3218/It's All a Matter of Discipline

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It's All a Matter of Discipline
Date of Scene: 22 November 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Skye gets caught doing a little archery practice.. Bucky Barnes, followed closely by Directory Fury, wander onto the scene. Snarkiness ensues, and just before Skye drags Fury off for a private conversation over the upcoming mission, Gregory Stark shows up, the latter showing off his high tech toys to Bucky and Clint after Skye and Fury leave.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Hawkeye (Barton), Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Gregory Stark

Quake has posed:
She snuck time in when she thought he wouldn't be there. Lara was right, the archery range was almost always devoid of other people. As it was, Skye hadn't run into Lara more than that once so far herself. But she had her checklist of things to do, and she'd been working on it.

Feet just so. Check.

Hips aligned like.. Check.

Hands held like this, arms steady, align the sights..Check, check, and check.

It was a slow process for Skye, each shot taken with careful precision to detail, and her stance held until she could see the arrow had hit (or not hit as it sometimes happened), the target. Only now, after days of daily practice - an hour here, an hour there - was Skye beginning to get a decent feel for the thing. Her shots now consistently hitting the traget, and beginning to move increasingly closer to the bullseye in the centre.

In short, Skye was starting to feel pleased with herself.

Today, she's back there. Mid-afternoon. Not a soul in sight on either the archery or shooting range. Just Skye and solititude.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
They'd bumped his meeting with R&D back and hour, so Clint had time to kill. Grabbing a few of his newly made trick arrows, he headed down to the range, stopping when he sees Skye, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"Am I going to have to call HR? It sort of feels like you're stalking me," he teases, but only after she's shot. After the laptop incident, he's going to be careful about interruptions.

Quake has posed:
Skye holds until her shot hits the target, frowning down at its trajectory. It's not a bad shot as thosse things go. Totally hit the target. Not even the outer ring - a firm inner ring hit - and still, she's not one-hundred percent pleased with it. Though she hasn't time to ponder that as her silence is suddenly filled by another. And worse, by Clint. Clint who she's been trying to learn to shoot in order to impress.

There's a guilty little startle from the young woman, as she reflexively hides the bow behind her back before she actually has a second to think on things and realizes just how silly that is.

"As if HR is going to believe I'm stalking you." Then, "What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have some meeting or something you're supposed to be at?"

Okay, it seems when you startle Skye you still get snarky snappy reactions whether they're verbal or physical. Yep, he's caught her out and she's feeling all sorts of the guilty about it, even if she's done nothing wrong.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
By now Clint is used to the snark. "I will have you know I am definitely stalkable," he complains with a grin as he joins her and looks down the range at her shots. He doesn't comment, he can feel something is off, saying instead "Meeting got pushed back, thought I'd test the weight on a couple of the new arrows they're working up for me. How about you?"

Quake has posed:
Yeah, if he's not used to her snark by now, he's not been paying attention. Skye purses her lips, brow furrowed as she considers what to say. It's not like she can deny the fact that she's been standing her shooting - there are a cluster of arrows down the range, totally stuck into the target, and she's the only other person here with a bow.

"Well, okay, you're definitely stalkable," Skye allows. "And what does it look like I'm doing, huh? Not shooting hoops." Yet another thing one really can't picture Skye doing. Basketball.

She shrugs. "I was practicing." Her bow is returned to a more natural position. It's not like he didn't see it. Or her. Or the arrows down the range. She's not fooling anyone. "I think I'm getting better," she says lamely. Then adds, "It was supposed to be a surprise."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smiles, she was definitely rattled, he could tell by the snark. "Yeah, definitely your sport, short-stuff," Clint remarks about basketball. Which was probably the wrong thing to say, but he wasn't going to fumble about like before, he trusted they'd work it out if he was pissing her off. "Anyhow, I can go down to medical, see if they can wipe my mind or something," he teases. "Though before I do, gotta say, you're doing pretty well there."

Quake has posed:
"Pfft, short-stuff?" Skye scoffs. "That some you have to be this tall to ride this ride joke, monkey-arms?" Two could play that game, and she was definitely feeling more secure if the quality of snark was anything to go by. A faint glitter of amusement in her brown eyes. "Or are you just worried someone might actually get better at this than you?"

Which so isn't going to happen from her end, but she had kind of hoped to make a singular spectacular shot at some just to show off... mind you, it was always going to be a gamble on that front. Still.. she'd hoped. And now this. "Huh? Really?"

Her lips twist around indecision before she settles on, "They hit the target almost all the time now. Still forget my hips every now and then. Even with the checklist." She shakes her head. "You make it look so easy."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs, "Well if so, I suppose you qualify," a beat. "Barely." Yep, definitely feeling more confident. The latter remark earns a smile as he looks down the range. "Ways to go before I need to worry. Though, if you did get that good I'd be kinda happy about it to be honest." He leaves that comment there before saying, "And yeah, really, you came a long way on your own there. Just keep working down the checklist, it doesn't matter if your shots get wonky because your focusing on one thing and not all the others, but if you build good basics, the rest will come. I'm sure it's the same in computers, but I don't want to embarrass myself trying to come up with analogy."

"And how I got this good? Well other than being freakishly talented, my teachers used to have me working at this eight hours a day, now that I'm out of the circus and there's a lot more distractions," he nudges her with a foot. "I usually do around two."

Winter Soldier has posed:
As Clint and Skye just traded banter between themselves as they both perhaps snidely work on their archery skills, Bucky was on the move...though not in the way people think he would be.

wearing a simple Shield jacket to be incognito as well as a black baseball cap, coal black pants, black gloves, and standard combat boots. Entering the area, Bucky would do so perhaps hesitantly, looking at Clint and Skye.

He says nothing at first, but the Winter Soldier offers a small nod.

Master of silence it seems.

Quake has posed:
Oh, now he's done it. Skye laughs, "Oh, so mean, Hotshot. Short joke /and/ a diss on my shooting abilties. Good fucking thing I like you."

Still chuckling, she nods when he says he'd be happy if she got that good. "Yeah, why's that? I mean, it's not like they're going to send me out with a bow and arrow. Hell, I'm still not sure they're happy about giving me a gun without a supervisor." Another chuckle at that. "Yeah. Lara was showing me some things. She said exactly that. Follow the checklist, the rest will come." She shrugs.

Company noted, she takes a step back from Clint and nods to Bucky. "Hey, long time no see. Thought you'd fallen off the Trisk or something. And what's up with the black hole attire? Cute, but seriously, dude, why?"

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury was pacing the halls. Many a SHIELD Agent almost spoke up to greet the Director, until they saw "the look". Classic Fury, as he snarls in their direction, and continues moving. Something was bothering him, something that, perhaps, the "courts" could solve.

    Moving into the room, Nick Fury looks around, and notices that it was pretty busy today. Several agents were busy, including Agents Johnson and Barton. Barnes was also present to Fury's surprise. Grunting to himself, Fury starts to turn as though to leave, hopefully before they noticed him. Perhaps now was not a good time to get involved in chit-chat or banter, considering his mood...

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Called it when we met, Skye, I'm an asshole," Clint grins at her before saying. "Not what I'm after, but the image of you crouched on a rooftop bow and arrow in hand, is sort of amusing. More of a it's lonely at the top thing. Would be fun to have someone in my league that's not an total psycho like Bullseye."

"Sounds like good advice. I hear Lara's pretty good, just never managed to catch her when she's in there to see," he says making a note to put some effort into that at some point.

Bucky's arrival is noted, and he gives the guy an upnod, and greets, "Hey Buck," before hurricane Nicholas rolls into the room all grumpy like. "Hey boss, who pissed in your cheerios today?" he asks, hoping it wasn't him. Hey! Stranger things have happened.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky gives Skye a little nod "Hey Skye....uhm, just force of habit I guess." he shrugs then, keeping to the vest like he normally does. Hey, years on the run sticks with you. Yes, he was armed to the teeth under his clothes, as usual. He does smile a bit when she calls him cute though. "I'm still around...barely. But, I'm just a consultant yeah?" a small smile, but it's genuine....genuine as a broken guy can make it. But he approaches the two.

"Clint." he greets. though when Fury is mentioned, he turns to look at him with a soft nod.

Quake has posed:
"She's good," Skye agrees. "Maybe not you good, but good. We're planning on some other training sessions together.. and heh. Alone on a rooftop, huh? This a together thing, or we make handsignals from opposite rooftops and keep score, loser buys the frou-frou beer?"

She's still chuckling at Clint when she notes Director Fury walk in. "Oh. Uh.."

Well, that does it, Clint's broken the ice, and while May might hand her ass back to her on a silver platter, Skye can't let Clint beat her at the snark. It just wouldn't do. "Ah, he doesn't eat cheerios for breakfast. Babies. The man eats babies. Hey boss. Good news. Science just proved that your face won't crack if you smile. Totally able to repair the damage if it does."

Bucky gets a grin on the end of that snark. "Bah, you're almost as good as a real agent. Give me the word and I'll mess up your file some. See how long it takes for anyone to know you have actual clearance."

She winks, and might not be kidding. With Skye? Who knew. And it wasn't like she couldn't hack into the system and do something like that...

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury stops, and looks at Barton over his shoulder. Caught. Damn..."No one Agent Barton. I'm in a fine mood today." His voice was calm, cool. "I do, however, require an Agent to investigate some strange electro-magnetic energy readings coming out of northern Siberia, though. Probably a several week expedition. Know anyone interested?" His eye flashes with irratation.

    Fury's eyes leave Barton for a moment, and falls upon Bucky. A slight nod returns the favour, and then his eyes fall upon Skye. "Agent Johnson. I see you are...being social with other Agents. I expect it is purely in a educational role?" Fury knew. How did Fury do that? Master Spy indeed. And no, no luck. No smile. "And as a matter-of-fact, I love children." Straight face.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Smiling Clint agrees, "Done," about the bet. Even if Skye had misheard him, it sounded like a pretty fun idea.

He takes up his usual pose around the director, leaning against something, and says, "More Barne's area than mine, sir, maybe he can go while Skye makes him an agent," he teases knowing there's no such mission, or well hoping. You never know with Fury.

Clint raises a brow at the 'educational role' stuff, but doesn't comment, however when the Director ends with 'I love children', he says, "Doesn't rule out the other thing, sir."

Quake has posed:
"Likes them with barbecue sauce," Skye mutters under her breath, only to choke back a laugh at Clint's comment about making Bucky an agent. "You did not just say that. Did you even hear yourself? Oh god, Hotshot.. wow."

She's still laughing when she turns to Fury, "Oh, you could say it's been educational."

She leaves it at that, andd shakes her head at Bucky. "I am not responsible for any of this. Honest."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky simply looked at Fury then, though Skye's words are definately noted. With that, eventually his head turns towards her with a small smile. "Well, if you feel like putting an actual agent against me, I'll try to impress." he says with a paradoxically unique confidence, yet arrogance.

He does though look between Skye and Clint...pondering if that particular rumor was true...was it? Eh, he didn't really care either way. but it was fun to mess with Skye, or so he thought.

Though he does pull out a small knife, looking to one of the targets and he throws it smoothly.


Nick Fury has posed:
    "Volunteering Winter Soldier for a northern mission, Barton? Huh." Fury turns slightly, and crosses his arms across his chest. "I would expect as much." Fury never kids about missions. Especially into Russia. "And true enough. I never rule out anything. Plus: I hate cheerios. Too...cheery."

    Fury's eye finds Skye, and he nods. "I bet it has Agent. Your education is of paramount importance." Fury says, with a straight face, but was that a hint of...amusement in his voice? "Also, I prefer whiskey BBQ sauce. Adds a certain southern flavour." Fury says, without a smile.

    "Nice shot Barnes." Fury nods, with a appreciative air. "I expect you would make a great addition to SHIELD. Minus all the...drama. If possible." Fury adjusts his holster on his shoulder, subconsciously. Or was it? "I expect that you would be a great instructor to our Level 1s. They need a...scare."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint plays back what he said about making Bucky an agent, before he laughs, managing "If that's how it goes these days, I may have to sign up again," he remarks with a grin before he has to clear his throat over that educational remark from Skye. He gives her a little kick with his foot.

Fury's comment about the mission is nodded at, "I know Winter Soldier, snow, Russia, it's not my best work but come back to me and I'll have something better," he says before he frowns considering the mission. "If there's a real op though, count me in."

Bucky's throw is noted. "Not bad."

Quake has posed:
Skye inclines her head to Director Fury. "Well noted boss. Whiskey sauce. Actually, if you don't mind, could I have a few words with you?"

All her humour and snark drifting away as something occurs to her. Clint might recognize the shift to business-Skye, Possibly even Fury. Either way, she unstrings her bow and makes her way to leave, to have the chat.

But not before she gives Clint a quick kiss. "Supper. Later. Beat Bucky's ass."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     When Gregory walks in it's with a calm and confident stride followed by his assistant. That always rather bored looking generic compliment to his attire. The two of them are dressed in pure white uniforms with Gregory's holding a good deal more focus on style over the utilitarian nature of his assistant who looks as if he could be almost anyone, that face which everyone has seen before but forgotten for being too generic.

     As the two walk into the firing range Stark offers a friendly smile behind the reflective lenses of his pure white mirrored shades. "Well well, look what we have here" As arms go out to either side his stride slowing down somewhat as he gives that broadened grin of his. "And here I thought I'd have the range to myself for some last minute testing before presentation."

     The assistant lifts up his all white briefcase in hand before flipping it open. Inside the box is a single pistol along with four different caliber rounds. The gunmetal grey exterior of the weapon has a hand shaped tactical grip, and a number of small glowing LEDs along the side of the gun barrel softly exuding green light.

     "I do hope i'm not interrupting a friendly get together or anything of the sort." Is spoken as Gregory grabs the pistol in a single gloved hand each blip on the side of the gun lighting up one after the other before a soft beep exclaims from the weapon itself followed by a click as he opens the back of the weapon to slide in a single bullet. The chamber itself constricts about the round till it's perfectly snugly held into place, with a soft whirl of gears as it declares itself ready to be fired.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Of course Agent Johnson." Fury says, looking at her with a nod. "In private I assume?" Fury motions towards the exit, and places his hands behind his back. With a final nod towards Bucky and Barton, Fury leaves with Skye. As they exit, Gregory Stark arrives. "Mr. Stark. I need to go, but perhaps later we can chat further?"

    With a final nod towards Clint and Bucky, Fury nods to Stark, and exits with Skye.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Barnes looks to Fury when he suggests he'd be an excellent SHIELD agent. "If that's an offer...fine. I need to redeem myself somehow." he mumbles that last part to himself a moment, noting the interaction between Skye and Clint before she runs off.

the rumors are true!

Though Bucky does give Clint a cheeky smile. "So...that -is- true." he gives him that vague response, before looking at the training weapons available.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint returns the kiss, "Count on it," he says confidently before he watches Skye leave.

When she and Fury have gone he looks over to Bucky and grins, rubbing the back of his head, "Yeah they totally are," he says grinning, before he turns his attention to Blonde Stark and his posse.

"Range is all yours, can't promise any privacy, sort of curious about what thing is and what it can do," he says peering at the weapon in the case as he comes over and extends a hand. "Clint Barton," he greets.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Gregory Stark" The Blonde stark returns in a rather sophisticated accent, his smile now more of a smirk as he exchanged handshakes.

     He looks over towards the people leaving and gives them a bit of a wave as they go sticking out of the way of their exits. His assistant on the other hand merely sticks to the shadows calm as a cucumber. His expression one of flat deadpan emotionlessness as he does the job a table could just as easily suffice for in holding up that briefcase.

     "Pleasure to meet you Barton, I've a feeling we're going to get along famously." Before he turns back to the firing range. He quietly taps either side of his head lowering small earbuds from his glasses onto either ear, which quietly pop into place before he levels the pistol down range.

     With a loud BANG the weapon discharges sending the first 9mm round down range. With barely a moments pause he grabs a 45 caliber round from the briefcase and loads it into place, the weapon calibrating itself for the new round before he opens fire again down range, with a louder bang. The weapon seamlessly switches from one round to the next as he goes down the list firing down range with great accuracy.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks to Clint when he approves of the rumors being true, and he simply offers him a small smile, though his attention from the weapons is stolen by Gregory when he fires the gun....multiple times. Bucky approaches the young Stark in curiousity of the weapon.

"Interesting weapon you have. Experimental I'm assuming?" he asks curiously.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grabs some ear protection when Gregory readies the gun, then watches as he fries round after round of different caliber ammo with the same gun. When the last shot has gone off, he lowers the ear guards around his neck. "You might be right about us getting along," he remarks with a grin. "How's that thing work?"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Highly" Gregory states simply as he loads in a 50 caliber round into the pistol this time. The chamber itself grows to accommodate the singular round with a quiet mechanical whirring. "However I believe the principals behind it could easily be reappropriated for a full size rifle, or even the barrel of a tank." He pauses leveling the pistol with both hands down the range. "I expect great things." He mentions nonchalantly before opening fire yet again with the pistol, an even louder bang ringing out before he sets the pistol back down into its case.

     Of course he's soaking up any and all information he can on the conversation around him while he works, that's one of the benefits of working alongside shield... being in the know more then the other guy. But he does need to make sure no further calibration of his little pistol is needed before the big reveal to the R&D team.

     "There's a series of micomotors lining the barrel of the pistol that activate when a round is placed within the main chamber. They contract around the round securing it snugly into place from a selection of predesignated munitions." Gregory comments loudly as his ear protection receeds back into the sides of his glasses allowing him to smile. "The recoil compensaters do their best to make it a smooth operating experience, but the downside is you've only got one round in the chamber at a time." He pauses for a breath. "On the bright side contact recognition systems mean that the weapon can only be fired by someone who's been registered with the weapons internal database rendering the weapon completely inert in the hands of enemy combatants."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky just watches Gregory nail these experiemental shots over and over. Ah huh..quite experimental. Regardless! He turns his head to Clint then, perhaps shaking his head lightly at his enthusiasm to use experimental equipment. Bucky remains hands off for now though, instead taking out a small handgun and practicing on one of the targets. Out of seven rounds, he hits the bullseye six times. Not perfect aim, but it'll have to do.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Nodding Clint says, "The one shot thing is a challenge," he says, "But there's something to be said for being able to use any old round you can find." He glances at Bucky, giving the man a little shrug, hey, he liked new toys. "Shame about the scanner, would be fun to give that thing a try sometime."

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "And one that is sadly all but insurmountable with current technology." Spoken with a bit of sadness to it, all though there is a definitive sense of a challenge accepted in his words. "Someday I hope to use this technology to develop a sort of universal munitions system, one which will revolutionize warfare. For the moment it's still a technological marvel."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Specific, handy, when or if it's finished." BUcky comments idly, reloading the handgun he took before putting it back where he found it. Though his attention then goes to Stark, realizing he was cheating his aim, he doesn't bring it up. Starks are Starks. Hell, he knew Howard pulled this stuff off all the time to give him just that extra edge.

"You'll figure it out. Starks always do." he offers with a soft smile.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right. Just a marvel. Shame that," Clint says with a snort of laughter. The two Starks despite their differences had more than a little in common. "So, any other toys or just that one?" he asks.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Well there is my assistant, but he's old news I'm afraid." Spoken with little regard for the man standing right behind him who closes shut the case in his hands. "One of the early model synthetics" As he looks towards the other two men, his assistant still rather deadpan. "Can't even show basic emotion without direct control."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky just watches the two in silence now, straightening out his baseball cap. Though mostly now he was trying to recall just -who- specifically he was. James Barnes....called 'Bucky' by friends...but that was about it. So as Stark and Barton started talking, Bucky secluded into his own mind in thought.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint eyes the assistant. "Huh," he says. "Barely noticed the guy." And it was easy to see why, the bland features, the silence. "Anyhow, I should probably get going, got my own meeting, but good to meet you," another hand is offered to Stark before Clint turns to look over at Barnes. "And, we should train sometime, figure better to get to know you before they throw us in an op together," he says.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks to Clint then, nodding once. "Alright...I'll try to go easy." he smiles faintly, letting his personality as James Barnes from WW2 pre-HYDRA shine a little bit with a snarky sense of humor.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins. "I'd be insulted, but I've heard the stories, so, yeah, should be a fun time," he claps Bucky on the shoulder. It was good to see some of the Bucky he'd read about in comics showing through in the man in front of him. "Gotta go, but we'll do this soon." And with that Clint heads out the door.