5156/Stranger Meetings
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Stranger Meetings | |
Date of Scene: | 12 August 2018 |
Location: | Harry Dresden's Office |
Synopsis: | Finding his attempts to recruit Dresden, Doctor Strange finds himself rebutted yet again. |
Cast of Characters: | Harry Dresden, Doctor Strange, Magik, Black Queen
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden sits in his office, leaning back in his chair his feet propped up on the desk as some ancient, yellowed paper back sci-fi novel of some sort.. It's been about two weeks since his last meeting with The Sorcerer Supreme (w/guacamole) and the surprise decision for Molly to take on a case that he himself didn't feel was proper to take.. Currently it's just him Molly out doing what ever it is a 21 year old woman does on a regular day..
- Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen was starting to approach Harry's office, the day after that awkward party at Constantine's house, but with work on the Sorcerer's mind. "Molly better be in." Strange thinks to himself as he has that odd itch behind his left ear, thanks to the mystically enchanted flute he's hidden in a pocket dimension on his person.
The sorcerer opens the door to Harry's office and stands in the doorway for a moment peeking in with his mundane vision, because no need for magics. "Is Molly in?" Stephen asks in Harry's direction, his cloak pointing the bottom corner towards the other wizard almost accusingly before Stephen uses his hand to lower the pointer-corner with a subtle shush to the collar.
- Magik has posed:
As soon as Doctor Strange enters the office, the telltale sign of a familiar face comes in the form of a golden pool of light ripping through space - and possible time. A blonde Russian exits from the portal with another person in tow. They are currently having a conversation, if one would call it that, about magical hierchy.
"He says he's the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth," Illyana says, stepping further into the room. It is like clockwork, arriving just as he had. "I don't know if I believe such a thing."
Magik gives Harry a nod, almost like a knock at his front door. But it is just a nod. It is the least she can do for appearing in his office unannounced, like always.
- Black Queen has posed:
"Ohhh, really?" Selene mentions to Magik as she's porting in with the other woman, and she offers, "Well, child, I am sure he is. Not many people go around just advertising the fact that they are the Sorceror Supreme." And in with the blonde comes Selene. She looks like a normal human, she smells like a normal human - though far better thanks to her ridiculously expensive perfume - and yet she carries with her much more darkness.
For those sensitive to the magical or psychic worlds, Selene definitely has a cloud or, shadow, or some aura of evil. But it's not just evil, it is the kind of evil derived from the deaths of millions of people, their souls still lingering around in a state of horror and suffering. And yet she doesn't seem affected by it at all. Popping into the room though she is still eyeing over at Magik when she mentions, "There have been many of them over the course of history. I used to know one quite well..."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden looks up as his door opens, a scowl darkening his features.. "Nope, probably working on your issues." he says not moving his feet from where they're propped up on the desk. Then Illyana and another are coming in as well and he's just thinking to himself 'Talk to Bob about wards to keep this sort of thing from happening all the time' before he's tossing his book in a desk drawer and sitting up properly. "Is there anything I can help any of you with?" he asks politely..
- Doctor Strange has posed:
"I told you that once. I do not go around telling everyone who I am, unless they ask." Stephen says with a glance towards the sudden arrival of Magik with a woman he's heard of and been warned about, but never officially encountered. The cloak however got the jitters as seeing the woman and Stephen feels the sudden vibrations from the way the fabric moves against his shoulder Strange knows what's up.
"I am not the first, I am not the last, but I am the current. I will be here for a while, protecting this Earth and I must get back to it." Strange says as he reaches up above his left shoulder and pulls out a green neon hollow box with a pan flute stored inside. "Now, if you ladies will excuse me." Stephen speaks up and says louder, "How can she be working on my issues without the artifact." The Sorcerer Supreme remarks.
- Magik has posed:
"That, I understand," Illyana responds to Selene, "But look at him." She points to Stephen, not even bothering to look in his direction. Instead, she turns slightly and her focus is on Selene. "Is that what the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth is supposed to look like?" she asks.
She finally turns when his words reach her ears, ignoring his banter and nearly scoffing at the thought him saving the Earth. Magik has saved Earth once, and then she reverted to an eight year-old girl again. Not good times.
"It is a good thing I brought the Black Queen to be of assistance," Illyana adds, stepping to the side of Harry's desk. "She says she is familiar with the Pied Piper flute from a time long ago."
- Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio looks over to Doctor Strange as he walks past, and then she's turning her head to look at Magik. "Hmm? Yes. They all do not have a sense of fashion, and prance about with a lot of magical..." She looks up at the flute that is getting pulled out, "Is that it?" She smiles and starts to walk forward, looking at the object, "I mean. Yes. I was there when the children were all vanished. It was truly a masterful day. I had plans for some of them, but..." She stops with her excited banter about children being kidnapped, and then moves forward after the Doctor.
Her eyes are looking at the artifact and she addresses her words more to the man in the magical cloak, "Where exactly did you pick that up? Was it nearby? Another dimension? The Pied Piper was a bit of a character, you see, and I never quite believed his story about being from 'around here'." She chuckles with that shaking her head, "Never trust a man who plays a flute."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden rubs his temple and forehead.. "History books, summoning up an intellect spirit, talking with the church, pick one or all three." he says to Stephen as the start of a headache starts to build behind his temples. When the disscussion starts going into the pedegree of the flute he stands up to his full height. "Alright, Doctor Sorcerer Supreme.." he says addressing Doctor Strange the with quacamole implied but not implicitly stated.. "And the two of you, go talk shop somewhere else, I am neither on this case, nor do I intend to /be/ on this case, the damn thing should be destroyed and not just put in some mystical museum of mass destruction. I would kindly ask you all to vacate my office." he says simply but politely.. "If you want someplace publicly to go, MacAnally's pub is three blocks that way, it's accorded neutral territory and is use to folks clued into the supernatural. "You might even find Molly there." he adds as enticement..
- Doctor Strange has posed:
With the information he initially came for discovered, Strange turns around and starts to move towards the door. Irregardless of Selene and Illyana, the sorcerer is on a mission. He shoots the women a glance as he moves past and whispers the words, "You can mock my attire all you desire, I care not about the opinions of others. I have a job to do and I intend to do it as best as I can." Stephen says as he moves past Harry's door and out.
- Magik has posed:
"How rude," Illyana says, looking from Harry to Stephen. "And, right after bringing someone who has lived to see the artifact in person." She shakes her head incredulously and turns to Selene.
"My apologies for their worthless behaviors, Black Queen. I would have thought them to be more hospitable than they have been."
- Black Queen has posed:
Looking between the two, Selene just kind of looks at Harry, "Destroyed? In a museum? Why would you do either one of those things?" The woman questions as she raises up a perfectly plucked eyebrow. And then shakes her head, to Magik, "No need to apologize, they have been cursed with short lives already, you really ought to forgive their lack of... hospitality." And she watches as Strange turns to leave, and then looks to Magik, "I think I will follow the flute."
To Harry, a smile, "I apologize, I did not realize we would be entering right here. Otherwise I would knock. I do not like entering a place without being invited first." Vampire joke? She tips her head just a little bit and then is offering, "And, it is Selene. Though, I think this is a quick hello and goodbye."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods "folks are welcome to come in during buisness hours, I still refuse the right to refuse service, and I have." he says moving to sit back down, propping his feet once more up on the desk pulling out the drawer to grab his book to start reading again once he finds his place.