674/Afternoon Meeting

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Afternoon Meeting
Date of Scene: 29 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman

Supergirl has posed:
It's Memorial Day, and most of Metropolis is shut down for citizens to enjoy parades, picnics, and bar-be-cues in celebration. And some thieves got the brilliant idea that a holiday means that there's less police out on patrol or available to respond to alarms. But as the wail of sirens and screech of tires proves, they were very much mistaken on that assumption. And what was supposed to be a, relatively, simple snatch and grab of a jewelry store has turned into a high speed pursuit down the streets of Metropolis. And along with the sounds of the chase, there's gunfire as the thieves shoot at the cops in pursuit.

Also, the criminal masterminds apparently forgot about the other forces of law and order in Metropolis.

Alerted to the sound of the chase and the gunfire, Supergirl flies down as the chase makes its way past the Themysciran Embassy. In the blink of an eye and faster than the human driver can react, the once clear street has an obsticle in the form of a Girl of Steel. Supergirl takes the hit of the speeding car, proving to be a nearly immovable object as the front of the getaway car crumples around her, while she slides back about a foot. The impact stuns the thieves inside, and Supergirl takes advantage of the abrupt end of the chace by punching through the hood of the car and demolishing the car's engine; no chance of these guys reversing course now.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Because it was a holiday, Wonder Woman had a duty to be a public presence at events scheduled in very busy parts of Metropolis today. The events had mostly concluded by this point though and she (and her three Amazonian sisters) were returning to the Consulate via their black four-door sedan.

The high speed chase happened right past their car however and the women inside all exchanged looks. Diana, took note of Supergirl tending to the chase... she'd seen footage of her in-action on the internet and was now getting her first opportunity to see the young girl 'up close'.

Diana instructed the redheaded Amazonian who was driving the car to pull over outside the front of their Home building.

A moment later and the Princess of Themyscira was exiting the vehicle... she was in her glittering blud/red/gold armor for the festivities today, and a moment later she was taking flight and moving to trace after Supergirl and the would-be-criminals.

Diana caught up to them in time to see the vehicle crumpling against her form... As this occurs, Wonder Woman's flight gently settles her down behind the vehicle as its engine is smashed into by the hand of Supergirl. Diana stands tehre, blue eyes locked on the scene, watching.

Supergirl has posed:
Of course, as the thieves in the car recover what senses they have, their furst response is to try and shoot their way out of the situation. The two in front target Supergirl while the two in the back open up with pistols on Wonder Woman. Meanwhile, police units screech to a halt behind Wonder Woman to set up a perimeter, and two other cruisers block the street behind Supergirl.

When the bullets start flying, Supergirl flies backwards, seemingly in retreat. But the reality is, she puts her body in front of a mother and child on the sidewalk that could have caught some stray rounds in the confusion. The bullets bounce off her harmlessly, and once the theives run out of ammunition in their guns, Supergirl returns fire. Her heat vision shoots out from her eyes, hitting first one, then the other gun, as the thieves are reloading and scrambling to escape from the car. The intense beams of energy melt the weapons to slag and the guns are dropped with howls of pain from the theives at the front of the car.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The gunfire doesn't seem to concern Diana all that much and she's aware of the Police arriving behind her... having every intention to make sure that the brace Law Enforcement Officers of Metropolis do not have to face gun-toting psychopaths without her as a shield...

Along those lines, Diana lifts her hands up, her leather gloved fingers cinch tightly as she directs her armored wrists to block the bullets with showers of golden sparks exploding off of her arms with each one that ricochette's from Wonder Woman's bracers down into the concrete below.

Diana rushed forward then and she reached inside the vehicle's back window, smashing her hands through the already broken glass, and she aims to yank the two men in the backseat right out and drag them across the trunk of the wrecked car!

Supergirl has posed:
With the gunfire at an end, Supergirl flies up to the car, a blur of blue and red motion. Similar to Diana's approach, Supergirl breaks through the front windscreen and grabs the thieves in front. "This was a really bad idea, yes?" she asks the driver with a hint of a smirk. Before the stunned man can reply, Supergirl flies her captives over to the police down the street, dropping them unceremoniously from a height of about 3 feet off the ground; not enough to be rough, but not exactly gentle.

The police move in and start handcuffing the felons, and Supergirl not takes time to go over and look at the other hero that jumped in. "Thanks for...." Kara stops and her eyes go wide when she sees exactly *who* had been helping out. "Oh, Rao..." she says breathlessly, with a bit of a star-struck look on her face. "You're...you're Wonder Woman!" She swallows a bit and gets a nervous smile. "You're a big fan of mine..." wincing and flushing with embarassment, Supergirl shakes her head and corrects herself. "I mean, I'm a big fan. Of you." She laughs nervously. "I'm a big fan of yours." And suddenly, this girl that just turned a speeding car into so much scrap metal and melted guns with her eye beams is a blushing, embarassed mess.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana calmly lead the thugs over to the police, they were clawing at her arms and trying to free thmselves. One of them even pulled a 'asp' club out of his jacket and started slapping it against the side of Diana's armor'd torso and down at her knees, but it just bounced off of the woman, doing nothing to her.

The club swinging man was grabbed by a female police officer and he was cuffed up tightly with his club thrown aside for the time being. Diana nodded to the officer and then gave the other crook to another Cop.

"The world is a hard place." She said then. "I hope you someday learn to change your ways." She told the two of them, knowing there was little else she could offer in this situation.

Diana walked over to crouch and retrieve the baton. She stood up then with it in her hand, turning it over and inspecting it... she folded it back up into itself then as Supergirl approached and made her introduction.

An introduction that got a smile upon Diana's red painted lips and a gentle singular nod. "I am a fan of yours." She said to Kara then in her heavily accented English. "I have heard, and seen some, of your efforts in stopping criminals and helping those in need. I have been impressed." She held her smile for Kara then as she went to bend the baton until it was donut shaped, then she tossed it into a dumpster not far away.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl blinks a bit when Wonder Woman says that *she's* a fan of *her* And that she's been noticing Supergirl's activities. "Wow..." She does get her composure back though after a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry. You probaly get that alot. But besides my cousin, you're my biggest influence. The person whose example I try to live up to. Not just as a hero, but also...when you talk about peace, knowledge, compassion, and love for all...It's not all that dissimilar from Krypton. And it made this new world a bit less frightening for me when I arrived, knowing that someone like you shared so much of what I was raised to believe in. So...thank you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana wiped her half-gloved hands together after tossing that dirty baton into the trash bin and she then interlaced her fingers between one another in front of her armored stomach. She kept her eyes upon Kara and a soft smile showed she seemed pleased by the woman's words. "Thank you, for listening." She told her in response with a sincerity to the words.

"Your cousin has been a beneficial presence to this planet." Diana told her then, using the girl's outfit to determine that she must be speaking of Superman, let alone that the media had already started referring to Kara as Supergirl, the connections were kind of obvious.

Diana glanced back at the destroyed criminal's car before smirking and looking once more to the blonde haired Kara. "At least these four will think twice, should they run into you ever again."

Diana then gently tipped her head to the right. "When did you arrive here?" She asked then.

Superman has posed:
Superman drifts closer, having spotted the concern, Clark watched his cousin handle it, a faint smile of pride on his face. Seeing Diana speaking with his cousin drew his attention and he moved closer as he listened in. Kara's and Diana's words having him smiling and drifting down onto the scene, close enough to be seen, far enough to be considered politely waiting for an invitation to join in.

Supergirl has posed:
"This past summer," Supergirl replies. "Lois Lane has my story to publish in the Daily Planet. But the short version is that I'm Superman's cousin, born before him, also rocketed away from Krypton, but my pod was caught in the explosion and knocked off course." She smiles a bit and shrugs. "So, I crashed here a few months ago, and instead of my baby cousin, I found a full grown man who had become Earth's greatest hero. I've been working to get used to my powers and Earth's culture since then. But, becasue of Kal, and you, I always knew that I wanted to use my new powers to help and protect. And...I just sort of decided one day to start doing it."

The movement above cathes Kara's attention and she looks up, smiling when she sees her 'baby' cousin. Supergirl waves to him to join in, clearly pleased at meeting Wonder Woman. Then, she blushes a bit and returns her attention to Wonder Woman. "Oh! Sorry....I forgot to introduce myself. But...you already know me as Supergirl. But my Kryptonian name is Kara Zor-El. And I just always feel more comfortable with people calling me Kara."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looked skyward when Kara did and she too saw Superman up above. "It seems he caught the news of the chase." She said to Kara, regarding her once more with a light smile. "Hello up there!" She said a little louder, but she knew that Clark could hear just as well as she could, perhaps even better, so she didn't have to raise her voice that much at all.

Kara's words grounded her attention once more though and Diana seemed a bit confused. "How long were you lost in space in the... pod... that saved you from the planet's destruction?" She asked then. "And yes, I am in the same as you, in that I prefer Diana over Wonder Woman, so please... feel free to call me that instead."

Superman has posed:
Invited, Superman lands down with gently grace and control next to the two ladies. With them talking and him having little to add for the moment, he stands there completely content to listen to Diana's questions and Kara's answers. Lois hasn't let him read the advances yet, so he doesn't know what's in those articles, but he knows and trusts Lois. And if she's taking this long, she really want them to be something special. He knows it.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara can't really help herself. It may not be 'dignified', but she moves in to give Kal a hug. "Hey," she says to him with a smile as she backs away. "I just stopped some jewel thieves with Wonder Woman!" Yeah, she's very excited about that. And with a blush, Kara looks back to the Amazon. "Sorry, I mean...Diana?" She's still not quite sure if she can be so informal with someone she regards as a role-model. But, back to the question Diana had asked...

"A couple decades," she answers. "Both the pods had suspended animation, so neither of us aged during the trip. I'm still basically the same age I was on Krypton and he..." Kara looks back at her cousin and smirks. "Well, you know the rest of the story. But yes, I am chronologically older than him. I have a holo-crystal of one of our last family gatherings, just after Kal was born." Perhaps in payment for the public hug, Kara decides to spare Kal any 'baby' stories she could relate to his teammate.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would offer a nod of her head to Kal when he landed and she smiled softly when she saw Kara's warm welcome for her cousin. At the summation of events that lead Kara to Earth, Diana regarded the blonde again and she gently nodded two times to her. "It must be a shock then to see him all grown up." She said, smiling some more. To Superman though, Diana looked. "I would think that you'd both be thrilled to find out that another member of your family has survived that terrible tragedy that befell your homeworld. I know it makes me happier, just to see that Superman here has rediscovered a relative."

Superman has posed:
Clark isn't at all annoyed by the lack of dignity, and he smiles as warmly as the summer sun, giving his elder cousin a big hug.

"I saw!" And didn't rush in to help her or save the day or take over for her. No. Clark saw, and he let Kara have the moment, for good or bad. It was hers, even if he was a cry away if she needed it. At mention of baby him, Kal chuckles, cheeks a little pink. Just slightly.

"Crystals that will hopefully never see the light of day?" he asks his cousin before turning to Diana and nodding.

"More than relieved. It was... breath taking to finally realize that I wasn't alone," he says, conjuring that very human burning question Are we alone in the universe? The answer: No.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nods along with Superman's explanation. With a playful wink, she tells him in Kryptonian <<Maybe some of my friends will see those crystals, but I promise none of yours will.>>

Looking back at Wonder Woman, Kara smiles brightly and replies. "A little bit of an adjustment," she admits. "But, Kal really does look remarkably like his father, my uncle. So that helped make it easier to adjust. To be honest, I was more frightened at first with suddenly having all these powers; someone that I had just seen the previous day as a baby now being an adult sort of took a back seat." She looks back at her cousin, slightly unsure. "Did I get that right? 'Taking a back seat'?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana listened firstly to Clark/Kal and it made her seem a bit more somber, but still happily attentive to the two aliens-turned-Earthlings. "I am sorry to hear that you felt alone, prior to Kara's arrival." She said to him the nin a sincere and soft tone. "If I have been given anything in my life, I guess that thing would be a long line of relatives around me back at my home. So that loneliness, is not something I am familar with... but I am sorry, all the same. Even if thrilled to hear that it has lesseoned now with Kara here."

At Kara, Diana showed a slight grin. "I believe you got it correct." She told her then with a quieter voice. "It took my time to learn all the strange sayings that the people in the wide-world use. Especially here in the United States. It is like they make up a new one every few days, and it catches like a wildfire, leaving me feeling as though I'd first arrived to the mainland all over again."

Superman has posed:
Diana's condolescenes are met with a warm and gentle thanks. He'l have to remember this for a quote for Lois. She'd like that. For the moment, Kara check in on the phrase makes Clark chuckle warming, nodding.

"Perfect, cousin."

Supergirl has posed:
"Drive on the park way, park on the driveway," Kara says to Diana with a smile and a light giggle. "Strange. But I know how you feel. It's such a completely different culture here. Although it does have it's charms. Like pizza and hot dogs and burgers." In that regard, Kara is a fully adjusted teenage girl.

She looks between the two, then suddenly says, "Oh! I should probably tell you both. The Titans are coming together well. Nightwing gave us all communicators, and we're going to be using STAR Labs for some training sessions while the Tower is being finished. We don't really have a leader, but we're working that all out."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed another playful grin at Kara's driveway/parkway reference and it made her even huff a little soft laugh. "Precisely." She replied. "Though it is also rather fun to learn and try to become more adapted to a new culture. I have gotten to do that across the globe in my hundred years of being away from my Homeland. A time that I cannot express how... self-fullfilling it has been."

Diana looked between Superman then and back to Kara to hear her speak of the Titans. "I am glad to hear this." She told her. "But I do hope you can establish your leadership soon. It makes such a team much easier to coordinate, to have someone that the team can rely upon and look-to for guideance."

Batman has posed:
Metropolis. The opposite of Gotham, and he hates it here but Batman has not spoken to Superman in some time and has decide it was time to check in with him. As he makes his way through the city on his Bat-Cycle, his black cloak flipping behind him in the air. The near silent miltary grade engine purrs down the alley by the Consulate as Batman leaps off it through the air and lands without a sound...to normal ears. The bike parks on its own and shuts down as he moves to the edge of the alley.

The looming figure is silent expect for his unnaturally calm heart beat that might give him away to those Super-Ears, or those who know his heart beat. As his eyes fall on Superman, he presses his lips into a fine line. However, his features soften when he sees Diana...just a tad. He remains in the alley 'hidden' for a moment watching Kara for a moment as she interacts with the two legends.