8581/Undercurrents: Kick Them While They're Down

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Undercurrents: Kick Them While They're Down
Date of Scene: 30 July 2019
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Hammerhead's men take out a MD12 stash house in Hell's Kitchen. Blood and fire result.
Cast of Characters: Aquaman, Hammerhead
Tinyplot: Undercurrents

Aquaman has posed:
Finding the stash house had not been hard. It had been shot at three times this week in driveby's and frankly, Hammerhead's men had a good handle on where the local drug houses were anyway. As hard a time as MD12 has been having, this place is at least still in business.

A small all-night convenience store and smoke shop named Quick 'n Go served as MD12's stash house and front in the area around it in Hell's Kitchen. There is a steady flow of junkies coming and going and hanging out outside. Every once in a while a rental car pulls up, the passenger goes inside, comes back out and then the car is driven away.

From the outside, four MD12 men, faces and arms fully tattooed with prominent 'MD12' markings, can be seen inside. One hangs out near the till, which is run by a hispanic woman in her late 20's. The other three come into view and disappear from view in the back of the shop. From what Hammerhead has pieced together, there are stairs to a second floor apartment in the back of the shop.

The back door to the alley behind the building is a metal fire door. There is a single tattooed MD12 gang banger sitting and vaping in a chair on the second story landing of the building's fire escape. The ladder to the escape is up. Keen eyes will see an AR-15 propped against the building wall behind the man. It's reasonable to assume that with the fighting going on, anyone in that building is expecting trouble.

Hammerhead has posed:
Three black sedans park near the Quick 'n Go. For weeks, those MD12 assholes have been dealing on Hammerhead's turf and he was wanting to teach those pricks a lesson, and what better way to do that then destroying one of their stash houses. The leader of the group was in the front sedan. He was a huge mountain of a man wearing a pair of black sunglasses. This man was Louie "The Back Breaker" Lugano, one of Hammerhead's top lieutenants and potential heir and the one leading the raid. It had taken only a few hours to track the house to a shitty store in Hell's Kitchen but he knew it would not be easy to destroy. But regardless of how defended it was, tonight, it and it's product, were gonna burn.
     He immeidatley grunted at one of the men sitting next to him in the car, a tall, scrawny man and pointed at the alley. Hammerhead, in a moment of strategic genius, bought a bunch of t-shirts and had them tie-dye them and add in lettering on the backs that said Aventgards. The Avengards where, of course, a street gang down in SoHo that have obviously been watching the Warriors one to many times and were giving Hammerhead trouble down there. Hammer's idea was to have them dress up as members of the SoHo based outfit and assult the stash house, framing the Aventgards and drawing them into a war with MD12, killing to birds with one stone. The man, now wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt and blue jeans nodded and slinked out of the car, carrying a supressed pistol in his waistbank and slunk into the alleyway near the store. The rest of the men, along with Mountain, then pulled out Uzi's and immeidatley opened fired at the ron of the store while the man in the alley pulled out his silence pistol and shot at the ganger on the fire escape.

Aquaman has posed:
When they open fire, the truly unfortunate are the junkies out front. They absorb a hail of bullets before many hit the store. The MD12 man and the woman behind the counter duck for cover. The glass front of the store shatters in a million pieces. Packaging, soda and chips go flying as bullets tear into the shelves inside the store.

The man in the alley is seen coming, and the MD12 man up top is on guard immediately. When the shooting starts, his shots clink off the metal fire escape. The MD12 man grabs his AR-15, fires a burst down toward the guy in the alley and then crouches back against the building. The MD12 man's aim was rushed and his shots missed, going high.

Out front, muzzle flashes erupt from the second story window above the shop. One of the sedans loses all of the windows on the side nearest the store as it is absolutely riddled with assault rifle fire, front to back.

Hammerhead has posed:
Back-Breaker let out a swear as he saw the sedan behind him get littered with bullets, knowing he had possibly lost up to 4 men in that attack. Suddenly, the door to that sedan opened and two me came out, one of them in tact the other clutching his wounded shoulder. The un-wounded man using the car as cover, started to shoot up at the second story windows. Breaker and the remaining men in the other sedans imeedialtey followed the unwounded man's lead and took cover behind their cars as they opened fired, some of them aiming at the second story apartments, others at the front of the store. meanwhile, the man in the alley dove behind a dumpster when shot at and then, once the man stopped shooting, leaned out of cover and tried to shoot him.

Aquaman has posed:
In the back alley, it becomes a game of popping up, shooting and bullets tinkling off metal. The MD12 is not a real marksman. Having to rush to bring up the assault rifle, aim and fire does nothing to help his aim. To his credit, he shoots the dumpster a lot. And Hammerhead's man is stuck with an unfortunate angle. The two trade potshots.

Until something changes. The fire door opens and a man stumbles out. He is bleeding from his left arm. He fires off rounds wildly back through the door using a pistol while he screams obscenities in Portugese.

The gunfire in the second story window stops as soon as Hammerhead's men start returning fire. The MD12 man behind the cash register counter in the store reaches up over the counter and shoots blindly in the direction of the front of the store from where he is. He has no idea where his assailants are and is just firing blindly in their vague direction. A burst of rounds hits the side of one of the cars, low down on the doors. Someone is firing back from inside the store, probably with an assault rifle, but with the state of things in there and seeing from the lit store into the dark streets, there is no way the guy inside can actually see what he is looking at. A snap hiss and a couple of plinks suggest someone else in the back of the store is in the same predicament, shooting with a handgun.

Hammerhead has posed:
The man in the alley starts swearing to himself once he realizes that he is basically in a stalamate with this ganger in the fire escape. Suddenly the door opens, revealing a second ganger. Seeing his chance on actually hitting someone, the man behind the dumpster takes aim and fires at the wounded man. Meanwhile, Breakers notices that the shooting upstairs has stopped but before he can bark out a order, more gunfire erupts from downstairs, hitting one of the tie-dye shirt clad gangers in the process. Breaker lets out a roar of anger as he immediatley starts firing his Uzi into the front of the store, the rest of his men following.

Aquaman has posed:
The wounded man in the alley has no idea there is anyone behind the dumpster. He catches the first shot in the head and drops. The MD12 man on the fire escape curses a blue streak in Portugese and fires his clip dry hitting nothing but the dumpster. He tosses the gun down onto the grating and disappears into the building.

When the firing at the second story window slackens, the assault rifle pokes out the window and the man inside fires without looking out. His rounds decorate the buildings behind Hammerhead's men but are no threat so far. Under the renewed hail of gunfire, the hand shooting over the countertop inside the store jerks a couple of times and then slides out of view. The unseen shooters at the back fare poorly. Whoever had the assault rifle gets a couple shots out and then there are no more after Breaker's hail of gunfire. The unseen MD12 man with the hand gun gets a few more rounds out in quick succession but then nothing more. The assault rifle drops from the hand of the man in the second story window and clatters to the concrete below. The only sound when the shooting dies down for a moment is the yelling and screams of the injured junkies out front. There are five of them.

Hammerhead has posed:
The man in the alley attempts to shoot the man as he flees but misses. He then runs out of his cover and towards the rest of Hammer's men. Breaker briefly regards his underling and, after one more hail of gunfire towards the upstairs apartments, starts appraoching the store along with the 8 remaining tie dye shirt wearing goons. Stepping over the injured junkies, Breaker appraches the back door towards the aaprtments nad immiediatley starts shooting into it, attempting to hit anyone hiding behind the door.

Aquaman has posed:
Breaker can hear the sound of something heavy being moved upstairs, but nothing is moving on the ground floor. Behind the counter, the MD12 man and the woman who had been the store clerk are dead, riddled with bullets. In the back of the store, a MD12 man with a pistol is lying slumped over in the bathroom. Another with an assault rifle is dead on the floor near the door up the stairs to the apartment above.

Hammerhead has posed:
Breaker hears the noises and realizes that there may be more MD12 goons upstairs. So, after kicking the door to the apartment stiars open, he orders his men to file up the stairs, with him at the back. As they climb up the stairs they keep an eye out for any ambushes. Once they reache the entrances to the main apartments, they Breaker shoots into the door of the apartments to hit any stragglers.

Aquaman has posed:
There is no answering fire from the aparment the men go into. There is a muffled cry from down the hallway of the apartment toward the bedrooms, followed by the sound of hushing. The bedrooms are empty but when one of the men tries to open one door in the hall it hits something heavy and will not move. The third bedroom is quite the spot. No bed, just tables around the outside with stacked pound bags, a few large plastic pails anyone who preps drugs would recognize as common fillers, some scoresheets and scales. An eyeball estimate says there is a good $300,000 of heroin, cocaine and Hook in the room, in various stages of cutting and re-packaging.

Hammerhead has posed:
Breaker hears the husing down the hall but ignores it when he hears one of his men direct him to the third bedroom. Once he sees the Hook, he immeidatley grabs it along with the Heroin. He then nods to a sraggily looking member of his group, who chuckles as he pulls out spray pain and starts to graffitti the bedroom with the Aventguard logo. He then grunts to another one of his men, who runs downstiars and arrives beack a few minutes later with a jerry can full of gasoline from the sedan. He then turns on the gas from the stove in the kitchen and starts to pour a trail of gasoline from the kitchen to the sedan he arrived in. He then shoots the trail, igniting the gasoline.

Aquaman has posed:
There are already sirens in the distance as the police begin to respond to reports of gun fire. There will be more soon.

The spark catches and fire streaks across the pavement, over an unfortunate man bleeding out on the sidewalk and through the store up the stairs. There is a moment of quiet.


Fire billows out of the open front second story window and then recedes. The flickering though tells all. The fire has caught. Soon fire alarms will be sounding, too.

It may not have come free but MD12's stash house is down in this area. And in this market? If you don't have Hook you don't have much. One more fly out of Hammerhead's ointment tonight.