2911/Halloween Fair in Central Park

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Halloween Fair in Central Park
Date of Scene: 29 October 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: The Avengers host a Halloween Fair in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Sarah Osborn, Hawkeye (Barton), Shadow, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Shatterpoint, Albert Wesker, Black Widow (Romanoff), Flash, Kaydin LeGraize, Black Knight, Buttercup, Green Ranger, Nick Fury, Superwoman, Super-Man, She-Hulk, Witchblade, Magneto, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Captain America has posed:
    It is a cool Autumn night in New York City. Perfect Halloween weather. Some might need a jacket, but it will be a mixed bag. The sun is starting to set but there are just enough lights set up around the park to give sight without ruining an effect. People are moving about the various attractions.

    There is a corn maze set up with the help of Avengers solid hologram projectors. It covers much of the field at Sheep's Meadow. There is a Kids entrance and the Scary entrance for those that dare. The projectors are good enough to simulate the smell of dried corn stalks and even throws in a grouse being disturbed and flying away for an unintentional scare.

    There is a massive catapault set up opposite the maze. A huge stack of pumpkins is next to it. There is a football goalpoast with netting set up to catch pumpkins so it doesn't disturb others in the park. There are also smaller catapaults and slingshots with various targets and different sized pumpkins and fall squashes set up.

    There is a food area full of the smell of pumpkin pie and caramel apples. Turkey legs are for sale, and for those old enough, Oktoberfest Beer and Pumpkin Ale.

    People are in all manner of costumes around the area. Adults lead the kids around. Many are anxious to meet the Avengers in person having only seen them on the News. There is a live stage in a corner with a band doing rockabilly music and dressed as farmers with a dance floor in front of them.

    Captain America is standing in uniform near the entrance to the maze. He is smiling and greeting many of the parents and kids. Getting his picture taken and signing autographs when asked.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah is here in costume. Not that Goblin-Girl is all that well known, but most of her weaponry is set non-lethal for the evening. Paint, glue, and holy water are the orders of the day. She does have some more damaaging stuff, but hopefully it is just a fun night. Right now, she is in line to meet the Avengers, Captain America especially. There are reason, as best she can tell her powers come from a flawed variation of the Super Soldier Serum. She would really like to compare notes with Cap...as the one person who got it right.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye's got the pumpkin chunkin' station tonight. The Avenging Archer leans on his bow as he watches people, load, aim and launch pumpkins through the air at the goal posts, occasionally offering pointers between posing for selfies and shaking hands. Every so often when the mood strikes or he's begged by the onlookers he'll grab a target arrow out of his quiver and bullseye a pumpkin in mid-flight; proving, you can take the carny out of the circus but you can't take the circus out of the carny.

Shadow has posed:
    Publicly hosted faires, especially hosted by extremely famous people, are an excellent opportunity to see and be seen by the movers and shakers of the world of today. Natasha wouldn't miss it for all the gold in the world. She steps out of the limo and takes a moment to smooth down her narrow dress, and another moment to do the same to her hair, having had it dyed black and straightened. A bit of too-red lipstick and some makeup to lighten her skin, combined with a demeanour of high class hauteur -- she makes quite a decent Morticia Addams, especially with the prop of a hand on her shoulder, and her butler/driver wearing a Lurch-style tuxedo with reasonably good humour and the character's trademark 'uuhhhnnnnn' as he's dismissed.

    She smiles to herself, then makes her way to the entrance, nodding at Captain Rogers. "Captain," she says, languidly offering her hand. "This fair promises to be lovely, indeed. Thank you ever so much for organizing it..."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
While fashionably late due to some Alpha Flight commitment, Captain Marvel makes a showy entrance, painting a golden streak above the preceeding as she zooms in with speed, before descending at a much slower pace, allowing the sparkly trace of her trajectory to fade away, she flashes Steve a smile as she comments, "sorry I'm late...did my best," and then turns to wave at people who gathered about, making herself accessible to any who wish to approach her.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline isn't sure why she's here. Part of her just wants to see what, exactly, these 'Avengers' are. She's not really the celebration type anymore. Without a costume at all, much less one that fits with heroing or the festivities of Halloween, Caroline almost stands out, dressed like... A normal person. Sweater and jeans, hands in her pockets.

    She makes her way into the park proper, eyes darting to the individual heroes and citizens that she can see- those that stand out. She keeps to herself, but that just makes her stand out a little bit more- the one person who looks out of place, who isn't here with... Well, anyone, really.

Albert Wesker has posed:
With so many Heroes here with so many ways to take him down. Wesker's playing a dangerous game coming out here, but with so many civilians he is also gambling that the Heroes won't cause a scene if he doesn't. He knows that any SHIELD agents would most likely ID him instantly. His Gun and knife are behind his back under his coat so as not to pose himself as a danger. Of course he has his standard outfit. The Black under outfit, the Black Trench coat, the black glasses. All he needs is black hair and he could go as Neo from that old Matrix Movie.

Few know that he has moves that can match Neo as he buys himself a beer, and of course seeing several kids not having enough to get some snacks, Wesker puts money down to pay for their food and treats.

Walking through as he drinks he spots The Black Widow and of course his target in question. Captain America, and starts to slowly approach the American Super soldier and when he gets close enough he says. "Ah Captain America. A pleasure to meet you, you'll have to forgive me for asking, But I heard a rumor that you had quite the run around with a Raccoon in the City streets a while back." The words indicating he means Raccoon City.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There are a variety of carnival booths available with games of skill. Only these are actually set up to be fair, allowing people to win without needing a college degree in carny. That is the area where Natasha Romanova has chosen to position herself, just before the 'midway'. The fact there is a shooting booth nearby certainly helps. Since Clint claimed the Pumpkin Chunkin' station, she opted for this one. She's dressed in the costume of the Black Widow, the form fitting bodysuit with her familiar gold belt with the red hourglass buckle at the front. Her wristbands are in place. There are no holsters or guns, since she's trying to make a good impression with the masses.

Flash has posed:
Late as always here comes the Flash.. Thankfully he didn't have to run there, as the transporter puts him down on the outskirts of the park. He looks up to see who is here already, and smiles a bit as he is usually running much later then this. "Oh games!" he says and zips over into the park past people who to him are very slow just a blur moving through that stops by Clint. "Hi.. umm.. purple archer guy... can I get one of those?" he points at the pumpkin for the chunkin' and grins.. "I think I can do it.. well maybe.. I haven't done this before.. How about you do you have any hints?" he speaks rather quickly just slow enough to be understood, but that just means more words come out

He glances around though after that.. "Wow.. everyone came today didn't they I am surprised.. I thought it was going to be a small get together.." he just doesn't stop talking though thankfully he doesn't speed up any more. He does hold a hand out. "Hi.. I am the Flash.. I guess I would be your Justice League exchange student.. Wonder Woman suggested I join up with her though it seems your team has a good handle on things."

Captain America has posed:
    Captain America smiles at another family enters the park after letting the little girl hold his shield. He turns and smiles at Goblin Girl. "How are you? Glad you could make it." He turns his head to Ms. Cranston. "Glad you could make it, Ms. Cranston. It is the least we could do for the city. We all needed a bit of a pick me up. Glad the Avengers can help." He raises a hand in greeting to Captain Marvel streaking in, glad she could makeit. He turns to look at Albert Wesker. "Good to meet you as well." If he has a reaction to the Racoon comment, he doesn't show on his face.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin blurs through the area moving about quickly as he watches the various people. He stops near Captain America and takes a picture of the man with his phone. "I tried to spray paint you in a mural back in my home town, on a marine recruitment." He says as he stops when he see's a familiar being. He then blurs over to the flash. "Wow the flash. Maybe you can help me." He says his body surging with speed force energy.

Black Knight has posed:
    Double duty is what Black Knight has happily drawn. He has a spot near the line for the hayrack rides, keeping an eye on the tractor and kids as they ride. Super extra bonus? The photos of kidlets on winged horses. Black Knight has both Valinor and Strider here.
    As he is more sinister looking, Valinor is getting more play today. Strider the diva stallion is a little put out about it, and can almost be seen straining in the photos to look more impressive and majestic than he already is. It's a little funny, and quite transparent. Valinor is, of course, delighting in the attention.
    He happily answers questions but minds his charges as best he can. His back is always ramrod straight. To those of a more practiced eye, or those who know him though, there is definitely a few traces of fatigue yet in the Knight. The horse show's hours are a little shorter than the fair; when asked, he answers, "Hard to fly home in the dark!"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel walks up to the Black Widow, grinning at her, as she asks, "had your share of fans? I figure you'd be quite the draw, with all due respect to Steve." She then turns to look at the others, smiling at the Avengers interaction with the public, particularly Steve with the little girl he's allowed to hold his shield. Gestures like that warm her heart, she wishes that was a thing when she was a little girl.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     "Show off!" Hawkeye shouts good naturedly at Carol when she makes her arrival. Kettle, pot all of that, then suddenly he's assaulted by a tumult of words coming out of the Flash. "Huh," Clint says with a smile when Barry's done trying to sort out where to start. He decides on shaking his hand as an opener. "Good name choice, I'm Hawkeye, but you can call me Clint," he says by way of introduction, apparently secret identities aren't a big deal to the guy who hides his face with just a pair of shades; go figure. He sets down his bow and picks up a pumpkin, a big one, and hands it over to the Flash. "Hmm, well, Red, I'd use Bertha," he says nodding to the largest of the catapults. She pulls to the left a bit so try to adjust, other than that don't miss," he says for pointers while grinning at the speedster. "And welcome to the team, by the way, good to have you on board."

    Kaydin's arrival is met with a blink. "Wow, more of you," he says ducking down to pick up a pumpkin and shove it in Kaydin's hands. "Here, take a shot as well, kid."

Albert Wesker has posed:
Offering his right hand in greeting he says. "The pleasure and honor of meeting you is mine." and of course inside his palm he has a small flash drive that he is passing off to captain america. As he offers a nice firm handshake. "I have to admit curosity with so many youngsters developing powers...." And his eyes are drawn when Kaydin sudden heads over to Flash. "I was wondering if you had thought of programs, to help educate the public on the emergances of youths with Superpowers. Possibly schools dedicated to the education of their powers and abilities. I know there is a lot of angles and concerns. But fear is born of ignorance."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah responds to Steve, "Good evening Captain America, I am called Goblin-girl, I usually run mostly in Bludhaven, though I may be moving to New York in the near future, at least for a time. I was wondering if I could alk to you sometime, though I am not sure if you could help. I understand that the formula that bave you your powers was stabalized by something called Vita-Rays, and that it is the lack of these rays that has made all subsequent attempts to duplicate the formula unstable. Is this accurate?"

Flash has posed:
Flash feels someone else tapping into the speedforce, and looks up surprised.. He then looks over at Kaydin, though when he speaks it would be way too fast for a non-speedster to understand.. Maybe Marvel, but he isn't sure.. "Hey there, thats me the Flash.. How can I help ya.. I don't know much about spray paint or Murals but sure kid I am always happy to help another speedster out!" to someone else it would just sound like a tape sped up way to fast though he turns to look at Clint he continues to speak in that super fast speach.. "Maybe you can help me.. I get I supposed to throw the pumpkin, but how does this game work? Or is it for the others.. I don't mean to be a bother I just love playing some games for fun don't you?" and he grins at Kaydin,

He slows down, and glances at Clint again.. He was so slow though he would wait for the mans response tapping his foot a bit he looks around quicly at the crowd.. He waves Kaydin to follow, as he speeds over to Captain Marvel, and Widow with a nod, "It is nice to meet you ladies.. I just thought I would come over and say hello so not to be rude.." then zips back to Clint. He picks up the Mallet.. "Wow.. kinda heavy.. But I got it.." he rubs his hands together, and starts to windmill his arms quickly to gain momentum then picks up the Mallet aiming for the thing, and tries to smack down on place he was pointing.

Thankfully he doesn't 'completly' miss, but does just hit it bearly on the left side failing horribly. He only laughs at this, and nods.. "You aint kidding!"

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup blends well with the general crush of humanity, at least as long as the sun stays up. She's in leggings and a wide, slouchy hoodie-- warm fuzzy boots that rise to mid-calf-- and a generous smattering of powdered sugar smeared across one cheek in lieu of make-up. Someone's probably been through a couple of funnel cakes already. What's a fair without something that's been deep flash fried? Oh! Ponies! She shoves her hands into the front kangaroo pocket of her sweatshirt and ambles over to size up the line to go play with them.

Shadow has posed:
    Natasha favours Steve with Morticia's trademark serenely superior smile. "Quite so. New York counts itself fortunate to have people like you watching out for her," she replies, then inclines her head in a micro-bow before turning to make her way into the park proper, looking around with a detached interest.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Captain Marvel arrives, the Black Widow gives a slight shrug. "I've had a few. A couple of little girls told me they want to grow up to be me. Nice while at the same time, I'd rather they aspire to something a bit higher than that," she says. Her smile is easy and friendly as she waves to people when they do so or greets them but she certainly isn't one of the big draws. Not that she minds. She prefers to be in the shadows working most of the time but that's the other side of her personal coin. "That was a great entrance, by the way. You get extra points for style. On top of the ones your costume gets."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline is not necessarily a great spy. That much is somewhat clear. However, almost all of the activity seems tob e centered around Cap, and her hearing is... A great deal sharper than it used to be. At the same time, to say that Wesker is anything but a rather suspicious individual would perhaps be something of a lie. Under the mild pretense- she is only cursorily interested, after all- of interest in the maize maze, Caroline just sort of lingers near Cap.

    She's primarily trying to overhear the conversation he's having, though she doesn't necessarily provoke too much of a response. After al, she's somewhat unassuming overall- but not invisible. The keen-eyed, or simply suspicious, are likely to be aware of her loitering.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Of all people, I naturally expect to be called a 'show off' by you, Clint," Carol can certainly take good natured jabs. It was meant in good spirits after all, what with Hawkeye likely being the most showy of show offs on the Avengers. Don't tell Iron Man, his brand is more in the realm of Ego than Show-off.

Overhearing Wesker and Steve, Carol is not beyond injecting herself into a conversation, when she approaches and offers, "wasn't Tony suggesting something of an 'Avengers Academy' for young powered individuals, Steve?" It was merely in reference in case Steve forgot, before she shifts back to her conversation with Natasha, "I don't think it's such a bad thing. Striving to be like you, I mean strip away the hardships, abuse, and well...general stuff of nightmare, you're a woman who took hold of the reigns of her life, and said no to her handlers. There's much to admire in you, Natasha."

Being complimented for her entrance, and style, Carol's smile turns far warmer and more genuine, as she whispers a somewhat shy, "thank you for noticing, Natasha."

Captain America has posed:
    "I was never much of a scientist, Goblin-girl. I would never be the one to ask about that." Cap offers an "Aww Shucks" kind of shrug before looking at Albert. He shakes the hand and notices the drive placed there but again doesn't make any kind of reaction. He nods to Carol as she approaches. "I believe he was. It wouldn't be a bad thing to try and attract the young people as they develop powers and give them some safe training in our facilities. We might have to look into that more."

Albert Wesker has posed:
Allowing Captain america to take the drive he smiles softly. And then turning to Captain Marvel and smiles. "I do so hope it works out, Perhaps you could have other Heroes from around the world help give classes, show them they can use their abilities more than for personal gain."

Wesker's giving good advice. But that's odd? What's his game?

"If you will excuse me Captains, I think I would enjoy watching Hawkeye's archery demonstration. I do hope you have an enjoyible night." And slowly he begins to extract himself from the circle around Captain America, heading over to where Hawkeye is.

Sofar Wesker's not caused any sort of incident.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl nods to Steve, "I did not think you were a scientist...though I am a little. I would be interested in joining, if you happen to set up such an academy, Captain Marvel."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel offers Goblin-Girl a salute at showing interest, "if we do follow through on that pursuit, I will make sure to contact you with an invitation, Goblin-Girl," she did see her abilities at work some months ago during a run in at a haunted town after all.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The compliment from Captain Marvel gets another shrug from Natasha. It's the best thing to do. "Thank you, Captain," she says softly. Then she is squatting down to talk to a little girl with the good Captain joins the conversation nearby. She poses for a picture with the little girl, actually puttting one of her wristbands on the child which makes it look more like an armband she's so tiny. They both aim at the camera for the picture. Then she's putting her wristband back in place.

Her gaze flicks over to the retreating figure heading in Clint's way. She tries to catch the archer's eye, a silent communication that has been born from years of working together.

Black Knight has posed:
The white horse gives a startled whinny as a little girl sticks her lollipop on the horse's muzzle. Best picture ever as far as Dane is concerned. He is happy to replace the large, over-sized sticker with one from his stash. The little girl is far too young to really care that the horse was spreading its wings as she took her picture. Happily tottering off with her parents, the Black Knight just quietly, maybe tiredly, minds his position and watches his lines.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    In silence, Caroline lingers near the pair of Captains, taking a step away and watching Wesker retreat. He's... Certainly suspicious. Perhaps someone to investigate later? She has a lot of things to do. She may not need to take this particular case on.

    Her attention shifts idly to Rogers and Marvel, and it lingers there for a scant few moments. She isn't necessarily going to interrupt, or interpose herself. Instead, she's just gathering information- overhearing the conversation, and staying on the outskirts. It's pretty informative- if only in that it tells her a lot about the various heroes present.

Flash has posed:
Barry invites Kaydin to follow him as he zips around the park again stopping at Captain America... He smiles, and offers a hand "Hey... I know you your Captain America right? I am not sure if we have met, Flash... fastest man alive." he chuckles, and looks around a bit. "Nice little party you have here looks like fun.. If you don't mind though could you point me to the cart?" he grins.. "Going to give some people a Scaaary ride though it is all perfectly safe." he whispers the last part about it being safe so not to ruin the surprise. "Oh.. also I guess we are part of your group if ya need us.. Or at least Wonder Woman told me that I haven't really been called yet, but I am always busy doing something its fine." he still speaks quickly, but slow enough to be understood

He chuckles with a shrug, "Anyway... thanks for the invite.. I hope if ya ever need a speedster ya give me a call. I know you all work for the goverment, and stuff.. all hush hush if you believe the rumors.. But when it comes to saving lives I am with ya." and nods returning to look around for the hay cart.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel herself takes the opportunity to take some photos with the children who want it, posing with them, lifting them in the air before putting them down. But she takes a bit of a break upon hearing the Flash brag about being the fastest man alive. "I'm sorry, did he say Fastest Man Alive?" She asks Steve, before quickly asking, "please, please, please can we introduce him to Quicksilver? I want to watch that meeting!"

Captain America has posed:
    "Welcome, Flash. The Black Knight brought the tractors from his castle for the hay rides. The gentleman over there with the winged horses," Cap gestures toward Dane. "I am sure we will need you at some point. We aren't really working for the government, but rather just have their blessing to do what we feel is neccessary." He smiles towards Goblin Girl again. "I certainly will keep you in mind if we do get that Academy started." He grins and laughs with Captain Marvel. "We need do to get those two together. Should be interesting."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye chuckles at Captain Marvel's reply and give the woman a quick salute before he's attention is seized by the speedsters in front of him, helping Barry with his swing before he and the new speedster are gone elsewhere. "Weird," the archer says before catching Nat's look and following her eyeline to the tall guy in the trench coat.

     "Hey, Lurch, you want a go?" he offers to the guy as he holds up a pumpkin.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup smiles warmly at the well-mannered way in which the horse deals with the lollipop. She loiters slowly closer as the queue converges on the animals, and finally comes to stand next to the pretty white one, looking up to the minder. "Long day?" she asks, marking knowingly the signs of exhaustion with a kind glance. "Hey, pretty boy," she coos at Strider, since he seems starved for affection-- she'll give him some.

Shadow has posed:
    Having made her introductions, Natasha makes her way over to the open bar to procure a drink before looking for the nearest source of entertainment. She drifts over to where Barton is holding an archery demonstration, taking care to applaud politely whenever he shows off...

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he follows barry and watches him. He follows the man as he hold his pumpkin. "Oh you got something set up?" He asks the flash as he looks around and then back to the flash. "Whatcha going to do?" He asks curiously.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah has what she came for, so lets the Flash interrupt without complaint and heads over towards the Pumpkin tossing area. She will smile at Clint (not that you can tell behind her mask) and say, "Mind if I try, you might say tossing pumpkind runs in the family."

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, "Oh him... I have heard of him... Fast yes, but oh so slow when it comes to the speedforce. I don't mean to insult him, but just being honest when I get going poor... Quicksilver is just standing still." and gives her a wink. He isn't sure, but he has not heard about this mutant going throug time yet so he assumed he was slower. Turning back to Cap he shakes his head, "Oh sorry my bad, I don't mean to say you do anything bad, I mean she would never join you if you weren't the good guys I never doubted your group or nothing!" and rubs the back of his head. "Anyway I better be off... got to run, when you find this Quicksilver though..."

He stops and turns to Marvel, with a grin.. "Tell him anywhere... anytime." and laughs heading over to the cart, and the 'black knight' "Hey there budy... You brought the cart or at least Cap over there said.. How bout we load one up, and me and the boy here take them for a real race." he glances at Kaydin speaking again in that super-fast speak.. "Just keep them in the cart, and if there is anyone that has problems let me know to stop okay?"

Black Knight has posed:
    Strider all but melts at the lovely Asgardian lady. Black Knight spares the lovely blond a warm smile. "Behind the ears, on the snout, and he loves kisses from fair damsels." Well trained, the horse puckers up, flipping his big sensitive lips out for a 'smooch', lifting his tail and giving a little wave at that. Valinor snorts at Strider, stamping a hoof at his 'brother' and seems to roll his solid red eyes.
    Black Knight is distracted for a moment as he signs an autograph. he is always surprised when he signs one. "You want Captain America, little man." he tells the little boy.
    "Nope! you made my sister a new arm! you're my favorite!" The kid walks back over to his parents, smiling, and mock sword fighting with an imaginary sword. The Black Knight just sort of stands there, shocked. He's glad he wears a bucket. No one sees you shed a tear in a bucket.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Not just anywhere, any time," Marvel notes at Flash, "I absolutely -HAVE- to be there!" Yeah, if there's one thing Carol enjoys, is the showmanship of clashing egos. Always good for entertainment.

Green Ranger has posed:
Flash is not the only one who can teleport. The Rangers stationed out of Angel Grooves need some publisity as well as they are good guys. With the other rangers busy with their own projects and Tommy not doing anything. He's chosen to come to the Fair as well, and moments later in an area that is somewhat open comes a shimmering green flash of Light, and standing in it's place is a green suited figure with Golden armor. The Green Dragon Ranger does draw some attention of course as he begins to head over to Where Captian America is and says offering his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you again Captain America." Recalling how Captain helped save those three siblings and his helm turns to Natasha Romanov and offers a polite bow. "And to you too!"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     With trenchcoat guy moving on, he gives Nat a return look, keep your eyes open, before he's approached by Goblin-Girl. Even without seeing her smile he flashes one of his own and hands the pumpkin he picked up for Lurch to her. "Be my guest, you want to do this free hand or use a catapult?" he ask as he picks up his bow when the pumpkin has been off-loaded.

Captain America has posed:
    "We will make a Quicksilver Flash race a big event," Captain says to Captain. He goes down to one knee as he gets a picture taken with a little boy dressed as Spider-man. He gives a thumbs up to the dad holding the camera before standing back up. "Nothing like seeing a pair of egos butting heads to be sure." Kids are moving into the corn maze and some are coming out as a mix of nervous and joyous laughter. A parade of costumed kids start to walk through the park area trying to get as many carmel apples as they can.

Buttercup has posed:
"Mhmm," Buttercup lets out a little breath of laughter at the puckering up from the horse, not to mention the encouragement from the Black Knight. She's not shy around animals, either, but she runs her nimble little fingers up behind each ear, half-hugging Strider and leaning in to give his muzzle a smooch, then grinning and squinting one eye shut as she gets lipped at in return. Since all and sundry are thronging to see the dragon-winged one of the pair, she feels no rush to keep the line moving, and will just scritch gently along the velvety skin behind Strider's ears for as long as he seems comfortable, watching the interaction between the Black Knight and the little boy and barely restraining the urge to "awwwww" aloud. "You made an arm?" she prompts, after the boy's back in the crowd.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I am probably better without, but let's find out." She checks the balance of the pumpkin, noting the off center mass and ajusting. She holds the vine a bit as the throws, imparting a complex backspin so that it wobbles in it's flight but still hits the target...unless something knocks it aside of course.

Albert Wesker has posed:
Wesker seems content to start fading into the back ground, moving away from the congrgation of heroes and children. Moving to the edge of the park and leaving. He's done what he has set out to do!, and is content to let the Heroes have a nice save time. A smile comes. As he manages to slipe through the area, unscene and detected. Unless some hero intentionally tries to stop him from departing.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"And now for some more aerial display...." Captain Marvel offers to those who are keen on it, as she takes to the air, and puts on some aerobatic maneuvers, while leaving sparkly streaks in her wake.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye had totally planned to shoot an arrow into the pumpkin but the performance of the throw wowed him enough that the arrow just sat their on the string. "Nice," he says with a genuine laugh. "Wanna do another?" he asks. It's a sentiment that seems to be shared by some of the spectators as well. Who are still cheering the first throw, well those not looking up to watch Carol's aerobatics.

Captain America has posed:
    Captain America shakes hands with the Green Ranger. "Pleasure is mine. Please, come in. Grab something to eat. Have some fun. We have Captain Marvel with an ariel display. Hawkeye is lobbing pumpkins. The Black Widow is our sharp shooter. THe Black Knight has his flying horses and the hay ride. Plenty of fun to be had by all."

Flash has posed:
Flash is about to do what he does, but then his watch starts beeping. "Darn it.. right when I am starting to have fun.." he crouches down to look at Kaydin face to face, and holds out a card.. "Hey kid.. call me if you need help or want to understand your powers better okay... I have to go save people in Central City so can't stay.. I am sorry." standing up he looks at the party one last time with a smile, he does give a wave to the Avengers he talked to. He wished he could stay, but when the call came he had to go it was part of his life as much as this was.

He speeds over to Clint, taking an arrow out super fast stopping for only a moment "Hey sorry.. can I borrow this.. I will bring it back later." without waiting he grins. "Hey thanks.. see ya later." zipping out of the park this time moving so fast he doesn't even leave a blur behind as he is now not sprinting as he usally does, but running to show Miss Marvel the race would be interesting though at these speeds he might be gone before she even noticed.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline's head rocks back somewhat, as her gaze flits from the departing Wesker to the high-flying Caroline. A low, somewhat grumbling "Hm." comes from her as she watches- she'll never really get used to the flyers. Not -really.- She probably watches for a little longer than she intends to, somewhat captivated, before her attention returns to the crowds and the PR and all the others present.
    She starts making the rounds to each of the displays- primarily just... Watching.

Black Knight has posed:
    The horse gives little horsie kisses to Buttercup. His horse wagging its tail as it does so. Valinor stamps a hoof, but is far too busy giving little horse pictures to the children to be too mad. He poses dramatically, and a little girl gives his a few baby carrots. Win win for Valinor. He gives a content bricker and shares breath with the kid.
    Black Knight tells that little girl. "That is a real horse kiss. Genuine affection. He thanks you for your gift." She poses, a little afraid on the horse.
    The Knight regards Buttercup. he cracks his shoulder, and notes, "Captain America, Vision, and I worked on some cybernetic limbs for some children." his baritone is trying not to sound boastful. it is hard when you are proud of your work. "I am proud of what we did. It was good work."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he puts the pumpkin in the cart and keeps the stuff in the cart as he looks around. He waves to the various people and blurs out and comes back with a pumpkin pie which he seems to be eating now.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl chuckles, "If you like." She takes the next pumpkin handed to her. This one is less off center, fancy tricks work better with the gravity and aerodynamic properties more complex. For a simple shape with well centered gravity, the trick will have to be different. Think pool...The pumpkin is thrown wide, carooms off a lamp post, angles up to hit a tree limb, deflects off a roof of an outbuilding, and finally bounces off the goal post before landing in the net.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye grins when he sees Goblin-Girl do the rebound thing with a freaking pumpkin. He has to act fast, he fires off an arrow at a different lamp post, rebounding it to hit the pumpkin just as its about to sink into the net. He let's out a sigh of relief then a laugh, "I've never seen that before," he remarks as the crowd of spectators applaud. Clint turns back to them then nudges Goblin-Girl. "Take a bow."

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup isn't going to get down on anyone for blowing his own horn. She maintains supportive attention, sharing in his sense of pride rather than looking askance at it. "Look at you, all light-of-the-world," is said with some light humor but strictly without irony. Recognizing his good works an allowing him to bask in them for the mo. "That's got to be really rewarding," she goes on, mossy green eyes briefly distracted by the pumpkin chucking, but quickly enough returning to the conversation at hand.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"Good Shot," admires Goblin-Girl. She bows to the audiance as directed, and says to Hawkeye, "The trick to rebounding a pumpkin is not to hit directly, so that you do not break it, everything has to be oblique and along with the spin so as to lessen the impact.""

Green Ranger has posed:
He shakes the hand and smiles and says. "Thank you sadly I can't eat without removing my helm. One of the three Rules the Rangers have, keeping our Identity secret." he says. His voice is modulated thanks to the helm and looks around the area. "An impressive turn around you have here." His helm turns to HAwkeye and he says, Pink Ranger might give Hawkeye a run for his money on archery." he says.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye nods, "Makes sense, if you hit straight on, you just get a big splat and a really ticked cleanup crew," he says understanding the physics of it, at least on a basic level. "Then there's the issue of velocity, I mean, you've got to be super-strong if you're making that shot with how much speed gets bled off when you bounce the thing."

    The question of super-strength gives him an idea. He draws an arrow out of his quiver and offers it to Goblin-Girl. "What do you say we reverse roles. I chuck the pumpkin, you chuck the arrow, except I'm going to cheat and use a catapult."

Black Knight has posed:
    "It is. I'm a guy with a sword it is good to really help people rather than whack people with sharp implements." Black Knight admits as he helps load and unload little kids from the horses. He tilts a brow under his helmet. "But my ego is quite healthy enough. Truly." he clears his throat and nods to Buttercup. "But, again, my fellow Avengers are the real heroes. Captain America is truly amazing. Captain Marvel's power is second to her strength of character, and even Hawkeye is a man of principle, after his own manner."

Captain America has posed:
    Captain America is in his full uniform greeting people, signing autographs, posing for pictures, near the entrance of the massive Corn Maze set up here in Central Park. He ruffles the head of a young girl dressed as Thor and gives a high five to a young boy dressed as Captain America. He nods to Green Ranger in response to the turn out here. "Thanks. THis really is the best part of the job right here. Getting out. Meeting people. Making people feel good about their city and world."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Standing in the shadows and watching the whole "party" going on is none other than the Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury. His eye scans the area, while his eye patch also looks for things even his sharp, keen senses don't pick up. For now, he was there to keep and "eye" on things, no pun intended. Well, maybe intended a bit.

    So far, the situation was well in hand. He takes in the fun of the event, and he allows himself almost a smile. Crossing his arms across his chest, he waits, and watches, quiet and enjoying the show.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah chuckles, "Throwing an arrow is difficult, it does not have the mass and in order to throw it strait you need the main thrust at the very end. It can be done, but I would be at a distinct advantage. Actually, I was going to head to the maze, I want to study the holographic array."

Superwoman has posed:
    Typically, Superwoman does not appear at social events such as that which is happening in New York's Central park. She has become known for being shy of any kind of Media attention, rather, taking her time to fight whatever crime she can. She operates over night in Metropolis when Superman is rarely seen. Her actions are often less diplomatic than her male counterpart's- perhaps playing bad cop to Superman's good cop. Fearless, and with all the poise one would expect of a soldier she's in and out and back to work.

    Which makes her descent over the crowd below all the more odd. Curiosity is the name of Faora's expression- but she cuts quite the figure even confused. Draped in blacks and silvers, with white accents she wears a shield, just like Superman, although the symbol within is wholly different. For now, she floats. Watching. Quiet.

Green Ranger has posed:
As the Ranger looks around he actually seems relaxed as some kid asks him about the three rules, asking what are the other two. Kneeling down to the young girl's eye level he says. "The Power Rangers have three simple rules that we follow. The first escilate a fight unless our enemy forces us to. Which means we don't use more power than is nessicary to fight our enemies. The Second rule, never use our powers for personal Gain. And the Third and final rule keep our identities a secret at all times." he tells the young girl.

Ruffling her hair he smiles answering questions of the rangers. If they are from earth or outter space. That it is a combination of both. The rangers as people are from earth, But the Powers are given to them from alien tech. That when a team of Rangers is selected to defend a planet it is always from local inhabitants.

Super-Man has posed:
A number of members of SHIELD are in the Park, and Kenan Kong decides to join them. He Descends from the sky in a graceful arc at the end of a leap of perhaps half a mile. He lands back away from the crowd, just in case anyone moved while he was in transit. He lands with a practiced bend of his knees, takin the force and slowing himself without excess ground impact. He then proceeds to step over my Director Fury, "Is there anything you want me to do, or am I free to mingle?"

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup finally slides a hand down Strider's shoulder, letting him know where she is so as not to startle him as she moves alongside, letting the kids have a go at smoochies with the pretty winged pony. She listens to the Black Knight's judgements of his teammates, then, when he trails off, she prompts, "What about Thor?" with a sideways smile that might well indicate she's up to something. Even if that something is just spying on a Prince from her incognito station here on Earth, curious for an outsider's perspective on the Prince's midgard-side exploits.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Taking out a cigar from inside his long, dark trenchcoat, Fury regards Kenan thoughtfully for a moment, before lighting a classic, old school match. Lighting the cigar, he inhales a bit, the glow of the pre-cut cigar glowing softly in the shade. Exhaling, Fury nods, and says, "Feel free to mingle. Get a lay of the land, and keep your eyes out for any trouble."

    Fury nods, and goes back to regarding the revelries and shakes his head. Fun was not usually in his vacabulary.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline is learning a whole lot, today. Her attention focuses on Faora, who descends from the sky. Her brow raises, and whereas the others in the crowd look perhaps in awe, Caroline seems more... Intrigued. She moves through the crowd to momentarily take to the head of it, as she looks over the Kryptonian that has just landed. She's only there for a spare few moments, before she tries to depart, moving over to Natasha's booth in order to continue her tour.

    She is discernably out of place, now. A seemingly random person who has spoken to nobody, came in with nobody, and lingers just outside of the conversations and festivities. She is taking as much stock as she can, and for someone who has been gone fifty years, this knowledge is important.

She-Hulk has posed:
Being a festival, at least Shulkie isn't late. She's dressed casual in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a giant number four on the front. Upon reaching the edge of the crowded area, she stops to take a deep breath. Sugar and deep fried foods. The air is let out in a happy sigh as she starts through the crowd. Her destination is the food booths first where she gets herself a giant bag of cotton candy. At times she stops to greet people when they ask, allowing for pictures. It's the green thing. The Ranger probably understands. Then she's wandering from area to area. For a moment she pauses at the Strongman test and smirks.

The sound of a cannon firing gets her attention and she turns, heading for the area where the pumpkins are being fired. There is also the manual area but her eyes remain focused on the catapults and cannons for the moment.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye shrugs and tucks away his arrow. "Suit yourself," he says to Goblin-Girl and letting her go off to explore the maze. He turns to their fans and gives them an apologetic shrug before slipping off to let one of the volunteers take over for him to let him rove around the faire himself.

     It doesn't take long for him to head over to the shooting both and grin at Nat. "So, is it cheating if I play, or what?" he jokes as he moves to lean next to the booth rather than shoot a smile on his lips. "How goes the night?" he asks his partner in SHIELD sanctioned crime before his eyes widen and he gives Nat a nudge. "Hey, is that the boss?" he asks her nodding to where Kenan is talking to Fury.

Captain America has posed:
    Captain America turns his head as Faora descends down into the crowd. He has not met her before, but he has heard about her. He heads over towards the Kryptonian and offers his hand with a smile. "Thank you for coming to the Fair. I am Captain America although you probably could have guessed that." Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Nick Fury hanging back. When he gets a chance, he offers a nod in the Director's direction, but lets the man be the spy he is.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Thor is one of my closest friends. Good people. He gets me into a little bit of trouble, and he does tend to drink up." he smiles for a little girl on Valinor's back. He... is really going to need to saddle soap these saddles. Yuck.
    "Uhn, the adult libations at my house." There we go. That is the safe way to put it in front of the kiddies. "But I say too much. His heart is always in the right lace, and it is good he wields such power, as he is a being who uses it for the betterment of all."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It would be cheating if either one of us tried that booth," Natasha says with an unladylike snort. "Might be fun to have some bets going to see which of us would win though. You with arrows, me with bullets. But I'd wwant to use my own guns. Probably not a good idea," she adds as she shakes her head, laughing softly.

At the question about the boss, she turns to look in that direction. "That is the question, isn't it? He's been there playing hide and seek for a while now. He either wants to make sure there's no trouble. Or he wants to make sure we aren't screwing up." Then she grins. "Or he's been possessed by a body snatcher and showed up to actually have some fun." Cause, body snatchers would have to be involved.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman pauses quietly, watching as Captain America approaches, bowing her head once he introduces himself. "Superwoman." she replies. "You are the soldier." she notes, "Yes, I recall. I've read much about you." Unlike the other Kryptonians, Faora's English has an odd accent to it- it sounds vaguely European to the untrained ear. To the trained ear? Its not of this Earth. "What is the purpose of this.." She pauses a moment. "Fair. I thought this word meant something was equitable." Her eyebrows knit together slightly.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan spots Faora and heads over to join her and Captain America, "Greetings Superwoman, I recall our meeting. I hve gained more control over my powers when last we met, and have come to SHIELD to help further my training." He says to Steve, "Sometime soon, I need to work with you. With most people, I am overly cautious about using my powers lest I harm them. Your ability to face superior foes is legendary, I would be less uncomfortable against you and would be reasonably certain that I would not harm you accidentally."

Green Ranger has posed:
Moving around the area of course he smiles behind his helmet. With so many heroes here and high powered ones, The Green Ranger also Noted the Arrival of Superwoman as the Green Ranger still close to Captain America says. "It's one of the many terms yes. But in this case a fair means a gathering. A place of Fun, games, and entertainment."

Offering his hand to Superwoman he says. "In this case it is also to meet and interact with the Heroes that help protect the population and the world at large." he explains.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury's eye finds Barton and Nat, and he nods silently. Hearing her words on the wind, Fury regards her cooly. Fury holds up a hand, with three fingers held up. Or it could be all three, Nat.

    The smoke from his cigar lazily moves around his head as he exhales softly. Noting everyone's presence and position, including the Green Ranger, Fury leans against the nearest tree, his arm crossed, cigar hanging out of the left side of his mouth with his back to the tree of course. A purely defensible position.

    Looking at the arrival of Faora, Fury's frown grows deeper, if that was possible. As Steve nods in his direction, Fury returns the nod, and looks satisfied. Rogers can handle it. If there was trouble.

Captain America has posed:
    "Sort of old time festival," Cap says with a nod to Faora. "In olden times, there was a festival after the harvest. While we are in the city here, I hoped to bring a bit of fun and the harvest to the people." He offers a smile as he lets Green Ranger speak to Faora and moves off to greet She Hulk who just arrived as well. "Thank you for coming to the fair. Don't show up the strong man too much," he says with a laugh.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Clint snorts in return. "Yeah, that would lead to bad things," he says of them facing off in target shooting, using their real weapons. He clicks a button on the bow to fold it up and put it away.

    Belatedly he notices Superwoman's arrival and remarks, "Fliers, always cheating," he says about showing off.

     Fury's response gets a laugh. "Well, I guess that's the real deal if he's hearing us from this far," he says waggling his fingers in a wave to the one-eyed spy. "Though I was sort of hoping on three, we could have taken some video for the folks back at the office before we took him down. Fury bobbing for apples, Fury lost in the maze, great times."

She-Hulk has posed:
Hearing Cap, Shulkie turns to look at him and gives a big smile. "I thought it would be rude. Figured I'd leave him doing his thing. But it's tempting to see if I an outshoot one of the cannons," she admits as she tkeas out a big handful of pink confectionary goodness. She starts to take a bite then realizes she's being rude and holds the bag in Cap's direction. "Want some?" At least she didn't offer what was on her hand. And people say she doesn't have manners. Well, not to her face.

Buttercup has posed:
"I mean, you could say more," Buttercup giggles, "But, yea, I get it. I'm Buttercup," she offers up her most recently assumed Earth name, "It was good to meet you. And these beautiful boys," meaning the horses. "Oh, hold up," she remembers to draw her phone from one side of her kangaroo pocket, turning her back to the display to get a selfie with the horses and the Black Knight artfully framed behind her shoulder.

Captain America has posed:
    Captain America nods to Kenan. "Sure thing. We can set up some sparing sessions. Can't really learn just what you can do without a challenge." He holds up a hand to the cotton candy from Jennifer. "No thanks," he says with a laugh. "The sugar would keep me awake all night. Now Hawkeye has been manning the pumpkins. Think you can beat his bow with your right arm?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"No one at the office would believe it. They'd have the video down in the lab testing to see if we tampered with it," Natasha says, glancing back at the goings on and waving to a few kids as they rush by to the fairway games. "I mean Fury having fun? They'd have the hunters in doing an exorcism, throwing holy water on him." Suddenly she laughs, unable to stop herself at the image of the Winchesters trying to force out something that possessed Fury. And what she imagines Fury's reaction would be. "Yeah, I'd pay good money for that one to happen. Maybe we should hint at it to the brothers," she ssys.

She's well aware Fury is hearing every word of what she's plotting.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan boes to Cap, "It will be my pleasure whenever it is mutually convenient." Kenan is more familisar with Superman's friends than most others so he asks Jennifer, "Pardon, would you happen to be a Martian?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman straightens as Kenan approaches, taking a slow breath. She nods her head to the Chinese "Superman". "Perhaps." she states simply. "I have a very busy schedule. I can take very little time to train others in the proper application of force." she says simply. She looks then to the Green Ranger, then to his hand. She regards it for a moment before bowing her head again. Her gloved hands remain at her side. "Likewise. You are well met, and thank you for the explanation." she says, again regarding Steve in the same further bow of her head.

    Nick Fury is right to be concerned with Superwoman's appearance. She is very much unlike the other Kryptonians on this planet. She will, and has, killed in the pursuit of justice- although, the situations are few and far between and typically rather extreme in nature. Always when the lives of innocents were on the line and a quick kill was the most expedient way to save the maximum number of lives. The kind of decision one would expect from a soldier born and raised. Indeed, her military mien is all too obvious to those familiar with that kind of life. She's straight backed. Shoulders back. At attention. How she watches everything- its like she's expecting an explosion at any time. How she stands- tactically sound. She's slowly moved herself to a position to give herself at least half a dozen escape routes- not including those straight up. Furthermore, she's positioned herself so she can watch anyone she considers an obvious threat. They are all to her front. All things someone of military training might notice.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    More heroes showing up. This doesn't necessarily make Caroline uncomfortable as much as it makes her figure that if anything were to happen, it'd be handled- and quick. As such, once she's made a tour of the various booths, she begins to make her way out- slipping through the crowd with a somewhat practiced grace, and towards the edge, she breaches it... And finds herself directly in front of a particular spy.

    Being face to face with Caroline is nothing that anyone probably wants to be. To be looking into the glowing eyes of someone whose presence is likely to put out Fury's cigar, is certain to be disconcerting to most. She doesn't say anything, either- but her appearance is certain to be... Memorable, if nothing else. After a moment, she moves to walk past, but she will be there a short while- if Fury feels something is really worth his attention.

She-Hulk has posed:
"Robin Hood? If we're going for accuracy, I gotta say he'll win," Shulkie admits as she takes a bite of cotton candy. She lets it melt on her tongue and swallows before she talks again. Manners! Her parents would be so proud. "If we were going for distance, I'd wipe the floor with him." Then she hears the question from Kenan and bursts out laughing before she can stop herself. "No, not a Martian. Just cause I'm green doesn't mean I'm a frog either," she adds with a playful wink. "Just got a little too much gamma in my system and voila! You get the Sensational She-Hulk!" She'd strike a pose but with a handful of cotton candy, it just wouldn't be as effective.

Green Ranger has posed:
When Faora doesn't take his hand but instead bows, he will lower his hand and bow in return. One of respect, "I hope you enjoy your self."

She-hulk of course also draw the Ranger's attention as he says. "I see someone else who looks good in green is here as well." With that visor of his it's impossible to tell where his eyes are but he is actually looking at She-hulk's face and asks. "She-hulk correct? Pleasure to meet you." Of course the voice of Kenan catches his attention as his head turns ever so slightly in Kenan's direction. Not really enough to be noticible by most.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     "Good point," Clint says arms crossing over his chest as he nods. "Maybe we'd have to capture the imposter, y'know, as physical evidence?" he suggests in deadpan before his resolve breaks and he snickers at the thought. "They'd better hope he was possessed if they're throwing holy water at him, they'd have better luck with a demon." When Nat suggest they tell the brothers about that, he smiles. "If we do that and he has the disappeared, can I have their car?"

    He pauses then to wave to a few kids, and even signs to one he spots having signed to their parents.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel finally descends from the skies, having conducted her feat of aerobatics to entertain the crowds, the streaks tracing her trajectory fading away slowly, as the glow about her dims as she lands by Nick Fury, "I trust you're not here to ruin some of our Avengers' fun with your visit, Colonel?" She then notes the Green Ranger, and waves at him, she still had that question she had to ask him.

Witchblade has posed:
    An NYPD detective manages to walk her way into Manhattan as well. Sara Pezzini tilts her head as she looks over the gathering that has gathered in Central park. She doesn't feel the need to flash her badge....and she hopes she doesn't have to.

Captain America has posed:
    It is approaching evening with the sun setting behind the tall Manhatten buildings. It is a crisp, cool day for October. A light chill, but nothing to bundle yourself up about. Captain America grins as a bunch of little kids crowd around She Hulk posing with cotton candy. They are all cheering "Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" even if they know it is She Hulk. Cap keeps moving through the park, talking with families, smiling, shaking hands, and being the host of the party for what it is.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury regards Barton and Romanova with a slight smile, partially hidden by the cigar smoke. Fun was not something the Director of SHIELD got to endulge in very often. As it was, this was as close as he could get. Fury also knows it was lonely at the top, and he didn't want to prevent his Agents from having fun either. That was another reason for staying in the background. Here to be a part of the revelry, but enough back that the team could enjoy themselves without feeling constricted by the Director. Not that that would stop him from listening in to all the tasty tidbits people revealed when letting their shields down.

    Slowly standing up straight and removing his cigar from his mouth, Fury exhales, and turns his eye on Carol with a neutral expression. "Captain Danvers." Fury says, nodding in her direction. "It's General. Or Director. Either or." Nick looks back at the crowd, then back at the Captain again. "I would never interrupt their having any fun. Which is why I am over her. As a chaperone." Was that a slight smile?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"No," Natasha says flatly. "You weren't even alive when that car came off the line. For that reason alone, you don't get it." Which means it could go to a handful of people he knows. And since she's arguing, it's pretty easy to figure out Natasha would take the car. It certainly didn't fit Cap. Well, maybe it did. Didn't matter. She liked it and if the boys were to disappear, she'd add it to her garage.

Her own hearing is good enough she hears the 'chaperone' bit from Fury and she bursts out laughing before she can stop herself.

She-Hulk has posed:
As the kids gather, Shulkie gives the Green Ranger an apologetic smile. "Just a sec." Then she takes the time to greet each and every one of the kids. Her cotton candy is set aside and the kids, with their parents permission, are lifted way up in the air and spun around a few times before putting their feet back on the ground. Only when she's cycled through the little crowd does she turn back to the Ranger. "I don't look good in green. I look amazing," she says boldly, somehow not coming across arrogant with that since there is a joking tone to her voice. She offers her hand for a shake. "Yeah, but my friends call me Shulkie. Green Ranger, right? I heard one of the kids say it."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says, "Hulk...I have heard of Hulk. Very Strong yes? Perhaps we should arm wrestle? I am very strong when I wish to be." He likes to test his limits against others by using similar powers. Actually he sometimes loses to a specialist in their field. It is, however, good practice. He Glances at the Green Ranger, but does not recognize him. He really has to broaden his studies to more than superman's acquaintances if he is going to stay here.

Green Ranger has posed:
As the Green Ranger spots Captain Marvel waving to him he says to She-hulk, "Yes you do She-hulk! If you will excuse me, I have to thank someone for their help earlier in the month."

As he notes Captain Marvel he offers a Wave to her needing to thank her for helping Defeat King Sphinx at the Basin. And begins to make his way over to the direction of Captain Marvel and the man she is talking to. Slowly he approaches Marvel and says, "I wanted to thank you for your help with King Sphinx when Goldar and Scorpina attacked the Docks." He says offering his hand to hers. He's not entirely aware of who she is next to. But already figures that he much be important. His visor turns to Fury almost contemplating him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     "So, a lot of cool cars were made before I was born, so that means I can't have them?" Hawkeye asks playing the game, before he too starts laughing at the chaperone thing.

    He looks to Nat. "I feel safer now, don't you?" he asks her.

Witchblade has posed:
    Sara actually cuts her way through the smaller crowd.....and walks over towards Nick Fury. "Colonel Fury.....everything going okay here?" She says to the good side of Nick. "If Nick has been able to keep up with NYPD, he'd recognize Detective Pezzini.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Sorry General, and it is Colonel or Director here is well," Carol retorts with a wink, "though I do go by Captain Marvel. But you, General? You can address me as Carol whenever you like," she laughs it off, before walking away towards the Green Ranger, pleased that Nick wasn't here to usher Widow or Hawkeye away on some dark ops mission.

"You did your share in that encounter," Captain Marvel offers to the Green Ranger when he thanks her, "I don't know who King Sphinx, Goldar and Scorpina were, but to be fair, judging by their shoddy plan of attack they didn't know a thing about me either." She extends her hand towards Green Lantern, "this Zor-don guy, think you can arrange a meeting between us?"

Magneto has posed:
    In the cool Manhatten air, an older man wanders into the park, with his grey eyes looking upwards to the few clouds resting in the purple and orange sky. The man has a black suit with charcol accents, with a few deep red pieces, such as his pocket square and the lining of the custom coat he wears. There's a thick over coat worn above all, helping him fight the elements along with a pair of shiny leather gloves.

    Erik steps through the park with a smile on his face as he passes a woman walking her small pug, the thing yaps at him a few times causing the master of magnetism to chuckle at the futile creature with a wave to the woman as he passes down the path.

Captain America has posed:
    Cap moves towards the food station and gets a glass of soft cider. He moves back towards Faora standing on the outside looking in. He offers her the glass. "At ease, soldier," he says with a calm voice and a friendly tone. "Enjoy yourself a little." He turns and looks back over the gathering. Kids cheering She Hulk tossing them up. Playing with the horses. A few cries of delighted terror from the corn maze. Pumpkins flying. Costumed kids and adults everywhere. THere is a band playing music that could be country with a kick as it is more rock, but with a few country sensiblities. Cap just smiles watching it all. It is good to see the team relax. Good to see the people of New York having fun without having to hide from Parademons or rampaging robots.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury watches as he spots Ramsey. Nodding, his eyes giving her direction, it was simply a watch and be ready signal, just in case.

    As Pezzini approaches, Fury nods, and says, "Yes, Detective Pezzini. Everything is well in hand I think. Having you here, as well as others..." His eyes find Ramsey again, "...is sure to keep this a safe event. I thought I would drop in, and see what all the commotion was about." His voice was even, cool, and relaxed. As relaxed as he could make it. Mostly to ensure no one gets his appearance to mean that bad stuff was going down.

    "Carol it is Colonel." Nick says, that shadow of his smile visible again. "So many titles and names." Fury shakes his head, and watches as she moves on to talk to the Green Ranger.


She-Hulk has posed:
Shulkie giggles and shakes her head at the offer of arm wrestling from Kenan. "Think I'll pass. Tonight's all about fun. Last time I agreed to arm wrestle someone, I was stuck at the table for two hours cause everyone else thought they could do better. I just wanna eat a lot of fattening foods and maybe go get lost in the corn maze later. Maybe some other time," she suggests with that same easy smile.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora's eyebrows knit together as Kenan suggests to arm wrestle with She-Hulk. She mumbles to herself in Kryptonian. "By Rao, he's like a drunken puppy." shaking her head, "Why Superman allows himself to be called the same, I'll never know." she says and takes a very slow breath- as she shakes her head, and crosses her arms across her chest. A standard 'closed off' kind of posture. Still watching. Still quiet. She's not the most social woman in the world, that's for certain. If anything, this kind of carefree social situation makes her more nervous and anxious than a pitched battle. She just can't get comfortable.

    However, she's got a very good poker face.

    A child then approaches Superwoman, standing with a stuffed turtle. She pauses not far off- not speaking. Superwoman, of course, notices the approach. For a long moment there is silence between the pair before the child- who's perhaps five or six- rushes forward and throws a hug around Superwoman's waist.
    Faora , at first, seems wholly uncertain what to do with the child. Just standing there with shocked confusion.

     Faora looks then to Captain America. "I don't know how you do it." she states plainly, putting a quiet hand on the child's head. Returning the embrace as best she can- stiffly and uncomfortably. She takes then the glass. An experimental sniff. " Apples. Slightly fermented. The alcohol has been removed or somehow retarded. Likely heat treated. Spices." She takes a sip, nodding quietly. "How can you relax knowing how delicate these people are? Knowing how close to annihilation they could be at any moment?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I wonder if he's going to keep people from dancing too close together and kissing too," Natashs quips as she continues to greet the few kids or people who come up but mainly she watches the crowd.

Clint will be able to pick up on the change in her as her eyes alight upon the newcomer. The gentleman is dressed in a nice suit but the ruler of Genosha is hard to miss for those who would know such things. Most people wouldn't be able to pick up the change but a few would. She is certain he isn't there for trouble, for despite his reputation and past, he is now a ruler of a country so she suspects he is there to promote good will just as the Avengers are doing.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline gave a raise of her brow. Fury is, to her, someone completely random. An entity she's never known nor met. That he's able to glean enough about her to offer any sort of signal is... Strange. As such, she stops moving- stops leaving.

    History books tell of the story of Caroline Ramsey, a Gotham detective in the sixties- there are pictures, too, but in order to recognize any of that, you'd probably have to be... A very, very avid reader. Or be from the sixties. She isn't much more than a footnote, some sort of quirky fact that isn't anything more than Wikipedia-bait for the easily amused, or chronic-researching. One of, if not THE first female detective in Gotham, but her story ends somewhat abruptly.

    The person staring Fury down appears to be something approaching a ghost, perhaps. Or just someone that looks really, really familiar depending on what high-school research papers one might have done.

Green Ranger has posed:
As the Ranger says "I'll speak with Zordon about it. I'm sure he would be willing to speak with you. I'm sure he'll be in touch with you if he doesn't already know." And he notices someone messing with the dagger on his hip and instantly his hand snatches down to a young boy as the Ranger seems tense about it being touched. The Child is a bit frightened at the reaction but the ranger's hand is soft as he says.

"That's dangerous you shouldn't touch it." he says softly and the young boy asks why he's carrying a knife when he's a hero and why it has such a funny shape.

The Green Ranger gets down on one knee Drawing the blade to let the child look at it while he holds it. "The monsters I fight are not living creatures they are composed of rock and stone made to move with magic. The Dragon Dagger allows me to damage them easier. As for why it looks funny."

The Ranger brings it to his mouth plate, and then instantly sharp clear tones erupt from it almost like a Trumpet or flute. And it makes the Child go wide eyed. Anyone sensitive to magic... might sense the power the dragon dagger holds.

Captain America has posed:
    "Because," Cap says turning to look at Faora, "it wasn't that long ago that I was weaker than that kid." He smiles as the kid hugs Superwoman. "When you are weak like that, and you still face this world, with all its dangers and trails, that is bravery." He smiles a bit wider and shakes his head. "I look at these people in utter awe. I am proud to stand with them and for them." He looks over his teammates and then back to Faora. "This is what makes it all worth while."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is a bit dissappointed, "I do like to test my powers when lives are not on the line...the better to be able to use them safely wen they are." Kenan has matured a lot, and not just in terms of power growth, since he became Chaoren, the Chinese Super-Man. He knows he dod not show that well when he last met Faora, for example.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Who wants to hear some stories...?" Captain Marvel offers to a group of kids, and if there are any takers, she'll take them aside to regale them with some flashy tales from her times with the Guardians in space. Don't worry though, she'll keep it all PG.

Witchblade has posed:
    "that's part of the reason why I'm here, Colonel." Sara says softly before looking about. "Your costumed people are pretty good. They're almost real." She says looking directly at She-hulk.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
     Hawkeye chuckles, "So he's going around saying leave room for Phil?" he asks about too close dancing thing. Yeah, the saying is leave room for Jesus, but Phil came back from the dead too, so why discriminate? "And speaking of kissing, how's the boyfriend?" he asks. "Surprised he didn't show up to liven up the party."

     He follows Nat's gaze to a new baddie. "Wow, talk about livening up the party," he says before shooting a glance to Fury and to Cap to see if they've noticed the new arrival as well.

Superwoman has posed:
    "I see." Faora states. "You would get along well with Kal. He speaks much the same. I suspect you and he represent much the same to these people: Hope." she looks quietly over to Steve then, another sip of the cider. "Thank you for the apple drink." she mentions, as if remembering her manners. "However, I protect these people for different and wholly selfish reasons." she states. "I have no choice in defending the people of this planet. I must."

Nick Fury has posed:
    As the attention moves away from where Fury was located, and the revelries move on, Fury notes Magento's arrival, and thinks this may be a good time to get deeper into the shadows and watch things closer. Without the attention that moving from the deep shadows had aimed in his direction. Now was the time for stealth, and with that, Fury fades from view, his presence only detectable by the best.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik's walk through the park takes him on a path towards the crowd of avengers and decides that's not something he wants to deal with today. Taking a slow but wide berth, Erik lowers his chin, bringing the brim of his cap down over his eyes as he marches slowly through the group of people to get to the other side of the crowd and continue on his unambiguous way.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"He's on a job tonight," Natasha says in response to Clint's question. "So he had to pass it up, much as he'd like to be here. Figured it was more a work thing for me anyway so probably for the best. We do have plans for a Halloween party later this week though." The horror is she's actually agreed to dress up. "Although, I need to scoot. Got a couple of things to do myself before it gets too late." She nudges Clint in the arm. "We should all get together sometime so you can get to know him. Once you get past the fascade, he's a good guy." Then she pushes off from the booth they are leaning against to start heading away from the fair.

Captain America has posed:
    "Not me," Captain America says with a shake of his head. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn that hates bullies." He slips the shield off his back. "This represents hope." He nods at the thanks. "You're welcome." He goes back to looking over the crowd. "Now the costumes the kids are wearing is a completely different tradition from the harvest if I remember. I want to say it is fighten away the evil spirits, but I could be wrong." He watches the older man moving along the edge of the crowd with his head down, but Cap doesn't do anything but know he is there.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    With Fury gone, nobody is holding Caroline's attention. As a result, she begins to move off towards the woods. Caroline is... Eerie difficult to follow, though she won't be difficult to find later on, as the unsettling woman slips off into the dark of the night.

Superwoman has posed:
    "And I'm one of four surviving members of a once proud species and the only one among them that isn't a scientist." Faora states, "I represent all that is left of a once great people's military traditions and history. I am, on the genetic level, a soldier. I have never known any other life." she says with a quiet finality. "The people I was bred to protect are gone, and those who remain do not need my protection. I have Earth, and humanity. Earth, a woefully illogical planet filled with disparate governments and petty squabbling over inane things such as borders, political ideologies, genetics, and the nature of science versus the spirit." She takes a slow breath.

    "I will never understand Earthlings or Humans. Still, I will protect them. Even from themselves, if I must."

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup is still sort of hanging out, having gotten her picture with the ponies, waiting to see whether the Prince will turn up or not. She's not much of one to get involved with the local superheroing, but she thought she might come annoy him or something. Instead it's people-watching, mostly kid-watching, but also watching the older people in the crowd during these darkening days. The gent hiding his eyes garners attention in trying to keep away from the bulk of the celebrations. The pug which had yelped at him pitches in the opposite direction, in turn, to try to lunge at her, catching her somewhat by surprise and making her produce a short holler, herself, jumping off of the path. HEr hands tuck back into her kangaroo pockets and she preens slightly in collecting herself.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik continues to walk silently through the crowd, cautious about meeting anyone's eyes but he does look up and meets the eyes of a blue eyed blonde haired avenger, and Erik freezes mid step. For just a moment as a certain knowing glance is traded between the two old timers. Erik casually lowers his brim again with a shift of his head and starts to walk away and tries to slip into the crowd of pleebs and peons.

Captain America has posed:
    "I get that," Cap says with a nod to Faora and a quiet tone. "And I will sleep better knowing you fight fo Earth and her people." He offers another smile before making eye contact with the older man. He holds the look for a moment before nodding his head and watching him disappear into the crowd.

Superwoman has posed:
    "A lot of people say that." Superwoman states. "You, at least, seem to mean it.That, or you're a sublimely qualified liar." she remarks as she finishes her cider. "I appreciate the sentiment, all the same." she takes another slow, quiet breath. Drawing deeply as she watches the exchange between Magneto and Steve. "You know him." It was not a question.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan weanders around trying various things, but true to his orders, he has his powers active and keeps them focused into Super Hearing and Penetrating Vision. If anyone has weapons, he will soon find out. If someone is angry enough to attack, he will hear it in their voiceand their heartbeat. He in not going to cause trouble, but if soimeone else does, he will be ready.

Buttercup has posed:
Plebs and peons are Biejje's //people//. In there among them, hands tucked into pockets, hips shifted to one side, she keeps an eye aside to the fellow with the disapearing hat-eyes, then grins as he slips on into the crowd with her, just sort of keeping her position and then falling in somewhat nearby him when he gets close enough for her to attach. "You know Captain America?" she offers up, having noted their long eye contact, and having garnered from it-- well. Who knows what she garnered from it, except presumably the passing familiarity about which she's asking. "That's pretty neat."

Green Ranger has posed:
Green Ranger slowly standing up from his positon and the impromptu Performance with his Flute The green ranger turns to look in the direction of Kenan, and while his suit and armor protect him some. The vision gives Kenan a brief possible glimpse of the Green Ranger's true identity, but it is distorted shifted through the armor and outfit. But there was something familure. to him. Something Kenan might have seen before.

Captain America has posed:
    "Never was any good at lying." Cap lets Erik disappear into the crowd letting his gaze move off to the rest of the crowd. "From a long time ago," he nods. "Although probably longer for him than for me."

Magneto has posed:
    Erik looks a little surprised at the woman talking to him directly. "I know of him. Yes." Erik responds calmly, glancing towards the blonde Adonis but turning his attention back towards Biejje and smiling sweetly. "I wouldn't say he's my friend or anythign like that." Magnus notes aloud, but continuing to walk away from the huddle of avengers lest they decide to try and beat him up tonight.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Believe it or not, I can empathize with that." Faora states. "I spent four and a half decades in a place where time had no meaning." she states. "Although, I'm sure, for vastly different reasons." she mentions off hand. "You are a curious man, Captain America." she continues. "I understand why Kal- Superman- Fights for humanity. This is his home. He was raised by good people, human people. He is... special like that. He follows in his father's footsteps, though, and by that I mean his biological father. It was decided for him before he arrived, even if he isn't fully aware of it. It is in his nature to behave as he behaves. It is the nature of the House of El." she says, "But you-" she turns to fully look at Steve. "You are human. Very rare among your species are those who'd so willingly give for so long and give so much without any selfish intent. You are not genetically groomed to your position, as I am. No human being is born a soldier or a scientist."

Buttercup has posed:
"Oh," Buttercup smiles, a little subdued shudder of the diaphragm making the monosyllable warble into a kind of laugh, "I thought your eyebeams were lingering or something," she goes on, happy enough to trundle through the crowd with Erik and have words. "You OK?" she asks him, marking his intent to beat feet. "You should really stop and grab a funnel cake, if you haven't, yet. They're //pretty// good, and what's a fair without fair nosh?" she asks, rhetorically.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Soo Kae's decided to show up like a half-dragon straight out of DND, she's well wearing her construct suit as it were, having made it as small as she can at a rather startling 7 feet tall overall.. That's including the backsweapt horns... still she's wearing what appears to be scale maile, this being silver or maybe even mythril primarily to go with the hematite color of the scales of her 'suit'. She's got a helmet on as well, and on her hip is a large book with arcane symbols and next to that an item that resembles a Holy Symbol of Mystara, yup straight out of a book. On her back is what appears to be a bow and a quiver of arrows, and on her hips are a pair of war hammers... Not to mention a number of pouches and the like. Near her are the three girls that help out in the shop, all dressed as other folks out of DND, one dressed as a fighter, another as a ranger, and the third as a warlock... Kae glances around and mutters to the girls, one whom -appears- to be a halfling another appearng to he an elf, and the girl looking like a fighter looks like a half orc... "DND? Really? And I had to be what a Draconian?" Wendy then pokes Kae... "Noo Half Dragon!" Kae's tail twitches and her wings unfold like a cloak briefly before she puts them back. "And I needed to go as a Cleric of Mystarra with the dragon suit on?" The girls, all three nod and grin in unison. "Bout time you get real use out of it!" Kae then sighs and rubs the bridge of her muzzle, muttering "Well first time someone screams bloody murder I'm sooooo getting out of this thing..." She gets a pout from all three girls and sighs... Wendy her apprentice then points out. "It looks awesome!!!!"

Magneto has posed:
    "I'm pretty sure it's still a fair my dear." Erik says with that polite tone he's mastered over several years of refinement.

    "I am quite alright." He responds before looking up towards the darkening sky. "I just wish to get home before the cold really hits and my old bones rattle apart." Erik says, giving Buttercup a sweet smile as he continues to walk slowly through the fair.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin is eating the funnel cakes, buying what he could. He makes his way over to Captain America and watches as he talks to the woman. He then looks to Magneto and raises a finger. "Your Magneto! the ruler of Genosha." He says as he watches the man. "What brings you to America?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan sees Kaelyn and waves, he remembers the dragon armor. He hears the name Magneto mentioned and recalls the name, it is known (and generally feared) even in China. He observes Erik, but is not going to START trouble.

Captain America has posed:
    "No they are not although I have met some that feel they were born to be soldiers." Captain America returns the look at Faora. "I have been called rare before. I just don't see it," he chuckles. "I do my job. That isn't any different than the policeman or the firefighter. They serve and protect. They rush into burning buildings. I just happen to get more glory for it."

Superwoman has posed:
    "And they are unique as well. Most do not willingly run towards danger among your species. Not even among my species." Faora notes, "We began genetically engineering the Kryptonian genome to specifically guide specific families and houses towards that very thing. Choice is a factor, of course, but there is something to be said for the wholesale genetic modification of one's population to ensure the proper quantities of people fill all desired and required roles. As I mentioned- I am a soldier, for instance. I've never had to overcome the same fear of running into a dangerous situation as most humans would. I maintain the same desire to survive, though. Some would say the best of both worlds." Others would say a sure fire way to ensure PTSD. Anyone who saw Faora fight the minions of Darkseid and Intergang would know full well what she is capable of when she feels threatened.

Green Ranger has posed:
Sadly as time wears on The Green Ranger has his communicator go off and speaking to someone he calls Alpha on the other end, he is being called away to investigate a disturbance. And placing his hands on his hips he will shimmer in a flash of green light teleporting away.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae and the girls are now in full mingle mode her path carrying her to the group near the feared Magneto and all... As they get closer Tina and Tanya, the figher and the warlock skip off to go grab them selves a funnel cake. Meanwhile Wendy stays close by as their path now brings them within a few yards of Magneto and company perhaps? Kae's not over knowledgeable on various people, so she just looks around curiously, eyes sweeping across some of the more famous folks briefly, before suddenly Wendy is dragging Kae in the direction of the Captain the curvy redhead, now turned curvy half-dragon construct in scale maille outfit stumbles behind the exhuberant apprentice "Jeeze hey, I'm not used to moving in this thing!" She says wings flaring just slightly and tail lashing some as she tries to maintain her balance.

On her way by Kae notes Kenan and offers a toothy and apologetic smile as she mouths "Sooo wasn't my idea!"

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup slows down, just a hair, disengaging from that spot near Erik's as he seems well-- and well on the way out, "Alright, well-- home safe," she wishes him, and, with a jaunty flutter of a wave, she parts ways and heads, muh-- over there.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan actually has a few people ask him who he is supposed to be dressed as. He is not exactly well known in the USA. Perhaps that will change...but he has realized fame is not the point of his abilities.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman pauses quietly, looks up. "You must excuse me." she states simply to no one in particular- and she's off like a shot. BOOM! A sonic boom in the distance. She's going somewhere, and she's going somewhere fast.