5478/Astral Flux: A sorcerer's request.

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Astral Flux: A sorcerer's request.
Date of Scene: 01 October 2018
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Wonder Woman
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There was a knock on the Themysciran Embassy door, long after Strange had done some scrying to make sure Diana was in and he had to go through the hazardous rigmarole of talking to all the legal loopholes and failsafes that is the Embassy's security in order to get an audience with the Themysciran princess.

    "I'm sure you're aware of the attack that washed over Manhatten recently, a mob of sleeping people exodused to the streets and washed across the city towards museums of all types. Now, I need you to do me a dangerous and important favor Diana." Stephen says, spilling some news and asking if he can ask for a simple and likely dangerous request.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The humorous part about knocking on the Embassy door is that generally people just walk into it because its more of a lobby-enviroment in the front rooms. But, it does happen fairly regularly and the attendant in the front gets up to let him in. Its only a few minutes later that he's ushered to Diana's office down the central hallway.

Once there, Diana holds the pleasantries with him and sweeps over to the seating area inside her office. When he gets down to business she smiles faintly and then shakes her head. "If it is not one thing, it is at least one hundred other things." She looks back up and nods softly a single time. "I have heard of it, I have wanted to help but I am unsure of precisely where I would fit in so I have waited. I am happy to do a favor for you, Stephen. What might it be?" She then asks in her thickly accented English.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen hasn't taken the chance to sit down, in fact he's been clearing out a space in the office. Moving a chair here, removing his cloak with a flourish that might have been the cloak itself unfurling and stretching, but he leaves it hanging in the air on a pair of invisible, broad shoulders. "I need you to let me cast a simple, temporary enchantment upon your rope, and then ... You're going to hate this part, I need you to tie me up and be my anchor to reality." The wizard says as his hand reaches out and with a simple gesture, pushes the ornate coffee table closer towards the wall. Eyes turning to linger on Diana's pleading not with his own soul, but the souls of all.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't sit if he doesn't sit. She's not in her armor though she's in a black dress with long sleeves and the skirt going down to her knees, its form fitting and very nice looking... she'd had to go to a public gathering today at an art exhibit. "Okay." Diana says to him then, sounding a bit weirded out by this all but she's willing to play along. "No magic tvs this time, I hope." She chides the man as she walks to a set of double doors along the east wall that lead into her bedroom. She's gone in there for a moment or two before she returns with the famous lasso in-hand and all coiled up. As she approaches him she offers it to him. "If it keeps you safe then I do not consider it to be a bad request, Stephen."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    When Diana returns, Stephen is seated on a chair he had moved into the center of the room. He's slowly rolling up the sleeves of his outfit after having taken off his gloves and set them down on the ground beside the chair. "I need you to tie me to the chair. Wrists, ankles, chest, everything." Stephen says with a tone of dead seriousness.

    "After I-" Stephen stops mid thought as he reaches out to the heroine and her rope and motions for the cloak to go to her. "You'll need the help." He says as it rests on Diana's shoulders. His other hand is beginning to cast a spell onto the rope, and a pair of magic circles form on the floor, each emanating from the two figures in the room, overlapping and folding into themselves until Stephen can touch the rope. "There. Now, tie me up. Then I need you to break the spell by pulling me out of the circle. I need, I just need ten minutes."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana holds the rope in both hands now as she started to unravel it while he talked. She felt the cloak of levitation come around her shoulders and it made her glance over to the animated fabric but it just makes her smile softly at it like it was a kind friend she cared for.

"Very well..." Diana quietly responds to Strange and she goes about doing as he asked. "You know." She says while starting to tie him to the chair. "I was given a run of comic books based on me, where the comics claimed that this was a type of... private activity... that I apparently was very much into." She binds his wrists to the chairs wooden arms and she looks over at him while leaning over closely, she grins. "Comic book writers are very strange, Doctor."

The Princess goes about doing the rest of what he'd asked and then she steps back after smoothing out the clothing on her shoulders and patting them kindly two quick times. "There, you are secure." She says, still holding onto a bit of the rope's long length.