4903/Council of the Light
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Council of the Light | |
Date of Scene: | 15 July 2018 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | The Inner Circle of the Light meets in Council for the first time. Agendas are discussed. A charter is ratified, making the Light official. |
Cast of Characters: | Lex Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, Doctor Doom, Talia al Ghul, Shredder, Magneto, Black Queen
- Lex Luthor has posed:
Initially a deserted, uncharted island, the unnamed island in the northern Atlantic, near Cuba. Those in the Light with the resources and tech base to fund and build a heavily fortified, technologically obscured base equally shared the burden of cost to ensure that no country or group in the known world could find this island easily, let alone the base that had been carved out of the mountains in a matter of months. Help from Doctor Doom and Selene has ensured that any magical prying would fizzle, showing the deserted island anyone expected to see. Given that no one knew if they were /keeping/ this island as their headquarters... that was as far as Lex was willing to go. Additional defenses would be put in if the Council voted to keep this place.
The base itself was very spartan right now. A large main chamber that can be refitted to anything that's as much structural support as anything else, with the main Council chamber beyond that. For now, there are no guards present; a concession in Lex Luthors case especially... but one that allows true neutrality... and one that allows only inner circle members of the Light to know where this place is until voting can be done.
Lex Luthor himself is already in the Council chamber by the time the others arrive, having been overseeing construction with whomever else was interested in an active hand. The large horseshoe shaped table had a large holo-projector situated in the 'center' of it, and Luthor himself seated at the left side end of the table. In front of each seat was a computer terminal built into the table itself; active and passive sensors for the island defenses, as well as memory and a computer core with the latest information on world status were shown... and ready to be deployed into the projector.
The first Council of the Light was about to begin.
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has arrived alone. He could bring his own people, since those were allowed in small numbers but people talked and he trusted no one on this particular project. Secrecy was paramount, so he simply arrived by teleporter. As he loped toward the center of the complex he nodded appropriately. Lex was a solid engineer and for human technology bleeding edge. He could already see where his own tech could augment and amplify. If this worked well, and the stakes were too high for it not to, then it would be the dawning of a new age of equality for the world. A necessary one.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Victor Von Doom arrived by himself, appearing at the base via magic teleportation. Simply creating a portal as it were. and great pains were taken to ensure that his use of magic transportation couldn't be traced. Nevertheless, with his armor that's clearly on repulser technology, his pitch black hood and cloak trailing behind him and enshrouding his entire person except his armored face and front of his body. Doom was one of the few that oversaw this place's construction, but Like Grodd, Doom was already thinking of how he would integrate his knowledge and technology to improve this as well. Not to mention what magic he could use to make it that much //better//. Oh well. Until it's voted upon that this could be the neutral HQ of the Light, Doom simply heads into the Council chamber.
"Luthor." Doom greets before he moves to his intended seat. He did notice that the Horseshoe shaped table was made, with that in mind, he moves to one of the seats, typically the northwest one, but he doesn't sit, having the politeness to at least wait for everyone else.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul will arrive in the council chamber alone, unarmed for all intents and purposes, and dressed rather casual for the occasion, though what she wears is of rather high quality none the less.
Her transportation to the island consisted of a helicopter, piloted and guarded by elite's of the League of Assassins, who remain of course with said helicopter.
- Shredder has posed:
The Shredder brought no one to the island with him. He also arrived in his armor, which might seem unnecessary, but as a ninja, he is exceedingly cautious, and his identity has remained hidden from most until now.
He loaned his expertise on discretion during the construction, seeing to it that the shipments of materials were handled in a way that would avoid detection by even the most attentive of coastal patrols, and the materials leaving the dock were never seen to do such. He comes to the table, and an interested glance is cast in the direction of both Grodd and Doom. To most people, he is a ghost, someone supposed to be dead, if he has been heard of at all. Though his face is hidden, he takes his helm from his head with one hand, grabbing the top, and places it on the table, revealing the more commonly known face of Oroku Saki, majority shareholder at StockGen.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"Welcome, one and all, to the first council." Lex stood as the others started to come in, "I've been told that a few members of the Circle will be late joining us from other engagements, but we seem to have a majority here. The closed circuit cameras will begin recording this meeting for their overview to catch up once we're all seated, and erased after to destroy the evidence." Lex states, before he gestures around, "please, let's get this started. It's been a long time coming, and we have a number of topics on the list to discuss."
Lex himself retakes his seat. A light on top of his terminal indicating activation, "L1, Lex Luthor."
A brief second passes once everyone is seated, "I propose our first item of discussion be voting on our headquarters. Do we have any other locations people would like to discuss as potential hubs, or does this land meet with everyones satisfaction enough to install a secret zetaport and start to build out from the foundation laid?"
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I think, as I've mentioned in my white papers, the Savage Land is a logical location for this. But we can do Ape City or New York. It's a perfect spot since no hero would think us insane enough to do so. Either way, we should start soon."
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul will take a moment to look across those who have joined the gathering before her attention shifts towards Lex as he begins to speak, she is lounging in her own chair in an almost sultry pose. As the question is posed she shakes her head in response, "I have no locations to propose at this time."
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom looks upon Luthor and he activates his console. "L3. Doctor Doom." as it activates before he takes his seat. He turns his head to Grodd before Doom happens to nod. "I believe out of those options, the Savage land would be best. Not only is it extremely difficult to get into, but it's an easy place to hide what we do not wish to be found."
Though he does look to Luthor. "I also offer Latveria to the Council as a potential hub. Or even expand upon this place." he ggestures to their present meeting location
- Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a small nod as Doom speaks, "I can concur with going with the Savage Land, once we have a foothold there. Meanwhile, I would suggest a location in Latveria as a backup, in case our initial site is compromised. All in favor?" Lex inquires. He types into the terminal, and green and red buttons pop up with the agenda item just stated. Lex hits Green for yes, the light on his terminal glowing green in confirmation of the Savage Land as initial HQ.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom seems to nod in agreement, clicking 'yes' once the prompt on his computer pops up. Seems Doom is actually more than happy to have it in Latveria. It does give him the home field advantage if this entire thing goes horribly wrong. Plus, nobody's gonna fuck with Latveria.
Regarless, he simply sits back and watches to see how this goes down.
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder reaches out tas the green button quietly, and then returns his hands to each other, fingers steepling between the bladed tekko-nagi claws.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul glances over towards Doom as he speaks up as well and adds to the conversation regarding the Savage Lands. She takes a few moments to consider before she reaches out to tap the green affirm button herself.
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd presses the green button on the Savage Land. He had thought it implicit in his tone but the formality is something he is not used to. Shrugging, he presses the button.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"Motion carries. The Savage Land it is." Lex looks to Doom, then. "Me and the rest of the Circle will discuss working on building the backup location after this meeting. We're going to have to scout the Savage Land to find a suitable location once this meeting is over with."
Then, Lex presses a few buttons, and the initial charter pops up on the projector, "As everyone here recalls, me, Grodd, or someone else approached you for this Circle with certain conditions. This initial charter still stands. If anyone has any amendments or additions, now is the time to propose them so we can ratify and formalize them." Lex smiles, "One addition I'd like us to consider; If anyone of us backs out of this Council for any reason, I would propose that the cleanest way to handle it is to blank slate them; a telepath of power we can all trust will go in and wipe information on the Light clean from their memory. Both for our safety, and theirs."
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "Seconded. But to be fair make it three telepaths, two from different sources. Its how we include it in the legal system in Gorilla City and it keeps people from initiating...funny business.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods lightly to Lex. "Agreed. In finding a new area, I'd advise the council of Talia al Ghul, who no doubt is an expert on settling in places that will practically never be found." a compliment to the ninjas ability to keep any and all things extremely hidden. Something he admired in Ra's al Ghul. Nevertheless...
Doom's eyes shift to Lex then to Grodd. "I agree and would abide on three telepaths. Skill in comparison to one another doesn't matter as long as they get the job done."
- Shredder has posed:
Saki narrows his eyes. "Telepaths. If someone is too weak, their life should be forfeit," he comments. "While the suggestion of three telepaths may be effective. Cowards should have no place here." He glances around the table. "I somehow feel that I may be in the minority?"
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul inclines her head slightly towards Doom at the words and suggestion, and she listens to the points brought by by Grodd and Doom on the telepaths before she hmmns softly and nods, "Three seems acceptable, to assure that there is no untoward tampering if that is the course we go for."
- Lex Luthor has posed:
A neutral look is given in Saki's direction, "That is one point of view, and one I do not share. Speaking for myself, I didn't come into this for life or death. I came into this to work towards a better future for the natives of Earth." The Man of Tomorrow gives a look around the table, "I'd imagine most others feel the same."
Another bit of typing, and a green and red button pop up for adding the telepath clause to exit.
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd presses green. "As a telepath, I am logically comfortable with this and can screen any. More over, I know the strength of mercinary telepaths you can use to audit my own activity. This only works if we are transparent.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
For himself, Lex hits green, his terminal lighting up in confirmation. He glances to the others.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom hits green, his cmoputer also lighting up that he's in favor of the the decision.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul glances over towards Shredder briefly then hmns softly, "While, I agree that there are certain obvious risks to this, I am confident that even if the telepath isn't effective, it will not hamper my ability to operate either, so in the interest of harmony.." She says, reaching out to tap the green lightly to go along with the Telepath plan.
- Shredder has posed:
Saki glances around the table, watching to see the responses on each person as they press the button. He gives a look of disappointment when Talia presses the green button, and lets out a mild grunt. He hits the red button anyway, unconcerned about the difference in opinion.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
A purse of his lips brings Lex back to eye level with Saki, "You recognize the need for better organization, correct?" Lex asks of Saki. "I understand that you have a with us or against us mentality. I used to think that I only needed myself. But look at the world around us." Lex brings up a projection of the world, political borders highlighted, "Right now, humanity is fragmented. Gorilla and Ape city are both trying to integrate into the UN, and all of us have our resources within the current framework." Lex brings up more dots, showing the various superhero group known headquarters, "The number of enhanced people in the world working to stagnate the status quo are on the rise as well. if something isn't done, these fools will continue to be able to undo all our work."
Lex looks back to Saki, "If we want to have a chance at rehabilitating Circle members who get cold feet, we need a method that cleanly keeps them from being a liability... that doesn't involve death. No one outside of Japan is going to agree to those terms. I know I wouldn't."
- Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "at a practical level, we have to allow someone to go deep into cover as well. The avengers, xmen, alpha flight, shield and the league all have powerful telepaths. Without this wipe as standard procedure, its just bad news waiting to happen. More importantly, Kamakazi behavior is going to lead to reckless decision making and fear paralysis."
- Magneto has posed:
There were no stomps down the hallway, no indications given to the swiftness that Magneto gave to arrive at the council hall. The doors opened, and dressed in all his regailia, was one of the most feared mutants on Earth: Magneto: King of Genosha.
"You'll forgive my late arrival." He says, his voice carrying with authority.
The Master of Magnetism remailed hovering as he entered the council chamber. Lowering himself into his seat. "L2: Magneto" The red and purple clad monarch had looked much like he has before, red armor, seemingly ready for battle, including the signature helmet atop his head.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom looks upon Shredder, or rather, Saki. "While I agree with your mentality in most cases, unless we have something in place, the system we have already painedly established becomes obsolete. If they end up becoming a problem later after the fact or become an enemy, then I have no problem with agreeing to allow you to spill blood as you see fit. But for now, we need rules. WIthout rules, we cease." Doom says before the timely arrival of Magneto arrives.
"Welcome to the chambers. Perhaps you will break the vote. Forgiven, this time." He says before those glowing green slits of Doom's facemask looks upon all present, saying what needs to be said.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a nod to Doom, then. "If they become an actual threat, rather then just being mind wiped... then of course we deal with them lethally. But those who leave amicably? We need a painless method to deal with them." Lex states.
Then there's a look to Magneto, "welcome to the Council, Magneto. Your terminal has a video of our proceedings so far for you."
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Our operations are shrouded in much more secrecy than theirs." Talia says after a moment as she listens to some of the concerns and comments, "If they are satisfied with these measures, I have no concern supporting it." She directs much of this towards Shredder as she does, offering a lazy shrug of her shoulders before she turns to watch the arrival of Magneto into the hall, inclining her head slightly.
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder frowns, it's a scowl that looks like it could scare the devil himself. He is not accustomed to sharing authority. He seems to weaken the scowl with each argument, the only initial indication that they have an impact on his thinking. It is Talia's input that seems to be the most convincing,
"I have seen many alliances fall by the failure to commit to what is necessary," he says. "I have often been the cause of their fall. I do not presume anyone here to be beyond manipulation. "That said, telepaths could be useful for evasion of such dereliction." He doesn't look as if he is happy about the concession completely, but he reaches out and presses the green button, changing his vote.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
The documents of the initial charter replace the globe once more as Lex types into his terminal. One document in particular pops up, legible, and Lex types into it, amending the charter with the voted upon item, "Any other amendments or additions to consider before we vote upon the final product and ratify it?"
- Magneto has posed:
Magneto watches the events that took place before he arrived. His face looking unamused at the item on the docket. "I do not like the prospect of using telepaths on such poeple. So if you are asking me to be committed to this measure...one hundred percent, I'm afraid the answer is no. I've already let my mind be susceptible to my fair share of telepaths." A gloved hand reaches for the red button, and presses it.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Victor looks at the charter, and despite what they spent the last half-hour debating, he says no more words on it...especially since it's a majority vote. "I direct all eyes to the notion of revealing secret identities. This one is nothing to scoff at, and it's best that you know what you are getting into." even though they all likely have intelligence on each otehr to know most if not all of their true identities. "Regardless, I do not object or have any amendments to make to the charter."
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"I don't like the idea of people poking in my mind either... but I don't plan on withdrawing if at all possible, and we need a contingency that doesn't involve hunting Circle members down if it comes to that." Lex flicks his terminal then, and the charter documents come up on the projector, along with all Circle members, "Obviously, not all circle members are here to ratify. Sign your designation into your terminal, and it'll imprint on the document. This way, if and when we show it to others, they'll know how many other members they're doing with."
He smiles, and Lex uses his pen electronic pen, "Any other agenda items for others will have to wait until we can get the others to sign." Lex signs L1 for himself, and it shows up on the projector.
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom looks upon the Charter, making sure everything is in order before he takes an electric pen and signs 'L3' for himself., watching as it shows up on the projector. Since he was the third member brought upon this crusade of sorts.
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder picks up the pen before him, and signs likewise, L4, then sets it back down silently.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
When the prompt comes for her to sign, Talia raises her pen up and scrawls out a flowing 'L6' on the display before her with the electronic pen, placing it down once she's finished.
- Magneto has posed:
Magneto signs the charter as well. 'L2' Seemingly happy with the rest of the charter.
- Black Queen has posed:
The location is open to Selene, of course. There's few things manmade that Selene can not quite get to, and in this case she takes the fastest route that she knows how. Teleportation. Appearing in the midst of the room, Selene just appears inside of the room, fading into it from a shadow of mist and energy till she solidifies. "What is it that we are discussing?" There's no pause as she goes over to her seat, and there is indeed a video playing back things in a slightly that normal speed, skipping forward, she idly presses a button to fast forward through much of the conversation, reading captions down below. "Ah, and here we are. Telepaths wiping minds?" Selene laughs a bit and shakes her head some, "Certainly you would have to get 3 of the most powerful telepaths on earth to even have a hope of wiping some of our minds..." She seems confused on this charter item but presses to vote against it. "If someone leaves, we either allow them to leave, trusting they are as powerful as they are in the group to not reveal details, or else... as my old friend offered, they could be put to death." She votes against so at least her vote is counted.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"Your objection is noted, Selene. Do you ratify the charter itself, then?" Lex inquires.
- Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio nods back to the rest of the group. She smiles a bit and mentions, "I ratify the charter. This is all fine. Though, I think it unwise to keep our location on this plane of existence, but the vote is the vote. I am fine with it."
- Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods lightly to Selene but otherwise clearly has nothing to say.
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"When you build each of us a gateway into another plane of existence that can't be tampered with by outside forces, it might be a thing to consider. As it is, I'm limited to this one." Lex actually quips, "either way, all present have been accounted for. Now we just need to get Dracula to ratify, and we can get started on scouting the Savage Land." Lex looks over the rest of the council, "once we're done here, we have scuttling charges to bring this entire base down and turned to scrap, but if either of our magicians can just undo their wards and undo the construction itself? That'd also work." Lex then smiles, "So, before we call this to a close... are there any other proposals anyone would like to make? Otherwise, you'll have to make them over the network."
- Shredder has posed:
Shredder nods, "Very well," he says. "I have been communicating with one Pamela Isley. Her research may be quite beneficial to sustainable base defenses. I find it unlikely that most opposers would be able to find their way past her designs. I will share the information when I return to New York."
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"Meanwhile, I've been working on understanding the fungus attacking our world. I have a fairly good amount of testing in, but I'm hoping we can use it for more then just being a WMD on demand." Lex adds to the table. "My intention is to keep a few dozen stalks for biotech and weaponized purposes, and to find more applications for it in time. They're pretty easy to deal with, once you understand their weaknesses."
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul shakes her head at Lex, "Nothing else from me." she says, casting a glance over towards Shredder as he brings up Pamela, and she offers a slight hmn, her attention shifting back towards Lex at the talk of the Fungus and she simply nods.
- Black Queen has posed:
"There are matters that I may need to bring to bare in future meetings." Selene offers, "But for now, nothing of the sort." She smiles a bit, just letting the comment about some gateway to an alternate plane go for now. "Oh. I do have one thing to say." She pauses a moment before adding, "If any of you have need of my services. By all means, the staff at the Hellfirce club can get ahold of me always."
- Doctor Doom has posed:
At the mention of Fungus, Doom speaks. "I was able to remove the Fungus from Latveria. A man appears to have some measure of control over them, and has been approaching the leaders of nations in offering to use them as a weapon. I was able to dismiss them with Magic and set them protectively at the border, but having someone with the expertise of Poison Ivy would be quite helpful." he states then. "They work as a hive mind. Find the 'leader' and manage to take control of it, and the rest will follow."
- Shredder has posed:
"Hmm, I have a contact that may be useful in that," Saki says. He raises a finger, "I was approached by a telepath which I believe was able to do exactly as Doom suggested. I do think using them as a mass weapon of destruction may be reckless. Perhaps if you are able to generate a variant which is not so bent on consuming all things, it may be more useful. When you keep a beast in a cage, eventually you run the risk of that cage breaking."
- Lex Luthor has posed:
"My work is currently centered on finding their communication links and making ways to counteract it and sever it. Make it so telepaths can be cut off from them if they become a problem. Make the antidote first before the poison." Lex observes, "Disrupt those hive minds, and they're dealt with casually. Sonic and cold based weapons are easily able to control and destroy them, respectively."
With other potential proposals dealt with, Lex hits a button, "I've just saved one copy of this council meeting to my thumb drive for Dracula to see if he ratifies the charter. I'm going to scuttle the base and computer core now. The magicians can handle the mystic aspects of tearing this place down and scouring our traces from it." Lex stand then, his business suit adjusted briefly, before he looks over the rest, "I look forward to working with you all. I'd say this was a productive first session."