8675/Bronze Meddle

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Bronze Meddle
Date of Scene: 06 August 2019
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Mercy waits for parts in the Bronze. She meets Oz (again) then Pippi. Things happen
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Daniel Osborn, Pippi

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The Bronze in Sunnydale's popular with the younger crowd, which makes Mercy Thompson a standout. She's older than most of the people here and tonight wearing a tank top that doesn't cover her sleeves, or midriff much. She's got on jeans and work boots, and she's carrying a set of coveralls in her hand. Her hair's tied back, and she's sipping on a soda with one of those funky straws, the type that are all glittery and stripey and...and.....garishly so.

Sitting at a table near the bar, Mercy's doing her best to blend in. She's actually here waiting on a shipment of parts, indeed her Vanagon is in the lot and looking out of place among the other vehicles. She does though, have one thing in her favor. Her Vanagon's easier to fix. Especially on the road as Mercy reaches up and tucks a strand of hair back behind her ear. She's not wering makeup at all, and her tattoos are clearly visible, the Celtic knotwork on her arms, and the paw print at her navel

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Mercy!" Oz calls as he strolls into the bar and spots her. He jogs across the bar to her table, lifting a hand to wave. "The hell are you doing here?" he asks, with a laugh. Yeah, she looks out of place. He, however, does not. Well, maybe a bit, he's a little older than the normal crowd. But even so.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy waves to Oz with a glance to him. "I'm waiting on a parts shipment that got sent here. C'mon, take a seat. I fixed up your van, the least I can do is sit here and not complain about the straws" she jokes looking impressed then to the bar and back to Oz. "So what" she says, hands on the table. "Have you been up to since I fixed up your van?" she asks furtively glancing around for a guitar, if Oz has brought one. Not that she's going to expect him to jump on stage and sing, mind....but....she's not forgotten fixing up his van, or the flyer, either. Mercy's definitely a curious coyote.

Pippi has posed:
    Well. This was not a situation Pippi thoguht she'd find herself in. Amid people in the club, there's someone hanging around to the far edges, walking through and suspiciously keeping her hood up.

    Every movement of her body transmits 'nervous', from the twtiching in her legs as she steps around people's feet to the way her hands keep her hood pulled down.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy settles back and twirls her straw for a moment. watching Oz with the corner of her eye looking around the Bronze again. She's bored, killing time and curious to see what Oz has been up to since they crossed paths. Then again she's watching everyone quietly,almost as if she's looking for something. Or, well, someone

Pippi has posed:
    Human, axe body spray, human wearing axe body spray, human *not* wearing deoderant at all *what*.

    The mutant wallflowers, and gives a very slight whine.

    Nothing smelled like NYC. Nothing smelled famili-- oh, no, that was Oz.

    That smelled familiar.

    And the smallish figure wearing the hoodie withdraws back a bit from the bar.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh, ya know," Oz says. "Playing gigs, meeting interesting people, life." He shrugs, but he notices the hooded figure, turning toward it curiously. He falls still, observing, sniffing the air a few times, before smiling brightly and lifting a hand to wave her over.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy watches sipping at her soda with a quiet nod to Oz. "Life. Life happened. So I fixed your van, you got to gig and meet interesting people huh?" she asks watching as Oz stills. Once he lifts a hand, Mercy looks around the Bronze again spotting the hooded figure with her brown eyes gliding over.

Lifting the straw out of her soda, Mercy sets it aside and lifts her soda, sipping it. Then she sets it back down, twirling the striped, glittery, garish straw in her hands.

Pippi has posed:
    She's spotted!

    The mutant freezes, and the hood appears to shake in a frantic 'no!', a furry hand reaching up and pulling the hood further down and obscuring the face in shadow.

    Pippi gives a huff out. This certainly was not Brooklyn. Alopex was going to freak out.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks worried for a moment at the figure then Oz as if somehow oping she'll get brought up to speeed on what's going on. She sits back, soda nudged away before she looks to Oz again, then the hoodie. Her eyes though do soften quite a bit at this second look s Mercy turns her gaze back to Oz.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz holds up a hand to Mercy, as if saying he'll explain in a minute, before he looks back to Pippi. He stands up, crossing the room toward her, hopeful she'll realize it's actually just him.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi takes a deep breath as Oz makes his approach. She keeps her head down, helping to hide her boxy muzzle as she looks nervously around the club.

    "Ah... hi, Oz." she begins, nervously, and then suspecting she knows the answer: "... am I still in New York City?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy for her part, just watches quietly. She's intriguedd and a little worried, and....if anything, a little guilty for this

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Hey Pip," Oz says, reaching out to gently place a hand on her shoulder. "So, you're actually a ways from New York City. You're in Bludhaven, specifically Sunnydale, this is The bronze."

Pippi has posed:
    "Ah." Pippi states. Her hood is still pulled very forward.

    "I am very, very lost, and there are some people who are bound to be very, very angry with me for being this lost." she states quietly, and her fingers wring a moment. Mercy may be able to see that one hand is reddish-brown, the other is white. "I accidentally fell off a bridge I was trying to get across because someone's dog picked up on my scent and was getting curious and I fell onto the train and I think I hit something on the way down but I thought 'oh hey maybe this is the train that takes me past the Bronx and I can hop over to the dojo-place' but noooo it went over a river and I'm completely lost and," she takes a deep breath, "this is the second worse thing ever!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Hey, Pip, calm down," Oz says, reaching out to gently hug the confused and lost pup. "Hey, The bronks you say? I can take you there, if you'd like. It's a good thing you found me, and not someone else..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy watches Oz with a mixture of confusion then worry as she picks up on the scents around her. Somebody is worried. Maybe it's that girl with too much Axe. Maybe it's Oz. Maybe it's....well...that puppy Oz is apparently talking to, His mouth is moving, words were coming out. That counts for talking. Then again in this town, nothing is too incredible. Mercy slowly, slowly gets to her feet and holds out her hands. More to show she's unarmed, then she stays still. If that doggie wants to come to her....then Mercy has an idea. She slinks out of sight, returning on four paws in her own canine form. Or, coyote. Hopefully, this'll dissaude any fears. Either that or some lucky SOB got an eyeful of Mercy stripping off to change. Somebody's gonna get their shoes chewed on if they did!

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi does not accept hugs. She takes a step back, giving a soft huff of breath and a shake of her head at the attempted hug. "Ah, prrooobably not a good idea. Still working on that." she states embarrassedly. Yep, she is a dog. D-O-G dog. But she's on two legs, and has hands.

    She rubs the back of her head a moment, and her nose twitches. Foxes might not be unusual in NYC, and she's made the acquaintence of one werewolf -- but a coyote was a new scent.

    Pippi sneezes.

    "Hey! There's a dog in here!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh, it's just Mercy," Oz says, laughing a bit. He shrugs when she doesn't accept the hug, lowering his arms and frowning slightly. "Hey, offer still stands, if you want a ride home." He offers her a smile.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's hidden herself under the table, though she does work her way out ever so slowly, carefully closer to Oz, then pauses, sniffing the air as she peeks at Pip and sniff sniffs Oz. She's not going to use him as a tree, but she's got to pretend to be a lost dog. Or. or....something. She though is sitting by Oz, looking around like she's his pet or, or.....something. Animal Control can stay outta here, Mercy's sure of that one. Still though....

Pippi has posed:
    "I didn't know they allowed dogs in places. Hello Mercy!" Pippi states, and she gets down a little bit. Mercy would be able to see under the hood, and Pippi is most certainly a dog. She has a squarish muzzle, half of her face red, the other white, and some curly, longer hair-like pieces coming down. Her amber eyes peer down at Mercy, and she offers a hand to the 'dog'.

    "I dunno if that's smart. There's been some trouble, and I'm trying really hard not to pull other people into it." she replies to Oz.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy peers at Pippi then shakes her muzzle, watching her then peering up to Oz, before standing up again. She wags her tail then paws the ground for a moment. She peeks at Pippi again then Oz, then settles back down on her paws once again.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"C'mon Pip, let me help you," Oz says. "Trouble is what I'm good at. And even if I don't get involved in whatever it is, I can at least get you home. Please?" He gives her his best puppydog eyes. yes, he's using puppydog eyes. On a dog. This may not go well...

Pippi has posed:
    "Look, if you just... kinda point the way?" Pippi states, looking between Mercy and Oz before she gives a huff.

    "All right, look... just don't tell Donnie you saw me out here. 'Cause then everyone will know and I'm going to be in so much trouble."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's looking at Oz, then Pip, then Oz again as she puts her head on her paws with a quiet little dejected sigh. It's somewhere between 'did that just happen' and 'do I need to bring out a newspaper?'

Mercy looks up to peer at Oz again, then to Pippi. She's got a hunch Oz is probably asking for trouble. Oh if only her father was here to make things interesting. Then again. Coyote's version of 'interesting', involves trickster things. Mercy's got no desire to end up in a dog crate. Or an animal control van. Or.....anything her father's got his trickster-y little hands on, come to think of it, as Mercy slinks out from under the table, again. She's making a beeline, in as much as possiblee for her clothes. She was smart enough to not bring any ID, only cash, but she does like her coveralls. They make a good dog bed.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I wouldn't dream of it," Oz says. "Speaking of, I wonder how his experiment is going. He was going to try to make something that could protect me from silver, at least from a short time. Since it's evening, would you be able to go tomorrow? "If you must go tonight, we'll go, but it might be safer to wait until tomorrow if you have the time. I was going to go there tomorrow anyway."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's slinking towards her clothes. Snagging her coveralls in her mouth, she's a blur running at 45 out the door. Yes. A coyote going 45 miles an hour. Out the door. Fleeing whatever got planned. She'ss got her coveralls. She can just....sort of, well, make more trips back for clothing, too

Pippi has posed:
    "I shouldn't be out of New York. I was in Mutant Town yesterday and there was a thing and the group is probably eithered worried sick or very angry or WORRIED ANGRY SICK!" Pippi exhales. "And I was on a train but I fell off so if you just point me to a train that's going to New York City I could just sorta climb on a baggage cart and then be like 'wooo sneaky sneaky back to Brooklyn and then no trouble!" Pippi states -- thens he blinks, and looks under your table.

    "Where'd your dog go?!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Mercy? She's not my dog, she's actually what's called a walker, shape shifter. Are you sure? I might be able to point you to a new york train, but I worry about you, you know. I know you tell me not to, but..." He shrugs. "I'll see if I can find a train schedule.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's something like a Muttley snicker from Mercy (who is out by her Vanagon) at gtting out of there. It's perfectly timed to coincide with the idea that she is Oz's dog. That's totally by accident, though Mercy's trying to figure out how she's going to drive home. Then it hits her. She shifts back in the blink of an eye, pulling on the coveralls as fast as she can. Running back in, she starts scooping up her clothes and looks to Oz and Pippi, "Okay so what" she asks, "Is going on?"

Pippi has posed:
    "... ANOTHER?" Pippi blinks as she straigtens up, though she tries to hide her face from Mercy as she runs back in, she gives a soft 'yipe' and pulls her hood back down over her face.

    "This is the second worse day ever."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"That's, as you said, my dog," Oz says, laughing a little at Pippi. "That's Mercy. You can trust her as much as you can trust me. And I don't say that lightly. I...also know you don't trust me very much." He sighs slightly, taking out his phone to find a train schedule for Pippi.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not looking at Pippi. Instead she gathers up her clothng in her hands and arms, nods to them, then runs out the door at a full sprint. She's got coveralls on her feet and does an impressive one legged slide that would make figure skaters jealous as a 'see you guys later' move. She does, though get both feet on the blacktop and runs to her Vanagon, dressing as she climbs in, and awkwardly starts the engine. That being done, she's sort of pulling out of the lot while arguing and fighting with clothing, though she does, somehow, manage to not wreck or get hit. With that...she's buzzing outta Bloodhaven in her Vanagon. So what if her tank top is around her wrist that's holding the shift lever, and she's got one work boot on her lap. In other words....Mercy's an odd sight.