4343/How much for your Embassy

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How much for your Embassy
Date of Scene: 26 April 2018
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Bruce and Diana discuss the Avengers and how terrible they are.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Batman

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its late afternoon at the Themysciran Embassy and the sun is starting on its downward slide into the horizon to the west. The Embassy has seen a lot of activity today since it was in the 70s temperature wise, and the sky had been a nice deep blue. A lovely day, and it had been enjoyed by the three elementary-grade schools who'd had classes here at the Embassy today.

Now though, the classes were over and the majority of the attendees ahd left. Though some of them were still on-grounds taking tours of the place, or just enjoying the outside of the courtyard in the back that was surrounded by a black iron fence, a small park owned by the Embassy.

Diana is here, dressed in a royal blue top that was sleeveless and tucked into a pair of black slacks, simple black shoes on beneath that. Her black hair is done up into a bun on the back of her head. She's chatting with a member of the faculty from one of the schools, but things are in casual-mode now.

Batman has posed:
    It likely isn't too much longer from then that she might well receive word. The gentleman known as Bruce Wayne has arrived without an appointment and did offer his apologies for the imposition. But it might well also be noted that the cavalcade of reporters that normally follows such an appearance is not in evidence. Oh there were a few individuals snapping some opportune images and a few speaking into microphones... but nothing like the circus that often follows in the man's wake.
    So he had entered the reception hall, dressed in the clean and sharp lines of a black suit and tie. Hands in his pockets he had asked if the Ambassador was available and then told the receptionist that he was entirely at ease with waiting for a response. So he stepped away, and proceeded to thumb through his phone while he stood there waiting.

Wonder Woman has posed:
As the last of the event guests were preparing to leave out of the courtyard in the back to the provided transportation that would take some back to the school and others just leaving in their own vehicles, Diana was now making her way inside when she was told by an assistant that Bruce Wayne had arrived. Diana looked surprised to hear this, as he hadn't called ahead, but she was well aware of that being used as a tactic to avoid public exposure. Especially now that she, herself, is a public figure.

Diana makes her way to the front of the old NY home that had been converted into an Embassy for her people. She steps into the lobby and sees Bruce there thumbing through his phone... She smiles at him, her lips hued in a deep crimson shade.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a surprise visit from Gotham's finest son?" She asks him then, in that Greek accented voice of hers, now walking toward him to close the distance.

Batman has posed:
    "Diana," Bruce's voice is that warm lilting roll of words as he spreads his arms and steps towards her. Just a few easy steps as his hands seek hers to offer greeting and then he leans in for those needed air kisses as so often are given in meetings between Europeans. He draws back, still holding her hand briefly if she allows and then gives a nod that's almost a bow as he steps back.
    "I just wanted to show you that I can be spontaneous at times," He gestures over his shoulders to some of the photographers as he steps to the side to stand beside the regal Amazon lifting a hand in a small wave. "And to offer my congratulations on your most recent charitable efforts." He looks away from the photographers and then lifts his eyebrows.
    "Shall we adjourn? Perhaps to your office? We have the details of those business agreements set before us to address. Is now a good time?" But there's something in Bruce's eyes that seems to be very clearly intent in the suggestion that now /is/ a good time.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana returns the gestures and she shows a smile throughout them and there-after. She glances to the photographers as well and nods her head a single soft time. "It never feels like enough." She quietly says in response before she looks back to him and then steps to the side to motion toward the hallway that her office is down. "Now is a fine time, I am free for the remainder of the day."

And with that said, she starts down said hallway and its only a moment or two before she's pushing the doors to her office open, the interior of the office is a stark contrast of dark woodgrain tones compared to the white from the hallway and lobby they just left.

Once inside, Diana looks back over her shoulder at him. "How have things been going?" She asks. "I keep telling you to contact me if you need help, but you never... never do." And those last words are said as almost a 'sigh' with a shake of her head.

Batman has posed:
    Towards the two reporter, Bruce gives a winning smile, "Alright fellas, no offense but I can't give you /total/ access. I'll catch you when we're done here, probably will be a few hours."
    "Sure thing, Mr. Wayne." The man with the microphone smiles, "We'll knock off and get some lunch and check back later, alright?"
    "Certainly, might I suggest the Atlantic Fishery on 9th? Tell Dino that I'm good for it."
    The reporter and his cameraman both smile, "Thanks a lot, Mr. Wayne."
    "Please, it's Bruce. Take care."
    At that Bruce Wayne turns and moves after Diana, his visage falling into a resting scowl once he slips past her door and it closes behind them, leaving them with some measure of privacy. "Things are fine." He says, since that would always be the answer. But then he looks to her, "Thanks for tolerating the imposition. I got saddled with them the other day." He advances with her, footsteps quiet.
    Then he stops and says with sincerity, "It's good to see you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is in the process of moving to her desk when she hears, and feels, Bruce go back into the mood and mannerisms that are truly him. She's moving around her desk to take a seat on the edge of her chair to take care of some small, but immediate, tasks on her schedule book and such. A grin shows on her face at his words.

"I like seeing that verion of you." She says to him then, her blue eyes going up to look at his face. "You are so... chipper, and jovial. It is both amusing and enjoyable." She's just teasing him as she has many times before since she'd learned his true identity and gotten to interact with both of them.

"But yes, it is good to see you too, in whatever form you wish to present." Diana's eyes drop back to her desk then and she slides a few things off to the side. "Is this a casual visit then or something dire? I hope for the former."

Batman has posed:
    "Casual," Bruce smiles a little more, easier to do so as the words she offered about enjoying his chipper and jovial self, well they speak to a way he would feel more often. But there is always work to do. "My elaborate plan is this." He steps forwards and sits on the edge of her desk even as he looks away from her towards one of the windows, then back in her direction, "Stay here for a bit, and then duck out the back."
    But his brow knits a touch, "Though, we should talk about a few things. Avengers working in Gotham. The Fear toxin that someone else is using. Updates."
    He extracts his phone and swipes a thumb across the surface, bringing it to life but only to turn it off entirely, giving them true privacy even if it's only for a handful of minutes. Bruce returns it to his jacket pocket and looks towards her. "But I also want to hear how things are for you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana tends to something on her laptop with a few keystrokes and a move of the tiny red and blue mouse that sits beside it. She has to grin a little at the part of him slipping out the back as she had assumed that would be his plan all along. "Those poor reporters..." She says, with far too much concern present in her voice's tone. Her eyes look over and up at him. "Who will they follow around and admire like puppies?" She asks him then, not actually expecting a response though.

Diana's eyes go back to her laptop and after a couple more key presses she closes the top down on it and folds her hands together on her desk's surface then looks over and up slightly at him from his perch there on the corner.

"I took the information to Stark and he seemed more than happy to get it. I always enjoy talking to him, he's... so charming. And he knows it, which makes it all the more amusing."

Batman has posed:
    "Yes." Bruce meets her gaze and smiles back, "I like him as well, against my better judgement." He offers that last little bit a touch grudgingly, as if the man wheedled his way into his esteem. Which he did. But after a moment of reflection his brow furrows, "I think we would work better with the Avengers if they had more insight into us. Into my team." He looks to the side shaking his head, "I'm not sure if I can trust him, however."
    Bruce pushes off the edge of her desk and starts to pace, walking silently along that soft carpet and his eyes distancing. "Tony is the type of man that would force change upon you without your wishes, feeling he had complete understanding of a situation even if he did not, and feel that it is acceptable to do so if he felt he was helping you."
    Turning back towards her he says, "So that makes my identity an issue with regards to them." But then he lifts a hand, "The op in the city went mostly well. Some casualties however."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana definitely did not like hearing about casualties. "I am sorry to hear that..." She says, voice soft and a bit distant. "But you are right, what you say about Mister Stark. Should the two of you work together, I see it an inevitability that you would clash over how to deal with things. Afterall, you and I even clash over them, I am just better at manipulating you into doing my bidding." A grin warms its way onto her lips as she knows she's just messing with him a bit, hopefully to make him wonder if she truly does do that?

Diana softly shakes her head side to side then. "The Avengers are a very effective team, but they seem to want to stay separate from a group such as ours. I imagine that has to do with their ties to organizations such as SHIELD... but that is just a guess."

Batman has posed:
    "And I like to let you think you're manipulating me, it helps your mood improve." Bruce says in that steady rumble of not quite Bruce, but not quite the Dark Knight either. Though he does look over his shoulder at her and smiles. He steps back towards her and this time lays claim to one of the chairs before her desk and draws it around so they can speak face to face. Settling into it, he leans forwards, arms upon his knees and his gaze meeting hers, "But you're caught up now."
    "What are you dealing with lately? Anything I can be of help with?" He takes a moment to glance at her computer, but isn't so rude to try to gauge any further. "I know Hal has been busy. And Superman has been in space."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has to grin back at his response and a slow nod of her head to his words. "Oh... well that is just so very kind of you, Mister Wayne." She says in good humor before following him adjusting himself to a seated position on one of her chairs.

Diana's eyes go to her laptop and she reaches forward to bring something up on it. "Just the other night I was on my way home from the Hall when I heard a fight breaking out in Central Park. By the time that I got there, a woman who was wearing a green lantern ring had intervened and stopped most of the fight from getting any worse. It was at a wedding reception... The man attacking the party had infected himself with a drug that was being developed by a lab in Philadelphia. He was a former employeee who had apparently not gotten over a breakup."

The laptop shows the man's picture before the drug was taken, a lab worker in a white coat, and after. He looked like a shorter version of the Hulk, only ebony black and with fire flames in his eye sockets.

"He chose to use this altering drug to attack his ex's wedding." Diana says to him then sighs softly. "I commended the Green Lantern for her helped and asked her to join us at the Hall for more information about herself."

Batman has posed:
    As she speaks his blue eyes follow her lips and he gives a single nod at each important point. His brow furrows when she reaches the moment about the wedding reception and Philadelphia, but when she finishes speaking he shakes his head.
    "Another Lantern?" Is his first response, but then he gets past that fairly quick as he accepts the situation. He nods and considers the laptop, then eyes her sidelong as he murmurs, "I'd like a copy of your data, I'll get the computers working on sourcing the intelligence."
    Bruce frowns to himself as he falls silent for a time, keeping his counsel as he mulls over what she's told him. Turning his head to the side he tells her, "The transformative form. For some reason it reminds me of Apokolipsian tech, why is that?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes go back to the images after he says that last bit and she slowly shakes her head. "I would say it is the fire and how he uses it."

She then shows video recorded on site by a wedding guest who used their phone (as everyone does these days, which sure has helped with stuff like this!). "It is pure rage, what this drug brought out in the man. It seemed to be as though it took thoughts of what his most violent wish could be and it created that inside him... turned him into his dark wish."

The phone footage shows the black beastly man tosses tables aside and fighting the Green Lantern woman, then blasting at her with spouts of fire from his large burning eye sockets.

"It almost looks like some sort of dark magic, but yes, I don't know. The laboratory has no records of any medication or... toxins of this nature. Which I suppose is common place in these cases. But after what happened this past fall, Apokalipsian is a good guess as well."

Batman has posed:
    "Or could just be my limited experience," He says that, a rare admission and unlikely to be made in the company of most anyone else, as he rises up from the seat and frowns. Bruce's expression sharpens as he ponders the possibilities, then he shakes his head. "If it is connected to the gamma version of the super soldier serum then we might well need better inroads with the Avengers."
    He looks to the side and she can see that look there in his eyes, the way he stands, the subtle edged aspect to his manner. He wants to depart, to get working on matters, now that he has a goal in front of him that's more pressing than what he had before. He twists his wrist upwards, considering the watch's face, then looks back towards her.
    "I'll run down and see what leads I can find. Is there anything else you would have of me?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is relieved to have Bruce in on this, she knows that he is far more capable at the investigative side of things than she is... she's far more geared toward the 'fight' side of things (though he probably would argue that! cause he's BATMAN!).

"If you see Hal, tell him that we need to know who this new Green Lantern is." Diana adds to his last question then. Taking a light breath. "She seemed very pleasant and kind, as I would expect, but its best that we know how many lanterns are operating in and around us at all time. Afterall, the colors of those rings can sometimes go a direction that is attached to a much... less enjoyable individual. But yes, if you see him, try to figure out what you can there. As I will as well."

Diana shows a light smile then. "And also please tell Alfred that I send him my best and wish to see him soon." If this was enough to make Bruce run off to do the Detective thing, she had to make sure to get the Alfred shout-out out there.

Batman has posed:
    "I'll pass on your well wishes," Bruce says as he looks towards her. He steps forwards and seems about to say something more as he looks again towards the window. But then he gives a nod and begins to move past her, slipping behind her chair and moving towards one of the doors. His footsteps are light, even. Then he turns and gestures, "Through here and a left, correct?" He very well knows which way it is, but then perhaps he's simply being polite, perhaps another class or activity were going on and she'd want him to use another way.
    But then he adds, "We should find an excuse to sit. And talk. When there's time." A curious admission, but he leaves that there.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is doing the polite thing herself and standing up as he's preparing to make his exit. She smooths out her slacks with the palms of her hands out of reflex as she's used to doing when standing up to her tall full height. She nods at his question about the directions inside of the Embassy, even though she's pretty sure he has the place fully mapped out inside of his mind.

At the rest, Diana simply nods again. "Of course." She says to him then. "Good luck and will see you soon."

And then he's gone and she's lowering back down to her chair's edge. "When there is time." She quietly says, mostly speaking that phrase outloud to herself just to smooth it over inside her head as well. Something people often say, after all.