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Angela (Scenesys ID: 196)
"I am not of Earth. I am Angela. One of you will be spared so my name will be remembered in this hell you call homeworld. Maybe one of you will be spared. We'll see how I feel."
Full Name: Aldrif Odinsdottir
Gender: Female
Species: Asgardian
Theme: Marvel (SFC)
Occupation: (Displaced) Hunt-Mistress
Citizenship: Realm of Heven
Residence: None
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Dropped
Groups: Guardians of the Galaxy, Pantheon Assembly
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 21 March Actor: Grace Holley
Height: 188 cm Weight: 218 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: White
Theme Song: "Fox on the Run" by Sweet


A woman very far away from home, Angela claims to be an Angel from the lost Tenth Realm of Heaven. The leader of their Hunts, Angela is the preeminent assassin of her kind, and espouses their strange, materialistic philosophy with a burningly pure passion. Single-mindedly driven and endlessly stubborn and prideful, Angela strongly believes in the concept of "nothing for nothing," dedicated towards replaying all debts and reaping all payments owed to her no matter what the cost. At a loss in this new, strange universe, Angela is simply attempting to find her way back home and, in the meantime, try to find her way in this world -- a fact that is all the more complicated by the secrets of her birth that even she is unaware of.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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At 6'2", Angela marks for a strikingly tall presence that is made all the taller for her authoritative and uncompromisingly rigid tendency to carry herself -- and the heavy combat boots she tends to wear. Tall and built streamlined in a way that suggests deadly power beneath decidedly feminine curves, Angela's stoic demeanor gives her a presence that is often off putting despite her striking beauty. Her hair is a wild mane of red, cascading down her back towards the middle of her back, with bangs framing either side of her face held back the gilded, winged headdress she wears, the glorious golden wings stretching out to either side of her face and obscuring the majority of her forehead. Her eyes are usually a pure white in color with no noticeable irises or pupils, though at times they can glow red -- usually, in the heat of battle. Crimson markings decorate the skin surrounding her eyes; her features are classically-wrought, with high cheekbones and a heart-shaped by strong jawline, her full lips painted a deep red -- and usually frowning. Or pulled in a neutral line. That's usually the best anyone could ask for, really.

Her outfit she wears is typically what most people who know her generously describe as a 'battle bikini' -- clearly preferring a minimalist approach, Angela is covered with very little actual armor. A golden breastplate covers her chest, her midsection going without much in the way of coverage to speak of; the armor covering her arms is asymmetrical, more heavily armored on the left arm with a large, golden pauldrone and a heavy silver-and-red gauntlet, with a smaller silver-and-gold pauldron and gauntlet covers the right hand. A large belt slings lopsidedly on her hips with a white waist cape drapes across her backside, falling down to her ankles; this belt and cape cover up most of the black hot pants that cover her lower body, leaving much of her thighs bared right up to the tops of them, where a pair of golden, knee-high combat boots take over, completing that very minimalist outfit succinctly.

She can almost always be found with her weapons, a pair of golden scimitars and a dangerous looking short sword. And ribbons. Floating, wriggly ribbons. Don't laugh.


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The firstborn daughter of Odin All-Father and Frejya, Aldrif Odinsdottir would doubtlessly have been a truly noble and great Asgardian hero, if she was ever allowed to be. Instead, born at the culmination of the war between the Angels of Heven and the Gods of Asgard, she was seemingly killed in her crib by the vengeful Queen of Angels when Odin abjectly refused to give in to Heven's demands. Outraged, the All-Father used the prodigious Odinforce to banish the Realm of Heven to the edges of the universe, to the ends of the world, and then cursed them with a mighty seal fueled by his rage and hatred to cut them off from the rest of the world, to live in loneliness and agony for the rest of their lives...

... but this is not the whole story. The daughter of Odin, tenacious and stubborn as her father, yet clinged to life, and when the Queen's handmaiden Loriel discovered this, she secretly saved the child and raised her as her own -- raised her to believe herself to be an Angel of Heven, sworn enemy of the Realm of Realms.

Heven clung to its existence, using Odin's own curse to fuel their mighty city-engines and continue to prosper even cut off from the sum whole of existence, and it was here Angela was raised -- always belittled and treated like an outcast for her lack of wings and her unusual proclivities and obsessions with company and honorable battle over materialistic whims and negotiation, she nonetheless mastered the arts of assassination and mercenary work her people were prided for, and eventually her stubborn and passionate dedication allowed her to climb up the ranks of the Angels until she was made the Leader of the Hunt -- ironically considered by many to be the greatest of her kind, from her fervent support of their beliefs, to her furious skill on the battlefield hunting the curse-spawned creatured that plagued the realm... right down to her passionate hatred for all things Asgardian, buying the ancient stories told of them wholesale (especially the one of the fearsome, Angel-eating cannibal Volstagg -- horrifying!).

And so it might have remained, if not for the dimensional turbulence that struck Heven one day, thousands of years later, causing massive fluctuations throughout the realm before it inevitably tore Angela free from the seemingly unpenetrable seal that surrounded Heven.

Ripped from her home, in a universe she scarcely understands, Angela has since taken to trying to find her place in this world that has so many values so different from her own, dedicated towards finding a way back to her beloved home no matter what... and reaping vengence upon whoever and whatever tore her from it in the first place. She has had her troubles, finding her footing here -- a few harmless dust-ups with people called the Guardians of the Galaxy -- but she has since made good(ish) friends (of the people who accidentally tried to kill her), allies in her attempts to understand this world and the systems that govern it.
,br>She may have chosen her allies poorly. Oops.


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"Nothing for nothing." This phrase defines much of Angela's personality. Raised to believe she was an Angel, Angela is - ironically - by far one of the greatest proponents of their creed, believing in maintaining balance in all things, and that no action can be given without compensation in return -- her philosophy borders on something akin to every action having a consequence, but aligns more closely towards "every debt must be repaid." It gives her a set of moral beliefs that are decisively alien compared to msot others, but she follows them with an admirable sort of single-minded purity that has made her the greatest of her kind -- a true irony, considering the truth of her heritage. Angela is blunt, stoic, and prideful, given more towards direct confrontation and unilateral action rather than playing well with others or trying more subtle approaches. The Asgardian blood in her veins marks her well: she lives for battle, and for the hunt, taking no small thrill in facing opponents that she has never encountered or who prove a suitable challenge. She is a warrior, through and through. She plays many things close to the vest, very rarely divulges her personal feelings, and has a difficult time expressing herself in emotional situations, having forged herself - by necessity thanks to the cruelty of her outsider status amongst what she believed to be her kind - into a hardened and unflagging bastion of stability. She believes in doing things her way, or no way at all. She is very much her father's daughter, whether she'd admit it or not, and very much a stranger in a strange land... but to those who earn her respect and loyalty? They will never find a more steadfast companion.

Even if she is a companion who is going to demand some kind of payment for saving their lives.


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Angela has the gift of the All-Tongue, letting her understand and be understood by all languages in the Ten Realms, spoken and written. It's very convenient when she's describing all the ways she's going to eviscerate people.

Though she was raised an Angel, and though she has no idea of her heritage, Angela is absolutely an Asgardian of royal blood, through and through. Her body is far denser than the average mortal's, making her weigh considerably more than she looks; she is functionally immortal, with a lifespan that has carried through eons and will carry on for many more to come; she is immune to toxins, poisons, diseases, and illness, and her senses are all greatly enhanced, on top of being able to survive the most extreme of environmental conditions. She can even survive unaided in the vacuum of space without need for oxygen or otherwise.

Basically, Asgardians are built Tonka Tough.

Not necessarily a boon from her Asgardian nature, it's unclear just how she does it, but Angela is capable of unaided flight like the other Angels of Heven -- even without wings to propel her. She can fly through atmosphere and even through space, and with her superhuman speed she is capable of crossing vast distances in a fairly short amount of time, with the superhuman durability to withstand the wind resistance such speeds would normally inflict.

Like all Asgardians, Angela's flesh is incredibly dense and incredibly durable, rendering her largely bullet proof and able to withstand immense amounts of damage and high-velocity impacts, immune to most conventional weaponry outside of the most intense of artillery rounds, and can even withstand high-powered energy and explosive outputs without just exploding into giblets -- though going completely unharmed is another story entirely. Magical damage, too, can usually do a much better job of bypassing her defenses, but generally speaking, Angela is very good at taking abuse -- and dishing it out in return.

By far, Angela's greatest asset is her speed; there are none faster in Heven than Angela, able to move great distances in an eye blink and outpace spaceships. Where Thor is strong, Angela is fleet, and her agility and dexterity and sheer potential velocity when moving at full speed are not something to be trifled with. Angela is faster than lightning itself -- able to outpace even the Disir, who are known throughout the Ten Realms for their fathomless speed.

With a considerably superhuman metabolism, it takes much, much longer and much, much more strenuous activity to actually tire Angela out, able to go without food or sleep for considerable lengths of time, and capable of recovering from injuries and fatigue at a much faster rate than the average human is capable of.

Daughter of Odin All-Father, Angela's strength is considerable, greater than most Asgardians outside her brother Thor. While slightly weaker than Thor physically, she is still a powerhouse, and is without a doubt one of the strongest Asgardians alive, putting her in tiers like Wonder Woman -- and certainly the strongest of the Angels, which combined with her lack of wings probably should have been at least a -little- suspicious


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Angela has been fighting for most of her life, hunting the strange creatures of Heven relentlessly for thousands of years. And unlike most of her fellow (kind of) Angels, she revels in the hunt and in engaging opponents worthy of her time, making her an anomaly amongst the far more deal-and-capitalist-oriented culture of the Angels... but making her an absolute terror in battle. The Leader of the Hunt, Angela is a warrior without peer, able to stand up with the greatest of martial combatants with a mastery of many forms of combat -- though she very much prefers blades. Sharp, sharp blades. For cutting. And cleaving. And wreaking slicey-dicey hel(l).

Heven is unusual amongst the realms in its value of material things above all other considerations, making them excellent dealbreakers and tradespeople. While Angela vastly prefers the thrill of the hunt and the kill in a true testament of the strength of her Asgardian blood, she is still no slouch at negotiation and trade, able to barter with the best of them and possessed of a shrewd mind that usually -- usually -- come out ahead. Of course, her negotiation tactics often involve intimidation and threats of violence, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Angela was the Leader of the Hunt while she was in Heven, and even after her accidental banishment from the sealed Tenth Realm, that skill has not diminished whatsoever. Angela is an expert at tracking people, places, and things, and can find even the most elusive prey even if they are entire star systems away. Superfluous skill comes with the territory when you rank among the divine pantheon -- just don't tell her that, she'd get just a bit mad.


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The Ichors, blades forged from the finest soulsmiths in Heven, are blades created from a Heven-based golden alloy that is highly malleable and responds to Angela's conscious thought, much like her ribbons. While taking the form of two sickles most of the time, the Ichors are capable of adapting and changing into any form Angela wishes, from large two handed blades to long, highly dense whips, to everything in between. They are very resistant to damage, incredibly sharp, and more than that, have excellent utility. They are wonderful blades for killing things, when killing need be done. And it often does.

The ribbons that Angela wears at all times are patently unique; created of materials unknown, they are capable of responding to her subconscious thoughts and are perfectly prehensile, allowing them to move as if they were an extension of her body. These ribbons are capable of extending and growing and have great tensile strength, allowing Angela to use them to bind enemies or grab things she might not otherwise be able to reach, or have an extra pair of 'hands,' or even to just plain old use them to smack people around. The sky's the limit. She just usually uses them to hurt people. Usually.

Xiphos, the Sword of the stars -- a legendary blade, it is unknown just how Angela got her hands on this weapon; enchanted and made of a highly durable, nigh-unbreakable material, it is largely just like any other sword beyond its impressive title and ability to cut through most anything outside the most superhumanly unbreakable of materials. It is, oftentimes, one of her default weapons to use in any situation -- and use it well she certainly does.


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Angela has lived in Heven, locked away from the rest of the universe, for the entirety of her life. She only has stories of Asgard to work off of, and even those are shoddy horror stories at best with only inklings of truth to them. The rest of the world? She hasn't the faintest idea how any of it works, and she is very much a fish out of water when it comes to dealing with others, or handling social situations, or political problems, or knowing what common laws or etiquette is pretty much anywhere, ever, leading to frequent cases of cultural shock and social snafus, oftentimes made worse by her blistering sense of pride.

Though magic certainly exists in Heven, Angela has never been particularly adept at it, and it remains one of her key weaknesses -- while she's no more or less vulnerable to magical weavings than anyone else with high amounts of willpower might be, her superhuman defenses also don't extend to the sorcerous arts, making it a particular achilles heel for the stoic assassin with the heart of gold (kind of (maybe)).

"Nothing for nothing," the creed of the Angels. Angela is an absolute embodiment of this creed, that nothing should be offered for nothing -- that every action must be compensated with another action, every good deed repaid. There is no such thing as a free gift, and there is no such thing as doing a deed for the sake of something as paltry as "glory." Angela settles all accounts, whether it be credit owed to her or debts to be repaid. There are very very few things in this world that Angela does not seek to balance the scales in, and this is a great limit to her very, incredibly stubborn behavior. If she owes someone a favor, she will repay it -- even if that person is loathsome and evil and utterly vile, she is duty-bound to settle her debts no matter what... a fact that can put her at odds with even her closest of friends (or only friends) at times.

Angela is not really an angel. Unknown to everyone, herself included, she is one of the Asgardians she loathes so much -- in fact, she is the firstborn of their ruler, Odin All-Father. If she were to ever learn this, there's no telling what she might do, or how Heven might react (hint: not well). For right now, though, Angela can't even get home... and she very much considers those of Asgardian blood amongst her enemies, oftentimes limiting the things she can do. Her true nature is a weakness those who manage to glean it can potentially exploit -- a true, social achilles heel if there ever was one.

When Angela sets her mind to something, she sees it through, no matter what. She is incredibly bullheaded, unable to be reasoned with, and must do things -her- way, no matter -what-. This burning sense of pride makes her oftentimes refuse to explain herself, refuse to negotiate even when she ought to, and usually keep things close to the vest. In many ways Angela, like her hammer-wielding brother, is a force of nature, and this is not always to her benefit -- putting her often in precarious situations that could have been avoided if she had actually listened to others instead of just unilaterally deciding she knows best, no matter what.


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Title Date Scene Summary
New Friends In Deep Space! March 4th, 2019 Summary needed
The Ultimate Honey Trap February 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
You meet the oddest people in Boston February 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Sometimes a Hug can Save the Day April 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Back Aboard the Milano April 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Salmon Fishing in the Celestial's Head April 8th, 2018 It's all about the Green Ball, just like in Heavy Metal, except less violence and nudity
Meanwhile, back at Port Knowhere... April 8th, 2018 Summary needed
A Warrior's Greeting March 20th, 2018 Summary needed
A Hammer, A Trick, and An Angel walk into a street. March 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Welcoming Party March 13th, 2018 Summary needed
A Little Errand September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
A Lucrative Little Job August 27th, 2017 Coco presents the Guardians with a lucrative job offer.
Picking Up Gamora August 26th, 2017 The Guardians pick up Gamora, whom they kind of left when they got distracted with Brainiac.
Support Group for Robots August 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Statement of Purpose August 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Different Without You August 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Student and the Master May 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Can I Keep Her May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Angels and Robots: A Love Story May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
I Feel Different April 30th, 2017 Summary needed


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