Multiple Man
Jamie Madrox (Scenesys ID: 1245) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into heroes... is that we're just too stupid to quit and as a result, even in the face of total defeat... we occasionally luck into a win." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | James Arthur Madrox | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant (Changeling) | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Occupation: | Private Investigator | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Bushwick(Mutant Town), New York | ||
Education: | Law School, and well other things! | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | Brotherhood, New Mutants, Xavier's School, SHIELD, Mutant-OOC | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 27 | Actual Age: | 27 |
Date of Birth | 28 May 2001 | Actor: | Adam DiMarco |
Height: | 180 cm (5'11") | Weight: | 70 kg (154 lb) |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Brown |
Theme Song: | "Multiple Man" by Mog |
Jamie Madrox has had an interesting life. In fact, he's had quite a few of them. Gifted from birth with the ability to duplicate himself down to the change in his pockets, Jamie experiences life from every angle. He's been a cop, a paramedic, a lawyer, a monk, an exotic dancer, a cat burglar, an Olympic gymnast, etc. He's lived, loved, died and kept going. Now he's a private detective. Taking cases that nobody else wants. Giving back to those unable or unwilling to help themselves.
Jamie Madrox will figure it all out. As long as it isn't his own problems.
Current Player Approved: Not Applicable
He's lithely built, more like a gymnast or swimmer then a body builder, and his clothes are cut to show that. A tight long sleeve black shirt clings to his torso, an emerald green design of interconnected circles crosses the front of it, an odd geometric pattern that's not any logo or symbol anyone might recognize. A pair of comfy black cargo pants, faded black and green sneakers, and over all of this a dark chestnut trench coat that's obviously seen enough action to be thoroughly broken in.
Confronting the Madrox family on their farm, Damian Tryp informed them that Jamie was not a Mutant but a "Changeling". A precursor to Homo Superior. Whether that is true or not didn't stop Tryp from leveling the farm with a tornado after being denied, killing Dr. Daniel Madrox and Dr. Joan Madrox. Jamie spent the next six years in quasi-isolation caring for the family farm. Six years. The malfunction of his specialized containment suit ended that abruptly. Terrified and alone, Jamie fled Kansas. Once in New York, he did what anyone in his position would do.
Jamie Madrox started a riot.
Well, he -became- a riot, more like. The intervention of Xavier and the X-Men brought the bizarre events to an end. Back at the mansion in Westchester, Jamie was helped through his manic episode and calmed. It's there that Jamie remained for the better part of a year, enrolling in the Institute while working on his mental health and social adjustment. Turning down an offer to join the X-Men(who does that, right?!), he instead followed Xavier to Muir Island where he worked in the capacity of a research assistant. An invaluable one. After all, pulling a two hundred hour work week, fighting aliens and reality warping mutants is... difficult to top.
Turning down a -second- offer to join the X-Men, Jamie chose to remain on Muir Island with friends and newfound family. Over the years, he would always find a reason for himself or a Dupe to visit Muir Island again. It's there that he really started opening up, forging friendships that last to this day. Somehow. He's still not sure why they like him.
Leaving a Dupe behind, Madrox left Muir Island for a return to the United States. More confident in himself and his powers, he took the first steps toward expanding his brand. So to speak. The revelation that he could -retain- the memories and knowledge of his absorbed Duplicates changed the game completely for him years back but he never had the personal freedom to act on it. With a newfound plan written in figurative pencil, Jamie sent himself out to the winds. One Dupe with instructions to become a detective. Another a doctor. A spy. Jamie even sent a Dupe off to China with the goal of becoming a kung fu master.
For a while, this seemed to be working out well. That's when he found out that some Dupes don't always play ball. The longer they spend apart from 'Jamie Prime', the more independent they become. Jamie's master plan started to unravel. The Dupe he left on Muir Island had joined with the Nasty Boys after a brief stint with the Fallen Angels. In a risky move, Jamie absorbed the Dupe that had joined forces with Mister Sinister and the Nasty Boys. Exposing the illegal activities of a Senator and Sinister with the help of some of his friends and Dupes, Jamie was living high but left with an uncomfortable inevitability.
He had to go and track down his Dupes and absorb them all again. Some of these Duplicates were quick to accept returning to their source. Becoming one with Jamie Prime... no matter how odd that may sound. Some resisted. Absorbed all the same, he -knows- there are a few still out there on the loose doing only God knows what. One in Genosha sends him crude pen pal letters with no return address. Another he's allowed to stay free. Independent. Calling himself John, he's taken to religion for a reason Jamie can't understand.
Putting the year on the road spent literally finding himself behind.. himself, Jamie returned to New York once again. He could never seem to get the city out from under his skin. So he bought a plane ticket and came up with a new plan. A better plan.
The Council of Madri.
Just kidding! No, no. Jamie Madrox, seeing his path more clearly now that he's more "consolidated" had decided to open a private investigations agency. So he bought a building with cash. Put a sign on door and parked a new car in front. How did he get all that? Well, he went on and won a game show. Ethical? Not even slightly with his methods but it was legal. With newfound freedom, a place of his own and a new path before him, Jamie Madrox sets out to see just how much good he can get done in this world. Starting with Mutant Town.
But he cares. Too much in some cases. He puts himself out there, on the line for both his friends and complete strangers alike. He's driven by an almost compulsive need to impact the world in some way, some place in a positive fashion. He wants to make the world a better place for Mutants. For Humans. For people. He's soft hearted, a natural jester, bit of a charmer and a sucker for a sob story.
He's increasingly scared of his own power. Scared of what he may be. Yet embracing it all the same. He doesn't trust himself or even some of himselves. Fun word that. He's playing a dangerous game, balancing between spread too thin and just enough. At times, he's just Jamie. At others, he's empty and withdrawn. Or someone encounters a Dupe instead and experiences a sort of 'avatar' of Jamie Madrox's personality bits and pieces.
He's complicated.
Kinda Immortal:
It's said if you kill the OG, another takes his place. It's mostly just a theory but the possibility remains. Killing the original Jamie Madrox transfers the whole of his personality and experiences to the nearest Duplicate within a ten mile radius. In theory.
Kinetic Duplication:
*Duplicate Absorption - Jamie Prime is able to absorbs his Duplicates from a distance of fifty yards. Doing so consumes and retains the skills, memories and experiences of the Duplicate. This is limited in that he cannot absorb an already dead Dupe.
*Experience Transference - Merging with his copies, Jamie retains the memories, knowledge and experiences of a Duplicate. Not -perfectly- but close enough. However, if the Dupe kills itself, Madrox can still absorb it's collected experiences.
*Duplication Healing - Absorbing a wounded Dupe damages, absorbing a healthy one... Heals. Merging can be used as a form of healing but there are also risks. While he can absorb a healthy Dupe to heal himself, absorbing an injured or poisoned Duplicate transfers the damage but only by half.
Combat Medic:
While the Dupe didn't become a surgeon, he did become a paramedic. That alone has saved more than one life following Jamie absorbing that Duplicate back into himself. He's no brain surgeon but he can still save a neck or two in a tight spot.
The Dupe that Jamie sent out to become a detective went a little harder than he expected. The copy burned himself out terribly in the process but gifted Jamie with the skills and instincts of a seasoned homicide detective. While not the worlds greatest, Jamie has a knack for putting together motives, gathering evidence and not making a fool of himself at a crime scene.
English, Mandarin and Spanish so far but he's working on French, Italian and one of these days? One of those alien languages. It's not that he naturally picks up languages faster than anybody else but when you can create your own study group, it goes a little faster.
Legal Advice:
One of his Dupes passed the Bar Exam. So you know what that means... Jamie Madrox can practice law in the state of New York. While he doesn't work for a firm or moonlight as a public defender, he can offer sound legal counsel. Who better to call if you end up in cuffs?
Quite Sneaky:
Shaolin stealth technique. No, really. Kung Fu Stealth. While it's true that he knows such a thing and has used it once or twice in the past, it's really all about blending in. Jamie is good at shadowing people, blending into crowds and getting the drop on people that don't have super senses or the like.
Renaissance Man:
Through absorbing his well traveled and learned Duplicates, Madrox has collected a list of life skills and occupational talents that would take... well, multiple lives to accomplish. He may excell in certain specific fields but his ever expanding resume includes experience as a gymnast, burglar, spy, locksmith, insurance adjuster, fire fighter and escape artist which he can be conidered to have an amateur to expert level of knowledge of.
Strong Kung Fu:
Business Men:
Multiple businesses, various accounts. Jamie and his selves have been busy. He's got a few small businesses up and running to variable productivity. Nothing international by any means. The detective agency being his current obsession, is much more hands on. He can still call on his small medical transport company, his tire shop and a pawn shop in the rough part of town. It's a living. Or three.
Extreme Social Network:
So many lives lived already. So many people met. Jamie can call on a vast network of low key friends, acquaintances and people he's helped in the past. It's nothing ground shaking but he can get gossip, street rumors, some real estate tips and the general rumblings of Mutant Towns more vocal malcontents. Mostly mundane but it helps when the chips are down.
Not So Idle Rich:
Jamie went on a gameshow and won a million bucks. That's no joke. Using a team of duplicates, he worked his way to the top of the prize heap and took home entirely too much money. He's blowing through it relatively quick but for now, it's keeping the lights on and the take-out fresh.
The Council of Madri:
Yearly absorption and duplication. It's not a real council so much as Jamie sending out a version of him that he's vetted for a specific field of study. After a year, they "catch up". So far, this is going without a hitch. Inevitably, one of the Duplicates will find the deal less than favorable for them.
X-Factor Investigations:
Accidental Duplication:
Sometimes a bump causes a Dupe. Impact can knock a Duplicate right out of Jamie and it's not always in his best interests to be -more-. Confined spaces and his power tend to not be friends because of this.
Bi-Polar Disorder:
He has his ups and downs. A lot of them. Having spread himself out so many times, having died a couple times as well, Jamie has some mood balance issues. While not prone to the extremes of the condition, he has been known to display difficulty in self-control and rather heavy bouts of depression following excessive duplication.
As Jamie spreads himself too thin and Duplicates become more independent, they manifest heightened aspects of his core personality. Jamie Prime slowly loses that aspect as they gain more freedom and distance. This can leave him feeling sluggish, depressed and near catatonic with indecision in the extreme circumstances.
For a man capable of every choice, he can't choose. The more Duplicates he has in the field, the worse it gets. Even if he's flying solo, Jamie still has difficulties making decisions. So accustomed to sending out a copy to experience the outcome or multiple to play the odds, he sometimes just can't seem to make a choice when pressed.
Memory Maze:
So many lives and memories, it's hard to sort through. Keeping track of which memories are his and which are those of Duplicates past is getting more and more difficult. Jamie doesn't want to admit that it's become impossible but it very well could be. Not only that but the memories and experiences absorbed aren't always one hundred percent.
Rogue Dupes:
Not all of them want to play ball. One may be in Hydra. He's not sure anymore and that is very, very bad. With time and distance, Duplicates gain more and more autonomy. While the majority invariably end up playing ball, so to speak, occasionally one will fight back against re-absorption. Even going as far as to scheme and betray to avoid the fate.
Sharing the Pain:
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Wanted: Dead or Alive | March 15th, 2021 | Shield has come knocking on the door for Jeremy. |
Tea and Swords | February 27th, 2021 | A magical teapot summons Kurt, Dani, Jamie, Shannon and Remy to the kitchen. Yes, it's the magical teapot and not the fact that there is food there. |
Social at the Fred's | February 26th, 2021 | Just an impromptu meet and greet at the local diner |
DC and the Case of Multiple Subtexts | February 25th, 2021 | Detective Chimp, the World's Greatest Detective, walks into X-Factor Investigations and consults with the World's most diversely skilled mutant Detective on the matter of a wayward mutant runaway who may have got mixed up in with the wrong crowds. A brief discussion that could lead to saving a kid from making the worst decisions of his life... |
Even D List Heroes need to eat | February 24th, 2021 | Drake and Shannon bump into each other at lunch, then run into Jamie Madrox and all his 'siblings'. Weirdness. |
A SuperHero Needs A Good Costume | February 3rd, 2020 | Jamie takes Vi to Alice's shop to get a cloak for Vi's nighttime flights. |
Taking the Bait | January 27th, 2020 | Summary needed |
High Tide, Low Priorities | January 23rd, 2020 | Guido and Mo find Jamie in a bar. Drunkenly, he drags Morrigan into his little... problem. |
BH: Madri and the Magneto | January 14th, 2020 | Summary needed |
Into the Cuckoos Nest | January 14th, 2020 | Madrox takes Vi out for her first night of dancing. Jazz hands!!! |
Dupes in Genosha | January 9th, 2020 | Lorna and Jamie find Junior Jamie in Genosha and discover there is more to the dupe's problems than meets the eye. |
Danger Room Mock Disaster | January 6th, 2020 | Warren sets up a scenario for the students to train and practice first aid in - they escalate it into a full blown ocean rescue! |
A Hellish Game of Horse | January 2nd, 2020 | Multiple Man meets up with Magik to ask about a case he's working. She ends up hiring herself to X-Factor... Jamie agrees. Wisely. |
The Power of Change | December 13th, 2019 | A bank robbery in Red Hook draws in some Mutants and some Robins. Nobody dies and an uncomfortable truth is revealed. |
First Nail in the Coffin | December 7th, 2019 | Jamie Madrox draws out Tombstone and ends up paying for it. A gang war in the making. |
The Deep Chill | December 5th, 2019 | Jamie and Vi tough out the blizzard, dealing with a broken furnace and improvising an indoor fire pit. This may not be up to code. |
Going Snowhere Fast | November 26th, 2019 | Jamie and Vi brave a blizzard and share some uncomfortable truths over coffee and flying staplers. |
That's Not Weird, Is It | November 20th, 2019 | Dazzler and Multiple Man hit the town. They are almost definitely banned from Harlem's Paradise. |
He Looks Kind Of Familiar | November 19th, 2019 | Vi, and a whole lot of Jamie's clean up after a battle in the Xavier's School back yard. |
Looking Down On Everyone | November 19th, 2019 | Jamie takes Vi sight seeing. She ends up employed by X-Factor Investigations. Whoops! |
Winterizing the Roses | November 6th, 2019 | Several residents of Xavier's Institute help Ororo secure her rose gardens for the winter. |
Ruining Someone's Day | November 3rd, 2019 | Jamie reveals to Lorna some troubling information regarding her mother's plane crash |
Unnatural History | October 14th, 2019 | Jamie Madrox and Monet St. Croix meet up in the Natural History Museum. Jamie gets some unexpected assistance. |
A trip to Four Freedoms Plaza | October 13th, 2019 | Reed takes a break and meets some mutants |
Troll Bridge, Schmol Bridge.. | October 10th, 2019 | Dean, Jamie, Morrigan, and Harry find missing homless people captured by fear spirits.. |
Details in the Blood | October 5th, 2019 | Jamie and Selene cross paths at a crime scene. Jamie keeps his blood and Selene gets some extra hands for a Lycan hunt in the making. |
Painkillers and Paychecks | October 2nd, 2019 | Multiple Man finally pays Domino back. No, seriously. He did. For real! Oh, come on... it's true this time! |
A Job for You | September 17th, 2019 | Lorna hires Jamie to look into her mother's plane crash |
Kung-fu showdown! | September 11th, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Xers Go Scouting | September 10th, 2019 | Jamie Madrox, Roberto, Theresa, Sam, Ororo and Kitty go looking for locations in Mutant Town that might be useful to X-Corporation |
Hunting Party: The Contract | August 24th, 2019 | Jamie Madrox offers Domino a job. He brings Armor. Because he owes Dom money still. |
The Cryptid Cakewalk | August 2nd, 2017 | A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground. |
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