3367/The mercenary hiring

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The mercenary hiring
Date of Scene: 11 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Ravager

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has set the meet at a coffee shop. He is wearing his telepathic and holographic human disguise and is wearing an all white tropical suit and, of all things, a yellow hat. The perversity of it amuses him. He has heard many good things about this potential merc and he is tired of simply relying on his own gadgets for some things. Gorilla City needs assets and it also needs plausible deniability. That means...human assets. He sits at the table, sipping coffee.

Ravager has posed:
Rose looks casual as she walks into the coffee shop, but she could be packing a knife or a stabby weapon of any kind hidden on her. She puts her hands on her hips as she spots the yellow-hat, frowning and smirking like a swarmy teen. She then heads over to Grodd's table and pulls, "Could you stick out more?" she asks him as she pulls out a seat, "I'm Ravager," she adds as she sits down across from Grodd. She doesn't look very apprehensive even though she's without her usual leather costume and mask, guns, knives, and/or explosions, "Something you want exploded?" she wonders amusedly.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd drops the shield when she mentions her name. "Sometimes sticking out is best to blend in. No one else can see me as I really am. Pleased to meet you." He smiles, "Grodd. I have many things I want exploded. Or cut. Or stolen. I hear you come highly recommended.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson leans back in her lil aluminum chair and gives a nod, "Yeah, it's what I do, but usually not around here. I think the Avengers are down the damn street," she tells him and chuckles, "Yeah, you're either bold or don't care, I guess. Yeah so I'm for hire, yeah."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods. "I agree. Experiments of some kind are worth while here due to population density or valueable resources in a concentrated city but increasingly I am looking to expand my operations globally. I believe a society of like minded indivudals is inevitable, but consistently fails to get off the ground.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson gives a nod to what he says, "Uh huh," she says, "I think you'll be happy with my work, nobody else complains," she notes with a shrug, "Hey, the more people there are, you're gonna have more superheroes too."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Yeah. It's a factor. I am starting to almost believe there are more things than that though. The maths on how often they win is....stastically off. It's almost enough to make me believe in dieties. The kind that dont run around in tights."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson turns her head slightly and eyes Grodd, "Uh, so what's your story?" she wonders, "Are you taking over the world again? Listen, I'm just down for the fucking mercenary work, I don't care about all that," she explains, "I have some experience so I can get it done better than most."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "It's a long one. An alien landed and uplifted us to help him get home. There is a city, an entire city of us." He smiles and leans back, flexing muscles with pride, "I am the ruler of that city and I want to expand our power around the world. I don't need to take the world over....just ensure our supremcy. I play the long game. I pay exceptionally well and I can also supply tech."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson squints a little as she listens again, "Uh huh okay well whatever. Do I call you on the Gorilla comm?" she asks him sarcastically, "Okay nevermind, tell me about the pay and the tech," she snickers, "I think we were meeting to talk a job for that huh?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd laughs, "There's an acronym. It's stupid. Gorilla Comm is just as good as any. Decrypting it is...unlikely." he hands her a small pin. "Do you have a bulk rate retainer or is it strictly hourly? And yes...I do have a trial job in mind.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson takes the lil pin and looks at it for a second, then glances back at Grodd, "The usual rate, plus expenses. It's not totally over the top, believe me. And it's usually contract jobs but I don't know who's going to believe a big Gorilla gipped me," she says.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Then let us try our little trial and then we shall discuss a retainer as well as a few continual jobs of...opportunity that I will prepay you for should the need arise"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson drapes her arm over the back of the chair as she shifts in her seat and then says, "Okay fine, text me the details. I can get some equipment and start the next day, depending on what it is," she explains.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods and lets her do just that. As she leaves, he begins to give her details. He sends her lat long coordinates for a munitions factory about five miles away. He sends blueprints, satilite photos, dossiers of employees and a photo of the special sonic artillery shell he is looking to snag.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson taps on her phone as she stands outside the coffee shop, examining the mission plans and the objective. She does everything by the book and as she walks, she texts some mission ideas and equipment she'll start gathering.