Indiana Jones

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Indiana Jones (Scenesys ID: 124)
"Nazis. I hate these guys."
Full Name: Henry Jones Jr.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Professor/HYDRA Puncher
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: University of Chicago, PhD
Status: Dropped
Groups: Adventurers
Other Information
Apparent Age: 128 Actual Age: 128
Date of Birth 1 July 1899 Actor: Harrison Ford (circa Last Crusade)
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 81 kg (180 lb)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: Come on, you know it.


Even before he was granted eternal 'youth' by drinking from the Grail, Indy was kind of the Forrest Gump of history. He rode with Lawrence of Arabia. He fought in the Mexican Revolution while in break from school. He fought for Belgium during WW1, and spent much of WW2 fighting HYDRA and the Serpent Society while uncovering relics. On top of all of that he met numerous other heroes and villains, and played a bit part in many stories. He married and had children, who also had children. When his wife passed away from old age, he took to the road. Now, at his ripe old age (But looking much younger) he returns to tend to family matters...and perhaps be drawn back into the fold.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. is a tall man at 6'1" weighing in around 215 to 220 pounds, he's in good shape for his middle-aged self and he caries himself with a strong and confident stride. His brown hair is usually parted to the left and carefully combed (when not hidden beneath a hat). He has deep brown eyes and a face that looks both aged and ruggedly handsome. Of note on his face is a visible scar that jaggedly cuts across his chin beneath his bottom lip.

The tall man is often seen in classical-styled clothing when in civilized locations. But when he's out on the job he's in a much more outdoorsman variety of gear and clothing. But either/or the clothing and items that Henry Jones Jr. wears on his person are always of high quality and seem to have been made during an era long removed from the current... fine craftsmanship and care go into his clothing and gear.


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Born July 1, 1899 in Princeton, New Jersey, Jones' life was indelibly influenced when he accompanied his parents, Henry Sr. and Anna Jones on a world lecture tour from 1908 to 1910. Throughout his travels, Jones encountered many important figures in history who shaped his outlook on life. After the return home, his mother became ill and died. Father and son relocated to Utah in 1912 but without Anna, their relationship became increasingly strained. As Henry Sr. withdrew into his studies, Indiana found himself in various locations as his father lectured once again.

as a member of the Boy Scouts, having achieved the rank of "Life Scout." One expedition, led by scout leader Havelock, was a planned overnight in Arches National Park. Indy and the scouts were told not to wander away in the vast Indian tunnels of the desert cliffs. However, Indy and his friend Herman Mueller accidentally stumbled upon a band of thieves, led by a man called Fedora, who were looting the caves. The object they unearthed was identified by Indy as the Cross of Coronado. Indy told Herman to go back and tell the local Sheriff, while he sneaked away with the Cross himself.

The thieves went after Indy, who rode away on his horse. Luckily for Indy, the Dunn & Duffy circus train was passing by. Indy escaped into the train, and it was here that he fell into a box of snakes, which led to his aversion to snakes. He also learned how to use a bull-whip to defend himself against a lion which left him his scar on the chin. Indy ultimately outwitted the thieves, and escaped home on foot with the Cross.

At the Jones residence Indy desperately tried to get his father's attention, but with no success. Herman arrived with the Sheriff to whom Indy gave the Cross. Fedora and his gang also turned up, and the Sheriff said that they were the rightful owners of the Cross. The thieves were given the Cross back, and in turn gave it to a mysterious man wearing a Panama Hat. Fedora, impressed by Indy's wit and determination took off his hat and put it on Indy's head.

By 1916, Indiana and his father had moved back to Princeton. While on Spring Break that year, Indiana quit high school, briefly participated in the Mexican Revolution, and spent the next three years fighting in World War I. Afterwards, he attended the University of Chicago, where he studied under Professor Abner Ravenwood, later transferring to France, where he earned an undergraduate degree in linguistics. In 1925, he began a brief relationship with Ravenwood's daughter Marion, which ended his friendship with Abner. Once a graduate, he briefly became an archaeology teacher in London where he met student Deirdre Campbell. Their romance led to marriage in 1926, but a plane crash took Deirdre's life.

In the years leading up to World War II, Jones secured a teaching position at Marshall College. In 1936, the US Government contracted him to find the Ark of the Covenant. Between 1936 and 1938 Indy had further adventures, taking jobs for various museums to acquire various hidden treasures including a Piute summoning stone, a Chachapoyan fertitly idol, the Devil's Heart, the Crown of Rurick and others.

1938 held the most important event in Indiana's life.

After a lecture where Indy specifically told his students that a spot never were marked by an X, he was met by fellow historian Walter Donovan, whom Indy knew fleetingly from his donations to the local museum. Donovan showed Indy the half of an ancient stone tablet with text mentioning the Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus Christ during the last supper. According to legend, one who drank from the Grail would be granted eternal life. The Grail was said to have been brought to a hidden location by two knights during the Crusades. Donovan also had in his possession a page of a manuscript written by a friar who chronicled the story of the knights. The text stated that two markers would lead the way to the Grail and one of them was the stone tablet. As Donovans researcher recently had gone missing, he offered Indy the job to continue the search for the Grail. Indy told him to ask his father, the real expert, but Donovan revealed that Indys father was the man who had disappeared.

Indy and Brody went to Indy's father's house in Ferndale, and found it ransacked. Indy remembered the package from Venice, and opened it. Inside was his father's Grail diary; a collection of all the research he had ever done in the quest. Indy decided to take the job, and together with Brody he flew to Venice.

In Venice, Indy and Brody met Dr. Schneider, who was in fact revealed to be a young woman with the first name Elsa. The three went to an old church, now used as a library, which supposedly was the place where Henry was last seen. By finding clues in the wall paintings, Indy eventually realized that what they were looking for was a tomb. Indy and Elsa went down under the floor, and found the tomb of Sir Richard, one of the three knights. On top of Richards corpse Indy found the second stone tablet.

When they arrived at Castle Brunwald, Indy and Elsa discovered that the Castle was a secret stronghold for Nazis. Indy used his whip to swing into the room where his father was held. Upon realizing that his son had come to save him, Henry was briefly overjoyed with meeting his son for the first time in almost twenty years.

After some misadventures where Indy and his father had to run from Nazi's, and a close encounter with Hitler, they found a temple carved into the mountain walls. Inside the Nazis had already tried to get past the three obstacles one had to pass in order to reach the Grail. The first of these tests was the breath of God. As Indy and the others were discovered, Donovan shot Henry in the stomach in order to force Indy to try and pass the tests. Indy had to recover the Grail if he was to save his fathers life.

Using his father's diary, Indiana was able to pass the tests and made his way into the final room that held the grail, and an immortal Knight Templar. Donovan, following Indy, entered soon after. He allowed Elsa to choose a grail. She chose an elaborate gold and jewel encrusted grail. She handed it to Donovan and he drank from it. He chose...poorly. He aged rapidly, years in seconds, until he crumbled into dust. It was then Indy's turn to choose a cup. Indy chose a cup more suited to a carpenter, and he ended up choosing wisely.

Indy brought the Grail with him, and let his father drink from it. Henry was healed, and as they began to leave, Elsa grabbed the Grail and tried to run away with it. When she passed the great seal at the floor of the temple's entrance, the structure began to collapse. As Elsa desperately tried to reach the Grail caught on a large crack, she fell to her death. Indy, Henry, Brody and Sallah left the temple, riding off into the sunset. Indy and Henry had found something more important than the Grail, they had found each other again.

What they didn't know at the time was that the powers of the grail had everlasting effects. Both Henery and Indy no longer aged, and effectively became immortal.


Since his immortality, Indy has faded from the public eye. Books, movies and comics were made of the once famous archeologist, but most think of him as a fictional character or that his exploits were grossly exaggerated. He lived a quiet life, getting married, having children, and keeping out of the public eye as much as possible. Over the years, his wife and children grew older while Indy stayed the same age. His family knew the truth about Indy and his father, and eventually his wife died of old age while Indy and his now adult children were by her side.

Having nobody at home now and feeling alone, Indy grew restless and has now started going out on adventures now. With the appearance of aliens and other superpowers beings, he no longer cares about his 'secret', and is willing to be seen out in public once more.


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Though a man seemingly made hard-heartedly cynical by his traumatic experiences in World War I and his estrangement from his father, Indy consistently maintained a steadfast sense of honor and compassion learnt through his meeting of Doctor Albert Schweitzer. This was demonstrated by his willingness to be captured by the Thuggee to stop a helpless little boy from being whipped to death, and he later attempted to (unsuccessfully) save the same man who tortured the boy from being crushed by a rock grinder. Complementing his compassionate character was an unshaking sense of integrity and respect for knowledge, believing that culture was something to be shared and preserved for future generations. However, Indy's belief that artifacts belonged in a museum earned him a fair share of enemies, along with a reputation as a graverobber in some countries.


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Due to his drinking from the Holy Grail, Indiana Jones is immortal. While still able to be hurt and even possibly killed by injury, Indiana Jones does not age and still looks to be 40, instead of the 125 that he is.


Indy is just plan tough. He can take a beating, but still keep fighting on like his life depends on it, because it usually does.


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Indy is one of the foremost archeologists in the world. In his time before his 'disappearance' from the world, he had written several books on the subject, and his adventures give credence to his real world skill.

Indy has been in a LOT of fist fights. He can give out a beating, as well as take one.

On his early journeys around Europe, Africa and Asia, he learned to speak, read, and write 27 languages, including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Swahili, Latin, Nepalese and Chinese, sign language, some Hindi, Sinhalese, and a bit of Mayan and Quechua.

Indy is familiar with the use of most firearms. He is most familiar with pistols, but has used rifles, machine guns and even RPG's in the past.


Indy is a master with a bullwhip, and able to pull of some amazing feats with the flexible weapon. Disarms, grapples and even being able to use it to swing over short obstacles, given there is something for the whip to wrap around.


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Indiana Jones carries a 12' bullwhip. The whip has a variety of uses from disarming an opponent to being used as a rope.


Indy carries a six shot revolver in a holster on his side, as well as extra ammunition.


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He has an astigmatism for which he wears glasses, and uses them for reading.


Jones' childhood hatred of snakes was cemented in 1912, when he fell into a train car full of snakes. This resulted in Jones developing ophidiophobia.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Showdown in Vatican City March 3rd, 2020 The Prince is found.
Puzzling Things Out February 27th, 2020 A race begins for the Prince.
Homework and Fieldwork February 14th, 2020 Indy and Cindy take a moment to research the rise and fall of a nun's fall from grace.
Ruler-Wielding Penguins February 4th, 2020 Cindy and Indy face down faithful nuns.
Along Comes a Spider January 25th, 2020 Cindy Moon joins Cammy and Indy, and they embark on the path to the labyrinth.
Into Bara Imambara January 20th, 2020 Indy and Cammy travel to India to find beads.
Italy on Five Lira a Day January 19th, 2020 Cindy and Indy set out on an Italian road trip.
Roman Nuisances January 14th, 2020 Indy and Cindy find themselves helped by the last person Indy expected.
When in Rome... January 12th, 2020 Indy and Cindy catch a plane and go over some history.
A Visit Outside of Posted Hours January 6th, 2020 A group of thugs tries to curry Tombstone's favor by going after Indiana Jones. With Silk watching over him, it ends about as well as you'd expect.
For Want of a Sword... January 5th, 2020 The sword of St. Joan of Arc is found...and Amanda has a brush with the infinite.
Drawing a Bead on SHIELD January 4th, 2020 Cammy reaches out to Dr. Jones for a special Wakandan artifact...
Quoth the Raven, Drink Some More. January 3rd, 2020 Nick reconnects with Cindy and Indy.
China - The Aftermath December 29th, 2019 Indy and Cindy return...and plan for their next expedition.
A Mountain Too Far December 29th, 2019 The goal is found...and lost. And where someone realizes the true price of immortality.
Setting a Catch a Trap December 22nd, 2019 Zhao and Andrew close in on Dr. Jones and Cindy Moon...and get too close.
Turnpikin' December 19th, 2019 Cindy and Indy make a discovery...and are discovered themselves.
Party in the PRC December 17th, 2019 The chase is on, and a confrontation ensues at a forgotten storage building.
Shanghai Mix December 15th, 2019 Indy and his Girl Friday land in China.
Getting Ready For The Jump December 14th, 2019 Nick and Indy chat after waking up in the Air Base dorm
The Dragon Moves December 14th, 2019 Tombstone sends his emissaries to China to join the chase.
The Huntress Joins the Hunt December 13th, 2019 Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, joins the race.
Dreamscapes of the Immortal Mind December 13th, 2019 Dreams and reality collide.
1939 - The Raven in Rouen December 13th, 2019 A Raven insinuates herself into a treasure hunt.
Show-And-Tell at 30,000 Feet December 10th, 2019 Dr. Jones and Miss Moon coordinate plans and disclose necessary information while in transit to China.
Leavin' on a Jet Plane December 9th, 2019 Indy and Cindy hop a cargo plane headed East. Way east.
The Map to Immortality December 8th, 2019 Tombstone kidnaps Indiana Jones in order to get a price on a old antique. This results in a gun-fight, Silk arrving, and Tombstone learning about the path to Immortality.
Indiana Jones and the Masked Man December 7th, 2019 Indiana Jones and Zorro team up to fight thugs from a secret society
Tadaaaa! December 7th, 2019 Indy meets Silk.
Log 10337 December 6th, 2019 Indy meets Mercy, and runs into Cindy Moon. He gets a lot more than he bargained for.
A Quiet Time January 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Angels December 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Fun at the Triskelion September 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Hellish Kitchen September 14th, 2017 Summary needed
She's Not Crazy! September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Old Friends August 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Indiana Jones and the Cat Burglar August 30th, 2017 Catwoman makes her move for a couple Egyptian artifacts. Indiana Jones tries to stop her.
Indiana Jones and the Cat Fancier August 14th, 2017 Selina Kyle visits the museum to inspect a new exhibit up close and meets the archaeologist who helped make it possible.
An Invitation July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Clocking Out June 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Devil is in the details June 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Barflies and relatives of barflies June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Breakfast at Tiffany's May 31st, 2017 Summary needed
In search of.... May 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Family Reunion May 23rd, 2017 Indiana Jones shows up at Alias Investigations to connect with his great-granddaughter, one Jessica Jones.
Retirement! April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.


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