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Peregrine (Scenesys ID: 1850)
"Moving at supersonic velocities was my day job. This is so much better... now I can feel the wind as I move. All my senses are more alert."
Full Name: Deanna Dove
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Test Pilot
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: United States Air Force Academy
Status: Shelved
Groups: Birds of Prey
Other Information
Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 30
Date of Birth 16 February 1996 Actor:
Height: 165 cm Weight: 54 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Hyper Drive" by Cass Dillon


Major Deanna Dove of the United States Air Force was one of the nation's best test pilots. While testing an experimental fuel that can accelerate a fighter-jet faster than ever, she hit a freak lightning storm. The bolts struck the plane and Deanna herself, shorting everything out, and dousing her with the fuel mixture. Unable to eject, the plane crashed. Severely injured and comatose, somehow she survived, and healed. Over the next two years, she started showing the electrical field of a developing speedster, and upon awakening, found that she can run and jump even faster than the best jet the Air Force had!



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A slender, athletic woman stands here, around 5'5". There's some sort of glow around her... a humming, crackling aura of yellow electricity, that is magnified when she is in motion. She wears a tight-fitting blue helmet that conceals her hair. It wraps around her head, covering her ears and offering protection. Two yellow glowing lines go across it from front to back, about level with her temples. They seem to have a pulsing glow like a heartbeat. Centered on the helmet above her forehead is a small glowing lightning-bolt emblem. Attached to it, across her eyes, are a pair of goggles with yellow tinted lenses. A clear visor covers her emerald-green eyes - a tinted one can be slid down over it for eye protection. She sometimes wears a mask over the lower face too, that can make her face basically completely hidden, with a few glowing lights on it. If the mask is not on, you can see her face with high cheek bones and rounded jaw, the face of a young woman apparently in her early thirties. A long, finely chiseled nose sits just above her lips, the top slightly more full then the bottom.

Her neck is long and slender and leads into the slim curve of rounded shoulders. She wears a tight jumpsuit made of a blue material, matching her helmet, which might appear to resemble a military uniform. Glowing yellow lines run down the sides of her suit, each seeming to hum with its own current, with the same pulsing glow. Two small lightning-bolt icons are at her collar. The jumpsuit hugs her slender frame tightly, showing off her feminine curves and generous bosom. A glowing lightning bolt is centered over the left side of her chest. Over the right side is the word "PEREGRINE" in the same yellow glow. Down the middle of her chest are several glowing yellow dots that look like buttons. The suit covers her arms and hands, the side-stripes going under and over her arms. On each upper arm is a lightning bolt insignia. Her hands are covered in gloves; each fingertip has a glowing yellow pad on it that hums with power.

The outfit hugs her curvy hips and waist tightly. There is a glowing yellow 'belt' around her waist. Centered on her front where a belt buckle would be is a larger lightning-bolt icon. On each hip is a small yellow square sits just below the 'belt', seeming to serve as pockets for small items. The suit flows down her muscular legs, the stripes from her neck continuing apace matched by yellow stripes on the inside of her legs. and stops in blue boots. More lightning-bolt icons are on her boots right above her toes. The soles of the boots glow yellow; sparks fly from the soles when she moves.


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Deanna Dove was burn in 1997 to her loving parents - both of whom were in the Air Force. A military brat, she was moved all over the country as her parents were deployed to different areas. Her favorite thing was anything that could fly. Airplanes, helicopters, superheroes: if it flew she loved it. She grew up top of her class and easily secured a spot at the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

Graduating Class of 2018, she was quickly promoted up the ranks to Major, for her keen skills and intellect. All the generals thought she had a great career ahead of her, that one day she could be one of the top-ranking officers in the entire Air Force. But none of that really mattered to her - her main love was flying supersonic jets, and they let her do so, testing the fastest and the strongest examples of American engineering.

One fateful day, she was trying a new experimental fuel that can help a jet go faster and longer. She was screaming across Virginia at Mach 3 when a freak thunderstorm brewed up. Unable to evade it, lightning struck the plane, penetrating the fuselage to electrocute her - and it breached the fuel tanks and doused her in the chemicals. The plane spiraled down, and she was unable to eject as she crashed hard, making a crater.

Normally, nobody survives accidents like this. But they dug her out anyway, and she was alive. Barely. Comatose, badly injured. In the hospital, they pronounced that she would never awaken again. The Air Force honorably discharged her at this point. Her parents refused to give up, resigning their posts to help care for their daughter. As time went on, her body healed faster than expected - and the electrical activity in her brain spiked off the charts. Electricity started crackling off of her as she laid there, damaging some equipment.

STAR Labs came in at this point and moved her to a specialized facility, recognizing the signs of a speedster. Eventually, she awoke to the sight of her parents hovering over her bed, electricity crackling in her eyes. STAR Labs helped her to develop her abilities. Her parents knew of this, but they told nobody else. Eventually a costume was made for her that could withstand the extreme speeds of a speedster - similar to her old military uniform at her insistence, with a pilot helmet to serve as eye protection and disguise, she ran out, to see what she can do to be a hero in a new way. She takes the codename Peregrine, the fastest bird, and chooses to keep her true identity a secret.


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Trying to prove herself after her accident and discharge from the military, Peregrine is doing her best to learn the ins and outs of her new skills. She misses flying the jets and going through the sky - but she can now run faster than any of those jets ever could. She serves to make her parents proud, and to do honor to them, the Air Force, and her country. She has discovered a very strange healing ability, which has changed her mindset on what she can do entirely. Should she try to serve as one who stops bad guys - or mitigates their damage by healing? The answer to that question is still out of her reach for now.


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Peregrine can spin her arms extremely fast, creating a vortex of air that can be used for a variety of functions. From draining the air out of a room, to cushioning a falling object, a shield to deflect projectiles, to shove back an opponent... it's possible for her to create - or dissipate - a tornado by running in a tight circle.

Her knowledge of aerodynamics also allow her to propel herself into the air by channeling a vortex with her arms behind her for steering and kicking her legs at high speed for thrust. It's not an elegant flight, but it can get her up and off the ground for a time.

Peregrine can use the lightning she generates by running for more than just special effects. She can harness this energy into a weapon. Once at high enough velocity, she can fire lightning bolts at those in line of sight. She can do it at various degrees of potency from low-power to devastating bolts.

The Speed Force gives its energy to its users, speedsters. It gives her almost unlimited stamina so she can run practically indefinitely, at high speeds, without rest.

A latent metahuman power in Peregrine's genetics awakened when Peregrine was connected to the Speed Force. By touching another person who is injured, she can take any injuries or bodily damage onto herself. This would quickly heal her 'patient', taking up to a minute for severe maladies. Due to Peregrine's turbo healing, she can handle most injuries. But this power, depending on the severity of the injuries she takes upon herself, can put her out of commission for a while. But she uses this when needed; for she will heal in a fraction of the time of a normal person.

This power has limits. She can only 'borrow' bodily damage caused by injury. She cannot heal a viral or bacterial infection, but can mitigate some of its effects. And cancer is similar - she could possibly absorb some of the damage it caused, but will not cure it. All this would do is give them more time.

The lightning and chemical accident that struck Peregrine altered her body to become a conduit of the Speed Force, the source of her new powers, especially the ability to run at such high velocities.

The Speed Force is not just a natural force like gravity or the like. It is alive. It has a consciousness and an intelligence. When running at high speeds and in the proper mental state similar to a meditation, Peregrine can commune with the Speed Force. The Speed Force appears to her using imagery from her memories, to share its wisdom and to express its will, such as its insistence that time travel is a forbidden act and must never be performed.

Part of the blessings of the Speed Force is an aura of its energy around a speedster while in motion. This aura protects her body from the rigors of traveling at insane velocities, and offers other benefits like both protection against kinetic force and being able to deliver devastating blows by increasing her own kinetic force. She can also extend her aura around someone or something, allowing her to transport it at super speed.

The main gift of the Speed Force is, as one would expect, super speed. Peregrine can go supersonic easily, her body wreathed in a glowing aura of yellow electricity. She can go to insanely fast velocities, up to half of light speed, but her discipline and wish to not hurt anyone innocent keeps her from using such crazy velocities most of the time.

It's possible that she will improve her max velocity over time.

Peregrine's Speed Force connection also accelerates her healing. She can recover from many wounds at extremely fast rates. For example, a cut heals in seconds. Severe lacerations and bruises in minutes. Minor broken bones in hours. Severe broken bones or internal injuries in a day. Spinal trauma that would normally cause paralysis could take a week. Tranquilizers only slow her down for a short time. This can also help with poisons and the like. Sadly, this includes alcohol so it's hard to get happily drunk.

This is the primary means that she uses her Lay on Hands ability - she can absorb the punishment that others have sustained and heal it faster than they can.

All of Peregrine's senses and her mind itself are accelerated as well. She has enhanced senses, especially vision and hearing, to perceive the world around her even when she's traveling at insane velocities. She can read an entire book in seconds. Her reaction time is incredible, enough to catch a bullet in midair - it's very hard to catch her off-guard.

(If she uses super-speed to learn information, her mind cannot retain all the details permanently. If she wants to truly learn something, she has to do it the 'old-fashioned' way. Perhaps a shadow of the knowledge is left, but turbo knowledge is no shortcut to true genius.)

Peregrine is capable of vibrating her body at high speeds. This allows her to do several things, like shake something apart with high-power oscillations. Or at a higher frequency, to phase through solid objects. The phasing can only be held for a short time - a minute at most, like how long one can hold their breath.


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Peregrine was one of the Air Force's best test pilots, and knows how to fly almost all aircraft. She knows the ins and outs of how planes and jets work, and how to control them. Vertigo is not something she experiences.

Like many military personnel, Peregrine was trained in field medicine. She knows how to save someone from critical injury, and how to perform triage, or to heal minor wounds with proper medical supplies. These skills have served her well while saving others... and now with her new healing power, she has did more study on medical matters to learn when to lay on hands - and when not to.

Having to know the ins and outs of airplanes as a test pilot, Peregrine has learned how to repair and maintain the jets she worked and flew on, which could also apply somewhat indirectly to cars. She enjoyed such 'hands-on work'. She likes to read technical manuals, and she keeps learning. Such skills can be useful.

Peregrine received training from some of the best and brightest at the Air Force Academy. Her natural intelligence, though nothing superhuman, was sufficient to pick up several skills, including proper protocol and discipline, firearms training, and other skills such as some martial arts training and self-defense. She is a formidable fighter even without superpowers. With them, she's a honed fighting machine.


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Though discharged from the Air Force after being assumed to have never woken up, she still has friends there, and a few confidants who know of her new identity as Peregrine sometimes help supply her with intel and equipment, such as the modified flight helmet that she uses in her costume.

Deanna's parents, Connie and Leonard, are always supportive of their test-pilot-turned-speedster, and are her biggest fans. They offer her emotional support and sometimes help her with difficult scenarios that she can encounter, including the more difficult moral decisions that can come from being a superhero.

STAR Labs made Peregrine a customized costume out of a special material that can resist the incredible velocities that a Speed Force user can channel. It is a form-fitting low-friction outfit that has a regenerating nanoweave and electrical conduits woven through it, visible throughout the costume as yellow glowing lines.

The costume is designed after her military dress uniform that she still had in her closet. A modified flight helmet is included that serves as both protection and disguise, including a tinted visor for glare, voice synthesizer, and a rebreather mask that can protect her from gaseous toxins. Communication equipment is built in as well, including a microphone in the mask and Bluetooth in the ears - it serves as a cellphone. A battery in her suit is charged by her speed force lightning which powers the glowing lights of her costume. She can also use it for various small effects like delivering small shocks or jump-starting machines.

The place that saved her life when comatose, recognized what she was becoming, and helped her learn how to use her powers and created her speedster costume. Star Labs is like a home-away-from-home for Peregrine. She has learned much from them, and pays them back by doing them favors when she can.


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Extreme cold, the slowing of cellular motion, is devastating to a speedster. Icy attacks can easily serve to put the brakes on a speedster's velocities.

When Peregrine uses Lay on Hands, she will absorb all bodily damage her patient has. This might be far more than she is aware of. She might think she's helping with a broken bone and ends up with powerful internal injuries. She will never know for sure if she will be down for a couple hours or a couple of days.

Like many speedsters, Peregrine can get impatient - her mind is in a higher gear and the slowness of life is... a slow torment at times. She wants to be in the thick of the action.

Peregrine is taking great pains to keep her identity under wraps to all but an inner circle of confidants. Her parents. STAR Labs. Good friends in the Air Force. She is worried that if her identity fell into the wrong hands, that things could happen. The thing she's worried about most is that the Air Force might try to recall her to duty if they learned that one of their test pilots not only recovered fully from the crash that seemingly ended her military career, but gave her superpowers. She is scared of what they'd ask her to do if that happened with her abilities - she doesn't want to just be a living supersonic weapon.

Peregrine does her best to keep her identity as Peregrine secret from the world. The former Air Force pilot turned speedster in a freak accident? It'd be the talk of the town. Only a few know the truth - some at STAR Labs, her parents, and a few friends at the Air Force. She's not sure what would happen if the brass at the Air Force knew she was out - they might even try to compel her to rejoin the military, and with her new worldview, that's something she doesn't want to do.

It takes a lot of calories to fuel a speedster's appetite to keep their body fueled. She has specialized protein bars from Star Labs that can meet a lot of these needs with compressed calories. She has a moderate supply of these, but not indefinite. She saves them for emergencies and just eats more than normal most of the time.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Military History October 26th, 2018 Summary needed
A Speedster meets an Immortal September 16th, 2018 Summary needed
A new inquiry September 1st, 2018 Peregrine visits Director Wells for answers about the Speed Force.
Explore the Future September 1st, 2018 Harrison Wells gives a group of young adults and teenagers a tour of Future Solutions. Questions are asked.
The Oracle Knows All August 31st, 2018 Batwoman introduces Peregrine to Oracle.
All Things Great and Small August 30th, 2018 Summary needed
The Bats and the Birds August 21st, 2018 Summary needed
Touch of a Speedster Angel August 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Superheroes on Patrol August 3rd, 2018 Peregrine gets some advice from Spider-Man


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