Element Woman
Element Woman (Scenesys ID: 1362) | |||
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Profile | |||
Full Name: | Emily Sung | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Occupation: | Archaeologist/SUPERHERO | ||
Citizenship: | USA/ROK | ||
Residence: | Tri-state area | ||
Education: | Master's Degree | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | |||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 32 | Actual Age: | 32 |
Date of Birth | 18 September 1998 | Actor: | |
Height: | 180cm (5'11") | Weight: | Varies |
Hair Color: | Electric pink | Eye Color: | Violet |
Theme Song: |
Emily Sung - aka the Element Woman - was a graduate student in archaeology who suffered an exposure to a strange meteor in Egypt, causing a transfiguration into an elemental entity! Being some kind of elemental metamorph has caused her problems ever since, although she has done her best to keep her chin up despite the slow-motion collapse of her personal life. Her demeanor can be erratic and socially inept, although she has a good handle on her powers. (If not any other aspect of her life, whatsoever.)
Current Player Approved: Available for Application
She was working alone at night when it happened. It was theorized that a particular feature of the site was built around an impact crater from a meteorite, which would, likely, have been preserved. She found the meteorite, and was exposed to something. There was a discontinuity in her memory, and when she went back to camp, Emily was fundamentally changed, trailing pink chalklike fumes and for a horrifying brief moment, *missing most of her face.*
From here, her life was a downward spiral. After an attempted return to the dig site led to her being attacked by a sectarian terror group, who did not even speak a dialect of Arabic she *understood*, she gave up -- her stipend at ESU was gone, but she was able, grindingly, to complete a master's degree, likely in significant part out of institutional pity.
Naturally, with few job prospects, Emily took on the mantle of super-heroics. Her efforts were rewarded largely with a poor social reputation as desperation and stress had made her social problems even more pronounced, but she was, finally, able to do something that brought meaning to a horrible accident and even contextualized it as a good thing. She could find people in collapsed buildings! She even was able to get answers to applications for adjunct positions. Who wouldn't want a superhero to teach undergraduates?
Emily can only produce small amounts of novel material beyond the volume of her body. She changes the delicate silicate material that makes up her face fairly regularly, as well as the pink polymers that resemble New Wave silly-string (and smell like it) she uses to simulate hair. A good ballpark is creating about ten percent of her body's volume of matter per day, if she is trying.
She can *influence* much larger amounts of relevant substance if they are in the area. For instance, water, air, and asphalt or concrete are commonly available and she can affect those, leaving rubble behind in the latter case if she controls it. However, the greater volume doesn't become her as-such, she just pervades and influences it as the decisive, active fraction. Changes that she catalyzes in material that is not her body are not undone if she stops being the catalyst, either.
Emily is resilient to most physical traumas because in direct organic terms, she is usually just a big lump of inert matter that is, due to strange abilities, very ert indeed. She can be damaged and feel pain, but these are usually along the lines of needing to pull herself together rather than damage to tissues or subtle structures. She is bulletproof in a certain sense: getting shot will just put holes in her body. You shoot into sandbags, don't you? Well, if she's made of sand at the moment...
Emily is also, sort of, immortal. While she can be disrupted, disabled, stunned, captured, held at gunpoint, threatened, and so on, she cannot actually die. At a certain level of disruption she would be unlikely to be able to reconstitute herself without help, and if confined in a tight space she might be forced to assume a liquid or gaseous form.
Elemental Body:
Emily can transform her body into any element that exists naturally within the human body, which includes a range of metals that you might not expect. She can also become any combination of those elements and control her body despite those elements, sometimes, being gases or liquids. This is the core nature of her power, which is elaborated on in other entries!
This is due to being exposed to the same material that later became the Orb of Ra, famous for producing Metamorpho and assisting in conflict against the great serpent Apep.
Emily's primary limitation is attention. Emily can do one or two forms or other 'tricks' (such as actively processing CO2 into oxygen) without much trouble, and three is entirely doable if a strain. Doing four things at once takes heroic effort; five or more simultaneous tricks are essentially impossible unless some of them are incredibly simple, on the order of "keep one foot solid on the gas pedal." Her usual 'four part' appearance allows her easy access to several different states of matter without having to transform.
Gaseous Form:
Emily can become composed entirely of gas, within the limitation of "not including chemicals not found in the human body." This can include knockout drugs and gaseous anesthetics. She can also perform some other fun chemical tricks. One is that she can release oxygen (as part of her body) and then when it comes out as carbon dioxide, just go ahead and convert it back to oxygen. It's probably best not to ask where the carbon goes.
Liquid Form:
Emily can move around as a liquid compound, which goes about how you would expect. She can, with effort, leave *no* traces behind whatsoever, which can occasionally be useful!
Phase Shifts:
Emily can move more or less as a human can while becoming any combination of liquid, gas or solid. Her mass will change depending on just what she is composed of at the time, and she can even, sort of, become fire by assuming the form of a highly flammable material such as some compounds of phosphorus or elemental sodium.
Emily can change her physical shape and topology while in these forms, which usually takes the form of expanding or elongating a limb (since this is fairly intuitive) or assuming a simple shape such as a sphere or 'wall'.
Emily has some control over the behavior of the materials composing her body. For instance, she can restrain volatile materials from reacting... while they are part of her body. The second-order effects (a fire she started with a white phosphorous touch) are not something that she can control, although she could, in that hypothetical example, turn into sand to put the fire out. But that takes time and effort, which can be precious in a crunch.
Solid Form:
Emily is able to create simple alternative shapes out of her body's material, such as shield like protuberances, a cutting claw for severing ropes, and so on. These have the same material traits of whatever she is 'being' at the time.
Superior Strength:
This effective strength is able to move about five tons or equivalent force in an ideal situation - a form that is primarily stone or metal, operating with some leverage. This is also about how strong her punches, hammer blows, etc. can be, although the appearance may be very bizarre. Liquid and gaseous forms are not able to reach the necessary level of pressure to apply this force, though they may bring their own benefits.
Emily has an actual master's degree in archaeology, and while she may have gotten some pity passes after her Accident, she was not struggling beforehand. In particular, she has studied Bronze Age cultures throughout the Middle East, with a focus on Egypt and Kahndaq. She also keeps up with journals in the field.
General Education:
Emily is a straight-A college graduate and knows a lot about a range of general topics. She can even speak eloquently about them, although there are other issues. In particular, her chemistry lab knowledge gets a lot of workout! Emily is also haltingly if passingly fluent in Cantonese and Arabic, and can (mostly) read both languages.
Search 'n Rescue:
Adjunct Life:
Ancient Egyptian War:
Emily has been turned into one of the metamorphae: undying, immortal servants of Ra in his battle against Apep. Emily is unaware of this (although she does have the academic background to figure it out, given appropriate stelae), but other great beings might *not* be unaware of this, and nor would their minions.
Ra does not have any personal interest in Emily, at present, although he might take a benign view if clearly informed. Ra would be capable of withdrawing his blessing, which would, if done in full, lead to Emily's death. Actual death.
Limits of Invincibility:
Emily's powers begin to break down at extremes of temperature and similar levels of incredibly intense, matter-devastating energy. Extreme heat will affect the materials she has chosen to compose herself of, and at a certain level it would prevent her from doing anything because any chemical or elemental reaction would instantly tear apart. Similarly, super-intense cold (likely involving special cryonic treatments or super-powers) can render her inactive and insensate; essentially dead.
And, of course, a sufficiently ultra-devastating force could just blast her apart so far that she cannot pull herself back together at all, rather than 'very gradually, over hours.'
The slim upside of these situations is that if those conditions stop, and some outside force intervenes (thawing her out and restoring atomic motion; carefully centrifuging strange yellow-purple vapors), she can be restored to... life? Is life the right word?
Psychological Issues:
Emily has been dealing for a number of years with the cognitive distress of trying to live an ordinary life while being an extremely not-ordinary sort of person. She has never resolved the initial issue of the 'Accident,' to say nothing of all the usual little irritants and problems that arise in the course of an ordinary childhood... and she even was adopted, and well aware of it!
This puts her under moderate psychological stress that *almost never ends*. This has led to mental problems; underneath a cheerful, perky exterior is horror at her own nature, disgust with herself, recurring bouts of self-hatred, and a range of other private nightmares. In external facing terms, this means that she is vulnerable to praise and encouragement coming from sources which aren't literally "Dr. Death, The Master of Murder" and will tend towards such sources of positive reinforcement. She is not very internally directed.
Unpleasant Side Effects:
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Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Power of Bird | June 23rd, 2023 | Somehow, Emily Sung convinces a young woman about the importance of learning. About ancient Egypt. And chickens. Also, swearing happens. |
Scenes From A Small Diner In Gotham | September 3rd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Apokolips Now: Intergang Gotham | September 2nd, 2017 | Intergang hits the Gotham First National Bank. All hell breaks loose. So do many heroes, and the GCPD. |
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