9976/A Night at the Opera

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A Night at the Opera
Date of Scene: 09 November 2019
Location: Gotham City Opera House, Fort Clinton
Synopsis: Diana and Bruce enjoy the opera and an evening walk through the park.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Wonder Woman

Batman has posed:
Finally, Bruce was on his feet. The mysterious 'bourbon' that had been given to him by Baron Samedi as part of some enigmatic trade with the magus John Constantine had done everything it had promised to do. A cap a day had put him on the road to recovery, and now that the most serious injuries had been healed, he was left with only a few more nagging problems. Doctor Thompkins had given him leave to spend a night out on the town, and had even gone so far as to tell Diana the same thing - perhaps knowing she mightn't trust Bruce to be entirely honest about the state of his health.

They'd left from Wayne Manor early in the evening, chauffeured by Alfred in the '59 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud ( xIb5NNC.jpg ) that had been a prized possession of both Bruce's father and grandfather. They'd arrived at the Gotham Opera House just prior to the first act, giving them both enough time to get to their box seats without needing to engage in too much social to-and-fro. The opera had been Gilbert and Sullivan's 'Pirates of Penzance' - a comedy that had been rushed into production in the wake of the Battle of Metropolis but, despite that, was staged well and went smoothly. Funny, charming, and extravagant - the Gotham Opera Company must have poured a small fortune into the production.

As the curtain falls on the first act, Bruce turns to Diana in the private box they share overlooking the stalls and the Opera House's stage. He's forsaken the wheelchair now, instead walking upon a pair of stainless-steel crutches that now lay unobtrusively on the floor by his feet. It was clear he'd enjoyed the show - he'd even laughed at some of the funnier moments - and that half-smile still lingers on his face as he speaks.

"That was better than I thought it would be, considering they cut their rehearsal time in half."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had arrived at Wayne Manor via her own silver sports car, wearing her evening gown and properly done-up in makeup and a raised hairstyle. She'd been pleased to see Bruce's progress and eager to get their evening out under way. The car ride had been an anxious one, anxious for the Princess to get to enjoy some time away from the usual... amongst the people of Gotham and have a 'normal' time.

Once the show had started, Diana had been essentially all smiles throughout it, her eyes wandering the stage and the audience. She especially enjoyed when the audience was happily reacting to the performances on stage, it seemed to light her up even more to see the theater filled with... positivity.

When the intermission came, Diana looks over to Bruce and observes him, still smiling she reaches one gloved hand up and over to push her index finger toward the side of his face. "You are glowing." She says with a playful joy about her. "I have never heard you laugh this much before." There's a short pause then and she leans toward him, "I like it." She adds in a softer tone.

Batman has posed:
"I don't remember laughing this much before," Bruce admits, a brief look of concern crossing his face like a passing cloud that is there and gone just as quickly, "I suppose there's something to knowing everything's ... intact. That I don't need to push myself to get back out there."

There's something else there that he thinks but doesn't say. Something in the way his blue eyes fix upon Diana, his head tilting to one side as he looks at her - as though seeing her for the first time. As her finger touches his face, he gives a roguish grin, shifting a little in his seat to get a little bit closer to her even if the arm of the chair is still between them.

"You're all smiles, too," he tells her, his own hand lifting now to rest just beneath her chin and brush the tip of his thumb along her jaw, "You know, I was half-dreading coming out - I thought we'd be swamped. I guess after a month spent dodging calls, nobody thought I'd show. It's nice. Almost like we have the place to ourselves."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's skin is smooth as silk when his finger touches her jawline and when he speaks of her being 'all smiles' she has her red hued lips shift into a sly grin. "Yes, but no one is too surprised to see my face wearing a smile... Yours on the other hand? You might make headlines just for that expressed emotion." She's teasing him of course, because she likes to do it, she enjoys seeing his reaction to them.

When he speaks of them being almost-alone she glances out then at the audience below their box seat and it just makes her gently shake her head. "Not that alone." She comments before placing her eyes once more back upon him. "You're making a remarkable recovery." She softly says then. "I think your associates, friends, and family, were prepared for you to be far more immobile for a far greater length of time." There's a short pause then before she adds. "And they, in turn, have done a remarkable job as well. This is why we have a little bit of free time, I would say."

Batman has posed:
Bruce's eyes follow Diana to the audience below. Some milling about to talk, others in their seats checking phones, others still on their way out to the foyer. He slowly lowers his hand, instead finding hers beneath the railing and clasping it in his own. His thumb runs across her knuckles through the fabric of the gloves she wears. There is a strength in him now that, just a week ago, was completely absent. As she speaks, he continues to look down at opera-goers.

"I won't deny it and say I'm grateful to be moving again," he tells her softly, "But I can't stop thinking about the cost. Constantine assured us that he'd already paid the price on my behalf. All I need to do is drink that bottle until the more serious injuries are gone and then put it somewhere that it will always be safe. But it's magic - I've never trusted it."

He shakes his head slowly, turning once more to face her and giving her hand an affectionate squeeze: "But I'm here. I'm alive. If that's the price I had to pay for this? It was worth it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's own hand clutches Bruces and she's able to do it with more confidence now that he isn't brittle or going to be hurt by her smallest of forces. She'd had those fears when she'd first seen him post the fight ... he'd been in a very different shape then, one that was apparently alleviated by 'magic'.

"Magic comes in many forms." Diana quiet says, having seen quite a few displays of it in her days. Her eyes glance out toward the audience and then back onto him. "I would like to meet this Constantine someday, to thank him for his efforts in helping restore your health and well-being... But, I would also ask of him a few more details regarding this 'price' as lines of that nature can be more concerning than we may first realize."

There's a pause then from Diana, and she expresses concern for this stranger in John Constantine. "It is a potentially selfless act far beyond than we may know. Or... it could have consequences we should maybe be informed fully of. But either way, as things are now? They seem perfectly... perfect." She shows him a bright smile again, the kind that lights her own face up with inner happiness, of which she seems to have a wealth of at almost all times.

Batman has posed:
"There are conditions, I'm sure," Bruce tells her, "There always are with this sort of thing, from what I've observed. I won't pretend to fully understand the forces that Constantine treats with, but I know they aren't generous or selfless. That said, if you do talk to him I'd bear in mind that he can be an ... unpleasant man. His motives are good, but he's flawed. If he's taken on some great price for my sake, I'm going to make sure we're square."

For the moment, Bruce seems as though he would like nothing more than to sit there with her for the rest of time. All the times they'd discussed things like this under the auspices of the Justice League, he'd never let himself feel the sort of bond he felt now. It was always kept at arm's length, lest it hinder him or prevent him from making the right decision.

"What do you say to going for a walk?" he asks her suddenly, reaching down to pick the crutches up from the plush red carpeted floor, "Nobody's going to notice if we miss the second act and I could use some fresh air."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a hint of a smirk at the talk of Constantine's personality type and it just makes her softly shake her head. "I deal with unpleasant people on a daily basis. I imagine I will be able to handle him." Then there's a shy and small grin. "But I thank you for the warning as it will lead to less shock if he says or does anything particularly egregious."

When Bruce speaks of a walk and moves to gather up his crutches, she leans forward to help him do just that. "That sounds lovely." She replies to him as they then shortly there after raise up. Her eyes cast out over the theater once more before she turns and helps move with him back out of the box. "These really are lovely seats, I would be eager to do this again. I bet there are many great shows planned for the Holidays season." She expresses that with a light smile before they step outside and are greeted by an elderly couple in the corridor beyond.

There of course comes pleasantries then, as Bruce and Diana are forced to be, you know. SOCIAL with people at a social event. Diana wears her best kindness and banter with the pair before the separate and she looks over to Bruce, grinning at him. "I want to be a sweet old couple someday." She says to him then, even if she knows thats not really in the cards for her. If she dies someday, it'll likely be at the age she is now... physically anyway.

Batman has posed:
"We have a habit of donating the seats each season," Bruce explains, "I never have much time to attend and none of the kids are particularly interested. I think Damian feels they don't do enough operas with grisly murders in them. Alfred says he always preferred vaudeville."

As they walk down the opulently decorated corridor that leads to the marbled foyer of the opera house, he leans on his crutches and glances sidelong at Diana: "Though I think I'll hold onto them this season. I heard they're doing Die Fledermaus."

He can't help but grin broadly at that little joke, the sort that would make no sense to anyone who might overhear them.

After the social pleasantries are dispensed, he is reaching to accept a flute of champagne when Diana mentions being an elderly couple. To his own surprise, he doesn't stiffen up or feel sudden apprehension. He's heard this kind of talks from dates in the past, and it always filled him with that sort of heavy dread in the pit of his stomach. The feeling that this would never happen for him, that if he did grow old it would be alone and in seclusion.

But none of it comes. All he does is smile, leaning his weight on one of the crutches as he gathers a second champagne flute to hand to Diana.

"What do you think that'd be like?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
A soft and short laugh escapes at Bruce's joke about Damian and it's soon followed by a restrained and short groan too from the Princess. "Oh, dear. I really wish I could spend more time with Damian and perhaps help him find a little more... light through all the dark. I believe this life, though it has made him a strong person, has taken far too much of his innocence away. There's a charming young man there, who needs to be brought closer to the forefront of his persona..." She glances to Bruce, not wanting to talk ill of his parenting, but those are her honest thoughts about the boy... she would imagine Bruce would agree with them as well.

When he makes the little joke about 'The Bat' operetta, it gets a soft smirk from the Princess. "That is a little 'on the nose' I would say." She replies, then follows that with a hint of a grin as they walk together into the foyer.

At his last question she looks over to him, and a sweet smile slowly forms across her lips. "A lot like this." She says softly in response. "Only more wrinkles, and perhaps more grumbly jadedness in both of our voices." She's being silly, but doing it in that smooth and calming way, with that uniquely Themysciran accent to her voice. But after a short pause, she adds further, more seriously. "I think it would be nice to grow old with someone you truly do rely on the company of to feel whole with. Even if there is the undeniable human element of wearing on one another's nerves after 'too much time together' there is still that haunting loss of missing them when they are not there. That part... is beautiful to me."

Batman has posed:
Bruce seems, for the moment, at a loss for words. It may look as though he's concerned, confronted by some puzzle dropped in front of him that he isn't able to immediately solve. His brow knits a little, and the look of happiness that has slowly become his standard over the last week and a half gives way to the grim concentration that is more typically him.

"I - " he starts, but seems for a moment at a loss for words, "Do you want to get some air? The park's just across the road."

He puts his champagne flute down, untouched, and slips an arm through the arm rests. He carefully directs himself towards the big, gilded doors of the foyer and one of the red-suited staff quickly open it wide for him. Should she follow him outside, he turns to her as they begin to move away from the glow of the opera house and the milling crowd outside.

"I'm sorry," he says a little breathily, pausing at the traffic lights and waiting to cross the street, "I'm just - I don't know how to put it into words. Not well, anyway. I want you to stay, Diana. With me. Everything in my life always leaves a nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I've always tried to do the right thing, but I've never been sure."

A pause, a deep breath, and he turns to look at her.

"But I'm sure about this. Ever since the museum I've been sure. There's no doubt or misgivings this time. This is what I want. What I think - I hope - you want, too. My family all adore you. How could they not? You even mentioned wanting to spend more time with Damian. New York's only just across the river. I'm not asking you to give up your life for me. I don't want you to change."

He pauses again, brow furrowing as he searches for words, he's never had cause to say until now.

"I'm better with you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Of course." Diana says with regard to going outside for some fresh air. On their way out, a member of the opera house's staff actually spots them - and her - and rushes to give her her jacket with a series of small and quick compliments as if he'd been waiting to get to give Diana her jacket, or maybe its a service that the opera house offers?! Who's to say! All the same, Diana smiles to the employ of the theater and thanks him graciously.

With her jacket on, she steps outside with Bruce and her gaze goes to him, she knows he's still recovering thusly she needs to be ready to catch him if he were to fall... but with her reflexes that likely would never be a problem.

At what he says, Diana searches his eyes and that handsomely classical structure to his face and it just makes her beam with delight. But after a moment she glances back to the Opera house, her long neck flexing as she angles her stare back the way they'd come, then she's turning to look back onto him having taken a moment to think about his words.

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" Diana then questions him. A second later and her smile is growing in size. "Do I get a corner in your sock drawer?" She teases him, just to be a little silly and light hearted with his ever abundance of overly dramatic mood and emotions... which may be why they work great together, they can balance one another out some.

Diana's gloved hand reaches out to gently rest on one of his upon the crutch it is using. "You're right, Manhattan is not far. My work, my life there, is barely any harder to get to should we do such a thing." She draws in a breath, she's never lived with a man before so even in her advanced years it is quite a prospect. "I'd like to try it." There's only ever two men she'd met in the past 100 years she'd actually desired such a thing with, and one had long since gone from her life.

The other is right here in front of her.

Batman has posed:
"My sock drawer?" Bruce asks, a half-smile flashing as the tension seeps out of him at last, "The House has two-hundred and fifty rooms. I'm still convinced Jason moved some friends in when he first came there and I'm just yet to run into them. There's as much room as you'd need. The Cave even has enough space if you need 'jet parking'."

There's no denying that the prospect is dizzying. A wide variety of guests and family members have shared Wayne Manor with him since he returned from his journey overseas. But there'd always been a distance. Great empty spaces between them that existed both physically and emotionally. He could feel the difference here. The desire not to simply have her 'close at hand' but to live in that warmth and light that was so much a part of her very being.

After a few moments they've crossed the street, stepping into Gotham's St. Mary's Park. It has a bad reputation at night, but for some reason it seems less menacing now. They walk down one of the paved pathways that twists through it, towards the cemetery that sits at its heart. It embodies the sort of gothic beauty Gotham is known for. After walking for a short while, Bruce pauses beneath the gentle glow of cast iron streetlamp with Victorian scrollwork.

"I've let too many things in life pass me by because I thought Batman couldn't exist alongside anything else. Because I thought I couldn't divide my attentions. I can't - won't - let this be one of them, Diana."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As they walk into the park, Diana has to laugh softly at the over abundance of space inside of Wayne Manor. "Oh, delightful then I can invite more of my Themysciran sisters to join us... say... two hundred? Perhaps two twenty five? I want to make sure to leave some space for you and yours after all. So as not to impose, yes?" She grins at him then as they walk down the pathway in the chilly Gotham night in November. Her eyes spare a moment to wander the park, her enhanced senses are well capable of catching anything nefarious that may be going on, or may try to find them...

But ultimately, she yet senses nothing like that and instead just focuses on the joy of their interaction. "It amuses me how little people in the Justice League understand the modern iteration of the 'Invisible Jet'." She says, grinning yet still to show her amusement openly. "It is an alien powered technology, it is - by default - simply a desk like... say... the diameter of one of my shields. It takes on the shape of what I will it too, so you see? It is a very capable 'space saving' device." She laughs softly at this notion, but she understand the confusion... since there were two 'jets' and one of them is since retired and was very much Earth-tech, rather than alien.

With a light inhale, and a soft exhale, Diana nods her head to his words. "I am happy to help you change that in your life, Bruce." She stops them to step in front of them as they stand beside the cemetery. Her hair is tied back, but there is one loose strand that drapes down the right side of her face in an artistically designed way of showing some casualness to her hairstyle, and that singular strand gently sways in the cold breeze.

"You needn't worry about me passing you by." She says. "I am here now, for you, and us." Another soft smile is shown, then a glance to the Cemetery, then back to him. "I... would mean to offer you a... kiss, to prove it, but this seems like an odd location for such an exchange." Awkward pause, then quietly added. "Admittedly..." Then she grins though its a bit of a nervous twitch of an expression.

Batman has posed:
"A disc?" Bruce asks, eyebrows raising, "And here I am excavating whole caverns underneath Crest Hill just to make space for the next interaction of the Plane. You clearly need to introduce me to your alien friends."

A month ago, it would seem so incredibly far beyond the realm of possibility for him to make a joke. To smile. To be happy just walking and talking without his actions being bent towards the resolution of some case or the completion of some mission. There's no denying that there is still a sort of grim sadness to him, but it has been tempered - underlying his life now, rather than defining it in sharp relief.

His eyes shift for a moment to the cemetery, and he nods, "Maybe a little odd, yes. But that's the thing about Gotham. People come here for the first time and they talk about the architecture, how it all looks so moody and dark and ominous. But I think there's a beauty in it. It's a way of appreciating life, by acknowledging the parts of it we like to pretend don't exist. It helps remind me why I chose the life I did. That just because something looks a certain way, that doesn't mean it can't serve a perfect good."

He reads the nerves in her expression, unused to seeing them but feeling just as charmed as ever. His right arm lifts from the crutch he leans on, shaking out of the support before raising it to the side of her face. He gently takes that loose strand of hair between thumb and forefinger, tucking it back and behind her ear.

"And it makes me think about the life I want to live. The one that isn't blood and misery. The one where I can still do the good things, I shaped myself to be able to do, but maybe finally understand that there's more than that. Maybe take a night off for the opera. Maybe take a vacation. Maybe sleep in on Sundays."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana does a soft and little laugh at his confirmation of the alien tech that powers the current jet she employs. "Yes, that is right. I can command it to be anything within the limits matter that it can create. It is a remarkable technology, to be sure, but to those who created it? Well... they were 'blown away' by our... strawberry ice cream..." A grin openly spreads across her lips then. "To them that was a marvel of creation, something they could not wrap their minds around. Which just goes to show how we all develop in our own unique, and interesting ways."

Its then that he strokes the hair back behind her ear and her eyes follow his hand before she looks down, smiles and then looks up again into his gaze. "We have done the opera thing, perhaps a vacation can be planned now, but guess what?" She dips her chin a little before she continues, with eyes locked onto his. "Tomorrow is Sunday and... with how well you have been doing with your recovery, I think perhaps you have earned a little extra sleep because of it."

She raises her hands then to place them onto his shoulders, gloved in white up to her elbows, contrasting against the black dress she's wearing though matching the white jacket she has on now, Diana raises her right hand up to the side of his neck then to the side of his face.

She leans in to kiss him then, it'll be a soft and sweet kiss, won't last terribly long because she feels that would be inappropriate next to a place of mourning, but it'll be an intimate kiss, one with a wealth of affection. After it, she softly tells him. "Thank you for a truly happy night, Bruce."

Batman has posed:
Bruce doesn't draw the kiss out any longer. For once, he accepts something for what it is. One arm necessarily occupied by the crutch to keep him on his feet, his free one comes to rest at the small of her back. His eyes close, the kiss coming and going in its time. When finally they part, he opens his eyes and smiles at Diana once more.

"Thank you," he tells her quietly, though he's easily heard with the noise of the city so muffled and distant, "And if there's a vacation to be planned, maybe you'd like to come along? You know, I haven't been to Greece since I was a teenager. I remember seeing the Aegean and thinking there was nothing else in the world that was that kind of blue."

He glances towards the cemetery again, and then back towards the opera house that can be seen glittering through the leafless trees and the baroque fencing around St. Mary's Park.

"What do you say we blow off the second act? It's been years since I got to just walk through Gotham. Appreciate it. I know it's cold, but it seems like a perfect night for a walking tour." He pauses, giving thought to Alfred before adding, "I'll tell Alfred to head on back. We can find our own way."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana will move to walk with Bruce, letting him have his space since he is still required to use those crutches to get about, but he's doing so great she wouldn't be surprised if he was beyond them within a week or two!

She smiles when he mentions Alfred. "He will probably still follow us on some kind of a GPS system, you know." She muses over the thought, joking really as she doesn't truly believe Alfred would. "We can use an Uber!" She announces with excitement then. "And then act like we are not the people that the driver might think we are." A light grin is shown to Bruce. "That might be a less than smart idea in your situation yet still."

Her eyes go up to the horizon of the city then when they start to venture away from the park and toward the rest of Gotham. "I would be happy to go anywhere in the world you would like to. Greece? Certainly so... as I am a bit partial to it, you know."

Batman has posed:
"I've been in worse scrapes than this," Bruce tells her, looking down at himself and the crutches, "We'll be alright. Besides, if we get in any trouble Batman's always out there."

He momentarily turns his eyes towards one of the tall, gargoyle festooned buildings that overlook the park. There's nothing readily visible there, but he knows a good reconnaissance spot when he sees once. The southwestern corner of that particular structure commanded a view of all of Fort Clinton on a clear night.

"Greece sounds good," he agrees, nodding his head and glancing sidelong at her, "I'm partial to it myself. I'll get the all-clear from Leslie - if she says I'm good to fly, then we should go. My plane's no invisible alien spacecraft, but it's comfortable at the very least."

The talk of pretending to be people they aren't only makes him laugh again, "If we head back to the House at all. I've got an apartment at the top of the Wayne Building. How do you feel about watching sunrise?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes scan the rooftops as he speaks of Batman. "And many of the others as well... there's quite a number of them operating today... I hope they all stay safe out there." That is said calmly and with a clear level of worry for the well-being of the other Bat-family members, she knows how dangerous this city is and what it wants to do to the Bats, let alone the rest of its citizens.

A light and little laugh escapes between the Princess' red hued lips then when he talks of his plane versus her alien craft. "I will not judge it." She tells him, her stare peaking over at him. "Not too harshly at least." She chides him before raising her gaze up again to breath in a deep take of cold November air.

"Sunrise at the top of Wayne Tower?" She asks, once more looking over at the m an she walks beside, though now she hooks a hand over to lightly hold onto his bicep beside her. "I am ready for this..." She tells him in a voice best described as sultry but sweet.

Batman has posed:
As Diana takes his arm in hers, Bruce moves along on his crutches down the paved pathway and towards the path's northern gateway - the opera house left behind them now. He doesn't have a difficult time moving, having taken to the crutches a lot better than he had with the wheelchair. It might seem as though he did not have a great deal of time to get used to either, but then he's always been a master of the quick study.

"It's quite a view from the top of Wayne Tower," he tells her as they go, the building itself visible even from here above the parapets of Fort Clinton, "It was the tallest building in Gotham for a long time. The city even considered passing ordinance to keep a taller building from being built but my grandfather thought that would be an 'impediment to progress'."

It's unusual for him to speak of his family in such a way. He'd been so long without parents that it is hard to imagine that they existed as anything more than photographs and paintings. But this is the Wayne legacy he had left to lie fallow in favor of being Batman.

"I'd offer to race you there, but I think it wouldn't be much of a contest."

Wonder Woman has posed:
In truth, Diana had never been in Wayne Tower. She'd been past it, and met Bruce outside of it a number of times, but she'd never gone inside. There'd never been in a reason in the handful of years that they've known each other for her to do so.

As he explains a bit of the history of the place she looks over at him and offers a light smile to what he says. "It would be odd for your family to claim the height of dominance, yes. I think that would paint the wrong picture for the Wayne family name to do, as your grandfather said... consider it more of a challenge for someone to build something higher, perhaps?"

The subject of a race makes Diana tip her chin up and release a short and small bubbling laugh. "Oh no..." She says, now shaking her head from right to left. "I will not let you trick me into a race, and then have you beat me so soundly. Look at you on these things, you are practically a vehicle in NASCAR." She's teasing of course, but the real surprise might be Diana even knowing what NASCAR is...

Batman has posed:
"NASCAR?" Bruce asks, not suppressing the laugh in his voice, "Of all the people on the face of the planet I'd think of to make a reference to NASCAR? You're probably the very last one. Hm, maybe second last. Somehow I can't imagine J'onn talking about it."

He glances at her again, eyebrows raised: "That's the thing about you, Diana. For all the time we've spent together, there's always something about you that's surprising. The good kind of surprising."

Eventually, they pass through the gate and out onto the street again. Wayne Tower looms in the distance, the plaza outside well-lit along with the streets leading up to it. This part of Gotham almost seems safe to walk through at night. Almost.

"But you're right," he tells her, "I built these myself. The second you took off, I'd have a makeshift jetpack to get me there first." Is he kidding? It's hard to tell when it comes to Bruce Wayne and gadgets.

"Let's just leave it at walking - and tell me, do you have your phone with you?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
More amused laughter comes from the Princess at Bruce's response to her about reference NASCAR. "Come now, I know of it. How could I not know of it? They drive around in a circle for hours on end, constantly going left at extreme speeds. Something like that is sure to make me furrow my brow and wonder precisely what the goal is in doing such a thing. Then I remember..." She looks over to Bruce and says with a clear sense of self satisfaction. "Glory." She says, summing up NASCAR in her viewpoint. "It is about glory. Because to do something so grueling, for so long, only to be heralded as the winner of it? Well... that must make some people feel very good."

She pauses then. "The real question though... why would anyone watch it?" She's kidding of course, she's just musing thoughts within her mind. Ramblings of Diana. There should be an audiobook format, really.

When he asks of her phone she moves her hands to reach inside of her jacket's interior pocket where she finds her phone that he'd given to her. "Yes, of course." She says. "Why, does it activate the Jetpack?" She then asks with a slight smirk for him.

Batman has posed:
"Not quite," Bruce tells her, looking at the phone for a moment before producing his own - it's of the same make and model. The latest innovation from Wayne Electronics, still not fully rolled out in all markets, "Just something I put together to make it feel a bit more personal."

He activates something on his phone, and the wireless link between the two devices connects with a chime. A moment later, Diana's phone turns off and for a moment simply looks like an inert rectangle of glass. There are a few seconds, enough to think that maybe he'd damaged it somehow. But then, with a chime, it switches on again. This time, the layout and operating system look different. They have a distinctly Themysciran look and theme - which, in itself, puts the phone more in line with Diana's own character.

"It's nothing too major," he admits, putting his own phone into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, "You can switch it back to the default setting whenever you like."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As Diana walks alongside him and he does this update to her phone, she glances down at it to watch it deactivate. "I have some very important pictures on there that I have not yet had a chance to transfer to my laptop you know... if you erase them, I am going to have to... do something that I have not yet decided what." She smirks sideways to him before out of her peripheral she sees her phone come back on with a flash of light all around her, since it is glass and has a very bright screen.

Her eyes snap down to it as she takes a moment to gather what she's looking at and it then causes her to audibly 'Awwwwww.' with an overwhelming sweeping of sentimental emotion washing over her. She raises the device up a little higher to take in all the finer details for a few seconds before she shoots a look over at him when he speaks of resetting it...

"I will do no such thing. It has... beauty now." She glances back at it, then sucks in a bit of air as her lips open wider. She touches his shoulder with one hand then uses it to point at her phone. "My logo is the features button." She notes. Happily her finger taps on it and she scans through it, noticing over bits of personalization she can see inside it.

"Now it is truly the Wonder Phone." She states, grinning happily at him as she brushes her shoulder lightly against the side of his. "Thank you... its adorable..."

Batman has posed:
Bruce smiles, clearly happy to see her so delighted by the gesture. Unable to lift his hands from the crutches, he instead simply leans a little into her when she brushes her shoulder against his.

"Just be careful calling it the Wonder Phone," he tells her, still smiling, "Or pretty soon they're going to be prefixing 'wonder' to everything you own. The name 'Batmobile' was never my idea, you know. I just called it the Car."

There's not much further to go now, and they walk off the street to the expansive plaza and fountain that makes up the main entrance to Wayne Tower. The building itself is old and gargoyle festooned like the rest of the city, but it seems to have a certain character. There is nothing dark or neglected about it - it is lit up like a jewel in Gotham's crown.

One of the security guards behind the front desk looks slightly alarmed to see the pair, immediately rising to his feet and pressing a button to open the plexiglass gates that lead towards the elevator bank. Obviously new security measures installed long after the building was first built.

"After you," Bruce offers, gesturing into the mirrored elevator carriage as it arrives.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Another bubbly bit of laughter comes from the Princess when he speaks of the media naming stylings and the Batmobile. "I know..." She responds. "They do it for the headlines, you know. It grabs people's attention... But you are right, we need to try to curb it ourselves as best we can."

As they stride up to the building, she gives it a good look skyward because its always a sight to behold a skyscraper at it's very base, straight up. With a smile she looks down again to Bruce, then to the doors as they are opened. Once inside and they are passing by the security guard, she raises a hand and offers him a little friendly wave and a sweet voiced. "Thaaaank you..." To him as well as a big smile, because well, she likes to try to be nice to people and sometimes a simple gesture like that can life a person's spirits, sometimes...

Once they move to the lift, Diana boards it and she puts the phone away inside her jacket again. "The Wonder Tower." She says then, as her mind is thinking of other things to put the name in front of now, her gaze going back to Bruce though to grin at him. "Ooo, the Wonder Bat!" And the doors close on the two of them, the Lift taking them up to the apartment high above.