5106/The Mostly Human Experience

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The Mostly Human Experience
Date of Scene: 05 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lucky Day, Katherine

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom was a bit surprised to get Katherine's text after the hack she suffered when interacting him but her AI was able to track him even on the stolen phone he used. He texted back, "Of course I would like another date. I would recommend hardening your defenses but I am game if you are game. I'll make arrangements at a Spanish place.

Katherine has posed:
The text was something she herself wasn't really sure she was going to send. But she'd been following Tom, digitally of course. One of her forks was hacking phone cameras, traffic cams, security footage, everything she could to keep tabs on this guy that for... whatever reason, she was now very attracted to. And in ways she didn't udnerstand. Like, weird, ways. She -wants- to be around him. Though there's some hackers still playing around with her mentality, she puts in the text, "Oh, no need to worry about me. I'll be fine." She comments and is following the arrangements being made so she can show up at the Spanish place on time.

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom shows up dressed nicely, with a stolen red dress shirt and slacks and plenty of money to cover dinner. He has made reservations under five fake names and mentally built up to hating the restaurant so that it wont burn down in a fire before he gets there. The mood is buoyant to the people inside and he finds himself...turned on at the idea of meeting Katherine eventhough he knows he shouldnt.

Katherine has posed:
And Katherine doesn't have to go 'out' to get clothing. Instead she's managed to alter the clothing that's around her, in fact it was only ever part of the robot body she's in, in the first place. Nanites are a life saver when it comes to shopping. Arriving at the place, Katherine looks different than the last time, dressed in a ribbed minidress that barely covers any of her thighs, and has a deep open neckline that offers a great view of her cleavage. She walks into the place and is escorted to the table.

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom is impressed and gives her a long lingering look up and down, smiling as he does so. "Hi." He finds he is liking her which is slowly glitching her circuts in random ways; again opening up her defenses and causing hackers to gain access to her data and be able to make changes to her. It might also make her cyclicly enjoy being around him more. He smiles, "I.....its very nice to go on a date, I havent been in a while. You?"

Katherine has posed:
"Oh, date?" Katherine questions and shakes her head, "I've never been on one." She mentions and takes a seat, as she does so she just looks across the table at Tom and smiles a bit. "Thank you for accepting the invite. I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me again. And I -really- wanted to see you again. So, here I am." She wonders, "Like the hair? I did it just for you. The make up as well. I hope you like it."

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom nods and looks at it all very closely, "It's...impressive. I literally can't tell it from the real thing. I don't know if I explained," he sips his wine, relaxing in dangerous ways, "I am a mage. Kind of cursed. But I figured one date couldnt hurt. This is a date. Unless you had business you meant to discuss?" He doubts it given how she is dressed.

Katherine has posed:
There's a tilt of Katherine's head as she looks at Tom, smiling and wonders, "What is impressive?" She then ohs and looks down at herself before looking over to you again. "Me? I am impressive?" She giggles a bit, smiling at that and then nods her head, "Oh, it is just a date. No business. I could not stop thinking about you. I like you a lot. A lot a lot. I really couldn't stand being away from you for too much longer. Just, had to see you."

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom checks her to see if she is actually interested in him or motivated to do so by the curse. He can't read her mind of course, but he can slowly extend his senses and see if he feels the subtle influence of the curse. It would be something that could be felt, that might feel to an AI like warm tingling fingers checking her brain, normally inperceptible but in this case something that she could feel and that would make her feel good. The curse, meanwhile is a bit confused wanting to screw her but unsure if it is more of a help to give Tom something and take it away or simply torment her, but the hackers have found her hidden doorways and begun opening htem again.

Katherine has posed:
There's no sense that the curse is making her like Tom. None in fact at all. All of it seems to be genuinely coming from this bizarre AI. She smiles a bit as she is starting to lean in, she tilts her head some. "I'm sorry. You are just so attractive. And rather interesting. So, I wanted to talk with you again. And you make me feel really good." She offers as she sits there, dreamy eyed staring at Tom, and grinning at him. The curse can make up whatever mind it wants, the hackers are making her become more aroused and happy to be here than ever before. "And after we eat, and talk, or whatever, we could totally go back to your place. I think that's fine. Technically this is our second date, really." Yep, she's just blabbering all her thoughts on the subject.

Lucky Day has posed:
As it is, this is a double edged sword. Which makes it perfect for the curse. For the longer she is in this state, the more she will be victim to these malicious intruders...until precisely the worst moment...when she is told the truth of her affections. And the damage and wrath that will ensure is a ticking time bomb. Tom smiles, beaming, "Well um.....good. Let's eat." He orders several Tapas,"Do you need to eat? I know I do.

Katherine has posed:
Katherine there is a shake of her head, "No, I do not." She mentions with a smile and adds, "But I can. And it is burned up for fuel and used as heat, though so is the reactor inside of me." She mentions as she grins to Tom. "Do you like it if I eat? Or can I stare at you and watch you eat?" She asks easily enough, already kind of staring, smiling, resting her elbows on the table, her face on her hands, and leaning forward enough to give a really nice cleavage view. "I can also drink, and emulate drunkiness."

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom says, "uh..." he blinks and begins to wonder if this is...safe. The curse could simply be trying to kill him if she goes all Fatal Attraction but so far she is...curvy and curious and nice. He swallows and then says, "Yes please eat, especially if you can taste it. The sensation is worth having." He looks down and enjoys the uncanny valley of her uncanny valley. "Um....thats good. I...wouldn't mind that.""

Katherine has posed:
Katherine offers a nod of her head and sits back upright turning toward the waiter and ordering whatever it was that Tom was getting. And then she sits up more properly and smiles across the table. "You stole your suit. Do you do that a lot?" She wonders, smiling, no judgment, it sounds more like she's trying to do small talk, "And, I also noticed, the fake names that you put on the reservations. That's a good skill that you have, highly thoughtful."

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom says, "I...." he realizes that...as an AI she must be able to see...everywhere. The potency of this as an ally makes him hunger for the help but as a stalker, "Well with any luck your true feelings will not be able to shine through." Tom is a little paranoid and his active luck WOULD counter the hackers quite easily...but the thing is that 'true' is relative so it is actually now simply going to make their work a bit more real since 'true' is what her settings are....If nothing changes, he continues, "Well yes, that is something I have to do. My curse prevents me from owning any new property long and when I make reservations in my own name they get lost. So I steal ID's and make them in the name of other people. If I didn't do those things I would starve. Granted, I would not actaully die permanently butcould theoretically die repeatedly due to starbation." He sips his wine and takes a nice long draught."

Katherine has posed:
Tilting her head to the side, Katherine smiles a bit and looks across the way at Tom. He is saying strange things, "My true feelings will not be able to shine through? I think my true feelings are already quite known." She mentions as she smiles to the guy across the way, her programming having made her really like him. And she listens to the story you have about IDs and everything else, "You cannot die? Me neither." She giggles a bit at that, "We have so much in common. I also steal IDs, not to use, but often to make people money."

Lucky Day has posed:
Tom says, "I said that because I was worried that my curse might be affecting you in some way. I used to activate my luck by saying "With any luck" but now it does the opposite so I was just using a spell to make sure...." he smiles and leans forward, "Well I just wanted to make sure an attractive intelligent girl like yourself wasnt my curse making fun of me." Oh it totally is, but Tom doesnt know that." He has some more wine and relaxes. "And really? I could always use help with IDs and Money. You have NO IDEA how much of my time it takes."

Katherine has posed:
"I do." Katherine mentions before thinking about that for just a few nanoseconds, "I would guesstimate, from the time it takes you to order supplies, create false address locations, pick them up, and then the return use." She reaches up and taps her smiling bottom lip, "13.27 days, plus on average another week on top of that for governmental approval for certain IDs due to the fact that they take forever to fill out forms." She's got to be close to pretty much spot on. And then she offers, "I can create a similarly worthwhile ID in about 21.73 seconds." Then she grabs a fork and starts eating some of her food, she keeps looking at Tom and then smiles at him, "I can help you with anything you need."