9783/Investigations of investigators in need of investigating.

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Investigations of investigators in need of investigating.
Date of Scene: 26 October 2019
Location: Eyrie Building -- Xanatos Office.
Synopsis: With $500, Ralph is off to see the wizard...
Cast of Characters: David Xanatos, Elongated Man

David Xanatos has posed:
The phone call came from someone identifing himself as Owen Burnett, personal assistant to David Xanatos. The David Xanatos. Like Richer the Lex Luthor, God, and Bill Gates David Xanatos. And he was requesting a meeting at the Eyrie Building in six hours. He would be paid $75 an hour, half again his usual rate, with the promise of a $500 retainer should Mr. Dibney take the case...

Elongated Man has posed:
"Mm-hmm. I see. Yes. I see. Mmhmm. Yes. Oh. Indeed. Thank /you/." Ralph Dibny scrawls out some notes on a small pad and ends the phone call. His neck extends to inhuman proportions, sending his head into the next room.

"Sue, you're not going to /believe/ this," he chuckles. "We've got the case of a lifetime!"

Sue Dibny doesn't glance up from her own paperwork. "Sweetie, you say that at least once a month."

"Yeah, but--"

Sue flashes a glance at her husband.

"Alright," Ralph says, neck retracting. "I'll do this one /myself/!"


Ralph stands in the lobby, drumming his slender fingers on the front desk. "I /am/ on the schedule, right? Do you think I'm over-dressed?" Ralph looks down at his plaid suit.

David Xanatos has posed:
Own steps out of the elevator at precisely the agreed upon time. His tone dry and calm, showing now emotion what so ever. "Well Mr. Dibny, it is good to see that you are at least puntual. Please follow me, Mr. Xanatos is waiting." And then, without waiting to see if the garishly dressed man is following he scans his security card and goes back into the elevator, indicating for it to go to the very top floor.

Elongated Man has posed:
Upon hearing his name, Ralph offers a toothy grin and extends a hand out to Owen. "Yes, thank--" he begins, but is cut off by the other man's return to the elevator. "Alright, then," Ralph says, quickly catching up to enter the elevator before the doors close.

Watching the floor indicator increase, Ralph clears his throat. "So, any relation to Carol?" He pauses for just a moment and then chuckles softly. "Sorry, sorry. You probably hear that all the time. Say," he adds, "I suppose you don't know of any celebrities with the name 'Xanatos' to use that line on with your boss, do you?"

David Xanatos has posed:
"I do not," Owen says stiffly and calmly, facing the doors of the elevator even as the car leaces the steel of the buildings structure and becomes incased in glass, offering a 270 degree view of the city around them. "As for making the Carol joke, most people in my regular aquaintance have a more refined sense of humor, so in fact no I do not hear that one often." When the reach the top the elevator opens, and the assistant walks out. "Mr. Dibny to see you sir."

David Xanatos is either wearing a bluetooth earphone, or is slightly crazy. "That will be fine. Sell it all for seven and transfer the remainder to my account in Zurich. Either I or Owen will be in touch." He then turns and offers the PI a toothy smile. "Ralph, it's a pleasure to meet you. Come in."

Elongated Man has posed:
At the rebuff, Ralph shrugs slightly and makes a show of adjusting his plaid jacket. "Well, pardon me," he mutters, shuffling out of the elevator after Owen.

His posture straightens a bit as David Xanatos turns, and Ralph reaches a hand out--that hand and forearm stretched a dozen feet forward from himself, weaving around Owen toward Xanatos.

"The pleasure's all mine. I've heard a lot about you. On the news, that is," Ralph continues. "I hope I can be of some service. Say, I don't suppose you're any relation to Carol Burnett?" he asks, looking at Xanatos rather than his assistant.

David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos laughs slightly, not shying away or seeming at all disturbed or shocked by the man's...reach. "I don't think so, my father was a Greek immigrant, and I believe she's of English personage." There is an amused twinkle in his eye, apparently having devined the whole of the joke rather quickly. He gestures to a small conversation area around a glass table and says to own "The Glenlivet 12 Year, and two glasses if you would Owen." He takes on of the seats and leans back, a small manilla folder on the table. "So I have a, shall we say, unusual case for you to Ralph. I may call you Ralph, right?"

Elongated Man has posed:
"Mister Xanatos," Ralph replies cheerfully, "for what you're paying, you can call me Stretch." As he speaks, he walks forward, letting his hand retract to its normal length.

"So, tell me, what are the pertinent details? And how do you think I can help? Assuming, of course," he adds with the raise of one eyebrow, "that you're thinking of something other than my highly regarded ability as a detective."

Ralph glances over his shoulder at Owen and then leans forward slightly. "I'm not sure we can rule /him/ out yet, whatever it is," he says in a low voice and an exaggeratedly ominous tone.

David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos smiles a bit, "I promise you that if Owen were who you were investigating, you would have more then your work cut out for you. But no I have asomeone else in mind." He slides over a single sheet of paper, with the pertinant details. the man's name is Dresden, Harry. D.O.B 31 October 1997. 6'9", 220 lbs. Brown and Brown. Profession: Private Invesigator and...Wizard." Xanatos takes the glasses and bottle from Owen as the man returns and pours two glasses of scotch, sliding the other to Dibny.

Elongated Man has posed:
Taking a long moment to study the paper, Ralph nods slowly. "Dresden. Private investigator--seems relevant enough." His eyes narrow just a bit. "Wizard. Now that's something."

His nose begins to twitch.

"This, Mister Xanatos ... /this/ is precisely my territory." Ralph grins. "And I'm not just saying that because I want to see a wizard in action. But I'm also not gonna lie--it's part of it."

Lifting the paper for emphasis, Ralph nods to it. "So, do you just need some basic trailing? He maybe a fraud and you want to expose him? Or is there something a bit more ... explosive?"

David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos laughs slightly, a rich healthy baratone. "Nothing so intricate. I want a file on him. As complete a dosier as you can manage. I'd also prefer that Mr. Dresden not know he was being survaled." He says sipping his scotch. "The truth is that I intend to hire the man myself, but I don't like to include a man in business as close as I intend for Mr. Dresden until I have a full working understanding of him." He sets the glass down. "The job pays, as I believe $500 upfront, An additional $500 on delivery of the Dossier, with a bonus of $250 provided you can do this without arousing Mr. Dresden's attention and provide me with adiquate information that I can use to tempt him into my employ."

Elongated Man has posed:
Nodding to punctuate Xanatos' points--especially the dollar amounts--Ralph clears his throat. "That all sounds perfectly understandable to me. Why wouldn't you want to make sure the people you're hiring are above board? Not everyone is a respectable, flexible adventurer," he adds, letting his neck reach just a bit beyond human proportions.

"I'll have all the information you need before you can say 'abracadabra.'" Ralph pauses. "Actually, that may not be the best magic word to use as a punchline ... how about 'shaz--' er, hm." He coughs. "'Presto change-o'? Yes, that should do it."

He claps his hands and wiggles them, jazz-style. "Presto change-o!" After a moment, Ralph adds: "This is quality you can count on, obviously."

David Xanatos has posed:
"I have no doubts." Xanatos says, amused, and holds a single hand over his shoulder, into which Owen places a leather bound Folder. He passes the folder to Dibny and says, "It's a simple investigative contract. Feel free to look it over. the salients are that you agree to perform the task as I have outlined. That I am retaining you at the sum of $500, with the expectation that you spend no less then ten hours in the next 14 days working explicitly on my case. I will expect an itemized invoice of any and all expenses that you will want reimbursed for above your time." In the folder is a multi page document full of legaleze...and 5 portraits of Benjamin Franklin...

Elongated Man has posed:
"You got it," Ralph replies. "I'll work my magic on Mister Wizard. So to speak, of course." He accepts the folder and slips it into a pocket inside his jacket.

He smiles broadly and grasps his lapels. "You won't be disappointed--that's a licensed and bonded guarantee," Ralph says, rocking gently on his heels.

After a moment, the investigator glances from Xanatos to Owen and back. "Is there anything else I can do while I'm here? Or should I waste no more of your valuable time?"

David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos smiles that easy smile, "To quote one of my favorite literary leaders, Don't let me detain you." Owen seems to take that as his cue, moving towards the elevator and signaling it so that Ralph can leave. "good hunting Ralph." David offers as the doors slide open silently to transfer the man to the realm of mere mortals once again.

Elongated Man has posed:
"Absolutely," Ralph replies, nodding to Xanatos as his body turns to begin following Owen back to the elevator.

Silent as the pair descend back to the ground floor, Ralph speaks up once the doors open. "Well, as always, I'll miss this, my friend. But I guess that's what next time is for, yes?" He pauses outside the elevator door and raises a hand in farewell.

David Xanatos has posed:
Owen merely pushes his thin glasses a bit higher up his aristocratic nose and says simply. "Have a good evening Mr. Dibny." and the door closes, letting the blond man raise back up in silence. As he reenters Xanatos' office, David is reading the file that Owen brought him earlier. a rather thick one labeled "Dibny, Ralph." and sipping his scotch. Owen nods and says, "He cetrainly is a colorful fellow."

Xanatos allows a bit of a smirk to cross his lips. "He is, yes. Reminds me of this character I met oh, 15 years ago."

Owen pushes his glasses a bit higher on his nose yet and says "I have no idea what you are refering to." And walks away to his master's laughter.