Joker (Scenesys ID: 11) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die." - Mel Brooks | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Patient #0801 (Real Name Unknown) | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Theme: | DC (VFC) | ||
Occupation: | Professional criminal | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Ha-Hacienda (West Chelsea Hill, Old Gotham) | ||
Education: | Unknown | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | Gotham-OOC, Street Level-OOC, Batman Family, Hench | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | Actual Age: | ||
Date of Birth | 1 August | Actor: | Heath Ledger |
Height: | 196 cm (6'5") | Weight: | 87 kg (191 lb) |
Hair Color: | Green | Eye Color: | Green |
Theme Song: | "Chemical Warfare" by Dead Kennedys |
An irredeemable charismatic madman who has fashioned himself a criminal kingpin. His history is an enigma, with conflicting evidence on all sides making it impossible to discern the truth of what created this thing. What is known comes from the rapsheet on file with the GCPD.
Dozens of homicides vehicular and otherwise, biological and economic terrorism, extortion, jaywalking, racketeering, home invasion, kidnapping, mail fraud, the list is longer then the Gotham City Phonebook. All that discounting the efforts taken on his behalf by others.
Through it all he's managed to acquire a vast following willing to die for him and his deranged plans. He's a madman who can only be stopped by being put down, but thus far he's never stayed down for long.
Current Player Approved: Available for Application
His skin is white as the driven snow or perhaps even more so, well beyond what someone should be able to achieve with makeup. His hair is a deep shade of green and his lips inhumanly crimson like fresh blood dripped onto a newly minted winters snow.
That smile, filled with pure white perfectly aligned teeth like something out of a twisted cartoon nightmare stretches wide enough to cover from one edge of his face to the other far beyond what a normal human could achieve, a face like a mask.
Green eyes are completely filled to the brim with the joy of life, that on its own might seem warm and inviting but with the rest of the combination there's an uneasy menace about him.
He's dressed in a garish purple and green zoot suit holding massively puffed out shoulders that cause him to tower even more over those around him. A small flower sticks out of his pocket and his shoes are razor sharp pointed at the end so tightly they could draw blood yet coated in a mirrored shine.
The only truth that can be accurately documented is the simple facts laid out on the table: A little over a decade ago he started public activity in the city of Gotham. Seemingly overnight he unified a group of orphans, mobsters, and the insane into his own personal gang.
In short order he went from no one to one of the most powerful criminals in Gotham. Yet every so often seemingly without warning he changes MO, personality everything. Just as his history shifts ebs and flows so seemingly does the man himself.
He's been in and out of Arkham more times then most any other inmate, been in court countless more times, and survived his own execution several times over.
Who the man is, what he is doesn't matter, all that does is that no one can seem to stop him for long.
Joker can be unpredictable and lack attention span, but he can also focus to a high degree when it suits him. This is more his intellect showing up than it is a true judge of personality: he is aware he can be any number of things, or act in a variety of ways, and is entertained by how everyone around him reacts to this wild quality.
On being "crazy" more specifically: Joker is not psychotic clinically (as he knows what is real and what is not: he doesn't suffer hallucinations or similar), but he is a psychopath, having an antisocial personality disorder. Symptoms of this include the following traits: Disregard of the law in a criminal capacity, lies and deception, aggressive behaviors, manipulation for profit or fun, ignoring the safety of himself and others, entirely irresponsible, and showing no guilt or remorse for many actions.
For all the claims of his insanity the joker has a staggering brilliance and the mind to use it. He's got the analytical mind of a detective, scientist, or perhaps even mathematician and knows very well how to use it.
Peak Fitness:
In spite of his wiry frame Joker is deceptively strong, able to throw harsh punches carry hefty weights and more. He's got endurance to keep going when the bodies of most men would simply give out completely under the strain, as if he either doesn't understand or doesn't care about his own limits.
He has been shot, stabbed, kicked out of a plane, pushed off a boat and many, many other things. The Joker is like the cat. He always, always comes back. Somehow, even if by the skin of his teeth and after lying in some obscure hospital bed for a few days, he returns. Even if his body is seen, it could be a double, or he might be using squibs, or so forth. He IS killable, though, he isn't superhuman. But somebody is often around to drag him back from the brink, even in those cases.
Art of War:
Joker has an intimate knowledge with combat, the firearms training of a hardened soldier the martial arts training of a lifetime practitioner. While by no means a master he's highly dangerous with or without weapons across the fields of combat, and an expert tactician at that when he chooses to use it.
Cult of Personality:
The joker is charismatic and manipulative beyond measure able to twist some of the most hardened men and women around his finger through his machinations. He can slide into a new persona like some slide on hats, and use that new persona to crowbar his way sometimes literally to the person's brain.
A borderline master of disguise Joker is able to slip into new roles with ease using an obsessive level of detail in the application of makeup and even going to far as to completely burn off his fingerprints so that he can craft new ones to apply to himself should the need arise.
Gang Connections:
Joker has the connections he needs to get a hold of what he needs when he needs it. Manpower, weapons, and more within reason. Examples of this include helicopters, vans, guns, rocket launchers, corrupt cops, and so forth. It's not that he always has the items, but when he doesn't have it, he knows someone who can get a hold of it for him. Joker has an entire gang at his fingertips waiting for his beck and call, with extended additional manpower from there if he puts some manipulative pressure into play. Gotham is his primary spot and playground, getting things done outside of Gotham can be more difficult.
Having someone entirely in love with you that will do most anything you want is both a resource and a frustration. After all, Harley is something of a stalker to his viewpoint when he's not in the mood for her, but is also an incredible resource that can be used at need, even to do things nobody else would consider doing. Harley herself is tough, smart and capable, which often make her useful to him.
Hidden all across Gotham and even further out across the united states are a vast array of potential safe houses with the amenities needed to hide out from the law. While some are better known then others such as his funhouse at Amusement Mile there's no denying he's always got a hole in the wall he can crawl into if needed.
Smilex Toxin:
Smilex is known by multiple names. Usually it is in gas form. It is Smilex, Joker Toxin, or 'Happy Gas' by Joker himself. It is a toxin that attacks the nervous system and causes extreme effects on those that encounter it. It begins with causing the victims to laugh uncontrollably and suffer physical pain. Without an antidote, it kills those who are exposed to it, leaving them in a physical state of extreme muscle tension that creates huge grins on the faces of the dead. It does take several minutes to work. The gas is fairly heavy, and usually remains low to the ground when released: it doesn't float upwards. It dissapates and becomes harmless over time. Smilex can also be found in a liquid form, and the applications of it on skin (or worse, injected) can be far more rapidly lethal and potent. High doses can work even on extremely powerful metahuman targets that normally resist toxins, though it usually isn't as lethal.
In his relativly short time in Gotham Joker has become as much a fixture of the city as the Bat. It's incredibly rare that anyone who's spent even a minimal amount of time in the city hasn't at least heard of him. There's a fear that follows his name a terror in spite of the comedy. His crimes are known far and wide to the point many in the GCPD refuse to even go near him.
Harley's tendency to get in the way and meddle in things he's doing can be frustrating. She often attempts to help him, but does the opposite to his eyes, and can drive him up the wall with it. Sometimes he cares about her, other times not. His 'love' for her varies, as he is not exactly emotionally able to connect to others in a traditional way, but he can be possessive of her. Others threatening her, when he has decided she's currently of value to him, can exact a strong reaction or distract him. He will often put resources into her well-being or freedom.
Lack of Empathy:
Lacking empathy means that the Joker can't quite get into other people's experiences emotionally. He can't connect and understand them, so he can't put himself in someone else's shoes. He can accept that something hurt another person, but fails to relate enough to them to care about it. For this reason he can't play well with others, because things come back around to just being about his selfish motives. Attempts to convince people he's their ally always feel false and fake: because they are.
The Bat. It's no secret that Joker is drawn towards the Batman and his kin. There's a pull he can't deny in the back of his mind that draws him into conflict with the Dark Knight. While he's got no qualms with going after other heroes this tends to for the most part keep him in Gotham.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A night out for the Clown prince and his Harlequin. | December 30th, 2023 | Joker and Harley have mended and get closer. |
Post job Hijnx! | December 4th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Another night at the Iceberg | November 23rd, 2023 | Summary needed |
A Clown and a Raven in a bar | October 9th, 2023 | Joker and Rachel. |
Old flame reignited | September 5th, 2023 | Joker and Harley talk some Headway made. |
The Sexton or the Sociopath | July 16th, 2023 | The comediam of Gotham came calling with a proposition, albeit a vague one. A warm reception left the resounding final words of 'We won'. The world is doomed. Or at least part of it is. |
Adopt-a-Fundraiser | June 24th, 2023 | Lux hosts some truly unique events. An adoption evennt for dogs, cats and a few exotics was a wild success, drawing billionaires and plebian unwashed masses both. What went on between the lines of philanthropy though, was a different story. |
Insurance Provider | June 17th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Breakfast in Bedlum | May 20th, 2023 | Magneto comes to voluntold Joker into finding a chemical that increases mutant abilities. Harley Harley's. Rose gets a full carnival show. And Bud and Lou get dinner. |
Gotham Rogues | April 23rd, 2023 | When is a meeting not a meeting? |
April Showers | April 4th, 2023 | The Joker and Two-Face try to ring in the spring with a daring heist of a social event. |
H-J Day in Kingston Square | January 4th, 2020 | Harley and Mistah J go house hunting in Gotham |
Poker Night at the Ha-Hacienda | December 28th, 2019 | Tomby and Mistah J play a little game |
An Oblivious Clown | December 8th, 2019 | The Joker meets Lady Shiva... or does he? |
Jokers and Cheetahs and Volts, Oh My | November 8th, 2019 | Joker and Cheetah have a meeting, only to be interrupted by Drake and Buffy. |
High Speed Meeting | September 3rd, 2019 | Clowns always get the last laugh. |
A Dom and a sadist walk into a bar... | August 28th, 2019 | Everything goes according to plan. Except the things that don't. |
If I had a nickle for everytime... | August 18th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Rec time in maximum security | August 16th, 2019 | Julia is given some yard time with the Joker. Plans were set in motion. |
Race for their lives | May 18th, 2019 | Scarecrow wins the race - but at the cost of pistachio pudding. |
See the sights of Gotham and, if you're lucky, survive them. | April 18th, 2019 | A sightseeing trip through Gotham takes a very unexpected turn. |
Great Big Gotham City: Baby's on Fire | April 16th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Streets of the City: The Score | April 14th, 2019 | Stockholm hands off the coin and intel she got on The Foot. |
The Third File: Betrayed By Power | April 10th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Two Women But One Man: The Eternal Division | March 30th, 2019 | Joker gets Harley-confused. Jason gets even more confused. Things don't go as planned. |
The Divine Masquerade: Exchanging Blooded Gloves | March 29th, 2019 | Joker hires Stockholm for a job that will take some finesse. |
City Fall: Confessions from Beyond the Grave: A Foot Inside the Door | March 28th, 2019 | Joker pays the injured Sal Maroni a visit, endearing himself with candy and learning about the new power trying to control Gotham. |
Casinos and Kisses: Make It Rain | March 27th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Five Slugs in the Gut: Payphone's Broken and the Cabbie's Blind | March 19th, 2019 | Joker calls for a ride back to Gotham. Business proposals with Deadshot and Stockholm ensue. |
Tears of Mnemosomyne: Strands of Time | March 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
High North: A Stolen Box of Marbles and a Plate of Pig | March 9th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Starling City Nights: Down in Gotham Alley | March 2nd, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Shallow Casket of Dr. Sarah Guillame | February 28th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Arkham City Cop: Finding a Fish Upriver | February 27th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Financial Troubles | February 26th, 2019 | A Bank Robbery aided by Domino is dealt with by Green Arrow and Black Canary... until the Joker comes along and takes advantage of the chaos. |
A Happy Delivery | October 18th, 2018 | Batman delivers the Joker to Arkham Asylum. |
Entre Mr J (featuring Diana) | September 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Smile!: Method of Madness | August 22nd, 2018 | Joker and Harley talk movies and plans. |
Happy Days at Red Hook | March 24th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Beasts and Clowns At The Opera | October 29th, 2017 | Miss Moreau, wanting to heighten her profile amongst the criminal underworld of Gotham seeks the favor of the Clown Prince of Crime through a grisly performance. A partnership made in hell is formed. |
Nothing To See Here, Move Along | October 25th, 2017 | There is no such thing as a 'Green Goblin'. Just a nice sit-down with two rational individuals to discuss boring stuff like Mayoral policy and civic duty. Approved by the Norman Osborn for Mayor Committee. |
Open Day | October 14th, 2017 | Summary needed |
No One Will Ever Know... | October 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Admiration of Fine Art | October 2nd, 2017 | At an art gallery to add a little something to her collection, Catwoman encounters the last person she'd have expected: the Joker. |
Family Reunion | October 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Heart To Heart | September 12th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Arkham Breakout Bash! | July 30th, 2017 | Summary needed |
He who laughs last | July 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Cold Open | July 24th, 2017 | Thugs are chased by cops. A couple would-be heroes intervene. Catwoman remains literally above it all. |
Plotting! | June 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Institutionalized | May 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Commissioner Joker's Number One Supporter | May 16th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Joker's Big Day | May 13th, 2017 | Commissioner Joker gives his first speech to the News Media of Gotham, and it goes better then expected |
Investing in the future | May 10th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Carnevil Carnage Pt2 | May 6th, 2017 | The final day of the Jokers Carnevil is at hand and what heroes will put a stop to his dastardly plan. |
The Greatest Show on Earth! | May 4th, 2017 | A new attraction arrives in Metropolis run by Gothams own joker and a collection of curious creatures. Can anyone stop the creatures, and save them all? Or will they be lost to the cavalcade of catastrophic catastrophes? |
Operation: Iconoclast | May 3rd, 2017 | The winter soldier goes for what should be an easy hit, and makes a surprising discovery |
We Could Be Heroes | April 30th, 2017 | When is a bomb not a bomb? Wait, no, that's the Riddler's line, isn't it? |
Mad Love | April 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
LexCorp Launchpad 2025 | April 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Battle with the Joker | April 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Cold Open | July 25th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Mister Kaufman | July 24th, 2017 | Summary needed |