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Lytle (Scenesys ID: 1081)
"This isn't as easy as it looks."
Full Name: Lytle Robinson Force
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 23 June 2010 Actor:
Height: 155 cm Weight: 61 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


A metahumn whose metabolism has been altered by ingesting an alien plant. He has no real way to hide his appearance, so has become a publicly known hero.



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Lytle's greatest power is his ability to absorb energy. He can absorb nearly any type and quantity of energy, and the energy he absorbs he can use to boost his other powers. His absorption powers make him immune to Heat, Light, Impact, Electricity, Particle Beams, and any number of other common effects. This power is specific though, it will not help him against cold, against chemical and biological attacks, against power drains, or even against being crushed after the initial impact. He actually tends to hide how this power works as best he can, to prevent people from realizing his weaknesses. He can only absorb things that would impact him, so while he could stop a train by standing in front of it and letting it hit him, he could not stop a train rushing past him that was not going to hit him. He could put out a fire by touching where it is burning (the actual point of combustion, not the flames), could even possibly absorb an atomic blast by being at ground zero. He can use the energy he absorbs like a battery to power and even supercharge his metabolism. He can take his laser vision, normally only about strong enough to hit like a light handgun, and amp it to cut through steel or channel the laser scan to bypass physical space to scan of the other side of a building. He can boost his flying so as to soar through the air with ease and great speed. He can also use his boosting to perform feats of great strength such as lifting up a train engine. The trick is, he only has as much energy to work with as he has absorbed. When that stored energy is gone, it remains gone (though he can absorb more). He does absorb such things as dangerous environmental levels of UV or heat, but the amount of energy generated through Activities of Daily Living is minimal (it would take weeks to get enough energy to lift up a car off the ground once).


Lytle has the ability to channel the kinetic energy within his body to allow him to fly. It is not easy, he personally describes it as like sprinting while carrying your own weight over your head. Sprinting, because he can not fly at less than about 30 miles an hour. He more often uses this power other ways, like to increase his running speed, jumping distance, and how hard he can hit, when he is relying on his own metabolic energies.


This ability sets him apart from the rest of the world, the physical changes to his eyes that allow him to internally produce coherent light are incredibly complex and result in the abnormal appearance of his eyes. He has a number of stunts he can do with his eyes. He can produce a damaging laser pulse, can accurately scan an area or object to know exactly where it is relative to him, can project holographic images (which are monochrome due to the nature of holographs), can produce blinding light, or can hypnotize someone by looking into their eyes (this last tends to require cooperation, and is actually hypnosis not mind control...meaning people can not be made to do something they are not willing to is more used to help people remember things). His sense of sight is a bit odd by human standards, it took him some time to get used to it after the change.


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Ok, so here you have a guy who can literally move his body around in mid air. He has the potential to be a great acrobat, possibly better than anyone who can not fly, right? Well that is true, but the key word is potential, he did not really start training as an acrobat until after he came into his powers though and has years of training ahead to fully reach that potential.


If you are going to have a cape, you need to know how to use it...that is Lytle's philosophy. He can use the cape in a number of ways, not only does he never trip on it or get it caught in doors, but he can use it to distract, disarm, feint, strike, trip, choke, block, and bind. It is a potent weapon few heroes master. It is especially handy against those who do not expect a cape to be a weapon...though that means it is best used by surprise...even without surprise though, it is a useful tool often overlooked.


Aside from his cape and acrobatics skills, Lytle is only moderately skilled in combat. He relies more on his Laser Vision than he possibly should, and is WAY more likely to rely on his ability to take an attack than is good for him. If something were to cancel out his powers, he would be in deep trouble (at least for a while).


Lytle has a special cape he can use to glide with, it helps out considerably with his flight as well, both with maneuvering and by letting him provide propulsion in short bursts and glide between times. It takes practice to glide with a cape, and he is pretty good at it.


Drop Lytle anywhere on the planet where a person can survive naked for a month, and he WILL survive. He is an expert at obtaining food, finding water, building tools, and knowing how to avoid dangerous animals.


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The family is full of active metahumans, though most of them act behind the scenes. It is possible to call in help from other members of the family who may happen to be nearby (though that is more likely if you happen to be in Canada).


He has no idea what it is made of, but it is nearly indestructible and designed to be used for gliding and battle. Clearly it is the product of some inventive genius, but he does not know who. It was provided for him, he probably could not replace it if it were lost or stolen.


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As noted in absorption, there are things that can not be absorbed. Any form of negative energy such as Cold or Darkforce not only can not be absorbed, but actually drains stored energy from him. This does provide him with some defense against such things, as the stored power tends to be cancel out part of the negative energy...but it only PARTLY cancels it (roughly half damage from such attacks) while disproportionately draining him (loses about twice as much energy as he cancels).


Lytle's powers come from an alien plant, possibly a relative of the Larimus Parnae plant mentioned in one specific comic. The plant has permeated his body and become symbiotic with him, which has a lot to do with his unusual skin color. It is possible for someone to target the plant, say with herbicides, and weaken or even remove his powers. It is unlikely a metahuman would survive having the plant removed and rejoining, so such a removal of powers would probably be permanent.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Just Practicing October 21st, 2017 A little talk in the woods
X-Force October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Where Nightmares Are Made September 27th, 2017 Several students from Xavier's find themselves in an unexpected conflict
Apokolips Now: Justifiable Violence September 23rd, 2017 One of Apokolips' Generals arrives to capture mutants for conversion to the Apokoliptian Army.
Apokolips Now: The War Begins September 16th, 2017 The forces of Apokolips begin to arrive; Metropolis is the landing point for Ground Zero.
A Day in the Life... September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
into the sewers September 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Intergang Gotham September 2nd, 2017 Intergang hits the Gotham First National Bank. All hell breaks loose. So do many heroes, and the GCPD.
Traffic Jam September 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
The Root of the Problem August 6th, 2017 Catwoman goes looking for Poison Ivy. Robin and Lytle find her as well, or rather...Ivy finds them.
Enemies of Mutantkind August 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Just Another Bank Robbery July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
strange visitor from another country July 7th, 2017 Summary needed


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