9512/Troll Bridge, Schmol Bridge..

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Troll Bridge, Schmol Bridge..
Date of Scene: 10 October 2019
Location: 9512-Littleneck Narrows Bridge: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Dean, Jamie, Morrigan, and Harry find missing homless people captured by fear spirits..
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Dean Winchester, Multiple Man, Morrigan MacIntyre

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Lately rumors of people vanishing near the Littleneck Narrows Bridge have trickled through the city. No bodies have been found, so no police report has been instigated. All that's known has come from the local transients and runaways who if they were smart have started avoiding the area like it was the plague.

    The sun went down an hour ago when Harry finally pulls off to the side of the road. Stepping out of the small multi-colored VW Bug he lovingly calls 'The Ambush Bug' he adjusts the shoulders of his duster before checking his pockets for the Crown Royal bag of iron caltrops and an old Thunder Five revolver, it's chambers filled with custom .410 shells. "Alright harry, this is where it's been going down." he tells himself making his way to the hood of the car to untwist the baleing wire holding the hood down, pocketing a handful more shells and grabbing his blasting rod the wizard starts to make his way down the embankment to the shorline below.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester parked his own car a little more distance away. He's not about to put his baby in the line of fire, especially when he's not entirely sure what he's walking into. Whatever it is, he knows it's big and it's bad and he wishes he had his brother here to help. But that's a whole other thing and he ain't about to dwell on it right now. Emotional baggage is only gonna get in the way.

He has a sawed-off shotgun, his usual monster-killing enchanted knife and a small back of the usual accoutrements. He knows this might be more of a scouting mission for him, since he's not a hundred percent about what he's gonna find. Some things just don't die that easy. But he's stubborn enough to keep trying.

Multiple Man has posed:
Vampires. Werewolves. Trolls. These things were not the usual investigative fare pf Jamie Madrox, the loveable Multiple Man. Hell, he's supposed to be in Genosha snooping around the royal family... but here he is instead. Sitting at a bus stop, smoking a cigarette and asking himself(literally most of the time) where it all went weirder. "Ahhhhh. Probably a past life mishap. Like, thursdays past life. What a trash pile of a day that was..." A brow arches as some attention seems to find the same bridge that's brought him.

Flicking away his smoke, Jamie stands up with a grunt. Smacks himself on the cheek and... "Doctor." He says to the new Duplicate. "Doctor." Replies the identical man. An upnod and one sits down, the other tugging his overcoat collar up as he starts for the bridge. The other Jamie? Takes out another cigarette and sits back down. Playing the part of look out... or lazy vagrant. Depending on political views.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Missing people and no bodies found? Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre was absolutely interested in this. The redhead still had her sunglasses on when she came wandering down the way. Yes, there's a very pretty redhead making her way down the bank. Nothing out of the ordinary. She's not loaded up to hunt bear or anything. She doesn't have any weapons from what it looks like.

She takes the time to look over the bridge before heading down towards the embankment quietly. Better to not spook people.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     First on the scene, Harry doesn't notice the 'stragglers' coming up from behind. Vanishing from sight into the shadow under the bridge he pulls out the silver pentacle necklace left to him by his mother. A soft investment of will has it glowing with a soft silver blue light. Nobody is under the bridge, everyone having cleared out, but set into the wall is a door, looking to have been created in the victorian era made of solid bronze with intricate carvings of pixies, faeries, dryads and nymphs he opens the door to find a stairwell heading down into the ground. With a sigh he looks for a way to prop the door open. "Should have gone and gotten mouse Dresden." he says to himself looking down into the darkness his magical senses searching for any trouble.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean doesn't have any sort of supernatural senses, but he's been hunting long enough that he knows when he's not alone. Unlike the good doctor, he has no problem with spooking people if it suits his purposes.

"Some sorta convention goin' on,' he mutters to himself, letting the others head down the embankment first, hanging back to take up the rear. Although, who knows, Batman'll be showin' up any minute with his posse of child-soldiers. Dean wouldn't be surprised at this point.

"Nuts," he mutters to himself, making sure his footing is steady as he heads down.

Multiple Man has posed:
Hands in his pockets, shoulders sloped to make himself look smaller, Jamie isn't a little man... but appearances are important. Especially when you have a big M tattooed into your mug. Observant. Quick witted. He catches sight of Dean angling that direction as well. Morrigan already making her way down. An upnod to the unknown Winchester before Jamie starts down the slope.

It's when he gets down there under that bridge that he's struck with... well, something he can't explain but accepts none the less. After all, spend some time with any Mutants at all and weird becomes the default. His tone is even. Careful and calm. "Nice night to go a-disappearin', huh?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Who is Mouse?" Morrigan gives a bit of a look to Dresden when she finally gets to the stairs down. "Hello, Dresden. I'm not surprised to see you here." she murmurs to him. Then she's looking behind her to see the two others that are bringing up the rear.

"I'm going to guess that we're all here for the same thing." she looks around. "Or...someone is here to buy drugs and didn't get the memo." she shrugs. She wasn't judging anyone!

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden opens his eyes having not felt the approach of the other two, Dean still far enough back to not be really all that visible. the area awash in foreign magic. First glancing up at Jamie, and then letting out a soft sigh. "Mouse is my Tyanosaurus Terrier." he says nodding to the woman. "Ms. MacIntyre, you really shouldn't be nosing about places like this until you have a better handle on your gifts. How have the exercises been coming?" he asks his eyes never meet anyone's for more than a split second, his eyes tending to focus on the spot of their forehead right above their gaze. "The two of you partners in coming down here?" he asks both Morrigan and Jamie.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester comes down and regards Harry with a wary eye, "Dunno who died and made you el capitan, pal, but dollface here's got as much right to be here as anybody. If anybody's handin' out licenses for huntin' monsters, I ain't seen 'em. Course, from the look of it, you're knee deep in witch crap yourself, so I ain't sure I trust you as far as I can throw you. Although I could probably throw you pretty damn far if I put my back in it," he says.

He looks over at the Madroxes and shakes his head, "And I ain't even gonna get into...whatever's goin' on here. Let's keep it simple: where's the monster and how do we kill it?"

Multiple Man has posed:
"Personally, I'm going to be a little bummed out if I went snooping under a bridge and I -didn't- come away with some drugs. Be like going to Cleveland and not getting the clap." He doesn't even skip a beat with the retort to Morrigan. Hands come out of his overcoat pockets, smokes to light. He quit four days ago. So he tells everyone. "Mmm! Red and I go way back. Met at a gift store." A wink to Morrigan then before he sizes her up. Mutant? Monster? He'll find out.

The addition of Dean gets a laugh from Jamie, smokey and unhindered. "Hell, I think I like this guy. He talks like a truck stop looks. Looks like I wish I did... ahem... So. Monster? Killing? Ho-ho-holy crap. I'm just here to get some answers, not catch a body." An upnod to Harry then. "Dresden, huh? Heard about you. Competition. A pleasure."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Ooo. Magic. I'm tired of things being weird with the magic." Morrigan states as she takes off her sunglasses. "Guess Loki siphoned off energy from the local leylines to help restore a dead planet? Who'd have thought that was a thing." the redhead states as she reaches out to touch the wall. "Exercises are going alright. Can manage one spell at the moment." she muses.

Then there's a look to Jamie when he asks if they're partners, "Ah, no. Haven't met these gentlemen before. But hello." she admits with a little wave. There's a soft chuckle at the 'Dollface' comment from Dean, "I believe that's the sweetest thing anyone has said this week." she smiles to that. Then she turns back to Harry, "What he said, do you know what's going on with the missing people?" she asks the Wizard.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden raises an eye brow at Dean for a moment before he channels his inner Batman. "My city, my problem, my rules." he says simply "Ohh, and I was here first, so dibs on shot callin. Who are you anyway?" he adds before he lets out another sigh jsut shaking his head "Could be a Troll, possibly a Boggart, could even be a Phobophage. What ever it is, it's set up shop down in undercity." he says simply to the three. "I've dealt with things like this before." he adds glancing between Jamie and Dean before looking back at Morrigan. "You, I know I won't be able to get to listen to reason, did you at least bring something incase you get into a fight?" he asks before glancing over at Jamie "You, look like either an off duty detective that doesn't care about promotions, or a PI, you on a case?" he asks

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester snorts, "We'll play it your way, then. Don't think you can call dibs on a whole city, though, pal. Especially a big one like this. Not without a big cape and a letter on your chest or some crap like that. You don't look so super to me," he says.

He turns to Morrigan and introduces himself to her, "Dean Winchester, at yer service. Savior of damsels. Anything goes bump in the night, feel free to give me a call," he says. "If you need a gun, I got a couple spares. We might have to do some shootin' while Merlin here figures out how many eyes of newt it's gonna take to get his mojo workin'."

Multiple Man has posed:
Magic?! Jamie lets out an audibly weary sigh, dropping his head back to groan in protest. "Nothing is ever -not- weird with magic. Oh, god. I'm going to get thrown into an alternate reality again. I can feel it in my bits." A forced calm and huff, Jamie literally shakes it off. Cigarette pointing at Dresden now. Expressive hand gestures are a thing with Jamie. "I know the word 'Troll'. We'll go from there. Trolls eat people, right? Would explain the lack of bodies. Gruesome as that is." A beat, a drag off his smoke and he shrugs. "Bit of both. Working a case but not this one. Vampires." He shakes his head, still skeptical. "Bludhaven is generous."

Jamie chuckles under a breath, shaking his head in amused disbelief at Dean. Just Dean in general, really. "Too many jokes. D on his chest. Oh, god. It hurts." Letting out a whew! Jamie taps ash to the ground and takes steps toward that wonderous looking door. "Jamie Madrox. Private Investigator outta Brooklyn for now. Hey, Winchester. Got anything bigger than a .38 Special? Feeling like I might wanna overcompensate tonight."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Harry, "Me? Not listen to reason? You've not seen me in the last few months, Dresden. I'll definitely listen to it if it involves not dying." she chuckles. They should catch up sometime! She then pulls out the hunting knife from under he coat, "Yeah, been carrying this around at night." she smiles.

She couldn't be a Hunter. She was far too cheery. Then there's a look to Dean when he introduces himself, "Nice to meet you, Dean. I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre." she nods to him. "A gun might be handy. I promise not to shoot any of you guys." she tells them. Then there's a look to Jamie, "Bludhaven is...weird." she admits. "Good to meet you, Jamie." she states. Then she looks to Harry, "So, we just going to stand here on the steps all night or..." she motions towards the door.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "We're going to take stock, plan, and go from there." he says simply reaching into his pocket to produce the large revolver and one of the extra shells holding them up in his pentacles light. "Let ne introduce myself to those of youo who don't know me. I'm Harry Dresden and I /am/ a wizard." he finishes "Mo, use this. The rounts are made with a mixture of Salt and something I call ghost dust. If we run into something from the Nevernever down there that and your knife are going to be your best friend." he says holding the handle of the gun out to her before he hands her two pocketfuls of spare rounds.

     Pulling out a K-bar from the small of his back Harry holds it out handle first to Jamie "Lead is just going to piss these things off, enough of it will put some of their kind down, but for the most part they'll chew the lead and spit it back out like laffy taffy." he says before turning to face Dean. "I take it you think yourself some sort of hunter." He asks

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester can't help but grin for a moment, "Some sort o' hunter. Yeah, I'm a hunter. Been one since I was about ten years old, runnin' the roads with my dad, huntin' demons and vampires and anything else that eats people up and spits 'em out for food. I seen plenty o' wizards in my time and most o' them play fast and loose with the darkside, cause they all start thinkin' their gods and not just people that learned how to say a few things in old languages. Or maybe they got a streak o' monster blood in 'em, that little hungry thing inside that gives 'em an edge in dealin' with all this occult crap."

"Yeah, I'm a hunter and a damn good one. So you can take your magic wand out of your ass, lead the way or get out of mine. I ain't particular which."

Multiple Man has posed:
First he meets a Vampire. Now he meets a Wizard. Yet people still wonder why Jamie often refuses to visit Gotham. It's because of things like this. Couldn't just be some psycho with a storage unit and some roofies, could it? "Ghost Dust. Can I have that for a band name?" Taking the blade offered by Harry, Jamie nods in unspoken thanks before hiding it away under his overcoat.

An upnod, formal and ever useful, is given to Morrigan. "You too, Doctor MacIntyre." Slooooowly, he looks right back to Dean. The smile that spreads across his face is nothing short of absolute glee. "Man, you are -intense-!" He says and motions to Dean with his cigarette. "This guy. I like this guy. I swear, it has nothing to do with his impressive jaw line." That said, he flicks tbe cigarette away carelessly. "Alright. Focus up, lady and... gentlemen? Two Dicks, a Doc and a Hunter. Let's go find some trouble, yeah?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Thank you, Harry." Morrigan states as she takes the gun from him. The knife is put back to where it came from for the moment. She keeps the gun down low so she doesn't shoot someone. She almost chokes when Dean mentions hunting Vampires. But she doesn't say anything about it. "Well, hopefully we won't run into any vampires, werewolves, Sabertoothes or other scary things." she states.

"I like the attitude." she murmurs to Jamie about Dean. "I think he's a keeper." she nods to this sagely. Then the glasses come off and the woman blinks those bright violet eyes to adjust to the low light. "Alright. Ready when you gents are." she murmurs.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden shakes his head and sighs. "They can't all be Bobby Singer." he says more to himself then anything. "Alright, I'll take point" he says reaching into his jacket to take out a two foot long oak cudgel carved and burned with runes on it his staff held in his right hand he starts to make his way down the stairs the three foot wide cooridor going down into the ground where there should be nothing underneith.

    On the stone steps those with the right mindset or skills might notice dried muddy footprints, each one about thirteen inches long and eight inches wide a smear of mud from someone being dragged down the stairs running parallel with the tracks.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester narrows his eyes, "You keep Bobby's name out of your mouth if you wanna keep your teeth, Dumbledore," he says. He slides his Hunting Knife out, a heavy bowie blade that's been enchanted to do mucho damage to the supernatural set. He did have an impulse to hit the magic user, but he had a job to do right now and he didn't need some witch on an ego trip getting his goat before he even found the troll.

Besides, he could always hit him later.

He kneels down to take a look at the tracks, cocking his head, "Well, he's on the jumbo side, that's for sure. Looks like he's already had his shake for breakfast and his shake for lunch. Time for the sensible dinner, probably of co-ed."

Multiple Man has posed:
Sabretooths? Jamie immediately looks at Mo with furrowed brows and squinty eyes. It doesn't last. Surely she meant the ancient kitty and not... yeah. "Oh, you're just in it for the stubble and smoldering gaze, don't lie to the worlds greatest detective." He says with a smirk both smug and polite somehow. "Or I'm just projecting." A laugh and he pats himself down. Keys, wallet, phone. Gun and knife too. Madrox waits to bring up the rear.

Looking over Dean's shoulder, he too examines the tracks. Oddly shaped. Heavy. He taps the Hunter on the shoulder and upnods ahead of them. "Let's hope we get to it before the waitress shows up with the menu then, right? I'll keep rear guard. You and Dresden are pulling weight tonight, so don't let me down... and by let me down, I mean don't let me get eaten."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Harry, "Who is Bobby?" she asks him. She was ever the curious one. Then she follows the Wizard down. She wasn't really a full fledged magic user, so she didn't count. There's a look to Dean, "Oh." she frowns to that. Touchy subjects usually translated to people being dead.

The tracks catch her attention, but she has no idea what did them. So she steps out of the way and lets Dean and others look at them. "Jumbo sized?" she asks quietly. No, she definitely meant the huge guy with the claws. "Smoldering gaze and stubble?" she quirks an eyebrow at him. "I mean...is there a demon attached to him? That seems to be the type I end up with." she chuckles softly.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     The stairs soon end in a cramped bare stone and dirt walled passageway the darkness pressing in on Harry's light, and any other lights people are using, what once travelled 20 feet now covers a quarter that distance, and whispering, whispering can be heard by everyone.

    :Morrigan: He left you on purpose, if he wanted to be found, you'ed have found him already, abandoned little girl, not worthy of a fathers love.
    : Dean: You know you're the weak one, the lesser brother, where would you be without little brothers smarts, his books, his pulling you from the fires you start around you.
    Jamie: Little puppet, a copy of a copy, lost in your own power. You might not be real, but is he? Who should continue to exist? He? You? You know the answer is neither!
    Harry: Little Wizard, you won't protect them, you cant, death is all that follows you. First your mother, then daddy and the other daddy, all your esistance brings is death, destruction, and Chaos..

    EAch hears the words and only they hear them, preying on what may be some of their deepest insecurities, or fears when there's a loud screaching as the ceiling crumbles around the quartet water dripping down as /things/ leap out from their hiding place their bodies a patchwork of flesh no two inches of exposed body looking to have come from the same person as their claws lash out with lethal intent..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester shakes his head, "God, I hate this shit," he mutters to himself. "You think I don't know Sammy's better'n me? Hell, I'd be the first to tell ya. Too bad for whatever fuck you are, you got me instead. Sammy would try and see the good in you. I'm just gonna shoot you in the friggin' face," he says.

He lashes out with his knife as the creatures show themselves, slashing first to just drive them back, maybe trying to take a few fingers, get them to give enough separation that he can spot the soft bits before he sticks 'em.

Multiple Man has posed:
"I..." Jamie opens his mouth. Closes it. Clearly considers his words and tries again, reaching out to gently tap at her shoulder with the back of his fingers. "You knoooooow, I want to believe you mean figurative but I'm pretty sure you mean actual demon. Have you tried dating apps? Maybe burning the Ouja Board? And I thought I had it rough." Jamie chuckles along with Morrigan but as light begins to wither, whispers rising from the creeping shadows, Jamie's mirth fades.

Jaw setting, teeth grinding as the voice taunts a sore spot on his soul. He bottles it up as Dean lets it out. "Hey. Hey, big guy. Psychics, bruh. Don't let 'em get an inch. They'll always take..." His eyes widen, ceiling going to crap. Patchwork creatures swarming. Jamie reacts. He... likely doesn't do so in any way they could expect. As a feral -thing- slashes, Madrox twists and delivers a brutal roundhouse. Taking a loose stance. Tiger Style. Even as he draws the .38 Special and the gifted Knife. "They took more than a mile! They're taking all the miles!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes are looking to the walls when the whispering starts, her father was a really nasty vampire that tried to kill her at the start of the year, so it doesn't make her feel horrible. "Eh." she states to the darkness. Then she looks to Jamie when he taps her shoulder, "I was dating a guy that was bound at the soul with a demon after some stuff happened in the...1400's I think it was. But I've been trying to find other people to date, yes. Suggestions?" she muses.

When things jump out there's a bit of a step taken back before she brings the gun up to aim and then shoot. Her eyes glow, anger at the surprise attack, "Like he said, I'll just shoot you in the face...wherever that is." she hisses.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "Defendarious!" is called out as a bright blue halfdome of light springs up around the wizard, deflecting the attacker bouncing him off and into the darkness. "Boggarts, I don't think they're what's been attacking people though." he says bringing his blasting rod up to point down the passageway, the scent of brimstone starting to play upon the air as he lets calls out "Fuego!" a two inch thick lance of black oily flame fires down the cooridor to hit.. Nothing, the boggart gone.
    The one that Jamie punches feels like plactic wrapped raw stake as he hits it the patchwork monster staggers back letting out a hiss as it's back touches the dirt walls seeming to vanish into them leaving behind a wet muddy outline of a humanoid body.

     The boggart on Morrigan takes the blast right in the face, letting out a horrible screech it's claws clawing at it's own face as it seems to melt from the burning spray of salt and depeleted uranium burning and evaporating into nothingness.

    The knife thrust from Dean wounds the boggart on him, large burning rents appearing on it's arm two fingers lopped off as it vanishes up the stairs and into the darkness, the unearthly quiet of the tunnel once more crashing down upon the four.

    "Lets keep going, Boggarts feed off of fear and misery, our missing indigents might still be alive." Harry says his light billowing back out to light their way.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester wipes his knife on his jeans, starting to move quickly along the way once it seems like the boggarts are properly fended off. "Indigents? No worries, pal, I took some Pepto in the car on the way. Still, probably should've skipped the onion rings. Gonna pay for that one down the line," he says.

"I would say something against dating someone with a demon in 'em, but been there, done that, got the attempted murder for free," he sighs. "What's a troll doin' with these things anyways? They like barnacles, clingin' onto it? Or are they...organized?"

Multiple Man has posed:
Confined spaces and Multiple Man are not friends. Truth be told, the less room and the more violence tends to make him a bit of a liability. Kinetic Duplication. A real party crashet sometimes but now? He's got a handle on it. "Keep making up words! It's working!" Jamie shouts at Harry through the din of battle. Was that a knock or did he actually believe that was happening? Taking a traditional Shaolin stance. Explosive Style. No strip mall warrior here. "Doc, if we get out of this alive, I'll be your very own Doctor Ruth. Nice shot."

As silence weighs heavily down upon them again, Jamie checks that dainty little gun of his. Locked and loaded. He follows the trio, bringing up the rear. A proper defensive wall if ever there was one. "Okay, for one? Never skip onion rings. For two? Am I really the only one down here not shacking up with unholy abominations? Dresden! Weigh in on this!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes keep that low glow, but they've died down now that things have gone away or been shot. "Alright, lets go." she states in the quiet tone used as to not alert others. Then there's a look to Dean, "Were the demon and the human two separate entities though?" she asks him. Etrigan was WEIRD.

Then she looks to Jamie, "Ah, that's sweet of you, Jamie. I'll buy you coffee." she grins to that. Then she's following Dresend. "Hey...he was trying to be good. No need to call him an abomination." she shoots a look at Jamie.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden lets out a bark of laughter that gets choked off by a cough when he's asked to weigh in. "I plead the fifth amendment as my testimony may incriminate me." he says simply -Ohh, host mine, could not funnier words have been spoken- chines in the nickelhead riding shotgun, a breif mental effort sending her back into the recesses of the wizards mind. "I'm starting to think it's not a Troll, might be a Phobophage, and yeah, the Boggarts are just eating the table scraps." he says his blasting rod still glowing a faint orangish red color the scent of sulphur wafting past the three behind him as they come to a T intersection, the sound of someone walking coming from behind them and the left and right.

    "Dean!" Sam Winchester hisses to address his brother coming from the way the four had come, his face bloodied his jacket torn and bloodied he slumps to the floor just inside the radius of Harry's witchlight.

"Boss?" comes the voice of Molly Carpenter, what ever else she had to say being cut off with a whimper of pain as the young 21 year old is dragged into the light as something big, and wet and swampy tightens it's grip around her throat.

    And finally coming down the last arm of the intersection her thoat firmly circled by the thick slimy fingers of a large green moster out of someones nightmares is Theresa Cassidy hanging limply from the brutes arms..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester jerks away from the sight of his brother, closing his eyes and turning away, "It ain't really Sam, it ain't really Sam," he mutters to himself. He pushes a hand into his mouth and bites down hard, sinking teeth into the knuckle at the base of his finger until a bit of crimson spills.

"Dammit," he says, shaking his head as he rolls his neck, "Awright, just business before, but now this thing has pissed me the hell off. Spare me the Monster Manual lingo, wiz, just tell me how to kill the damn thing."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Harry when he almost chokes, "Well...don't die on us, Dresden. Sheesh." she mutters. Then she's looking to the others and then when she hears a shout there's a bit of a look back to see...wow, can guys look better bloody? "Umm, Sam is a relative?" she asks Dean. Then there's another bit of a look to the front, "Oh shit."

Then she's lifing the gun again, "Alright...where do I aim?" she mutters.

Multiple Man has posed:
"Great. The prophecy is coming true. I'm the most normal one down here. Pack it up, folks. End of the world." Jamie exclaims with a shake of his head. How did that even happen?! Oh. Right. Gotham. "I'm going to hold you to that, MacIntyre. I like my coffee like I like my women. Strong, dark and bitter. No demonic possession."

Bringing up the rear, Jamie didn't get to see what everyone else gets down those other tunnels. No, he gets his own little horror show. Eyes widen and his control breaks. "TERRY!" He doesn't even blink. Madrox lashes out and punches the wall. One more of him appears. Cracking his knuckles, Jamie hands Jamie that knife and the two CHARGE. "Drop the Irish lady or your troll ass is meat!" Both shout in stereo.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Molly and Siryn just melt, being absorbed into the monstrosity that was holding their respective women their long arms slamming into the walls vines growing and whipping through the dirt walls one tenticle piercing through the chest of one of the duplicates of Jamie the other missing while more vines tear through the ceiling causing hary to cry out. "Ohh hells bells. Forzare!" he finishes slamming his staff onto the ground as a bubble of pure force pushes past every one catching the caving in tunnels.

     Sam though just smiles as mayhem breaks loose standing up and swaying with swagger. "Are you sure Dean? I, I looked for you, I finally found you'ed come to Bludhaven, heard about the bridge, saw the Impala outside." he says his face turning into a sneering smirk. "And then the bogeyman got me!" he says his voice inhuman as he charges Dean drawing a knife..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester ducks low as 'Sam' charges him, low enough that he can do a double-leg takedown, "Goes to show what you know, ain't no way my brother would get taken down by a worthless piece o' dogshit like you, pal!" he says. He rolls, dodging a knife slash from the fake version of his brother and throws a swift kick into its face.

"Stay down!" he says, drawing a gun with his free hand and cutting loose, shooting it in the chest and pushing up to his feet.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"How many Irish women are down here?!" Morrigan gives a shake of her head. Then she decides that's not an answer that she needs. She takes a look at the monster in front of them and the gun comes up again. Aim. Shoot. Repeat. Because that's the best response from her at the moment. Really really didn't want to get on the piercing end of that thing.

Multiple Man has posed:
"NOOOOOO!" The Jamies roar in defiance as their friends are absorbed by the nightmarish creature. The noise is deafening. Jamie and Dean yelling. Vines and roots crumbling the tunnel. As one Jamie is impaled, whipped against the wall and dead... the other goes into overdrive. That small revolver going BANG BANG as he mixes gunshots with an absolute flurry of violence. The dead Dupe fades away in a bizarre mist...

Topside, another Jamie suddenly winces at the pain of Dupe Death. Psychic backlash is a rough trade. The force bubble rushes past, he's already taken a beating from vines and rubble. Jamie is a dirty, bloody mess with murder in his eyes.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     'Sam' takes the shots full to the chest, blood splashing out of his wounds but stay down he doesn't. Standing up, the blood flows freely from the gunshots but soon the liquid clears the smell of rotting swamp assaulting the senses as 'Sam' starts to circle Dean darting in to slash at one of his legs with the knife.

    The first shot from the revolver in Morrigan's hand misses sparks flying from bits of rock in the dirt wall but the second shot hits the monsters shoulder burning away the 'flesh' in a flash of steam and putridity as more of those vines whip out to try and disarm the woman and wrap her up in their supernatural embrace.

     The bullets from Jamies gun do little more than poke holes in the thing putrid swamp water flowing from the wounds, the 'vines' though when they meet steel blade are lopped off like tissue paper turning to ash before the ends even hit the ground.

    And Dresden? Well Dresden is doing all he can to keep several tons of Bludhaven from crashing down on everyones head. Dropping to a knee, letting go of his blasting rod he activates one of the rings on his fingers a small car's worth of force being unleashed the force fading the further it gets from the wizard to wash over Morrigan knocking her out of the way of a vine. "Steel" He calls out. "Use.. Steel" his voice strained

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester shakes his head as the Sam keeps moving, "God dammit, I hate these things," he mutters. He blocks a few attacks, fending off looping rights and lefts. Sam's lanky body at least makes for a big target. He lets the 'Sam' charge and ducks low, backdropping him up to land on his back.

"Stop wearin' my brother's face, dickweed," he says, jabbing the point of his hunting knife down into the top of its head if he can.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was about to unload another bullet into the monster, but Harry's strained voice gets her attention. The woman shoves the gun into her pocket and pulls out the big honking knife she's been carrying around. "Steel it is." the Irish woman states as she rushes the thing, dropping low in a slide to see if she can plant the knife in somewhere vital...like an organ. The vine whips at her, cutting open her cheek and her side, but she just growls.

Multiple Man has posed:
One Jamie down. It's not enough for the creature. It's never enough for anybody, really. Disposable hero. Walking carbon copy. But in this moment, a batteted and now furious Jamie Madrox goes ham. "Steel. Right." As Mo slides in, Jamie rolls. Snatches up the knife and... switching to Explosive Style, he hits the big, green monstrousity with everything he has. Knife slashing. Pistol whipping. As vines batter at him, more Jamies appear. Each with a knife. A gun. A grudge. A pack of appearing and disappearing Madri keep the assault. No words. No jokes. Just anger for having fallen for such a trick.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     The knife strikes home burying itself through the top of 'Sams' skull with a cracking sound. "Always.. knew,, you'ed be the daath of me." are 'Sams' last words blood gushing up out of his mouth to wash warmly over Dean before the body crumbles to dust and ash.

     With every steel blade slash, the monsters movements become more sluggish, the wounds opening wider than they should smoldering and burning with acrid smoke.

    Jamie's or should that be the Jamie's' assault cuts through the monster like so much paper the monsters vines whipping out, destroying one duplicate just for it to be replaced by another. With the last of it's energy an explosion of rotten looking wood explodes out spearing each Jamie right as he deals the killing blow, the monster crumbling to dust.

    With one left and severly wounded Dresden gives one final push, compactinmg the dirt around them to hold he brings his bare hand up "Fuego!" he cries as a tea platter wide collume of oily fire slams into the last monster the unholy flames of hellfire consuming it even as Dresden's hand burns, second degree burns covering the entire hand. "Lets, lets look for survivors.." he says trying to pick up his blasting rod and fumbling it with numb, burnt fingers..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester does his best to ignore the monster's words, knowing they were meant to cut. Did they hit home? Maybe a little bit more than he liked to admit. But, then, he didn't like to admit much.

He doesn't try to explain or comment, just pushing on along to start looking around, "What do these things do, spin coccoons or wrap people up in mucus or some shit? Cause I am NOT in the mood to be shovin' my hands into monster snot.."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's got ash in her hair and blood all over her by the end of the tussle. She manages to get back up to her feet though, looking to see if everyone is alright. But everyone isn't alright. Not mentally and definitely not physically. "Harry, your hand." she frowns as she looks to him. "I can patch people up after this." she states quietly.

Then she quiets as the search for surivors starts...and she hopes there's at least one. "Gross...I'm not sure monster snot was a mental image I'd have to think on." she tells Dean.

Multiple Man has posed:
It really can be a disorienting sight. Multiple Man doing what Multiple Man do. People aren't supposed to be more people. Not like that! Yet this one is. His assault is frenzied and precise. A laser focused fury that carves and chips away at his target. Putrid filth spilling out with every slash and stab. Then... Boom. Jamie Madrox is thrown in every direction. Dupes fading away as their last gasp of life leaves them. One lone Madrox, laying against the tunnel wall, a spike of rotted drift wood sticking out of his chest. "I.... hate.... Gotham..." And like that, he's done. Fading away to mist, leaving wood shards to clatter on the ground.

The felling of these nightmares leaves a dead silence that feels almost too pervasive. Until they hear it. A voice down the way. Scared. Cracked with thirst. Rasping, pleading. "Is it gone?" Another new voice. Another and another. Someone starts sobbing. Down in the dark, the fear feeding beastie has left victims. Who now struggle weakly to meet their saviors in the now far leas dangerous tunnels.

Outside, Jamie Prime furiously smokes a cigarette beside the arcane doorway they all vanished into earlier.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Down the right passageway, the now three find a chamber people wrapped in coccons of vines are finding themselves uncerimoniously dropped to the ground, waking up from endless nightmares, tears of relief filling the air. "Lets get them outside." Dresden says moving to lead the group back the way they came through the still, dark silence..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester pats one on the head, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, worst thing you ever saw, never gonna forget it. Trust me, buddy, I've seen worse. Be glad those vines only wrapped around your arms. Those things have points and they ain't lubed for comfort,' he says.

"So...who wants a pizza?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a frown as they find the people, happy they are still alive, but she doesn't know what to tell them. Dean's commentary on vines and where they might go makes her pale a little bit more. "Umm, pizza sounds great. And a beer. Who wants alcohol?" the Irish woman states as she starts to check over people once they are topside.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden shakes his head saying a blasphemy that would make Toot Toot Faint. "Fuck pizza, I want steak and a beer. Let me introduce you folks to McAnally's pub, they should still be open right now." he says walking through the open door to outside of the door to undertown. When the last survivr and 'adventurer' exits, the door itself fades away vanishing like it never existed..

Multiple Man has posed:
Once the haggard and dusty group and survivors start piling out, Jamie Madrox attends who he can. He's got medical training, you see. He's got al the training. It's madness. Jamie OG, however, looks pissed. "We're getting steak. Pizza. Beer and tequila... because you all got me killed like twelve goddamned times tonight and THAT IS NOT OKAY!" Flicking his cigarette away angrily, Jamie fumes. But it's hard to stay mad when people keep thanking you. All in all? Not a bad night. Just not a normal one.