Hammerhead (Scenesys ID: 8676) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Who says i can't put a man in a cage. Before I ran my own gang i was a Maggia enforcer. Know how I got to the top? Head first!" | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Joseph | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Occupation: | Crimelord | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Hell's Kitchen, NYC | ||
Education: | Highschool Dropout | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | Spider-Verse | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 30 | Actual Age: | 30 |
Date of Birth | 21 April 1997 | Actor: | John Dimaggio |
Height: | 177.80cm (5'10") | Weight: | 120 kg (265 lb) |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Blue |
Theme Song: | Spiderman OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZO7Y591LF8 |
Hammerhead is a new crimelord climbing up the ranks of the NYC underworld. He is already well-known in the Underworld for two reasons, his affinity for 1920s gangsters and, more shockingly, his grotesque, flat head. His skull, which is laced with a strong steel-alloy, was the result of a life-saving surgery by Dr.Jonas Harrow, which saved Hammerhead's life, at the coast of deforming his head. After jumping between mob families as a enforcer for years, Hammerhead has decided to go into business for himself and won't let anything get in his way to his rise to the top.
Current Player Approved: Not Applicable
The man who would one day be known as Hammerhead was born in Russia under the name of Joseph. At a early age, his family moved to NYC and settled down in Little Italy, Manhatten thanks to the help of a mysterious man calling himself The General. Growing up in Little Italy caused Joseph to pick up words in Italian, infuriating his mechanic Father, who insisted his son speak only Russian while in the house, and would brutally beat him with a mallet if he dared disobyed him. In school, Joseph would claim to be Italian in order to fit in with his classmates. The truth however, would soon be exposed by a local bully named Rico, whose Father was a low-level mob guy. On the day this happened, not only did Rico humiliate him in front of the whole school by revealing his Russian roots, but pulled the hat off of his head, revealing the hideious scars on his head from where his Father beat him. This incident whould cause Joseph to vow to one day kill Rico, something he would do a decade later.
When Joseph was 16, He dropped out of school due to failing grades and general apathy and started to commit acts of deliqueincy around his neighborhood, eventually getting involved with a local street gang called The Warlockz. His time with the Warlockz made Joseph into the tough, violent street-brawler he is today, mostly due to the gang's almost endless brawls with their SoHo based rivals The Tornadoes. The Warlockz also gave him the experience he would later need to operate a gang of his own. When Joseph was 21, He finally found an opportunity to fulfill his decade old vendetta against Rico. One day, Joseph somehow managed to steal his Father's handgun and followed Rico and his girlfriend to a local theater replaying The Godfather Part II. The second the theatre went dark to play the movie, Joseph pulled out his pistol and shot both Rico and his Girlfriend in the head, killing them instantly. The second he committed the horrible deed, Joseph immediatley fled from the theatre before anyone could see his face, not knowing his face was already seen by a Maggia hitman by the name of Vito Calaberi.
Vito, who was impressed by the young man's effective killing skills, managed to track him down and offered him an opportunity to be inducted into The Maggia. Joseph jumped at the opportunity and used his phoney Italian accent, which became more and more conviencing over the years due to practice, and managed to trick Vito and future Maggia into thinking He was Italian. Joseph went through a series of initiations in order to get into the Maggia, the final of which was killing his own Father, Which Joseph did gleefully with a bigger hammer than the one his Father used to beat him. After being formally inducted into the Maggia, Joseph became a Junior Hitman for the syndicate and killed 5 people, mostly other mobsters. One day, he ended up in a brawl with a rival mob and was beaten down, his skull being shattered in the process. As he was laying there dying in a filthy alley, the final thing He saw before being unconcious was a movie poster with the title of The Al Capone Mob.
Luckily for Joseph, He was happened upon by Dr. Jonas Harrow, a disgraced surgeon who lost his liscense to practice medicine due to immoral experimentation upon his own patients. Harrow, seeing a opportunity to redeem his once good reputation, took the beathen and battered young man and immediatley began life-saving surgery on him. After three days of surgery, Harrow managed to save Joseph's life, repairing his shattered skull with a unknown metal. Once the anesthesia wore off, Hoseph woke and found that he could not remember anything about his past, including his own name. The final thing he remembered before being beatne down was the Al Capone movie poster and it made an impression on him. This lone memory caused Joseph to reinvent himself as a 1920s type gangster named Hammerhead,looks and and mannerisms included.
The first thing people note about Hammerhead upon meeting him is his violent temper. He is easily offended and gets angered quite easily, often responding in violence. Despite his temper, most of the time, Hammerhead is collected, down-to-business type of man who gives blunt, straight-to-the- point answers to questions and often tries to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. He is widely known for his sadistic streak, often insisting he watch while his men tortue or kill his rivals, sometimes making jokes about it. He can sometimes be a sweet-talker, often convincing people to do tasks for him.
Above Average
Due to a rigorous fitness regime and his tough upbringing, Hammerhead has strength above that of a normal human. While not super-strong like Luke Cage or Superman, Hammerhead's strength aids him in his ability to break through walls, allows him to pack a more heavy punch while fighting, and helps him lift up to 500 pounds. His strength also helps him take blows that would knock out an average man.
Hard Head
Due to a life-style of street-fighting, Hammerhead has become a skilled brawler. His fighting skills allow him to hold his own against the likes of Spider-Man and lets him take on about six unskilled brawlers at a time.
Hammerhead is skilled in the use of pistols, shotguns, and machine guns. While not a skilled marksmen like Deadshot or The Punisher, Hammerhead can hold his own quite well in a firefight, especially with his favorite gun, a Thompson Submachine gun.
Hammerhead has contacts all over the city, both criminal and legitament. These contacts tell him things like police activity, where the latest drugh or weapon deal is going down, super-hero activities, ect.
Cruncher, AKA Dwayne Wilson is Hammerhead's personal accountant who does the Syndicate's finances.
Da Bank
Once Hammerhead collects and launders the moneu he collects from his various illegal ventures, he sends them off to be deposited at various offshore accounts. These accounts are scattered in various banks in both Switzerland and the Cayman Islands and are undr many different alias to keep them from being traced.
Hammerhead has recently gotten into the diamond smuggling field. Prefering not to get heat on himself by buying blood diamonds, Hammerhead reached a deal with a corrupt executive of a South African mining corp. The deal has the executive arrange a "robbery" of a small amount of uncut diamonds from company mines and allows Hammerhead's men to smuggle them back to the U.S and chisel them down. Hammerhead then sells the newly chiseled diamonds at underground "stores" across NYC
One of Hammerhead's main incomes is from drugs. He has a working relationship with Edwardo Diaz, a small-time drug cartel boss in Central Mexico, who supplies him with drugs like Cocaine, Crack, and Heroin. Recently, he has recruited a rouge chemist, Dr.Brown, to make him a especially potent batch of LSD.
Eyes On the Wire
Hammerhead has a group of thugs listening in on police scanners he acquired to pinpoint police activity all over the city.
Hammerhead would be nothing without his henchmen. Themed off of 1920s and 30s gangsters, Hammerhead's men are completley loyal to their boss. Hammerhead himself is often flanked by three loyal and well-trusted Henchmen he calls his "squad". He has 220 henchmen scattered throughout all five boroughs of NYC and he can them all to one location with only one phone call. Though, fathering all his men in one place does time.
Hammerhead's manin hideout is the recently forclosed Carliton Arm's Apartment building in SoHo, which Hammerhead bought from the bank at a surprisingly cheap price. He has similar hideouts all over the city, all of them used to be forclosed or abandoned tenaments or apartments that Hammerhead bought and had fixed up to allow him or his men to hide-out when the heat gets to rough and they are far away from SoHo.
Hammerhead's organization has rackets scattered over all five boroughs of the city. These rackets are comprised of extortion, drugs, prostitution, auto-theft, numbers, illegal gambling, and most recently, diamond smuggling.
Blinded By Anger
Once angered enough, Hammerhead will not stop until he kills or maims his foes. As a result, foes can use his anger to lure him into traps, especially if he is using his head as a battering ram.
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Operation: Supernova | October 26th, 2019 | The Witchblade comes out during a raid against The Comets |
Balor's Domain | October 23rd, 2019 | Hammerhead and Nick have a chat in a bar owned by the Wailing Banshees MC |
The Pack's Party | October 19th, 2019 | Grail arrives at a party and causes a riot |
The Heist at Oxley Hall | October 17th, 2019 | Carmen Sandiego heists a statue of Isis from Hammerhead. |
A Bloody Errand | October 12th, 2019 | Berri teaches a bloody lesson to a local Irish gangster |
Age of Darkness: Celebration of Life | October 12th, 2019 | It was the Memorial Celebration for Superman, and it was a sombre event for everyone to be a part of. |
Hammerhead's New Enforcer | October 9th, 2019 | Hammerhead hires himself a enforcer in the form of Berri |
A Meeting at the Zoo | October 4th, 2019 | Hammerhead and Cheetah make a deal while Ivory watches |
The Truck | September 30th, 2019 | Starfire unwittingly helps Hammerhead in his latest criminal scheme and realizes it too late. |
Retribution | September 25th, 2019 | Huntress seeks retribution for Hameerhead's assult on Silk. Starts by smashing up one of his rackets. |
The China Question | September 24th, 2019 | Information gathering with gangsters, spies, and symbiotes |
Window Shopping | September 21st, 2019 | Alek's window shopping in Brooklyn gets interrupted with Hammerhead's Goons and the Bastards of Charon begin shaking down a Pawn Store Owner for protection money -- luckily, mutant canine Pippi steps in -- and ends up taking away an unfortunate injury as a token of appreciation! |
Hammerhead meets a Krytonian | September 12th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Westside Beatdown | September 1st, 2019 | A fight with the Tornadoes leads to Spawn meeting Hulk for the first time. They don't like each other. |
Meet The Tornadoes | August 30th, 2019 | A brawl breaks out between heroes and Hammerhead's newest crew, The Tornadoes |
Walkman | August 28th, 2019 | Hammerhead's latest attempt to assisinate McCoy through a hitman named Walkman fails. |
Looking For Talent | August 28th, 2019 | Zatanna is hired to do the grand opening for a nightclub, unaware of it's true owner. |
Making Waves | August 27th, 2019 | Hammerhead meets with Lex Luthor about setting up a business. Hammerhead becomes one of the mafia bosses allowed to operate in Metropolis. |
Hammerhead meets a Vampire | August 23rd, 2019 | Hammerhead meets Selene and makes a treaty with her people. |
A Drive to Metropolis | August 22nd, 2019 | Hammerhead meets his temporary bodyguard and proceedes to go to Metropolis to expand his Empire. |
Antique Store Shakedown | August 20th, 2019 | Zombie-Girl stops a extortion attempt. |
Gotham's Got New York Sized Trouble | August 19th, 2019 | A little bit of blood was lost on both sides. New fri...nope enemies were made this day. |
Hammerhead's introduction to Gotham's Underworld | August 14th, 2019 | Hammerhead visits Gotham and gets a taste of it's Underworld. |
Undercurrents: A Meeting Between Friends | August 13th, 2019 | A civil meeting between Hammerhead and Shredder goes wrong once Henry McCoy stops in for a visit. Rave is also there to witness it. |
The Cargo Truck | August 12th, 2019 | Three heroes converege on a cargo truck carrying stolen artwork. |
The Chop Shop | August 9th, 2019 | Various heroes decsend and destroy a chop shop. |
A Bizzare Meeting | August 6th, 2019 | Hammerhead meets and hires Harley Quinn to do some |
The Drive-By | August 5th, 2019 | When Hammerhead attempts a assination of Beast, heroes in the area object |
Ice Cracker | August 3rd, 2019 | Various heroes converge in a alleyway to aid a man at the wrong end of a group of Diamond Smugglers |
A Grand Party | August 2nd, 2019 | Grail, Damain, and Power-Girl visit a party hosted by one of Hammerhead's top lieutenants. |
Undercurrents: Kick Them While They're Down | July 30th, 2019 | Hammerhead's men take out a MD12 stash house in Hell's Kitchen. Blood and fire result. |
The Bust | July 28th, 2019 | Diana Prince and Kid show up at the same time to tkae down a drug operation making LSD |
Rumble in the Cocrete Jungle | July 23rd, 2019 | Hammerhead attempts a hostile takeover of the Dragons' business. Unfortunately, he's picked a very bad time for it. |
City Fall: Hammer in Foot | July 21st, 2019 | Summary needed |
CityFall: Hammer Rising | July 18th, 2019 | Summary needed |
A Simple Carjacking | July 17th, 2019 | Doug and Tim are investigating a carjacking. Hammerhead's goons think they've found themselves a very nice car. Blurr accepts the compliment but objects to being dismantled. |
hammerhead shakedown | July 16th, 2019 | Hammerhead goes to personally collect protection money from a shop owner. Kid disagrees. |
Dark Dealings in Central Park | July 16th, 2019 | Hammerhead and China White discuss.. Business. |
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