Victoria (Scenesys ID: 239) | |||
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Profile | |||
Full Name: | Victoria Elizabeth Lawrence | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Occupation: | Student | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | Some College | ||
Status: | Shelved | ||
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Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 18 | Actual Age: | 18 |
Date of Birth | 4 May 2007 | Actor: | Stephanie Rose Bertram |
Height: | 156.5 cm | Weight: | 52.5 kg |
Hair Color: | Honey Brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Theme Song: | "Brave" - Moriah Peters |
Victoria is a fairly normal teenager. She has five younger siblings and two loving parents who always manage to somehow scrape by. She's been working part-time to help them make ends meet and balancing it against starting college! She's 17. This is a huge deal. It is utterly nervewracking.
Tori can also control gravity. She has no idea what she can do with that yet but so far the sky is the limit and she is pretty sure that makes her a superhero. She'd love to find someone to ask for help with all of this before she makes a fool out of herself... Again. But for now she is Neutron, warrior for justice! She'd also love a better code name.
By manipulating gravity it is possible for Victoria to fly. She is extremely maneuverable due to her control over speed and direction via gravity but her flight is sometimes erratic, especiallly at high speeds. Tori can't be torn apart by her powers so there is no risk of backlash. When in space it is possible for the girl to escape the event horizon of a Black Hole and fly at speeds approaching the speed of light. She can go anywhere on earth quite rapidly, though she avoids going too fast below orbit as the gravitic effect could cause mass destruction.
Tori can easily bring other people along on her flights by touching them. Flying others around without touching them would be much more difficult and dangerous.
By altering the weight and gravity of objects it is possible for Victoria to defend herself quite convincingly. In addition to the obvious, such as changing properties of falling objects so as to be able to avoid them or, if they are slow enough, stop them entirely. She can also stop bullets, explosions, etc. from actually affecting her by altering the gravity around herself to repel them or slow them down and seriously weaken supernatural blows. Tori can even bend lasers and other energy weapons so that they miss her and people around her. Essentially, this is a powerful force field made of gravity.
Tori has the power of control over the fundamental force of gravity and can use it to create an enormous number of effects with sufficient knowledge. She can decrease the effects of gravity on individual objects or on large areas, effectively removing them from the standard gravitational field of surrounding bodies. She is capable of increasing the gravity applied to a thing (including herself) to up to one thousand times that of earth or render them literally weightless. Further, Tori can manipulate the "direction" of gravity, causing things to fall in any direction she pleases and accelerate appropriately in the chosen direction. She can even designate a single point in space for the new gravity field to emanate from, sucking in objects from the surrounding area.
The result of this is that Victoria can throw objects of virtually any size without touching them (mimicking the effects of Telekinesis) or simply crush most things under their own weight. Making them unable to move by increasing gravity at their feet or causing to suddenly levitate are both quite possible. Even 16gs applied to a person for one minute might kill them. Victoria is immune to any deleterious effects of her powers whether she chooses to allow herself to be affected or not. She can extend this immunity to others but unless she touches them this requires a significant split of her attention.
This ability can affect any point or object within sensory range. The intensity and duration for which Tori can make a gravitic alteration is directly related to how invested she is in the effect. She needs willpower. In most cases even in a fight she would be hard pressed to muster the focus to make the most powerful effects work at all, especially for an extended period or on extremely large objects (like an asteroid). She might, for example, only reduce the weight of part of a large object or instead it apart. Or just fail. In the most dire of circumstances she can greatly surpass these feats through sheer focus and force of will and when interacting with large gravitational distortions. (Read: Plot-Specific Circumstances.)
Tori can freely alter the gravitational field with relation to herself and anything she is touching. Changes to her personal field are more or less effortless to maintain. She can make herself extremely light or weightless for extreme bursts of agility and athletics or too heavy to lift. She can also increase her effective weight if she chooses, increasing the power of her physical attacks. Regardless of increased weight Victoria can always move as easily as if she were her normal weight.Given Victoria's size and strength her maximum lifting capacity through this is approximately 80 tons- that is, one thousand gravities times her natural lifting capacity of approximately 160 pounds. Victoria can also use gravity to create a small atmosphere around herself while repelling outside objects so that she can travel both underwater to extreme depths or in outerspace safely.
Victoria took gymnastics classes when she was younger and a big fan of roller derby. She is a fantastic skater as a result. She has some self-defense classes under her belt but is only a reasonably competent martial artist. She was also All-State in track.
Victoria is the queen of organized lists, cooking, cleaning, sewing, minor household repairs, etc. Tori is also a fantastic babysitter. She has had a lot of practice.
Victoria is an extremely competent student. She is studying Classical Mechanics in school and putting her emphasis on learning as much about gravity as possible. Someday she will be a renowned expert but for now she just started college. She has a deep love of the social sciences and other Academia as well, especially Art and Literature. These she is somewhat more versed on due to her interest extending to before she figured out the nature of her powers.
After spending so much time moving at tremendous speeds and interacting with others in this way Victoria has developed the ability to follow people's movements at the insane speeds far past the speed of sound at which she travels. She can navigate and move practically even at maximum speed, and is difficult to surprise or sneak up on in play.
Victoria is extremely willful and difficult to deter or delay. She has a natural resistance to telepathy that allows her to put up a good fight against even powerful telepaths, though they can likely wear her down.Resources
Tori's parents are very supportive and help pay for her schooling and will provide any resources they can. They are also poor.
The people of Victoria's home neighborhood will come to her aid in her mortal guise. This includes a helpful police officer, free food if she's broke, a discrete doctor, and a few other useful people. Not to mentiom alibis. They are of limited help when she visits other places, of course, but in her corner of Metropolis she's family.
Victoria gets her money working at a movie theatre. At least it's cash and she doesn't have to payrent so it is HER cash.Weaknesses
Tori has five siblings, a twin and four younger. She also has two parents who work constantly to provide for their kids. She loves them all dearly and will do anything to protect them. She also babysits and provides other assistance that eats up her time.
Fine manipulation with Gravity Control is not only difficult it could be the subject of an entire Ph.D. research course- or five - by itself. The more Tori learns about how gravity interacts with other forces, trigonometry, geometry, etc. the stronger she becomes. This is not telekinesis, however, and attempts to use it like telekinesis tend to have explosive results. Small objects much smaller than a person are often subjected to enough forces to tear them to tiny shreds when manipulated beyond the most basic degree. It also makes her flight chaotic. If she really concentrates she can avoid these effects but such intense concentration is difficult to manage and easy to interrupt. Focus is important. Worse, her emotions can influence her powers or activate them accidentally. Nightmares are a prolem.
Yes, everyone is human. But the fact remains that when fighting enemies like the ones Victoria fights the fact her natural, unaugmented state is identicall to any other petite teenage girl is an enormous downside. If she screws up or her smaller, passive abilities fail her she will die.
Tori is trying very hard not to be associated with her secret identity so that peeople won't target her life. It's holding out so far. No one knows, or if they do they haven't tipped their hand.
Victoria is in school and she is determined to complete it. She has to study and attend classes at least some of the time. Balancing this against heroing is tough.
While one is hard-pressed to calll this a flaw it is definitely the case that Victoria's desire to avoid hurting people and unwillingness to kill is a serious hindrance when someone is trying to kill her. If push comes to shove in the worst case she might purposefully maim or kill someone but it would hurt her deeply. Even worse is if she does it by accident with her wild power set. Against bullies and other "minor" assailants Victoria mayLogs
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Secular Kryptonian Holiday | December 4th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Apokolips Now: Goodness Gracious ... Granny! | September 19th, 2017 | The Furies attack the Hall of Justice, and many heroes come to it's defense. |
Apokolips Now: The War Begins | September 16th, 2017 | The forces of Apokolips begin to arrive; Metropolis is the landing point for Ground Zero. |
Little Park of Horrors | September 13th, 2017 | Chaos erupts during the blooming of a 'century sunflower' in a community garden in Queensland Park. Fortunately, several superheroes are on the scene to mitigate damage and injury. |
Apokolips Now: Barda's Big Entrance | September 13th, 2017 | Big Barda appears, to warn of the eminent approach of Darkseid, and Power Boy reveals himself. |
Gravitas Does Magic | September 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
It's My Life - 3 Months Later | August 20th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Starbound Fitness- First Class | August 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Log | July 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Gravitational Pull | June 9th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Titans Together | June 3rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Up in the Club | May 31st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Let's Go Fly A Kite | May 30th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Family Attraction | May 28th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Metro Bomber Girls: Derby in Brooklyn | May 24th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Terrorists Strike Metropolis | May 24th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Saccharine Coriolis Effect | May 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Once upon a Dinner | May 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Continuing Adventures... | May 17th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Protectors of Metropolis | May 14th, 2017 | Summary needed |
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's... About to CRASH! | May 13th, 2017 | Summary needed |
They're Here.. | May 11th, 2017 | An Alien crash lands on Earth. After attacking an CHeshire, The creature gives a little warning before dropping dead. Pt 1 of the Viurites Arc. |
On the Run | May 7th, 2017 | A string of burgleries in the bronx are not all they appear to be. |
Unknown Gifts | May 6th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The gravity of the situation. | May 6th, 2017 | Summary needed |
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A New Hero Is Confused | May 3rd, 2017 | Summary needed |