3096/The Curious Ways of Billy Haines
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The Curious Ways of Billy Haines | |
Date of Scene: | 07 November 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Wonder Woman, Batman
- Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was returning home to her Embassy after being away all day. There was an alleyway between her building and the building beside it and it served as a driveway to a parking area that was fenced off.
Diana's sedan rolled back into this driveway and a moment after the vehicle was deactivated she and one of her Amazonian sisters exited the car, Diana on the passenger side as she prefered her sisters drive... they benefitted from the experience of learning how to drive in the modern world.
It was late, around 8:30pm and it was dark out... quite cold. Diana had a black sweater on over her dark blue dress and her hair was tied back into a bun.
The parking area between the buildings was illuminated by bright spotlights set onto the corners of the building's stonework.
- Batman has posed:
The change in the clock, the loss of an hour, it lends to this abrupt shift in the feeling of this time of year. With Autumn's leaves dancing across the street and the harvest moon seeming to hang low in the sky, it lends an almost eerieness to the world, something that makes that chill and snap of the air all the more creepy. To most it is a shift of awareness, that now winter is near, the holidays are coming, and it is time to draw ranks to prepare for the cold that's to come.
Most do not care for it. But some... some embrace it.
"I was in the neighborhood." That voice is heard, a rumble and deep as he offers those few words. Seemingly bodiless at first, but then the silhouette of the man resolves itself just inside one of those halos of light provided by those spots on the corners of the buildings. The Batman, dark, grim, those white eyes finding hers.
But there's a small smile, that if he were called on he assuredly would deny its existence.
- Wonder Woman has posed:
Both woman looked up from where they were walking side by side with one another to the voice that boomed down from above, like a truck it had an intimidating rumble that made it stand out in an otherwise silent atmosphere.
Both women also immediately recognized who it was, though Diana was more familar with him than her blonde haired sister... who looked a bit miffed that the Batman was here, without warning any of them.
Diana though, just raised her hand to shield her eyes from the light and she called up to him. "A bit out of your usual sphere, I would say." Diana told him then. "It is okay to say that you came simply to see me, you know." She teased him, showing a light smile.
- Batman has posed:
Drawing closer silently, the cape curls around his shoulders and hides his form from view, save for that cowl and the curve of his jaw. He turns his head slightly to look at Diana's guardswomen, then back to her as he replies to her words in that typical candor. "That wouldn't be entirely true." He says, a subtle emphasis on the second to last word.
But then he steps towards her and stops an arm's length away, giving a small nod as if offering formal greeting then he says. "There are some things we should speak about. Somewhere private." He says this without again acknowledging the guards, though doubtful it would offend them considering they often serve strong duty for a likely head of state.
The Batman's hand slips into view as he gestures to the side, motioning to where she was walking to in the first place. He cocks an eyebrow behind the mask and asks her, "May we?"
- Wonder Woman has posed:
To the outside world, the women did serve as public presence of guards for Diana... but they also were reinforcements if trouble were to happen to OTHERS around Diana Prince as well, they were... on the inside, however, here only to learn the ways of the outside world and to better prepare themselves for a more integrated Themyscira someday down the road (Or so Diana hoped).
"Of course." Diana said to him with a soft smile, she and her sister started walking back toward the stone staircase that lead into the Embassy from its back entrance.
Once inside the lights in the large hallway were dimmed, but still on, Diana would move several steps down the hall until they reached a set of double doors into a lounge area, she'd motion Batman to follow her while her blonde sister would glance at them once and then keep walking on down the hallway further. She told Diana she was going to make some tea.
"Come in." Diana said to Batman/Bruce, it was a comfortable sitting lounge and there was a fire in the fireplace, the servants/staff in the house kept it going throughout the day.
Diana sat her things down on a table and then moved to get a drink from the kitchenette area. She already knew he didn't want anything.
- Batman has posed:
Once they reach the sitting lounge he remains standing. Though he does move further into the room, resting a hand upon the back of one of the chairs as he considers the place. His head turns slowly, noting each point of interest in the room, memorizing the lines, the dimensions. His gaze falls upon each small token of personalization that might be in there, as well as the fireplace that flickers with the life of flame.
Turning back towards her, he tells her. "I had a chance to speak with and examine Bobby Haines." He lifts his chin slightly and says, "Something was done to him, that is not the man Bruce Wayne hired." A gloved hand appears from the folds of the cloak and he sets a small data drive down on one of the end tables, giving it to her even as he relates the information that is assuredly on it.
"His manner was different. He seemed prone to broad sweeping gestures and irrational mood swings. At first I thought it was a psychotic break. Perhaps head trauma. I had his brain examined." How that came about he does not share, of course.
Turning to face her as she returns he says, "The scans came back with damage to the Limbic system, primarily the amygdala. My first thought was Johnathan Crane. But there were none of the telltale signs of his chemical in the man's bloodwork. There was, however, scar tissue that had developed. What seemed like surgical damage or possibly radiation damage of some kind. No evidence of surgery, however."
"No chemicals, unlikely it's Crane. Some form of procedure of device that is likely beyond him. On an off chance I had similar tests run on some of the more prominent CTOs in the world. Three of them came back with similar results."
Once he has imparted to her all of the intel he stops speaking then folds his arms over his chest as he looks to her. "I'll be able to track this down. But right now I believe the picture is much bigger than just my corner in Gotham."
- Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would return with a cup of tea and she'd move to where he'd sat that data disc down. She'd take a seat on the edge of the chair beside it and then mulled over what he'd just said while sipping her beverage.
"Be careful, Batman." She warned him, now turning on the seat to look up at him with the fireplace light illuminating the side of her where she was poised on the chair.
"Do not break laws to acquire the information you need to... prove things... It will not go over well. I know that you will find everything you need on, well, all of this but I fear for your methods and how that might entrap you in worse situations than this already."
Diana would sat the information disc onto a coffee table now in front of her.
"Perhaps Crane is using new chemicals... things that are untraceable? Or perhaps, its some kind of telepathetic manipulation. When I disarmed Mister Haines, he seemed to almost be acting like a child would, but perhaps it was just fright. Part of me wanted to rip him in half more than the weapon he had fired at me..." She sipped her tea again then.
- Batman has posed:
The first warning she gives him, he takes that in stride and does not address it, at least not for now. He knows what he is doing, and knows where his efforts cross the line of the rule of law. But what he keys onto is more what she says at the end, his eyes narrowing slightly. He steps around the chair and the table towards her, but pauses as he does take that seat. But only then.
Yet he uses just the edge of it as he leans towards her. He looks into her eyes, one, then the other, gauging their dilation as if he might see some evidence of... something. But there are no stories to be told of that night in those brilliant blue sapphires. So he purses his lips, then asks her, "Do you feel you were being manipulated? What did you ingest before confronting Haines?"
She can probably tell if he had his druthers right now he'd have a retinoscope out and be examining her with it. But he refrains. At least for now. "I've seen you in battle before, but you did seem to be... displeased."
- Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look up at the caped crusader as he came around the furniture and sat himself down onto one of the chairs aside from her. She looked back at him as he looked into her eyes and she seemed a bit... cofnused at first, until he spoke and then she just showed him a faint smirk and she seemed to relax a bit.
"I had not eaten anything at the event. After parting ways with Bruce, I simply continued to dance... until that weapon was fired through the hall and endangered everyone within it."
Diana would take a breath in then between her lips and her blue eyes would then go to the flames iwhitn the fireplace. "I was angry because he tried to kill me." She said, now looking back to the right where Batman was, eyeing him again. "I get angry too, you know... Its not just an emotion that you have on reserve." She showed him a faint smirk then.
- Batman has posed:
For a time Batman's silent as he gauges her. Her words, that faint accent, the expression on her features, even the way she takes in a breath before she speaks. But then at the last words from her she'll see the ghost of a smile, barely there, but then he says to her quietly. "Still. It's something I'll keep in mind." He straightens up and rests his hands on the arms of the chair as he settles back slightly.
"But I just wanted to update you. Since you helped apprehend him, didn't want to cut you out of the loop." And so he has discharged that obligation.
Turning his head to the side, he gives a small nod, then looks back to her. "I should be going. If you hear anything... let me know." He says that as he's about to push himself to his feet.
- Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would hold her tea glass between her hands over her knees and she'd look back at him when he spoke. "I greatly appreciate you keeping me in the loop as well." She told him response. "It is far better than not being kept in such. And yes. Should anything arise, I will let you know swiftly. Though I will do it through a much more simplistic and straightforward way." She said, teasing him and his dramatics of arriving in the dark on the beams of an overhead security light.
Diana would stand up then from her spot at the side of the fire and she'd look to him. "I would ask you if you need to be walked out, but I spect to turn away and look back only to find you gone." She'd give him a sly grin tnen and start to walk toward the kitchenette area again to deposit her tea glass, it was almost time for bed anyway, so the princess had to finish up some work and then move in that inevitable direction.
- Batman has posed:
That smile shifts into a smirk as he stands there, tall and dark with the cape over his shoulders and hiding most of him from view. He waits til she turns back to him and instead of disappearing, instead of making off without so much as a goodbye, he looks to her and says in a tone that is slightly gentler. "Good night, Diana."
And only then does he turn away and move towards the door. A moment later he's through and then gone.