8804/Hammerhead's introduction to Gotham's Underworld

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Hammerhead's introduction to Gotham's Underworld
Date of Scene: 14 August 2019
Location: West Chelsea Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Hammerhead visits Gotham and gets a taste of it's Underworld.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Film Freak

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead walked out of the art gallery and strightened out his tie. He made a second trip to Gotham to test the waters for a possible expansion. He was already scooping out places for potential rackets and even hired out a local street gang, "The Warlockz" to act as a form of muscle for his crew before he could some of his more "traditional" men over to start operations. However, by the time it was noon, Hammerhead decided to go on a "break" and see what Gotham had to offer. He had just left an art gallery one of his lieutenants recommended he come and see during his stay. He was now on his way to Amusement Mile, another place his men recommended. He was being flanked by four members of The Warlockz, all of them wearing the gang's iconic aviator jackets with a evil sorceror on the back, making them look like a street gang out of the Warriors

Film Freak has posed:
When Rupert Thorne heard that New York City was moving in on his territory, he could've asked for a sitdown with the families. But with the Foot, things were hairy, and every boss was struggling to survive, with this new order being enforced by Sionis and Cobblepot. The Foot was good for business, but bad for competition. A mobster needed competition, but a criminal loathed it.

Mobsters were just guys doing a job, that happened to be criminal.

Sometimes, there were guys like Burt Weston, that was a criminal, happening to work for mobsters.

Film Freak's entire play had always been the illusion of an outbreak of madness, a fictitious reference that people would recognize, with himself as a singular agent performing a task, then removing himself from play as if professional theater had occured. If the operation failed, Film Freak had his bravery as a character actor to rely upon, at the expense of all his spine coming from his commitment to the role's sanctity. Any alteration in the course of the method actor, would result in his failure.

Film Freak walked down the street towards Hammerhead, shaved bald and wearing a pair of unrequired glasses, the kind worn by middle-aged men, with a futuristic jacket arrayed around him and his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He was in the role of Clarence Boddicker, from the first Robocop, directed by Paul Verhoeven. The Foot Clan's invasion of Gotham turf, and the recent attack on the Sentinels, had inspired him to place himself as an agent of Bolivar Trask, with Hammerhead as Alex Murphy.

Film Freak stopped on the street before Hammerhead, sneering.

"Well hello there, Hammer."

His hand moves from his pocket, palming a revolver pistol with a black handle and a chrome body. There's a snide, condescending sound to him, as there's a squeal behind him, a car pulling around the corner and screeching down the street, before halting. Gangmembers climb out, all carrying high powered carbines, wearing the same jacket.

"Bolivar Trask owns these streets." It doesn't make sense to anyone but the bystanders, scattering quickly at the thought of agents of the Sentinels being present. "And he owns you."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead and his escorts were stopped by a man dressed up like a sifi reject. Once he pulled out his revolver, Hammerhead and his Warlockz pulled out their weapons, which were three uzis and a pistol for Hammerhead. Once the men with the carbines showed up however, Hammerhead realized that combat with these individuals could possibly be fatal for him due to superior firepower. So, he decided to try and talk his way out,
     "Listen, i don't know wat Trask has against me or mah Warlockz here. But, how bout i slip ya some dough and you let us off da hook, see?"
     Hammerhead then reached into his pocket and pulled out 500 dollars. If this didn't work, he would have to fight his way out, something he was hoping would not happen but he would be prepared for.

Film Freak has posed:
Film Freak strutted up to Hammerhead, with an arrogant side-side hip sidle, his gun swinging from his arm as he looked down at the money.

His men with the carbines, meanwhile, waited beside the car, their short-barreled automatic assault weapons postured upwards in various ways, the top of each stock on the shoulder.

Freak looked up, at Hammerhead, in his eyes, before looking down at the money in his hand and palming it.

"Trask owns the Maggia, you hear? You're not supposed to be here, in Gotham City, nosing around on his turf."

Film Freak slaps the money back down into Hammerhead's hand.

"Trask has enough problems as it is, Hammer, we don't need you lousing up Gotham City with more of your axel grease."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead sighs to himself. Clearly the diplomatic way has not worked, now was time for the path he wanted to avoid, direct combat. If what this cosplayer was saying was true, he could end up on the Maggia hitlist for this. But, given the chose between getting shot or being on a hitlist, it was kind of a easy choice. So, with a grunt and a subtle nod to his men, Hammer walks up to Film Freak, seemingly resigning himself to his fate, before suddenly trying to headbutt him with the Warlockz shooting their guns at the car with the men with carbines.

Film Freak has posed:
"Mngnh," comes a muffled sob from Film Freak as he's smashed in the head, falling over beneath Hammerhead.

The crew of henchmen, four in number then three as one is hit by an Uzi blast, swing around to exchange fire. The one that had gotten out of the driver's side door flails to the ground, his rifle firing up in the air, as the two across the way use the car for cover and the third, from the rear driver's side door, strafes with his rifle firing.

Bullets fly from above the hood, over the roof, and walked across the street, from semiautomatic short-range assault weapons, the snubbed weapons offering the best firepower at the cost of recoil. Tracers fed into the magazines, every third bullet, cause a bright red-yellow pattern of bullet trails over the street in the night.

Below the chaos, Film Freak rolls over onto his face, his entire world shaking and turning red and black.

"Trask owns the Maggia!" he shouts, as he crawls across the pavement beneath Hammerhead, trying to get out of range while his associates provide suppressive fire to allow his recovery.

Hammerhead has posed:
One of the Warlockz hit was hit by the carbine fire and ell to the ground dead, a hole in his head. Hammer and the rest of his crew dove for cover, Hammerhead behind a car along with one of his warlockz and the final two behind a dumbpster behind the alley. Hammerhead, deciding to spare Film Freaks life, started to shoot at the men at the car, the rest of his men following,

Film Freak has posed:
Film Freak has a concussion, his life flashing through his mind as he crawls.

A strange man in a suit and peckish eyebrows looking down over him, in a factory.

His father showing him a spy movie, in their home, a rare movie that was enhanced by the quality of family, not the quality of the film.

His mother's funeral, after he got involved in drugs.

His first night home after he killed a man, with a fresh joint and dirty pictures, his cat watching mysteriously while standing atop the mantle.

There's a snap, as Film Freak gags and rolls onto his back, sitting up.

He's back.

The man with the carbine that had strafed had got behind cars along the sidewalk, moving to a knee behind the trunk of the car as the Uzi fire lanced overhead.

The other two do a brief site-check, letting the incoming fire hail down while watching from over the hood and roof. After a few moments of silence, the pair in the street raise their rifles over their vantage points and return fire, a blaze of thick but recoiling bullets flying forth, the tracers blazing hot again.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead curses as the gunfire continues. Luckily, the cover he and the Warlock with him is suffucent enough to last him awhile. He hears a scream and sees one of the other Warlockz slump over the dumpster dead. Hammerhead swears even more at this point untill and idea hits him. Hammerhead then tries to shoot at the car's gas tank, hoping that if he hits it, it would blow up the car and the gunmen.

Film Freak has posed:
Hammerhead's marksmanship finds the gas tank beneath the circular panel where the nozzle is inserted, and the car explodes off its rear wheels, in a hail of shrapnel and fire. The two gangsters behind it can't be heard screaming from the force, noise, and shockwave of the blast, merely sent flying into the street with ruptured internal organs and smoking shrapnel in them.

As moans are heard, from the two fatally wounded and rapidly bleeding henchmen, Film Freak stumbles to his feet on a long leg against a wall, alongside the sidewalk, staring down Hammerhead. Blood leaks from his brow, and down his face, his strong Crow features mingling with the thinning red liquid on his fair English skin.

The man on the sidewalk strafes out alongside Film Freak, before moving to his side, firing intermittent bursts from the hip to keep Hammerhead and the remaining Warlockz pinned.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead grins in satisfaction as the car exlpodes, taking out the two gangsters behind it. Hammerhead then turns his attention to the goon with Film Freak, who by the point was bleeding from his brow. Hammerhead then points to his remaining Warlockz and then directs their attention at the goon. They all concentrate their fire on the goon, Hammer wanting to keep Film Freak alive so he could send the "Maggia" a message.

Film Freak has posed:
Film Freak spins around and drafts behind the final gangster with the carbine as he's cut down, falling on his back with his arms spread.

As Film Freak cowboy strolls to the side, he rips off his glasses then holds out his revolver, right eye squinting.

He fires a shot, then another, as he takes a pair of forward striding steps to the sidewalk.

After his gun resounds twice, bucking in his hand, he grins and stands still, firing another shot, aiming at Hammerhead, before he steps between a pair of cars along the sidewalk, and swings his hand up onto a parking meter to mount the hood of a car. He points down, firing his fourth shot, then a fifth, before he jumps down and over the car, firing a final shot over the roof.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead grins as the final gangster is shot up. However, what he wasn't expecting was for Freak to actually start firing as well. One of his men is hit ny the third revovler shot. Hammerhead waits for the tell-tale signs of bullets running out and then, in a act of either bravery or stupididy, charges at Freak with his head down, the top pointed at him in a attempt to ram into him.

Film Freak has posed:
Film Freak mounts the car again, climbing like a spider with his svelte, pilates trained build, and jumps off the roof and at Hammerhead as the mobster tries to close the distance.

Film Freak comes down shouting an incoherent battle cry, attempting to land with Hammerhead's hard skull to his ribs instead of to his head, slapping one arm onto the shoulder if he can find purchase. His feet, meanwhile, slap onto the ground in his rave boots, the Gotham supervillain trying to use the inertia of his jump and weight of his body as a counter to Hammerhead's charge.

The butt of the revolver comes down, aimed to grease along the back of Hammerhead's neck, causing a spinal tension to queer out Hammerhead with a brief arousal as if being hugged by a girlfriend, a classic espionage or military move invented by Spartan warriors in ancient Greece.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead is surprised by Film Freak's agility and he manages to latch onto his back. Hammerhead immideatley starts to struggle and move about, trying to shake him off. It is by a lucky move of the head that causes Film Freak to miss with his attack. Hammer, in a surprising show of stregth, suddenly moves with all his might with his back tunred towards a wall, attempting to knock Freak off of his back by using the wall.

Film Freak has posed:
Film Freak is sent flying aside, rolling to the ground and off of Hammerhead. There's a grunt, before Film Freak snaps out of character, Hammerhead's stiff resistance in close quarters threatening his confidence given to him by his delusions of frailty.

A paradox, that Film Freak functions by, broken so easily by someone willing to challenge the assertion of Film Freak's character acting.

Film Freak's neck snaps to the side, and his external focus and silent (sociopathic) inner space shifts to the rich, introverted world of Burt Weston. Colors and shapes of the fiery car, the dead gangsters, and his flashing pistol, fill his mind, as he groans from the pain in his head and a need for a street doctor, mistaken as an urge to consume marijuana.

Burt Weston shakily gets to his feet, scuffing up off the pavement with a push of his hands, and goes running down the street, huffing as he feels his aching, fractured head sucking away his wind.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead laughs as he looks at the fleeing figure. He then yells, "Yeah, you betta run ya bum!" He then tilts his head towards the remaining Warlock and nods, telling to follw. The two men then flee the area as siren fill the air.