Booster Gold (Scenesys ID: 1039)
"Crap! Cheese it, Ted!"
Full Name:
Michael Jon Carter
Reality Star
World of Tomorrow
Other Information
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
29 December 2442
Jon Barrowman
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
"Don't Stop Me Now" -- Queen "I'm Still Standing" -- Jason Egerton
Booster Gold is a man just trying to make it big. A petty thief from the far future, Booster used stolen technology to travel back to the present era and make a name for himself as a 'reality star' Superhero. Documenting his adventures with selfies and good brand awareness, Booster's more interested in fame and fortune than anything else.
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Booster's the sort of guy who knows exactly how good he looks, and then multiplies that number by one hundred and ten percent in his mind. With the sort of good looks best described as 'chiseled'-- a diamond shaped face, strong, blunt chin, a short and twice-broken nose and mussy, tousled blonde hair. An easy grin swaggers across his face with almost no provocation. His eyes are protected by a set of curved, golden lenses and his suit's cowl leaves his face and hair exposed to the elements.
He's certainly a product of amazing genetics and an athletic lifestyle, towering at 6'5 and weighing at least two hundred and thirty pounds. He's built like a pro athlete, with broad shoulders, a v-shaped torso, and lean, narrow hips. A navy-blue bodysuit rides close to the skin underneath fitted, organic looking armor painted an obscene shade of gold. It guards his shoulders and chest, with thick pads around his beltline, hips, forearms, and calves. Were one to take a guess, the armor looks more like what a professional athelete might wear than true body armor.
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Booster Gold was born Michael Jon Carter in the 25th Century. A slightly entitled and cocksure young man with a natural athletic talent, Michael used professional Blitzball as an escape from the depression of his home life. His father, a gambling addict, left his sick wife and his children- Michael and his twin sister-- on their own just as Michael was accepted to Gotham University on an athletic scholarship. With his ailing mother growing sicker, no income for the family, and a predisposition for gambling, Michael fixed one game-- then many more. He was arrested for illegel gambling and dismissed from Gotham U.
Working as a security guard for the Museum of Superheroes, he began speculating about how he could reorder his fortunes with a little help. He befriended a cheery, outmoded AI named Skeets and started pilfering relics from the ages of superheroes. The last piece of the puzzle was a temporal inducer from a professional chrononaut; thusly equipped, Michael flung himself back into the 21st Century to be a 'hero among the great heroes'-- and make a hell of a lot of money as a reality TV star.
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Booster's honestly not much of a hero. He's big and athletic, and naturally has an aggressive personality and is a little dismissive of physical peril. Still, he /likes/ being acknowledged and admired, and craves the attention of fans and an audience. Being a hero is the best way to do that, as he lacks the stomach to do anything more selfish than break hearts or inconvenience others. Deep down, though, he knows he's a fraud and often struggles with the pricking of his ego as perhaps the least notable of heroes.
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Blitzball is a popular sport in the 2400s, and Booster Gold played ... adequately. Collegiate semi-professional, anyway. A physically demanding sport with lots of horizontal and vertical movement, combining the best parts of rugby and hockey, the rules are arcane and complicated but still demand a fair amount of athleticism.
A major history buff, Michael is pretty well versed in the history of Earth's heroes and the 21st century in general. Mostly. Big events, anyway. He probably can't name all the Presidents of America... or the Chinese Prime Ministers... or even really draw up a good map of the continents. But he knows every winning sports team from 2000-2050!
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Having no superpowers of his own, Booster Gold stole-- 'borrowed-- much of his accoutrements from the Museum of Superheroes. His 'power suit' integrates microcircuit components and blends seamlessly into his professional blitzball attire, and the upgrades a friend at Kord Industries (circa 2400) installed make him a hell of a combatant. The suit is capable of resisting moderate small arms fire and provides Booster with nearly twenty tons of lifting strength. An 'inertial barrier' field provides significant damage absorption for a microsecod of impact from fast-moving threats, though the recharge time means that sustained impacts will rapidly drain the capacitors. Simple plasmic energy collators in his gauntlets can fling superheated blaster bolts from his wrists, capable of slagging rebar-laced concrete. His visor works as a broad spectrum HUD and tactical overlay, with audio and visual amplification, protection, and EM augmentation. It also looks cool.
Skeets was an early AI prototype from 2375, and positively an antique by the time Booster found him at the museum. His most (only) loyal (dependent) friend, Skeets live in a small golden hoverchassis with a built in microfusion reactor and repulsors. Capable of providing limited tactical and fire support, Skeets' main function is to augment Booster's lack of detail-oriented awareness about the world around him, and to reassure Booster that he really is 'that cool' when he feels down.
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Michael can't resist the urge to place a bet and has been known to make very bad financial and personal decisions based on his need to gamble.
Michael Carter was the jock who coasted through high school, only went to college because of his athletic talent, and got all the babes despite being a relatively irritating person to be around. Egotistic, self-centered, and a little insecure, he's really nowhere near as courageous as he likes to pretend.
Booster Gold has no technical expertise, no training, and no mechanical skill. Without any metahuman powers, if his armor breaks or goes down, he's out of the game until he can find someone to fix it.
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Dancing with the Stars( |
September 22nd, 2017 |
A night on the town at Club Zed is in order. And the stars are out. Well, depending on who you ask.
A Grifting We Will Go |
September 22nd, 2017 |
Summary needed
Gnome Cometh, Redux |
September 7th, 2017 |
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Coming of the New Gauds |
August 29th, 2017 |
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Once Upon A Time in Rio |
August 4th, 2017 |
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Erase This! |
July 31st, 2017 |
Booster Gold and Trouble foil a robbery! ...technically.
Park Meeting |
July 25th, 2017 |
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After The Gold Rush |
July 24th, 2017 |
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Knock Knock Knockin' |
July 20th, 2017 |
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Log 1491 |
July 16th, 2017 |
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Meetcute with Monet and Booster |
July 14th, 2017 |
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Team Colors |
July 13th, 2017 |
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Gold Rush |
July 8th, 2017 |
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Uncle Booster Wants YOU! ... To Work For It |
July 6th, 2017 |
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The Pummeling of the Pin Pals |
July 2nd, 2017 |
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Going for the Gold |
July 1st, 2017 |
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The Cold Metal Future |
July 1st, 2017 |
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Attack of the D-listers! |
June 26th, 2017 |
Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Dragonfly try to stop Condiment King and Calendar Man! Things go about as well as you'd expect.
Central Park Booster |
June 25th, 2017 |
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Violet and Gold, Pt. II |
June 21st, 2017 |
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Burning Up the Dance Floor |
June 21st, 2017 |
Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Dragonfly take on a dancing-themed super-arsonist.
I Am Not |
June 20th, 2017 |
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I Swear, You'd Better Not Tell Me THIS Is the Justice League |
June 20th, 2017 |
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle set up a 'signing' event that's "coincidentally" outside the Hall of Justice. Hilarity ensues. Spoilers: Blue Beetle got more action than Booster Gold.
Star and Gold |
June 20th, 2017 |
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Let's Get It Started |
June 19th, 2017 |
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold find themselves in over their heads when attempting to get rich running a repo business.
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