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Bjorn Arttursson (Scenesys ID: 30)
"By the cosmos, you sca... is that chocolate?"
Full Name: Björn Vörn Artursson
Gender: Male
Species: Enforcer
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Electronics Repairman
Citizenship: Andromeda Galaxy, Iceland, United States of America
Residence: Bjorn's Electronic Services, Flatbush, Brooklyn
Education: Collective Conscience
Status: Shelved
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 64
Date of Birth 7 June 1961 Actor: Hafthór Björnsson
Height: Variable (213 cm) Weight: 2,000 kg
Hair Color: White Eye Color: Yellow
Theme Song: "Unstoppable" by Sia


Björn Artursson is a nice if unusual man, as it clear to see he is not quite normal. He runs Björn's Electronics Services, a small business in Flatbush, Brooklyn. At times, it keeps odd hours. He is friendly, full of energy and vigour, despite his apparent age, and often well received by people in the neighbourhood. As far as the world knows Bjorn is a high school dropout who managed to do good for his self. But that's what the world knows. In truth the story is much stranger. An alien race that believed in, and valued, honour, obedience, truth, and most importantly justice made a new alien species made from melding Klyntar and Phalanx together to create a new species they called 'Enforcers'. The Enforcers were supposed to assimilate others into a hive mind that was essentially a living sapient crusade to spread and enforce their ideals. Luckily for the world, after coming to earth, this entity decided that forcing people into a Hive Mind was not completely the right way to go about things, and even thought it went ageist his progenitors' ideals after running into Björn. So now he does his best to maintain a secret identity while being a hero and guiding the world to a better tomorrow.



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