Blueblood (Scenesys ID: 1401)
Full Name:
Uladislau Hunt
Original (OC)
Naturalized US citizen
NYC, New York
Empire State University, 1.5y
Other Information
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
19 September 1989
165 cm (5'5")
88 kg (194 lb)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
"Blueblood" was the nom-du-guerre of a bizarre mutant 'gone pro,' convinced the abilities he'd developed in adolescence could be leveraged to stop crimes in daylight where other people were -- he was only marginally successful, and the gaffe-hungry tabloid-and-Internet culture had a field day with his reputation. Since retired from "public service," he's assumed a much-less-phenomenal day job. But the call of the cape will surely only be busy '... doing push-ups in its cell,' as is sometimes said among those in recovery...
Current Player Approved: December 02, 2024
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In several thin yet flexible layers of finest Nomex that's... been around... one hopes the racecar driver or firefighter Blueblood inherited the suit from is still kicking. At least there are no bloodstains, so chances are better-than-average it was legally acquired. Colorful accent and, yes, a measure of face-protection is provided by a customized hard-hat turned helmet and impermeable safety glasses. Chainsaw-proof Kevlar chaps protect his legs, painted to match, and durable steel-toed boots match reinforced weighted gloves. Brown eyes and brown hair may (... may?!) be the only thing he doesn't appear to have bought or swindled off a skilled tradesman only to repaint and modify, but he makes the two-tone look work.
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Born in a former Soviet republic, Uladislau was sent to live with his "uncle in New York" at a very tender age. When the elder "Mister Hunt's" NY apartment was revealed to contain one teenage Ladi plus enough radio-espionage and tracking equipment to defraud several important forthcoming elections and install Slav puppet-candidates? Why, the stress of the raid catalyzed Ula's latent mutation! Thinking he'd slithered beneath their notice, he was filled with regret when apprehended. (Regret and capital espionage charges.) Entirely at the mercy of the US gov't, Ula was coerced into commuting his sentence with participation in a program of "exercise and vitamins" with fashionable tracking-bracelet. Injected with water and prescribed sugar pills, Ladi's handler gradually began extending the "exercise" into less-and-less nonlethal and unrobberylike activity until the NSA fired both their aspiring supervillain and his pet mutant. After disastrous attempts to 'turn pro,' Ula's future is both less rapidfire than his past and more uncertain...
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An avid consumer of 'true crime' TV and HAM radio operator, Blu is keenly inspired to make a difference is a world that keeps rejecting him. He holds the equivalent of a college education as a secret, perhaps embarrassed to be labelled 'inquisitive' or 'clever' in a world where problems, by superhuman fiat, are solved by destructive optic laser. Though barely but uniquely superhuman, he is given to pagan exclamations of excitement or fear in moments of restlessness or irritability, and may occasionally reveal a naively spiritual core.
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Accreting and storing calcium in his body "for later," Blueblood possesses the ability to create or dissolve his bones voluntarily and can begin the process instantaneously. While it takes the preparation analogous to a pose for a designated bone to achieve structural collapse, Blueblood's ability to modify his skeleton "on demand" is robust and versatile after decades of practice.
Practically, this means: Blu is able to add or subtract skeletal elements over the course of a scene, for example reinforcement if he expects an impact or removal of an arm if he wishes to reach beneath a door both closed and locked. While the thickness of his hide makes "extruding" ribs or claws impossibly arduous and painful, he can remove (and later reconstitute) enough bones to become functionally 'flat' or add additional ribs, supports and braces to survive or protect another from the equivalent of a fragmentation grenade's-worth of force/debris/trauma.
Mollusc Physique:
While by no means bulletproof, Blueblood's skin is layered and matted to a thickness able to turn aside or ignore shallow lacerations and abrasions. The sheer density and redundancy of the tissue makes all but the deepest or most-skilled of punctures a matter of self-service first aid. He is, in effect, wearing integrated padding analogous to a modern "American football" uniform and helmet at all times.
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Combat Training:
Blueblood's time as a felon, a robber and a 'superhero' have made him as capable in a fight as an average graduate of military basic training: hand-to-hand styles, small arms, ordnance, field-stripping and maintaining equipment were conveyed in layered puzzles and tasks amid nearly non-stop rigorous physical exercise. He is the superior of a standard Army grunt in athletic ability and raw survival skill, having been both 'on the run' and 'also jogging/weightlifting' most of his post-adolescent life.
Blueblood has also learned the ups-and-downs of avoiding the law, familiar with a wide variety of unlawful areas: forgery, casing, lockpicking and the finer points of breaking/entering without leaving traceable evidence are within his skillset. Between defeating electronic alarms and knowledge absorbed in his "uncle's" presence, he may be considered to have an Associate's degree in electronics.
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"army Buddies":
Never having been in the Army, as such, Blueblood's "Army buddies" are a loose association of drunkards, drug-addicts, former mall cops and defendants likely to have appeared on "COPS" with a particular set of at-best-trailer-trash and at worst outright felonious skills -- Ladi's attempts to form a network of informants, spies and useful associates was not... as discriminating... as he might've been in the present-day. He 'knows a guy,' but that guy probably has a bench-warrant and is lucky to possess all his original teeth!
Blueblood has reinforced and layered his surplus Nomex survival suit; while already engineered to resist heat, radiation and chemicals and providing insulation-bar-none regardless of outdoor extreme, alone it's only 'what professional racecar drivers wear beneath their advertising layer.' Atop his multiple layers of premium long underwear is a layer of chainsaw safety equipment: helmet/hard-hat and goggles for deflecting debris, Kevlar chaps and chainsaw-rated steel toed boots. Additionally he's filled the knuckles of his gloves with powdered lead shot to increase the weight of his punches.
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Media Coverage:
During Blueblood's abortive career as a professional superhero, the tabloids were particularly unkind -- 'Splatman' was the least-incisive nickname he earned, and anyone recognizing him on the street and shouting derogatory nicknames or snapping a photo without his permission is likely to earn his ire, if not an ill-advised punch to the torso.
The peculiarities of Blueblood's mutation leave him uncannily vulnerable to certain frequencies of sound, and sufficiently powerful or attuned sonic attacks set up a destructive resonant reaction within his mutated tissues. He can be incapacitated, knocked unconscious or hemmorhaged depending upon the intensity or duration of the noise.
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Just Another Day in Queens |
December 31st, 2024 |
Willow shows up at The Dark Side and gets an offer she can't refuse! There's also a Blu who washes windows and gets free stuff.
A snack in time |
December 29th, 2024 |
Sam tries to help out an old blood or a blueblood.
At The Dog-Run... |
December 20th, 2024 |
Blu and Kit meet and talk, but neither quite hears the other.
What Sweet Delights |
December 20th, 2024 |
Blueblood stops by The Dark Side for a cup of tea and cupcake - plus a little warmth from the chill outside.
No Ducks were discussed... |
December 8th, 2024 |
Blueblood met Larry Morningstar's partner. Things happened.
Banking Problems |
December 5th, 2024 |
The Blob and Pyro have some plans about a Holiday Withdrawal. Luckily, a small group of mutants have other ideas.
The Soltace Ball (1.5) |
October 24th, 2024 |
A few of the mutants gather for a special night.
Good Night's Gone Bad! |
October 14th, 2017 |
Summary needed
Routine Patrol |
October 12th, 2017 |
Captain Marvel happens by an aspiring hero who doesn't seem to have what it takes, she's not shy about letting him know that.
Dude Where's my Space Boat |
October 1st, 2017 |
Summary needed
A Patch of Darkness |
September 28th, 2017 |
Summary needed
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