Illyana Rasputina (Scenesys ID: 145) | |||
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Quote | |||
"You picked wrong house... Here there be monsters." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Occupation: | The Darkchilde; Queen of Limbo | ||
Citizenship: | Russian Federation | ||
Residence: | Upstate New York; Limbo | ||
Education: | Post-Doctorate Level | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | New Mutants, X-Men, Xavier's School, Mutant-OOC, Mystic Arts-OOC, X-Force | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | Actual Age: | ||
Date of Birth | It's Complicated | Actor: | Anya Taylor-Joy |
Height: | 165 cm (5'5") | Weight: | 59 kg (130 lb) |
Hair Color: | Blonde | Eye Color: | Blue |
Theme Song: | "In All My Dreams I Drown" by Jessica Lowndes & Terrance Zdunich |
Illyana Rasputin is the sister of Piotr, better known as Colossus. She was kidnapped as a child and taken to the the hellish dimension of Limbo where she grew up learning the dark arts while her soul was tainted with black magics. In time she over threw the demon who ruled there to become Queen of Limbo. On Earth, she became the New Mutant codenamed Magik.
Current Player Approved: Available for Application
Of course, any hints of fragility are a lie. Marble wrapped around a blazing fire might be a more accurate statement. Her lithe build isn't quite enough to contain her energy, the honed athleticism in her figure equal to that of a professional dancer. Slim shoulders and long, toned legs counterbalance the absence of height nature gave her. At the moment, she wears a comfortable knit sweater, the rolled collar framing her sharp jawline. Long cuffs stray over her hands, a cutout for her thumb accommodating greater flexibility. Fitted, flexible pants break a sin of fashion: no one should get away with wearing any kind of leather product, but somehow it works for her. Those beaten, tailored pants slink into oil-slick boots strapped to her calves and ankles by a plethora of buckles. Good for cold weather, less for anyone else.
When she was seven years old, she was abducted by Belasco and taken to the Hell like dimension of Limbo. There, he intended to use her to escape that realm and be able to wander on Earth. While there, she was faced torture and abuse even as he tried to teach her about black magic, as time was required for the rituals he needed to perform.
She was helped by alternate universe versions of heroes that existed on Earth. They assisted her in escaping then taught her skills. She learned her mutant ability was controlling the teleportation discs that allowed passage through time and distance. From one, she learned about white magic. From the other, she learned fighting and survival. In time, Belasco would capture her again and she would spend many years at his side. Eventually her friends were lost, one by her own hand after Belasco turned her into an animal who attacked Illyana.
In the end, she turned on him. With the creation of the Soulsword from the pure portion of her soul, she was able to overthrow him and banish him from Limbo. She took her place as ruler and returned to Earth. Only time passed differently in Limbo. While she had gone through 11 years of hell (literally), only a short time had passed on Earth.
Back on Earth, it took time for her to be accepted due to the changes but it happened. She joined the New Mutants at Xavier's School. In time she became friends with her teammates. She went through many adventures with them and through the last few years, she has proven to be a reliable heroine. She also has worked hard on perfecting the use of her powers while constantly increasing her knowledge of magic if she can. Her reason? To try to undo the damage done by Belasco and return the Bloodstones to her soul.
On one hand, she's a young woman who has a loving brother and loyal friends. She tries to use her powers to help fight the good fight. She tries to make the right choices. The troubles in the world resonate with her, especially those struggling to overcome their own inner demons. It may not seem apparent on the surface, but she feels kinship to others resisting difficult circumstances and it's enough to drive her to reckless ends to help them. She hasn't quite come to terms with saving them as a substitute for having no one to save her, and would deny it flat out if asked. Nonetheless, the intervention leading to her escape from Limbo gave Illyana a shaft of light in a dark place. She owes a debt to her first friends there, and responsibility and duty have a powerful influence over the sorceress.
She deeply, almost greedily values her independence, despite coming from a humble, community-focused background. As a result of Belasco's torments, Illyana suffers few fools and her suspicion couples with a certain inflexible pride that might be the death of her one day.
Yet on the other side of the coin is the dark magic that has tainted her soul. Three pieces of her soul have been tainted, leaving only two pure. This darkness urges her to do bad things. It makes her care less about others and more about herself. Without controlling herself, she is arrogant, self-centered, and superior to those around her, a volatile combination. Her corruption makes her want to cross that line, falling into the shadows. Better to rule from below than be subjected to another's yoke from above, she figures, and that seductive call isn't always obvious or clear. Illyana has plenty of experience resisting the darkness of her nature, especially obvious threats. Impulsive actions under fire can trip her up. No matter how well-guarded her mind is, her soul is still tarnished.
Only those she cares about and her own willpower have kept her on the straight and narrow, although once in a while she will stray from that path and need to be brought back.
This is not a form she likes to take and Illyana will avoid it if possible but there are times when it comes in handy due to the enhanced abilities it grants her. When in Darkchilde form, she can lift several tons, is immune to small arms fire and to all forms of heat and fire (natural or otherwise), and possesses the agility, dexterity and reflexes slightly above human maximum. In this form, she has razor sharp teeth and nails, horns on her head, a devil-like tail and has digitigrade legs with cloven hooves. It also tends to tap into that dark side of her soul more which can lead to her being more prone to violence.
Eldritch Armor:
'Eldritch Armor' is the colorful name for the protective armor that forms upon Illyana's body when she draws the Soulsword; when wearing the guise of a human, it will generally present itself only as a sleeve and pauldron for her sword arm, the left. It can, however, grow to cover essentially her entire body no matter the form - she simply tends to keep it largely suppressed.
As protection, the Eldritch Armor is second to none. It protects her from essentially all mundane and most supernatural weapons - even the deadliest blade slides off its surface - and most forms of harmful energy dissipate upon impacting it.
It is less effective at protecting Illyana from crushing blows; she has been knocked unconscious and suffered broken bones even while wearing the full suit, and there are virtually always places of exposed skin where a skilled opponent could land a blow.
In terms of appearance, it is wildly variable - but it is always clearly armor, and always brilliantly shining, reflective metal like the organic steel her brother transforms into.
Illyana has several gifts due to her ruling Limbo and being the wielder of the Soulsword. She has enhanced levels of strength, allowing her to lift up to 500 lbs. but that is with difficulty. She is resistant to damage on about that same level, but she can be cut, stabbed, shot, etc. The only way she can avoid those things is if she is armored. (See Eldritch Armor.)
She has an extreme tolerance for pain and can keep going when a normal person would not be able to. Having been raised for much of her life in a hell dimension has given her experience and she has developed this tolerance from it.
While on Earth, her healing is the same as any other person. However, when in Limbo, she can recover from any injuries far more rapidly. Things that would take weeks will be fixed mere hours there. Also, with her being ruler of that domain and able to manipulate reality while there, she could conceivably be able to regrow limbs.
Pain Tolerance:
Illyana spent the better part of her childhood being tortured and went on to survive grotesque injuries from countless sources during her time as a New Mutant and beyond. She is able to ignore, and to continue functioning, even while experiencing levels of pain that would leave virtually anyone else weeping in a ball. For Illyana, pain is only an issue worth addressing when it is so intense it threatens to send her into shock or unconsciousness.
Psionic Shielding:
Due to the dark magics she was exposed to in her time in Limbo, Illyana's mind is now difficult to affect. Professor Xavier found it difficult to even read her surface thoughts, with Illyana permitting him to do so. If she doesn't want someone in there, they aren't getting in. If she does want to let someone in, they have to be on level with Xavier or Jean Grey to be able to get information.
Illyana detects the flowing pulse of magic around her subconsciously. This is now a reflexive function of her perception, like seeing specific colours. Magical beings and objects have a unique signature, an aura that stands out to her based on their magnitude of power. Active spells burn an impression on her, and by studying the auras of a spell, place or being, she can conceivably learn a great deal about its mystic composition. Sensing magic takes more effort to shut out, making it possible a large working or sudden magical burst can temporarily stun her on Earth.
Illyana is among the most powerful sorcerers ever born of human blood, possessing a level of mastery so profound that in the event of the death or fall of the Earth dimension's sorcerer supreme, she would be a candidate for the role. As it stands, she is sorcerer supreme of Limbo, and within that realm her power is all but unequaled.
As a master sorcerer, Illyana can conjure, control and shape force to bind, to attack; to mold the elements, to create and to shape and puppet items; to bring forth spirits; to create shields and barriers; to form illusions, and more. And, like virtually every sorcerer, can sense and detect the use of magic, and items and beings of a mystical nature.
Her field of specialization, as should be little surprise, are the very blackest sorts of magic. She also has extensive training in White Magic but that doesn't work well for her since most of her soul is tainted at this point. If she tries to use White Magic, she has to modify the spells intensely to get the results she wishes.
(OOC Note: Consent required to sensing magic or seeing through illusions of a magical nature.)
While in Limbo, using a bit of her soul that hadn't been tainted yet, Illyana created a weapon - one of the most devastating magical artifacts ever encountered, the sum and total of her sorcerous might and a symbol of her rulership over Limbo. It can be drawn out of nothing or a teleportation disc in times of need.
The blade is nothing less than anathema to illusions, and to all beings of a magical nature - even the very mightiest of spells break against it as if glass, and used in Limbo it could shatter even the bonds of the great Cyttorak to his avatar. Supernatural entities capable of surviving its brutal applications are rare indeed.
Against mundane matter, it is less effective - but it is still a burning, magical sword of enormous power. It has proven capable of sheering through a Sentinel, and of blocking even high-powered projectile weapons.
When used on living, non-magical beings it will in most case pass through them, triggering a wave of pain so intense that unconsciousness usually follows. It can, however, do profound damage if Illyana so desires it. Thankfully, she generally does not unless moved to extremes of anger.
Illyana's mutant ability is to control them. By subconsciously scanning the entirety of the Limbo dimension, she draws forth discs that link to a specific, determined place and time, to any place and any time.
One of the most powerful (or perhaps the most powerful) teleporters on record, Illyana can move herself - or anyone else - to any location she desires, irrespective of distance and with absolute accuracy, including even very large numbers of people across very large distances - she has, on more than one occasion, traversed interstellar distances. She does not need to journey with someone she teleports and does not need to be present to teleport someone to her, or to an entirely unrelated location.
The discs are conjured forth at, for lack of any better descriptor, 'the speed of thought' and as such are of use even in combat situations - removing projectiles from the field or re-directing them, evacuating civilians, or simply dumping a target into Limbo or several dozen feet into the air.
(Note: Illyana can travel through time, and has done so with distressing regularity, but for obvious reasons, that is a TP only ability.)
Illyana has spent nearly her entire life fighting. From the time she was stolen away to Limbo, her life has been filled with it. She fought to even survive the experience, and eventually killed her once-tutor after she had become a mindless beast controlled by Belasco. As a New Mutant, she gained additional training.
Illyana has no 'style' of combat - it is simply a mixture of different martial arts moves and defenses taught to her combined with the instruction in combat all New Mutants received. In conjunction with her surprising strength, she is capable of inflicting a shocking amount of damage even empty-handed. Like anyone who learned to fight because they had to, Illyana knows how to fight dirty.
She is most dangerous, however, when armed. Illyana's skill as a fencer and swordsman is all but unequaled. She has quite handily defeated Belasco (who has untold centuries of experience), and innumerable demons. She is just as skilled with other bladed and edged weapons, from daggers to axes.
A native speaker of Russian, Illyana is also fluent in English (though she continues to speak it with a noticeable accent). She is also intimately acquainted with virtually every knowledge used in magic today, or at some point in the distant past - Latin, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, and a seemingly endless list of tongues spoken only by demons and other infernal beings.
Although not a skill usually associated with her, Illyana is in fact a fantastic leader - or, at least, a fantastic *monarch*. To direct troops because they have sworn fealty to you or fear your power is a very different thing from inspiring others to follow you because they share your convictions.
She is also a master strategist, but again, her military strategy is appropriate to Limbo.
The dichotomy of her nature between pure soul and demonic corruption puts her constantly on edge. To control her impulses, Illyana studies meditation heavily. She doesn't favour a particular style, employing Buddhist or Dhyana as much as focused or mindfulness-based practices. Using both methods enables her to attain a degree of detachment and clearing her mind of unwanted emotional influences, giving necessary stability to function in high-stress environments. The clarity brought by disassociation helps her to focus her powers and crystallize her will.
Occult Lore:
Having spent most of her childhood being instructed by one of the most infamous demonologists in all of human history, and having advanced beyond even his skill, Illyana's knowledge of the occult is terrifyingly comprehensive. There is vanishingly little she does not know about magic, about the weaving of spells and the destruction thereof, about demons and spirits, about mystical items and artifacts, about strange realms and individuals. Her knowledge of the black arts, in particular, is essentially unrivaled. Additionally, she was trained in White Magic as well. She has the knowledge, but it is difficult for her to use with three-fifths of her soul tainted.
Pain Tolerance:
llyana spent the better part of her childhood being tortured and went on to survive grotesque injuries from countless sources during her time as a New Mutant and beyond. She is able to ignore, and to continue functioning, even while experiencing levels of pain that would leave virtually anyone else weeping in a ball. For Illyana, pain is only an issue worth addressing when it is so intense it threatens to send her into shock or unconsciousness.
Illyana has two brothers but only one of them is someone she can actually count on. Piotr Rasputin, better known as Colossus of the X-Men, is the one she looks to for advice or help. She tries not to. He has enough on his mind. But she can count on him in times of need just as he can count on her.
The demons of Limbo are Illyana's to command. She can summon them to her side through the use of Stepping Discs. Due to her powers and link with Limbo, she will know the precise location of whomever she wishes to summon from that realm even while outside of it.
Most of the demons she can summon are simply brawlers. Their strength and durability are in the range of peak human. The next level would be more super human, with strength and resistance in the five-ton range. At ten tons, they have the ability to wield fire powers and the intelligence to use weapons such as swords. They work upward exponentially with the strongest wielding both magic, intelligence, and great strength on par with some of the strongest beings on Earth. She can summon as many from her realm as she wishes, depending on the situation.
(Note: Anything above the ten ton range must be approved by staff before being used or be in relation to a TP. They will not be used to overwhelm a scene with sheer numbers because that wouldn't be fun for anyone. That will only happen in special circumstances with approval from players and/or staff.)
Illyana is ruler - varyingly Sorcerer Queen, Demon Queen, etc. - of the nightmarish dimension most frequently referred to as 'Limbo,' a place frequently identified as Hell by those who have survived it. It isn't Hell, but it is populated by a seemingly endless number of demons as foul as anyone who might be encountered there.
Limbo connects to all places, to all times, and time within it passes very differently than in the material world - days can pass in Limbo while mere seconds elapse on Earth.
As ruler of Limbo, Illyana has complete control over this realm. She can change the landscape with a thought. She can create things out of thin air or dismiss them into nothing with the same ease. Additionally, she commands the demons that live there. (See separate entry for information on the types of demons.)
New Mutants:
The second group of students to come out of Xavier's Institute were known by the group name the New Mutants. Illyana was a member of this group, having joined after returning from her extended time in Limbo. She is close to all of the members as friends and even perhaps as an extended family. Even if they didn't always get along, they still watched out for each other. Although they have all grown up now, they still can rely on each other for help when needed.
Occult Items:
Through her years in Limbo and on Earth pursuing her magical arts, Illyana has a wide range of items that she can use as resources. From unusual ingredients to arcane texts that have been believed to be lost in time. With the defeat of Belasco, she inherited his library of books on all magics. All of these things, other than the more common items, are stored in Limbo under many spells to prevent them from being tampered with by others. (Note: While she may have the knowledge, she won't be pulling out obscure magical items without a TP or Staff Okay.)
This powerful being is the one who kidnapped Illyana and took her to Limbo. His hope was to use her soul to escape that realm and run free on Earth. He trained her in dark magics as his apprentice, expecting her to eventually take her place serving the Elder Gods. He failed. For this, he has never forgiven Illyana who banished him from that realm after defeating him in battle. He managed to get three of the five pieces he had needed for his plan and he would like to gain the others. Additionally, revenge would be sweet.
The reason that Illyana was taken by Belasco was in order to break her soul apart into five pieces, creating Bloodstones that would be placed into an amulet. This would allow him to come to the Earth unhindered. During her time in Limbo, he managed to get three of the Bloodstones drawn from her before he was defeated and cast out of Limbo. This means that three pieces of Illyana's soul are now tainted with dark magic. Only two pieces are still pure. Should she lose all of her soul, she would become entirely demonic. At this time, she has not found a way to restore the Bloodstones to their original state and remove the taint from her soul, despite her vast occult knowledge. She will continue to try.
Illyana has two older brothers: Mikhail and Piotr. She loves them both but is much closer to Piotr, as Mikhail was already an adult when she was born. She cares for her family, even if Mikhail makes bad choices. For Piotr, she will do anything, and she can be manipulated by someone threatening him.
Illyana's mutant ability is to control the Teleportation Discs that are a part of Limbo. When she uses a disc to teleport to a location, she has to teleport through Limbo to do so. If she is somehow blocked from reaching Limbo, her teleportation powers would be useless. Additionally, it can be somewhat disconcerting for anyone teleporting with her, despite the teleportation being almost instantaneous, since they are essentially being teleported to hell and back out again.
Lost Years:
Time in Limbo moves differently from Earth. When Illyana was taken, she was seven years old. She spent eight years in Limbo, during which time she aged naturally. When she managed to escape to Earth, she returned within minutes of her disappearance (albeit an entire continent away). Everyone remembered a seven-year old girl, but they were faced with a young adult, an angry one at that. It took some convincing but in time it was accepted as to what had happened. Needless to say, this has made for some complications and a need for false documentation since her birth certificate differs from how she looks.
The Soulsword is a versatile weapon that gives many abilities. However, despite it being shaped as a sword, it doesn't work like one in the usual sense. It cannot be used as a stabbing weapon against a non-magical being. It can be used to stab someone who is human, for example, but it will only cause them pain or knock them out. There will be no actual wound to their bodies. She cannot kill a non-magical being with it at all.
Having three pieces of her soul tainted as they were turned into Bloodstones, Illyana's no longer the person she was when she was kidnapped. Now, she has more darkness in her than good. It is the fact that she was such a pure soul that she manages to still do as much good as she does, her sheer willpower overcoming that darkness. Most of the time. Unfortunately, that side of her is always there and draws her like a moth to a flame though she does her best to resist. Additionally, to those who can sense such things, she would be tainted with dark magics.
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Log 15975 | January 16th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Log 15937 | December 31st, 2023 | Summary needed |
Never Forget to Cover Your Food | November 7th, 2023 | Illyana and Tabitha share a late meal and life lessons. |
We're going to accomplish grand things together | November 3rd, 2023 | Investigating the case of the spontaneously appearing heir to an old money fortune turns into beseeching the legendary mutant freedom fighter Mystique for aid. |
Social Justice GTA | October 18th, 2023 | Tabitha, Illyana, and Kitty. |
First There Were Three | September 15th, 2023 | A difficult conversation is made all the more challenging by powerful movie references. |
All Crime Is To Be Taken Seriously | August 28th, 2023 | The X-Men respond to a TRAFFIC EMERGENCY caused by a DANGEROUS MUTANT MERCENARY. |
A Storm on the Horizon | August 24th, 2023 | Illyana enters Storm's attic to catch up with an old friend. |
kate | August 3rd, 2023 | Illyana and Kate. |
Talk of the Future | August 1st, 2023 | Betsy corners Illyana and talks to her about X-Force, and shows her the unsettling vision of the future. The two come to an agreement. |
Log 15288 | July 3rd, 2023 | Magneto. |
Log 15279 | July 1st, 2023 | Summary needed |
The Magnetic Storm | June 28th, 2023 | After an explosive incident in Madripoor, Magneto, Magik, Boom Boom, and Psylocke investigate and discover a lead to Cairo |
Log 15236 | June 20th, 2023 | Zealot. |
More Power is Always Possible | June 2nd, 2023 | Illyana summons the Avatar of Cyttorak to a business meeting. |
Tea Time in Limbo | April 13th, 2023 | Illyana and Wanda catch up for tea. It is Tea Time in Limbo. Not Tee Time in Limbo. Golf is next week. Next week in Limbo is in the year 3572. |
An Encounter From Hell | March 23rd, 2023 | What happens when Magik's bathroom door leads to.. a Meth Lab in Gotham that is being raided by the Red Hood? Mayhem. And, perhaps, some common ground. |
Its a Sleeper.. | March 17th, 2023 | Mysterious revelations are realized after tending to one of the rescued kids from the mountains. |
Coney Island has that DAWG in it | March 12th, 2023 | Mindless Ones attack Coney Island. Illyana Rasputina and Wanda Maximoff take exception to this. Well, they at least stop it. Even if they do not understand the allure of hot dogs. |
This isn't Hogwarts... | August 25th, 2021 | Summary needed |
It's been a while | August 4th, 2021 | Summary needed |
Tech Rat vs. Dark Mage | July 12th, 2021 | A train trip leads to disaster after two mutants try to hijack it..Luckily heroes save the day. |
Mischief Loves Company | June 28th, 2021 | Megan Illyana and Remy discover a spooky bookstore. |
A dangerous experiment! | June 8th, 2021 | Illyana catches Megan attempting a dangerous ritual and decides to continue her magic lessons. |
Wizard for Hire | May 19th, 2021 | Illyana came looking for the wizard to find something for her. Harry agreed to take the job. Easy yet professional conversation about the missing necklace. |
Into the Batlands: Martyrs (2) | April 27th, 2021 | It's a Riot!! Critical members of the X-Men cause and stop a riot in it's tracks. |
Fighting evil by Moonlight. She is the one name Sailer-Pool! | April 7th, 2021 | A clue appears! |
Dimensional screwups | March 19th, 2021 | Summary needed |
The Cure: Search and Rescue | February 10th, 2021 | The Xmen locate and infiltrate DAMT headquarters. Afamiliar adversary rises from the shadows.. |
The Cure: Message of Hope | January 31st, 2021 | Various mutants and heroes show up at starlight clinic to hear Dr Brightman's message of an antidote. Xmen stop an attempted assassination. |
The Cure: The Antidote | January 18th, 2021 | Various heroes team up to stop the Reavers from assassinating Dr Brightman and his family. Meanwhile, Beast steaks through a forest. |
The Cure: Assault on Mutant Town! | January 4th, 2021 | The Xmen intercept an attack on mutant protestors by DAMT. |
Christmas at the Club | December 20th, 2020 | A few friends have a Christmas gathering at club Evo. |
An official Introduction | December 12th, 2020 | Megan invites Conner and Illy for lunch and they catch up on stuff. |
Rampant Rumours on the Rampage | November 20th, 2020 | Superboy, Pixie and Magick step in to stop some violence among teens in mutant town. |
Catching up with friends. | October 30th, 2020 | Sam, James, and Illyana catch up with one another. |
Getting Ready for Halloween! | October 29th, 2020 | Some Xavier students get together to prepare for Halloween! |
Magical Bookworms | October 13th, 2020 | Illy returns. Megan is surprised. |
Let's do the Limbo (DR session) | April 30th, 2020 | Danger Room antics happen! |
When Ramsey met Piotr-y | February 14th, 2020 | It could have gone much, much worse. |
Never Trust Google Maps | February 10th, 2020 | No one breaks in. No one dies. Just some ancient fish! |
Log 11037 | February 10th, 2020 | THIS IS MY OUTCOME! |
Angel in the Snow.. | February 5th, 2020 | A snowy miracle is interrupted by unexpected visitors. |
Routine Practice Patrol...yeah, right! | January 28th, 2020 | Illyana, Gwendolyn, and Shannon fight pirates stealing Stark Technology! |
Girls Night Out! | January 28th, 2020 | Pixie and friends sneak into an exclusive rock concert. |
Reunion of Snowflakes and Steel | January 28th, 2020 | Big brothers are best brothers. |
After All The Mud Has Been Washed Off | January 27th, 2020 | Colossus' cooking draws quite a crowd. Life, classes, frustrations, and birthday plans are discussed. |
Panic at the Disco! | January 25th, 2020 | Panic attacks. Resolutions. Tomorrow, tomorrow. |
Science or Magic - You Decide! | January 24th, 2020 | Summary needed |
Something Sketchy Going On At The Sanctum | January 21st, 2020 | Sketchy business going on here. |
Sanctum Visits | January 20th, 2020 | It's a busy night at Sanctum Santoroum. |
Chatting and maybe a movie. | January 19th, 2020 | The new student is met and may have a new room mate. |
Friend New Mutants edition. | January 18th, 2020 | and a double date may happen |
Surviving Infinity: That's What Friends Are For | January 17th, 2020 | Thor comes to Xavier's seeking help in the quest to bring Tony Stark and Captain Rogers home. Shannon, Bean, Sam Guthrie, Illyana, and Kurt answer the call. Plans are made. |
He Can Do Everything, But He Can't Cook | January 9th, 2020 | Doug thinks he can cook. Spoilers: He can't. |
Slow Boat to China | January 8th, 2020 | All by themselves, alone |
Danger Room Mock Disaster | January 6th, 2020 | Warren sets up a scenario for the students to train and practice first aid in - they escalate it into a full blown ocean rescue! |
Log 10643 | January 5th, 2020 | Cyclops is not eaten by a gummy bear. Remy, Illyana, Shannon, and Pixie save the children! But not from the earworm! |
Selling Dreams, Buying Hope | January 4th, 2020 | One new mutant had. One problem in Scotland to resolve. |
A Hellish Game of Horse | January 2nd, 2020 | Multiple Man meets up with Magik to ask about a case he's working. She ends up hiring herself to X-Factor... Jamie agrees. Wisely. |
What Are You Doing On New Year's Eve | December 31st, 2019 | Magik and Cypher ring in the new year. |
In The Bleak Midwinter | December 30th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Battling Fafnir | December 29th, 2019 | The great dragon Fafnir attacked Midgard. While he was defeated and sent, not back to his own realm, but Limbo...both the Sorceress Illyana and the Hulk also entered Limbo with him. |
Morning at the apartment | December 28th, 2019 | cooking maybe learned, and Doug has how towel moment. |
She's Always A Woman | December 26th, 2019 | Doug and Illyana take a swing at the Night Hag, and miss. |
Christmas in Hell (Adjace) | December 25th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Hello Up There! | December 25th, 2019 | Some Xavier students meet on the roof patio of Xavier's School - then more come, talking about flying, Christmas, small dragons, and the like. |
A Blue Christmas | December 24th, 2019 | Twinkies were had by some, and Christmas was had by all |
All I Want For Christmas... | December 24th, 2019 | Friends make friendly plans and everything is disgustingly sweet. Or EVIL! Okay, not evil. |
Midnight in the Limbo of Good and Evil | December 21st, 2019 | Summary needed |
Like A Ridley Scott Protagonist | December 15th, 2019 | Galactic distances don't mean much to a dimension-hopping sorceress. |
Muddy Birthday | December 12th, 2019 | Rogue beat EVERYONE in a mud wrestling birthday blowout for her 21st birthday. From a wayward Gothamite to a giant harry pokemon man, to a created-from-lube Kitty Pryde and more. What a crazy time! |
Toys on Rockefeller | December 11th, 2019 | Some of the local New Yorkers work together on a children's toy drive. |
Where We Come Alive | December 8th, 2019 | The remains of the day will be a mess. |
DR-Gwendoyn - 01 | December 6th, 2019 | And an interesting time is had by all. |
Monetary Chaos | December 2nd, 2019 | Lorna has a chat with Roberto |
Log 10258 | November 30th, 2019 | Summary needed |
New Hope Shelter Charity Ball | November 30th, 2019 | A Holiday Charity With A Sharp Point. |
Putting the Ack in Black Friday | November 29th, 2019 | Shopping goes well. Instantpot is purchased. No one is dead, except a boat and a manager's pride. |
Whoosh! | November 28th, 2019 | No one got shot. Another night, maybe not so lucky! |
Staff Assessment | November 22nd, 2019 | Illyana assists Shannon in determining her staff from the night of the protection spell no longer has magic in it, and marks it with a symbol to make it uniquely Shannon's. Coffee and Christmas are discussed. Look out, Colossus! |
Relaxing in the Rec Room | November 22nd, 2019 | Good coffee, good company, good times all around! Featuring Andrea, Illyana, Gwendolyn, Megan, Brad, Nathaniel, and Shannon! |
Walkies in the Park | November 15th, 2019 | Taking dogs for a walk in the park. It turns out that two Russians and one very strange pupper are indicative of murder, despair and... glowing balls? |
The Trickster's Mess, part 4 | October 21st, 2019 | Illyana and Shannon discuss the nature of the magic on Loki's pendant, and the possibility of the gift's restoration. |
Rasputin Times Two | October 2nd, 2019 | Piotr has returned to the mansion. |
Blood and Ichor: So Noisy | September 24th, 2019 | A bloody teenage mage shows up on the edge of school grounds. |
X-MEN: Dino Crisis | September 18th, 2019 | The X-Men arrive at a Science Outpost in the Savage Land to find out why the outpost went dark. Turns out they were being kidnapped by a mysterious band of mercenaries in the jungle who were riding dinosaurs. After being rescued from a convoy of heavily armored trucks, the scientists said they had no idea who these people were or why they were snatched! |
Demon War and VHS Tapes and a Puppy too | September 9th, 2019 | Illyana recruits Rogue to aide her with a demon rebellion in Limbo. It goes pretty well, as far as such a thing can go! |
Strange things are afoot at the Sanctum Zootorum | September 6th, 2019 | Summary needed |
It is a numbers game | September 4th, 2019 | Illyana comes to see Doug and they watch Highlander, talk about life, and agree to go out. Fin. |
Magik 101 | September 3rd, 2019 | Illyana begins teaching the basics of Mystic Arts to Megan. |
The Savage Sword of... Cypher | August 30th, 2019 | Between the ages when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the Sons of Aryas... |
Couch with no name | August 28th, 2019 | Rogue and Illyana talk weird shadow creatures and eternal youth. A demon chews his toes. Fin. |
Girl's Night! | August 26th, 2019 | After a night on the town with friends and |
Fables of the Deconstruction | August 22nd, 2019 | You don't live through heartache, but you can live with it. |
Really, Sam | August 21st, 2019 | Summary needed |
That Sucks For You | August 21st, 2019 | Illyana discusses feelings and murder with the Wolverine. |
Light a Fire | August 17th, 2019 | Magik, Psylocke, Rogue and Shadowcat respons to an attack on a mutant commune. They save the residents from some very pious military types and cyborgs. |
Souvenirs | August 17th, 2019 | Illyana and Betsy unwind after saving lives. |
Undercurrents: Cleaning Up | August 13th, 2019 | Magik has had enough of Hook dealers in Bushwick. Pixie sees Magik at work and meets MD12. A message is sent. |
Music Heals All | August 12th, 2019 | Brian, Illyana, Wanda and Josh head out to Evolution to hang out, be awkward and avoid anyone getting stabbed. |
On your Lawn, scaring your Newbies | August 11th, 2019 | Shannon meets Deadpool.... and so do a lot of other characters! Pure fun and chattiness! |
So... I am having you a gift, huh | August 5th, 2019 | Betsy comes home after her party to get Illyana's gift. Real talk follows. |
Took a wrong turn at Albuquerque | August 5th, 2019 | Pixie accidentally teleports to Limbo... Illyana arrives to bring her home and make an unrefusable offer. |
There's Trouble At The Mill! | August 2nd, 2019 | Damian calls Kitty, bleeding out after a demon attack. Illyana teleports him to the X-men medical bay, where Josh heals him. |
Red Alert! | July 29th, 2019 | Beast, Jubilee, Magik and Elixir grab and interrogate the man who tipped off cyborgs before the mutant bus attack. They turn him over to police. Elixir has a startling revelation about Magik's world and kills a small demon. Jubilee shields Elixir and Magik leaves. |
So Now She Can Drink | July 25th, 2019 | Shannon and Kitty have the same birthday, and their friends at the school, old and new both, help turn it into a special day |
School's out for magic | July 24th, 2019 | Illyana and Negasonic chase a hell creature through the mansion... and then talk about killing humans. Par for the course. |
Bad Day | July 24th, 2019 | Illyana has a bad day that turns into a worse six months. |
Happy Butterfly Day | July 21st, 2019 | Betsy celebrates a happy birthday at the Hellfire Club, completely disregarding liquor licensing laws! |
Lazy Day | July 20th, 2019 | Illyana and Betsy hang out on the couch and discuss the 'Podruzhka Opyt'. |
People Are Talkin'. Talkin' Bout People. | July 17th, 2019 | Rogue One, cheesy puffs and a dragon. What else could Illyana, Rogue and Kitty ask for? Right! Ice cream! Doug to the rescue. |
Medical Magik | July 17th, 2019 | Magik recovers in the Medical Bay from over-exertion in the Danger Room. She does not kill or maim Elixir, but makes no promises Pixie will come out of things alright. |
Stranger Danger! | July 17th, 2019 | Pixie and Illyana train in the danger room, but the program gets a bit out of control, and Illyana collapses. |
Just another day in the life | July 16th, 2019 | Illyana and Doug have a moment. Betsy shows up and they all three have a moment. Then Betsy and Illyana have a moment. Three moments. |
Coffee, Cream and Cytosine | July 16th, 2019 | A little chatting in the kitchen. And pizza. And vodka and cranberry. |
Summer By The Lake | July 16th, 2019 | Kitty, Betsy, Illyana, Josh, Lorna, Megan, Pietro, Sunspot, Samuel and Siryn come by the boathouse, and some go out sailing together on the Lake |
Protect Xavier's: The Mission Briefing | July 14th, 2019 | Ororo, Illyana and Kurt meet with Wanda to plan missions for recovering items needed for the protection spell for Xavier's |
Limbo - Just a jump to the left. | July 13th, 2019 | Two people thinking about each other meet up... then go to hell. |
Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old) | July 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Do You Do Anything Other Than Swim | July 12th, 2019 | Illyana and Betsy try to come to terms with changes and what is left behind. |
Do All Pools Have Glass Sharks | July 11th, 2019 | Illyana, Sam, and Betsy relax by the pool. Sam shares the details of his leather hobby. |
Burgers Make Better | July 11th, 2019 | Illyana, Alison, Theresa and Scott have burgers and very filling salad sandwiches in the backyard. |
Sentinels: Having Sentinels In The Scene Name Is Foreboding, Isn't It | July 10th, 2019 | Illyana, Roberto, Beast and Scott save a civil rights activist from mercenaries of the Black Dragon tong |
Demons and horses are basically the same | July 10th, 2019 | Illyana appears covered in blood. Betsy tries to get her presentable and then lets the Queen of Limbo terrify children. |
Crack Open a Cold One | July 9th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Mystic is just english for made up | July 9th, 2019 | Illyana is unintentionally summoned by nefarious means. Then sits with Zatanna over wine to discuss magic, preformance, and limbo. |
Limbo - A social call | July 9th, 2019 | Samuel comes looking for Illyana and the discuss ethics. |
Summer Days and Rooftops | July 8th, 2019 | Ororo hands out tea and scones to both Illyana and Lorna. A discussion about the complications of the world ensues. |
Back at It | July 1st, 2019 | A day in the life at Xavier's School |
New Student Testing BM-1 | June 23rd, 2019 | Blinkdog learns a bit about his powers. |
Tag. You're It. | June 19th, 2019 | Black Alice manages to chase down an artifact she lost to a demon without being smote by the X-Men who mostly seemed confused. |
Poking Around | June 17th, 2019 | The police show up to ask some questions at Xavier's. |
Slinging Mud | June 15th, 2019 | A group of X-students take on pottery lessons! Clay gets... places. Dogs drop out of nowhere. Life goes on. Just another day at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. |
Working the soil | June 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Maximoffs Come Calling | June 11th, 2019 | Wanda and Pietro visit Xavier's School to offer a magic protection spell to Lorna, Illyana and Emma. Rogue has a waterfight, |
So You Got Detention... | June 6th, 2019 | Steve, Janet and Tony visit Xavier's school and meet the students and staff for a cookout and then a motorcycle race against Cap. Doug Ramsey wins! |
Blonde Sorceress needs Sustenance! | June 5th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Too pool for school | June 4th, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Water's Fine | June 1st, 2019 | Illyana and Kitty have a soak in the school pool and discuss earthquakes, flowers and thrown pillows. |
Night Terrors | May 28th, 2019 | Kally gets a surprise visit from Charles and Illyana |
Meeting the (new | May 26th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Evening in the Gardens | May 23rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Shhh In The Library | May 23rd, 2019 | J'onn, Illyana, Kitty and Kaydin have introductions in the library, and there is talk about rescuing Rogue's mother |
Kentucky Fried Get together | May 20th, 2019 | Samuel's fried chicken draws a bevy of students and staff |
The Price of Magic: You're Not Alone | May 2nd, 2019 | Illyana and Sam catch up but they have a spy in their midst. Magic always has a cost. |
Opinions from the Dark side. | April 10th, 2019 | Samuel talks to Illyana about a public mutant hero team, while Kitty asks a big favor of Illyana |
A Bunch of Weird Folks Walk Into Bar... | March 28th, 2019 | Magik, Hellboy, Willow, and John Constantine all head to McAnally's introductions are made, drinks are had, and more is sure to come of it all. |
The Golden Girl | March 9th, 2019 | Scott puts Rogue through a Danger Room session focusing on stealth. Which is interrupted by Illyana arriving with an allegedly possessed doll. |
Kitty Loses An Argument with Piotr's Door | February 14th, 2019 | Kitty argues with Piotr only to find it isn't Piotr. Illyana delivers a gift. Sam and Rahne talk business. |
Where You Goin With a Head Like That | February 9th, 2019 | The search for the head continues! Illyana finds Sam and Rachel and someone is gonna die! (Not in this scene but soon!) |
Hey, you, look at this corpse! | February 8th, 2019 | Illyana takes a gander at the corpse, and we find out that we lost Iceman's head. |
Learning. | January 24th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Up in Flames, Down in Ashes. | January 20th, 2019 | Some New Mutants, Teachers and Advisors are there for the rescue of a family in need! |
Strangers in the Medlabs. | January 14th, 2019 | A few more people learn about Doctor Strange in the medlab and go to investigate the situation. |
BlackSleep (Pied Piper) Coming to a Head | January 5th, 2019 | The mystics gather together to go face the demon behind the #BlackSleep |
Informative Friendly Visitation | January 4th, 2019 | Magic users meet to discuss the #BlackSleep epidemic. |
Pied Piper: Souvenirs and Flowers | December 30th, 2018 | Majik and Cannonball grab Erika for parental rescue and questioning. |
White Prince meets Hell Princess. | December 29th, 2018 | Illyana is on the trail of a missing imp (![]() |
Vacation Blues | December 29th, 2018 | A casual meeting in the Rec Room during the Christmas break drives home some truths to Emma, and opens up lines of conversation in unexpected places. |
Pied Piper: Hospital Tests | December 22nd, 2018 | Sam, Wanda and Illyana have a thought for the sleepers. Illyana tries the Soulsword. The spell can be broken. Yet there are thousands still afflicted so this cure is not feasible for all. |
Look Who Came to Dinner | December 21st, 2018 | Magik discovers Emma in Xavier's mansion and assumptions are made - by both parties. |
Pied Piper: Trial And Error | December 18th, 2018 | Sam and Illyana seek out Magneto to ask questions about the Black Sleep. They meet the Scarlet Witch while there. |
Consultation in the Kitchen | December 13th, 2018 | Illyana learns about Sam's offer and considers the one made for her. Doctor McCoy returns to the school! |
Coming Home | December 8th, 2018 | Sam Guthrie returns to the school and finds an old teammate who recently did the same |
Old Injuries | December 6th, 2018 | Illyana come to find a teacher to talk about the events at StockGen. They stir up painful memories for Andrea. |
When Nature Calls | December 5th, 2018 | At a Stockgen press release a lot of things are learned, and ahhh! Monsters! |
Astral Flux: A Fistful of Dollars | September 15th, 2018 | Emma hosts a card game at the Hellfire Club to determine the winner of her bet with John. Everyone but Zatanna cheats. Emma wins.. because Illyana lets her? |
A Snowflake In Hell | September 9th, 2018 | Who said Hell's Kitchen's nightlife wasn't booming? |
Doomed Intrigue | September 9th, 2018 | Discussions in the Hellfire Club are interesting when Doctor Doom and the White Knight are involved. |
Night out in Hell's Kitchen | August 20th, 2018 | Summary needed |
The False Messiah and the Sorceress | August 14th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Magic in the Flute | August 12th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Stranger Meetings | August 12th, 2018 | Finding his attempts to recruit Dresden, Doctor Strange finds himself rebutted yet again. |
Midnight Dinner | August 11th, 2018 | Wanda and the House of Mystery host a dinner for any and all of the arcane and mystical sort (and Billy Batson too!). All meet peacefully and enjoy. Wanda brings up an idea she has for a Cirque Nuit to mixed results. Dinner is declared a success and all are invited back again to the next one. |
Midnight Rendezvous with Magik! | August 5th, 2018 | A wrong turn takes Cindy to where Illyana is summoning a demon-pet. |
A Healthy Diet | August 1st, 2018 | A few of Xavier's folks happen upon each other in the back yard. |
Strangers on Strange tidings | July 29th, 2018 | Lines are drawn, and allegiances tested, will everyone pass? |
Allies of Allies | July 26th, 2018 | Left alone to their own devices, Illyana and Shredder hold light conversation. Warnings may have been given regarding allies and enemies. |
Dragon Ball... Selene | July 26th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Drinking on a Wednesday. | July 26th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Forming Alliances! | July 24th, 2018 | Illyana awakes after being in the Med Bay all day; Boris joins her and doesn't remember her from yesterday's experience. |
A visit to the med bay | July 24th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Dancing with the Devil | July 23rd, 2018 | A cursed sword of Belasco leads Illyana's darker personality to take control. Boris, Logan, and Scott intercept. Colossus is called and delivers his sister to the Med Bay. |
Stalking Is Illegal! | July 23rd, 2018 | Illyana seeks help from a... dancer, who turns out to be Jennifer Kale. A trip to Limbo and Belasco's sword comes into the picture, and then Darkchilde appears! |
Dark Revelations | July 22nd, 2018 | Illyana's summoning spell in the park is interrupted by a very unlucky Tom. |
Deal with the devil | July 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Magik of the Moment | January 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Maam There Are Nazis In Your Bed | October 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Ladies of Limbo, FIGHT! -- Er, Reunite! | October 8th, 2017 | Ladies of Limbo, FIGHT! -- Er, Reunite! |
Hisako Ichiki and the Suppurating Arm Wound | September 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Irresponsibility | September 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
An X-men Wedding | August 18th, 2017 | Two X-Men getting married... what could go wrong? EVERYTHING! |
Paris: An X-Men Wedding | August 18th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Mutants | August 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Good Idea | July 28th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Brave Man Dies But Once | July 22nd, 2017 | No one told Dani that Doug was back! |
The Importance of Being Infernalist | July 20th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log | July 20th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Weird Tales of the X-Men: The Witch and the Weirdo | July 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log | June 26th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Problems I've had a Few | June 12th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log | May 26th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Math Ain't Easy | May 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Sparkles in Daylight | May 21st, 2017 | Magneto is introduced to the more casual life at Xavier's. |
Movie Night | May 18th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Schoooool's Out, For EVER | May 16th, 2017 | Poolside shenanigans, ending mostly with Havok ruining everything for everyone. |
Rec Room Shenanighans | May 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Meeting the Students | May 10th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Day At a Time | May 10th, 2017 | Summary needed |
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