with a lucrative job offer. |
Brainiac Res/U/Rre/X/Ion: System Error | August 20th, 2017 | Saving the Universe is hard, dirty work, and then come the regrets. |
Brainiac ResURreXIon: Execute | August 5th, 2017 | To rescue Indigo from Brainiac 8 and save the universe, how much will the Guardians risk? |
Many Outrageous Diversions, Or: CAT-ACLYSM! | August 4th, 2017 | The adventures of a Zombie, a cheshire cat, a caped superhero and a robot. There's M.O.D.O.K, there's... you had better read it for yourself. |
Close Encounters of the Bird Kind | July 10th, 2017 | Deadpool, Vorpal, Kian and Mikh walk into the park. Don't ask. It just gets weird. |
The 11:25 Train to MAYHEM | May 31st, 2017 | A train robbery (stolen train!) is thwarted by the Justice League! (Guest starring Snapper Carr) |
Get Him to the Galadorian | May 26th, 2017 | Zardu Hasselfrau is Missing and Due At A Show. The Guardians must fix this. Yondu ... is not helping. |
When Two Tribes Go To War | May 16th, 2017 | The Guardians--by virtue of their association with Yondu--have a showdown with Kanjar Ro and a crew of slavers on a far-off asteroid station. |
The Princes' Ride | May 13th, 2017 | The Guardians of the Galaxy have been hired to kidnap a Prince. Or save him. Or something. |
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