4887/Collat. Damage
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Collat. Damage | |
Date of Scene: | 12 July 2018 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Lucky Day, Harry Dresden, Kid
- Lucky Day has posed:
It is a perfectly normal day in a perfectly drab house that no one notices because of some minor curses and wards placed there by the larger magic community at large because the Nights are well...a hazard, doubly so where they lived. The Nights were never magical CRIMINALS per se, in that they never ever really got caught but unlike a world which might or might not be a fiction in Tom's mind, in THIS world for seven generations, overnight really, they went from being Luck mages on the side of light to Jinx mages of the highest and world class caliber, each generation stronger than the last. But some of them stuck around, for th e Night family had a little secret, you see, for it was prophesied that someone would be born who had caused their suffering, and some waited, waited for payback. Two of these this very night waited looking, pale and gaunt, quite quite dead as they looked at each other, and began chanting.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden putters along in the Ambush Bug, the trusty VW bug that's been his faithful steed for ages, mainly because of a magician of a mechanic named Tom, (unrelated). Having come to Metropolis for a client who was convinced her husband was cheating on her with his travels back and forth between Gotham and Metropolis, but it wasn't the case. Guy was just shady and into organized crime. "Probably not gonna get paid more than the retainer I already got on this one Mouse." he says to the faithful barely an adult Foo dog taking up the entire back seat, the dog of course just pants good naturedly his nose stuck to a side window when he lets out a weird little woof with a little of the mystic backing it up.
The hairs on the back of his neck standing up Harry brings the car to a stop pulling over to look around, "What you find boy?" he asks curiously hoping it's just Timmy down the well.
- Lucky Day has posed:
The Well was in fact part of the spell since the water on the Night property was among the most concentrated bad luck magic you'd find in a hundred miles and it reached out up into the sky as far as the eye could see to arcane senses and then began to pour down as foul rain. A black mist and fog slowly spreading out from the house.
Tom, sipping awful tea next to the radio that only played the one station was listening to music before bed when he felt the darkness too. Concerned, he moved outside and saw nothing but black thickening fog. "Who's there?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden sees the black rain and billowing inky fog. "Mouse, stay close." he says shaking his wrist to let his shield bracelet come loose channeling magic into the bracelet a half dome of hardened air forms around the small car as he reaches over to grab his blasting rod and staff.
Letting himself out of the car, the dog staying pressed up against his leg Harry starts making his way into the black mist the hand with the bracelet holding his staff, his other hand holding his rod..
- Lucky Day has posed:
Aunti Esmerelda and Uncle Booger laughed as the rain began to fall. It was a particular spell that found the hapless and luckless in life. It was a subtle thing, those who had most recently died, all along the city. Most people had no idea how many people died in a single day, but as they did, their luck was turned to the advantage of the Nights as they shocked folks all around the area as they wandered up from couches, hospital beds, examination tables and even in some cases gutters, shambling off into the thick black fog that selectively seemed to come and go just enough to cloak the zombies moving through the city. Lucky for some.
Tom moved towards the well and could tell that something dark was coming from it. He loved that well. It was such a wonderful thing. He beamed and tried to be friends with it. But this time the passive luck was no good, because it was his own family involved; luck cancelled luck.
Harry would have felt wards around the place, some set there by White Council members to keep bad mojo from leaking out. Old and powerful wards powered by something inside, but nothing keeping HIM out. "Hello?" He heard through the black fog.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden has his senses stretched to their limit senseing the fog and feeling the wards out.. making his way along their perimiter as he tests them out.. "Mouse, there's some serious mojo here." he says making his way around the corner of the house towards the back (and the well) "Hello?" he calls back out in the darkness.
- Lucky Day has posed:
Tom says, "Hello there, I'm Tom Night." He really didn't like intruiders on his home, so that helped Harry right there, but it was important to honor guestright so technically he wasn't an intruder yet. He would be soon though. "Are you responsible for this....stuff?" Tom could sense serious mojo off of the guy since he wasn't the kind of Wizard that needed to open an eye. He just...knew.
Esmerelda and Booger simply waited at a nearby park about a block away, and had their new friends begin to surround them. All ages, all races, death didn't care and a single nights harvest of the dead as they died was more than enough that they didn't have to waste rituals or shovels on the smelly ones. Esmerelda liked them fresh.
"The prophesy is done,"
Uncle Booger nodded silently. He had always been the strong but silent type. Well, now that he no longer had the aparatus with which to speak. But he could smile and boy did he, grinning mostly human face nodding to his wife."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Harry Dresden." The wizard introduces keeping his blasting rod in hand but pointed down. "Nope, was driving past and lassie here said Timmy fell down the well." he comments, not knowing about /the well/ that everything is spouting from. "I take it you're 'clued in?'" he asks
IT's just after this that mouse turns to look in the direction of the park, letting out a low menacing growl his hackles up as the black mist seems to swirl and back away from the foo dog. "This your house?" Harry asks keeping an eye on Tom as he looks to see what, if anything that goes bump is about to jump..
- Lucky Day has posed:
Tom thinks a moment, "I've heard that name somewhere before, but can't place it. Tom Night." He nods a moment looking at the Rod, "Yes, you could say I'm living the lifestyle 24/7. I would not recommend lingering around the area. It's warded for a reason. I have to live here, but you don't want to be around me too much. It is legally mine but its more of a prison than a home. I take it then that you did NOT cause this..." he waves his hand around at the haze.
The Zombie hoard and the two necromancers began to move through the street, car alarms blaring one by one like the horns of the wild hunt and being twisted into strange doppler effect vibrations as if they were driving farther and farther away while not moving at all. Then Esmerelda's voice began to echo through the estate. "Tooooooooooooooooooooom.....come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Might have heard of me, I'm in the Gotham yellow pages under Wizard." he explains, though it's probably more likely the name is familiar from Larry Fowler's talk show. "I'd love to, but it seems like troubles brewing and you know the saying, three heads are better than one." he explains.. Then the alarms are going off and the creepy voice is starting to talk.. "Great, next she's gonna start talking in baby talk. "Look lady, Helena Bonham Carter wasn't scary in the movie talking that way, and you aren't either." he says bringing his staff up. "Ventas.. Ventas Servitas!" he calls out as a gale force wind whips up around him to try and peel pack the thick fog.
- Lucky Day has posed:
The fence is enough of a ward to some things to keep regular zombies out BUT ...Auntie Esmeralda has the key and they walk through it like it is not even there, and shambling throught the warped sad trees that lined the property among the dead grass they were thus largely unseen by the black mist. Tom looked at Harry, "aren't you the guy who keeps burning buildings down? You could try the house...it wont work but I would simply lov-" As his aunt interupts him he nods and adds to Harrys comment. "What he said." he whispered, "I haven't seen that movie...was it any good?"
The wind revealed, rather fortunately, the zombies are about to be blown when Uncle Booger signs something in ASL and suddenly the wind comes down to a cool breeze just enough to show them enter with dramatic flare. They are dressed in gothic turn of the century clothing, with Esmeralda wearing a lovely ostritch feather hat and Onyx and Garnet earrings as long as her long flowing black hair. Still humanish. "Leave wizard," she says, "You are not wanted here. This is not your fight."
Tom blinks, "Great....great aunt Esmerelda? Aren't...are you kind of dead?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden turns to look at Tom "The first two or three, are kinda meh, child actors, but they really got good as things progressed, alot of schizophrenia in following the books, and Alan Rickman was amazing. The drive-in did a four day thirty dollar marathon of all the movies, I got to catch them all!." he comments before turning back to the wind.
"Hells bells, big bad's with mojo." he says as mouse continues to growl his big paws digging into the dirt like a rhino getting ready to charge. "You and my last ex-girlfriend." he comments letting the wind spell fall before bringing the blasting rod up. "Sorry but I'm crashing this family reunion." he says before bellowing out "Fuego!" as a bright red lance of fire as big around as the palm of his hand bursts forth from the end of his blasting rod aimed at fiddly fingers..
- Lucky Day has posed:
Tom nods, "I will have to see it. But Alan Rickman? I'd watch that guy read the phone book. Seriously, I think I'll make a night of it."
The sorceress boggles, "Are you having a converstaion about a movie before I -KILL- you?"
She is incredulous, "ATTACK!" The zombies lurch forward and as the male signs something ELSE in ASL, the porch that Tom and Dresden are on begins to groan. Esmerela also says, "With any luck, the two of you will be forced to speak in Iambic-"
"Oh hell no, withanyluckthatwontnothappen." Tom gets that off before she gets it off, powerful luck magic surging through the area and causing many of the zombies to shudder and lurge. Several of the zombies look rather surpirsed to be on fire.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse, lets out a loud /WOOF/ right as the woman starts to say something, mystic force adding to what ever it is that Tom did. Continuing to stay his ground the large Foo Dog looks to almost be glowing in the dark fog.
Harry glances over at Tom "Was she about to hit us with a /prose curse/?!" he asks moving down off the lurching porch to drive his staff into the loam of the earth. "Forzare! Forzare Terra! TERRA FORZARE INTERMISSUM!!" The basket ball star sized wizard bellows as rippling force flows down his staff and into the earth below causing it to buck and break in a rippling cone away from him.
- Kid has posed:
People avoiding Location? CHECK!
Cars in the area Left Unguarded? CHECK!
Mysterious Black Mist and Walking zombies.......check?
Alright, that one just weird, but why not! Kid was more than happy to use this prime oppertunity for his own shennigans and fun. And by fun, he means high jacking a pick up truck!
Kid had no idea the black mist would elad to something bad, and he really did not much care. He floors the tires, kicking up smoke and burning rubber before speeding forward with glee. Along the way he runs over a few unexpected zombies as he howls "YEAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!"
Just in time to be in the path of Harry spell! A large shard of earth rises up in front of the truck and like a ramp, Kid soars up on it and the truck flies over the heads of the various magical folks present before landing roughly on the ground, the hood popping up as Kid says "Whoo! Now That was fun!" he climbs out of the car, a gorilla by all means and looks to those present "...the hell is this?"
- Lucky Day has posed:
"MONKEY OUT OF NOWHERE!" Tom shrieks. "Write hamlet!" He is about to throw a curse at Kid thinking him a summoned creature when he realizes that he recognizes the voice, "Oh hell. YOU?! Now?" Of course its luck magic. The truck has splattered a ton of zombies but coincidently the parts splatter and get in the most annoying and uncomfortable places imaginable. When it comes to magic, advantage goes to the House and the House's magic is stronger than EVERYONE here, so its bad luck all around but the combining waves of magic ripple. A few blocks away, several people win the lottery. A block away, someone finds out that their TV, Air conditioning and computer all break at the same time. It is getting worse, and a small magical maelstrom is starting to build.
Kid would recognize the fat old guy sign, "With any luck, you will all get infected by lice!" Which is recuded by Mouse's bark but hits Tom like a son of a bitch and he smiles, "Really? I get these daily. With any luck your seams and stitches and bone pins and surgical implements won't come undone."
Esmerelda SHRIEKS as her clothing and arm fall off and...um....well. Dead lady in dead underwear.
"With any luck your tounges will swell!" Tom starts to say something and goes, "Thap!"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden dry heaves.. "ohh, empty night, I didn't want to see that issue of Victoria's secret." he says clamping down on his gag reflex as he looks back at Kid "You a good monkey, or a bad monkey?" he asks quickly reaching back with one fist to punch a zombie that managed to get close, rippling force emptying out of the silver ring hes wearing "Arcus Fuego!" he cries bringing his blasting rod around sharply the smell of brimstone hitting the air as an arc of bright red and oily black fire erupts from the blasting rod its runes smoking lightly..
- Kid has posed:
Kids signs "Better. Imma Grease Monkey" though he seemed perplexed when no voice came from his watch. But none the less he get out two large wenches, spinning them in each hand like a gun. he throws one at a Zombies head, and another towards Esmerelda, not exactly aiming but was throwing with great force! He recognized Tom...and while Tom annoyed him to no ends, he wasn't exactly a bad guy!
Though all this 'with any luck' buisness gives him an idea. He signs and actually speaks (very roughly, clearly not used to it) "With any luck, these zombies will dance Thriller for us!" No Kid was not magic...as far as he knows. But after watching these events unfold, may as well give it a shot!
- Lucky Day has posed:
Hey, remember the zombies? The zombies sure did. One of them grabs Mouse by the tail while two more are within distance to Kid, one is about to strike him but Tom's sheer annoyance makes the blow bounce off a rock and hit him in the face (the zombie) splattering it.
Tom nods, "With any luck that totally won't happen."
The radio inside which normally only plays Polka begins to play the same song. Apparently the House likes the idea and the Zombies begin to dance. There are only about five left atr this point and they immediately let go of Mouse and the one that moved with nightmare speed and was about to eat Harry's head that no one saw until that frame of the comic revealed it all stop what they are doing and begin to dance.
Esmerelda screams, and shoots lighting at Harry, who has, despite seven generations of curses managed to make himself temporarily more annoying than Tom, because...well...Harry Dresden.
Booger however is not so easliy swayed and begins signing,"With any luck I will" and punches Tom in the face. The sheer low tech nature of the situation causes Tom to go backward, and the superstrength of the Lich sends him flying back to the first roof of the house.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden brings his shield bracelet up, "Defendarius!" he cries as lightning meets magical force causing it to flash and glow with a blue nimbus his bracelet starting heat up the leather smoking as the lightning is redirected to one of the zombies. "Lady, gotta make a bigger bug zapper if you want to get me" he says "Mouse! Get her!" he says bringing his staff up with a sweeping motion at Booger. "Forzare!" he intones panting as he tries to uppercut the lich with magical force.
- Kid has posed:
Kid eyes widen and he pounds his fist togeather happily signing "Yea yea yea!!!" and actually begins dancing Thriller with the zombies...while fighting. As he takes one of the Zombies and grabs them to slam into another Zombie - all while staying on rythem...and than promptly falling on his butt from tripping up.
He rubs his rear and looks to Booger as he punches Tom through the ceiling. He lets out a whistle. Thinking '...welp, that one dead human.' But an idea does strike him
Following in what he seen Harry do, he pulls out a lighter, and a can of aresol. Low Tech (if it can even count as Tech) flamethrower! He aims and sprays the can towards Esmerelda and the remaining zombies, intent on having them extra cripsy!
- Lucky Day has posed:
Ah the wonders of fire, is there anything it can't do? The thing is that with all the bad luck going around, their permanent jinx wards would normally make Kid and Harry both on fire themselves. In fact, they both get a little bit of it, on top of their hair or clothing but the thing is that Tom while cursed is TECHNICALLY the master of the House and the House always wins...here at least. Their wards are nulled and so they are both lovely and prettily on fire, but since Liches, not about to just naturally die. As Esmerelda shrieks in pain she understands, "Booger the house! The house brought both of them here, we can't kill it here! NEVER here! Withanyluckmytransportcharmwillworknow!" And like magic (get it? yukyukyuk) they are gone and with them the dancing zombies drop as does the shrouding mist.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden slaps at his head "ow ow ow ow!! Fire bad ow!" he says putting it out. "Seriously? Aquanet?!" he says pointing at the can of hairspray "What does a four hundred and fifty pound intelligent Gorilla need with hairspray?!" he exclaims "ohh, Hells Bells, Tom!" He says remembering what /just/ happened turning to face back to the house "Tom, you still alive up there?" he calls out right as he catches a piece of loose ground it slipping out from under him sending him sprawling to the ground painfully. "ow..."
- Kid has posed:
Kid signs "To make a flamethrower of course" yes, he PLANNED to have a flamethrower avaible, cause carrying a normal one would be too trouble some. But than....he sniffing. The smell of burnt fur...
His eyes widen and he stops, drops and rolls! He rolling rolling rolling, right over harry. Harry now has a 450 pound rilla on his back...litterly. He looks to the hole and reaches out with his telepathy to try and see if he can sense Tom in any manner.
- Lucky Day has posed:
Tom says, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Oh I get knocked around a lot. You'd be suprised what you could live through." Really? Anything. Literally ANYTHING. He would be right back here. But not dead today. The house thinks pain is better. "You guys don't wanna stick around, bad luck all around, I'll think up a reason to hate you later, but trust me, this is not a lucky place. Thanks for the assist, I won't forget it even if it looks like I do.""
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're welcome" comes Harry's weak reply as mouse comes over to lick on his face as he just lets his head drop back to the ground. "Mister Gorilla, Master Kong.. What ever your name is.. please get off me, you're breaking my spine, and I need that.. it's very important to me.." he says knowing his back is going to be spasaming all night from this..
- Kid has posed:
Kid gets up and signs "Oh, that is easily figured oot" he says. He climbs up to where Tom is quite easily and thankfully gets off Harry. Ever been gut punched by Gorilla? Well...that is what Tom will be getting. And something about the punch might elude to Kid wanting to have done that for awhile. He signs "There your reason. I still want the mango your friends owe me. Bye bye" and with that he hops back down and pat the stolen Vehicle. With a whistle and pep in his step as he procedes to walk off, the Gorilla seemingly dissappearing.