5111/Some New Friends
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Some New Friends | |
Date of Scene: | 05 August 2018 |
Location: | Metropolis |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Miss Martian, Crusader
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian is zooming around slightly above the skyscrapers, practicing her flight skills. Occasionally she breaks the sound barrier but tries not to cause a lot of noise above Metropolis. After a bit she lands in Racine near the waterfront and heads towards a bench.
- Crusader has posed:
With everything calm after the fungus went done, it was a chance to relax and take a break....for some folks. Not so much for Vorn. He was out searching about, a deep metallic voice calling out "StarLight, where you?" the tone beastial and gutteral as if in search. But than above he notices a streak across the sky. Excitement fill him and Vorn charges!
Within seconds (and with little regards to what was in his way) tree's are shoved aside and bushes trampled before he...runs off the cliff and falls into the pond below. One large splash latter and Vorn is shaking himself off and walking onto land. He stops plucking some waterweed off his chest and looks to Miss Martian and with seemingly no regard for the prior event says "You see a bright light streak by here?" he asks.
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian looks up at Vorn, not at all surprised at some random non-human being approaching her and asking random questions, "Huh? Oh.. nope. Not tonight anyway. Sometimes meteors streak across the sky but tonight looks like a pretty normal night."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn runs his hand down his face stretching it a moment "By Juthuum" he growls in frustration at the comment. "One time a little normacy is not appreciated. Of course." a pause "well guess it something to be of the thankful for. Sorry if disturbed you little girl" he tells her. And with that he falls over onto his back to watch the sky.
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian watches Vorn, "Oh.. well.. yeah it takes a lot to weird me out that's for sure.. I'm usually the one doing the weirding out. I learned pretty quick that telling people too much about myself is not a good idea."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn considers this "It is only a bad idea if you are trying to hide something. Let me guess...." he glances up "Night sky, young girl, apparently weirds people out." he snaps his fingers letting out a loud ringing sound "...your a lamia right?" a snake-like creature with the ability to shapeshift and suck the souls of the living. "Eitherway with experinced, learn if this not freak people out, there is normally either something freaky with them, something freaky is about to happen, or something bad is happening. The latter two have not occured so far so guessing your freaky somehow" he says bluntly, but not maliciously.
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian shakes head, "I can change my form if I need to but.. I wouldn't call myself snake-like. You can call me Megan, I'm from Mars! Not many Martians left now though.. it's.. kind of a sad story. Anyway yeah.. so I try to help people on Earth now."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn gives pause "Martian. Afraid of fire. Species consider for all intents and purposes extinct. Number of off planet specimons known at the galatic level unknown. Known openly on plantary level 1. Known to this guy" points to himself "Now two. Have you met J'onn j'onn Megan?" he says this all matter of factually. He sits up and looks at her "None the less, changing form can do as well, though not a martian."
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian nods, "You got it right! And.. yes I have heard the name but I have not met him unfortunately. I am hoping to soon.. I haven't seen any others of my species since.. since.. well.. yeah."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "Got alot of alien info, despite being a native...and not a native. It is all kinds of confusing. Anyways, mabey will talk to J'onn for you, have worked with him before" he stands back up stretching "Regardless...can understand the feeling to some degree" he cracks his back "If you wish to talk about it - for it is a heavy thing, you can come with. Am searching and can not stay still long"
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian shrugs, "Honestly I.. don't really need to talk about it.. don't really like to anyway. I'm.. not very talkative about some things but very talkative about other things? I mean one time I saw this.. television show about these silly men who throws pies at each other and hit one another. It's clearly human behavior, but then when I threw a pie at.. a former.. somewhat friend.. she got angry, yelled at me, I thought she was going to hit me. I cried and ran away. I used to be a member of the Teen Titans.. it was one of the Titans who chased me off. I.. won't be going back. Things like that happen a lot to me. I do not understand human behavior very well. Social norms are contradictory."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks and stares at Megan for a long LOOOOOONG moment. He breaks out in laughter, a deep rumbling laugh. "Oh the stars. You must be REALLY new to earth." he takes a deep breath and breaks out laughing some more "You actualy threw a pie. Wish got to see that" oh he was getting a crack out of it.
But than he composes himself and raises a finger "Firstly - running away will do you no good. If you are having the misunderstanding with the friends, talk it out or fight it out" a pause "....well save fighting for when your REALLY good friends. Actually you know what, forget the fighting part. You should nt run away from these things"
Vorn raises a second finger "Secondly - most television shows that are for entertainment purposes are a form of escapism. What you saw is something known as comedy....a very old form of comedy. Regardless, no, humans do not like pies being thrown at their faces. That is saved for REALLY good friends, people with really good sense of humor, or is a special event" he says.
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian nods, "Right.. I've figured some of that out but it's difficult to understand. Escapism is not an activity that I was familiar with when I first came here. I was partially educated on Earth however, they called it 'high school.' It was.. pretty easy I guess. Still I didn't learn much about human behavior and everyone avoided me."
- Crusader has posed:
"School is not ment to teach human behavior" Vorn explains "Cultural and behavior norns are actually taught or established before elementary school, or at least the start of it. Alongside regular education appropiate behavior is reinforced. By the time you get to highschool, one is expected to already known these behaviors, and depending on how out of the social norm you act can make one an outcast. Though it can also find one friends as well. Humans as a whole are contridictory and confusing species. And that is comming FROM a human" Vorn says matter of factly "So not not too surprised you did not really learn behaviors in highschool. Granted never completed highschool either. Always thought school was far to restrictive anyhow" Vorn shrugs and continues walking occasionly looking around.
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian thinks, "I.. I see.. well I guess I will just have to.. wing it. That's what humans say when they have to learn something in an unorthodox manner. I guess that is what I will have to do. I don't think I will be interacting with them much until I've watched more of their interactions. You don't seem much like them and yet.. you are still human? Or are you a mutant?"
- Crusader has posed:
"That is a saying - though they do not mentioned it is a saying" Vorn winks. "But winging it can be fun. You can learn as much from the bad as you can the good." a pause "Though could you not just...watch their memories or something? You are telepathic right?" he asks
He stops short and scans the skies "Yes and no. To both" he says
"Blah blah science experiements, blah blah mental & mostly physical merger. Move a few genes here, brain wash a couple of folks there - send it to earth where it absorbs another person. A mutant. And viola! Here is the result." he shrugs "A living contridiction. i am not multiple people, but I am not one person. It is all of both" this also marks the first time during the course of the conversation that he has acknowledge or made reference to 'himself'
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian widens her eyes, "I.. I do not have much experience.. interfacing with human minds. I am not sure if.. if that is something I should be doing to them. I mean if they are a.. a bad person sure but I can't just invade an innocent person's mind.."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn grunts "Fair enough, humans might consider it an invasion of privacy anyways." chuckles "Though the way you talk - make it sound like telepathy was looked down upon on Mars. Is this the case?"
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian shakes her head, "N-no.. not looked down upon but.. I am wary of using it for.. selfish or cruel reasons. I only use my power to help others. Just because I can invade someone's mind, doesn't mean I should."
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian adds, "But villains.. they.. they are different. I do not want to be overly cruel but.. sometimes the ends can justify the means. But there are always limits."
- Crusader has posed:
"Well that is a matter of perspective. Is it cruel to want to understand? Is it selfish to want to interact with others and not be shunned because you do not understand?" Vorn says. He than crosses his arms "Villains...criminals, that line can be quite...blurry" he muses. He than raises his arms "Been a criminal, been a hero. Anyways, at least you have a sense of moral and restraint"
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian nods, "When innocents are harmed, then it is wrong.. that is the line so far. Maybe the line is different for others? But for me that is where it is. I am not a cruel.. person and I try to use the least amount of force necessary."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn hmms "Mabey. It is a big world. Some folks act because they have no choice, other because they enjoy, for some it is the wrong place at the wrong time, or where tricked. Sometimes the problem is bigger than what it seems." he says "Sometimes there are even situations where an innocent has to hurt an innocent. Lines are drawn, choices are made" he rolls his shoulder "But, personally, long as in this form, just happy fighting"
- Miss Martian has posed:
Miss Martian widens her eyes, "Oh.. well.. I can't think like that." She stares at the ground, "Well it was nice meeting you.. I think I should get going now."
- Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "Nice meet you as well. Have a good night megan" and with that he continues on.