2860/SHIELD Urban Conflict Firearms Training Scenario
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SHIELD Urban Conflict Firearms Training Scenario | |
Date of Scene: | 16 October 2017 |
Location: | New York |
Synopsis: | SHIELD senior agents run the newest batch through a training course. |
Cast of Characters: | Black Widow (Romanoff), Nick Fury, Quake, Hazmat, Claire Temple, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye (Barton), Melinda May
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The training was scheduled a week ahead of time, allowing for agents to get a few extra hours in at the range before tackling the more difficult practical training scenario. The agents were loaded on the Bus and flown to a location well away from the Triskelion. In took less than an hour to land at the SHIELD base. From there, they were put into an armored transport with no windows. Ten minutes later, the back of the transport opens and the new agents are greeted by Natasha Romanoff in her SHIELD uniform. There is a table set up behind her with body armor as well as firearms with rubber bullets already loaded into the magazines.
"Good afternoon. Please quickly put on your gear and meet me at the rendezvous in five minutes." With that she walks away to let them depart.
Upon exiting the transport, they will find they are in the middle of an urban street that looks like it's a warzone. Overturned cars, a few of which are burning, broken windows on the businesses lining the street. Rubble and broken concrete from some sort of catastrophe. Fallen light poles.
Things are about to get interesting.
- Nick Fury has posed:
The Director of SHIELD, General Nicholas Fury, was not participating in this event. He was supervising. Or better yet, he was evaluating the next generation of SHIELD Agents. He had his best trainers involved, and was eager to see the Trainers put the recruits through their paces. After all, nothing was better than a stressful, tough, painful "hazing" training exercise!
Fury was already present. He hadn't been on the "bus" with the Agents-In-Training, as it would have been detrimental to their development and psyche. After all, Fury had found he could be extremely intimidating to the new recruits.
Fury's location was overseeing the urban environment. And yes, he was chewing on a cigar. This time a Mayan Sicar, one of his pre-Columbian cigars unearthed in Guatemala back in 2012. With a sigh of contentment, Fury taps his earpiece and comms, to let the trainers know he was ready and watching. No voice, just a tap-tap...tap.
- Quake has posed:
Learn to shoot a gun, they said. It will be fun, they said. Actually, what they said was got aboard, and you're doing this.
She's been surlier in her day, but hopping into that armoured truck without windows didn't do much to lighten Skye's mood. Nor did the warzoneesque atmosphere of where they'd been dropped off. The body armour just sealed the deal of how much fun Skye thought this was going to be.
"I have better things I could be doing," she muttered to nobody in particular as she sorted the armour bits out and dutifully put them on.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda gets off the bus, still a bit grumpy from being predictably stared at by a bunch of people on the way here. Just teenage Chernobyl, nothing to see here... Assholes. If she ever /could/ get her powers fixed though, and still needed a job... THis might be it. And she might not always be able to fire radioactive death. At least she doesn't have to worry about trying to figt her helmet through the hole in a normal flak jacket, and she's soon enough suited up and ready. "Was there some sort of 'handguns for dummies' book I was supposed to get issued before I got out here?"
- Claire Temple has posed:
Freshly inducted into the organization -- with help to her assistance in recent events -- now finds Claire Temple off for training. In many ways, all of this is new to the ex-emergency nurse, who knows hard work and long hours like old friends, but is palpably new to this side of life: combat where civilians have no place. In other ways, however, she's old hat: she's no green from the suburbs, and she's grown up and manned the streets in many flavours of Hell. She's spent the last year and change putting her life on the line to give triage to foolhardy vigilantes. She's not a fighter, but she's got a similar edge, and a sturdy heart.
It keeps her frosty on the way over for the most part, keeping somewhat to herself -- perhaps some part of her wary to /fight/ so soon after everything that happened.
When she steps free from the bus, dressed efficiently with her black hair tied back in an inky ponytail, Claire does as told and begins helping herself to armor. It takes some time: first time for her even to /wear/ armor. As for what awaits, she has one wry comment, perhaps to hide her nerves, "Looks a lot like Hell's Kitchen."
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha is standing twenty feet away at the beginning of the street. She hears the question from Jennefer and arches a single eyebrow. "Since it was labeled as firearms training, yes, we had hoped you might have picked up a weapon before today. However, we'll give you the quick course." She walks over and picks up one of the semi-automatic weapons. "This is a gun." She picks up a magazine. "This is a magazine. Call it a clip and you owe me twenty pushups. Do it again, twenty more and all your fellow trainees will be doing them with you. Magazine." She shows the way it is shaped, that then motions to the weapon. "It goes here, facing with the bullets to the front of the gun. Should be pretty self explanatory on that." She slams it home. "Draw back the slide and release quickly." She racks the weapon. "That puts a bullet in the chamber. Now you point it at what you want to shoot and don't point it at what you want to keep alive." She turns the weapon and offers it grip first to Jennifer as she raises her voices to be heard by everyone.
"Our goal is simple. You will travel with me from this end of the street to the building at the far end. We must enter the front door of that building to end the exercise. There will be pop-up targets positioned all throughout the street. When one pops up, it is a bad guy. You shoot the bad guy. Not yourself. Not each other. And by all that's holy, shoot me and I'll make your lives miserable from this point on."
With that she turns and heads for the street, drawing one of her Glocks. "Let's go!" And just like that, she's gone dashing for the cover of a car that is near their beginning point.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda ...Welp. No time like the present. She takes the gun from Nat, looking at the controls. Luckily, most of them are labeled. Let's see... Little button below the trigger that goes red when she pokes it is probably the safety... That one higher up just goes click. That one- She quickly grabs the magazine and shoves it back into place before it can fall out. Does that. Simple enough. Sights... One dot in the front, two dots in the back. Okay.
Natasha starts sprinting, and HazMat takes off after her. There's a 'kachunk' above and two her right, and she brings up the gun and fires. Miss, too high. Okay, better grip, adjust for the recoil... Dead plywood guy. ...How many rounds are in these things again?
- Quake has posed:
Skye can't help a small wince when Jennifer as much as announces she doesn't know the business end of a gun from the grip. Not that she wasn't a rank novice when she'd arrived at SHIELD either. While Natasha lectures on the finer points of novice gun handling, Daisy checks her gun, just like she was taught to, and chambers a bullet. Extra magazines (she even mentally makes certain she calls them that, even if she's pretty sure the Agent isn't a mind reader) placed in appropriate spots on her armour, and Daisy's off to the reaces, so to speak, lowering her body stance as she makes her way to that first objective of the car.
When the first target pops out, she aims, even as another pops out from across the alley. About to shoot, she changes her mind in the split second that she realizes it's not an enemy but a tow-headed girl clutching a teddy bear. A nice and easy call for the first civilian. And by then Jenn's taken out the first plywood guy.
Skye makes it to the car unmolested, hunkering down in its protection.
- Claire Temple has posed:
Strangely enough, and /for some mysterious reason/, Claire Temple picks up and handles a gun like she's done this a few times before. Truth, because even after the Night Nurse runs into the Russian mob enough times, there comes a point you have to pack heat or start making your own funeral arrangements. But even more than that, her deft hands carry the traces that someone -- and rather recently -- has been training her on the side. /One can imagine who./
Still, let it be known ex-nurse Temple is a team player, and listens carefully to Natasha's added instruction. It's plain in her face: she respects the woman and what she has to say. And, just like that, with the exercise beginning without further preamble, Claire moves. She's got years of constant cardio, but she's patently unused to the extra weight of the armor, her pace slightly slowed. But her hands, even despite that, are innately steady: comes with being a street surgeon.
A target pops up, and she's quick on the uptake, firing a rubber bullet before assuming cover.
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Once all the agents are crouched behind the car, Natasha peeks carefully around as though the pop up targets might actually be getting the drop on them if they aren't careful. There is no levity, no humor. She's all business as she moves to the front of the car. A quick dash and she's behind a big blue mailbox that somehow has survived the devastation. More targets pop up and she never fires. That's the job for the trainees, she is simply here to guide them.
Taking note of the three and the targets they have managed to take out, she gives another not and steps out of cover to rush for the opposite side of the steet.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
The moment Natasha steps out of cover, a CRACK shatters the air. It's nowhere near the booming report that one would get from a proper sniper rifle firing live rounds, but it's still loud enough, and there's a lag of only a few milliseconds before a nonlethal round slams into her, center mass, leaving behind a splotch of red paint.
Now, Bucky Barnes has strange notions when it comes to 'taking pity on trainees.' If asked, he would explain that the reason he used the highest safe caliber of rubber bullet he could, rather than screwing around with just a .22, was in order to produce an intimidating enough sound to simulate live combat -- and also, to teach the trainees how to track and dodge the trajectory of incoming sniper fire.
Or he might just be a sadist. Either is possible.
The shot itself seems to have originated from a high tower overlooking the street they start on, about five hundred yards ahead.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda pops up again and pops off a few shots, managing to take out another two targets, and then the sniper fire splits the air, and the teen dives for cover again. "SHIT!" Hey, Cap's not around to tell her not to, and her trainer just got taken out. Right now, her reflex is to go out death-beams blazing. Buuuuut... Then Nat would probably make her run laps or something, and she has the disadvantage of having to breathe through filters. "We need cover! Smoke or something!"
- Nick Fury has posed:
Fury watches as the events unfold around him. His eyes scan the terrain and watches as each individual tears into the course. It was a challenge to say the least! "I love this!" Fury says, as he examines the skills and abilities of each potential Agent. It was the perfect opportunity to evaluate each person for Field Agent status, the most grueling training for any Agent of the World!
Navy Seals, MI5, 6, Mossad, Spetsnaz, Canadian Special Forces...many failed this training. And now, Agent Romanova was putting the new crop through their paces!
This training was meant to determine how the Agent dealt with adversity. Impossible odds! Teamwork. Hazing was a small part of it. It was the challenge! That was what they were testing.
Fury's eyes move onto Takeda. Strong Confident. Nice shooting. Not a bad start. Control, and strength of will would suit her. Johnson. Hmmmm. Nice instincts. "Hmmm. Owe someone $50 for that..." Moving on to Temple. "C'mon Claire. Make Hill proud. We owe you that much...nice shot! Dead centre. Not bad for a medic!"
"Now comes the Kobayashi Maru sceneario...challenges become tough." The crack of the shot from Winter Soldier announced the next part of the training.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles from where he's sitting as Bucky takes Nat down. << Good shot, MAD >> Yes, he's using Darcy's name for Buck. He steps out of cover a few meters ahead of the recruits, and launches a rubber tipped arrow. It clatters off a car next to Claire then the archer is gone. Warning shot. Welcome to the party, all of that. Clint is a bit of a softy when it comes to hazing, in the real deal, nobody'd see it coming.
- Quake has posed:
She's all about ready to relax into the pace of the scenario when the stakes change. Someone, or something, is now shooting at them for real. Or as real as she can imagine. Screw the popups, that was a shot fired back, and until she knows otherwise, Daisy has no intention of considering it an accident. Especially as Jenn is not only accounted for, but is aiming her gun the right way.
"You want smoke, we need to work with what we have. And what we have is this car here," Skye informs the other girl. Not that there aren't ways to rig up something approximate one. "Check the trunk. I got the seats. Stay down, and don't get hit."
Of course Natasha is over there. Worst comes to worse, they give one another covering fire. That's doable.
- Claire Temple has posed:
It's that crack-sound of the sniper shot to dunk Claire into the moment, and really make the training exercise feel /real/. She tenses up, going briefly stiff against that loud report of the rifle, her eyes blinking rapidly to focus them. Her hands sweat to hold her firearm, and for a moment, recent memory wants to surface up at the worst time. Sounds of gunshots: everywhere.
No time for that nonsense, Claire thinks, breathing deeply and pushing it all back where it's safely kept -- ignored -- and jumping all the more when something else ricochets abruptly off the car. It's sure not a bullet --
"Cono carajo! Was that a damn /arrow/?" she sputters breathlessly, before shaking herself out of it. She's seen /weirder things./
As Natasha wears red paint though, she's become Claire's prime objective, because even in a training exercise that crap's gotta hurt. She pops out of cover only to try another target, though her eyes are matching the direction of the paint up to that tower. "Up there. Diversion, ladies, is definitely welcome."
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The impact to the center of her chest sent Natasha falling backwards onto the ground. The red paint from the 'bullet' stains her chest, right over the heart. She lays there, one hand on her midriff. The right one still holds her gun but it is next to her side. She didn't let go of it. A string of Russian words comes out of her mouth and by the tone, Captain America wouldn't be happy with her either. She's swearing roundly as she brings that up from her midrif to her chest. "Okay, that hurt. A lot."
She raises her voice but she remains there, laying on the ground. "I'm dead, people. So you have to get to the target yourselves. End of the road, through the front door. That's the only way this all stops." Her voice lowers. "That's gonna leave a bruise a size of Montana."
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda slams her fist against the trunk of the car, doing her best to get it open. Assuming she can... She starts rummaging around. Let's see... Gas can, looks about half full... Spare tire... A multi tool... Road flares... Okay, now we're getting promising. "Okay. I think we might have a mobile smoke dispenser. Put seat foam and a lot of smoky shit in the middle of the tire, douse it in gasoline, light it up with a flare, roll it down the street?" Hey, it's a hail mary, but...
- Quake has posed:
Skye's totally canibalizing what she can from the back seat. Seat covers are ripped off, the fabric undersides torn into strips. "Got anything we can make malotavs out of back there... oh, hi empty pop cans..nevermind. Just helped myself here." A road map. Some straws (she has no clue what they'll be good for, but she grabs anyway), and the piece de resistance, the wires from underneath the steering column.
Claire gets a shake of head, even as Natasha announces herself dead. "Just us against the world." Though now she's got a better idea of what's going on. The paint made it clear. "Right. Let's get this done."
- Nick Fury has posed:
It was happening fast. Pop, clang, shing. As the SOs were enjoying themselves by putting the recruits through their paces, Fury leaned back, and inhaled deeply. The recruits were performing better than he thought.
Skye was quick, fast, tactically efficient. Claire was quick to absorb what was happening around her, and pointing out the snipers, an amazing feat of perception and instincts! Takeda reacts fast. Pure instinct. Using what she has around her...excellent instincts and combat acumen. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Maybe May and Nat will pass this trio of recruits. Maybe. After all, Barton and Bucky were certainly giving the recruits a hard time...and the SOs. That shot to Natasha. Fury grimaced, and felt the pain that Bucky would surely feel. Soon. Fury chuckles.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
Somewhere, Bucky feels really guilty about Natasha. He might do another round of miserable 'I'm really sorry I beat the shit out of you for years and years, and then I hurt you /again/' apologies later, in that way he has of not actually saying anything except with his eyes. And she'll have to slap him again. Maybe.
For now, the trainees are briefly left alone by whoever is in that tower, five hundred yards off. Maybe this is their allotted break from being shot at, where they're allowed to cobble together something in order to throw off their hunter. It's... a training exercise, right?
This time the shot comes from about three hundred yards off, from a completely different angle, splatting red paint on the roof of the car that's serving as their cover. From the trajectory of it, the body of the vehicle is still between them and the shooter, but...
Either there are multiple snipers, or just one who: 1) is moving around, 2) is getting /closer/ while moving around, 3) likes to play with his food.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint ducks into a building as the trainees start tearing apart the car. Not bad as plans went. As he moves up stairs, he pauses, in a window, peeks out at the car, then fires at the corner of the opposite building, the arrow rebounds off that corner and comes flying at the trainees from that side of the street hitting the red spot on the top of the car. He ducks back into cover and keeps climbing up the stairs. << See that shot? Cap who? Am I right? >>
- Winter Soldier has posed:
"<Show-off,>" Bucky grumbles back at Clint over the comms channel, after seeing that ricochet shot.
- Claire Temple has posed:
And they have a dead-but-not-dead Natasha Romanova. Claire grimaces to herself; dead or not, she's not certain the woman is sporting herself a broken rib or three, and the quicker this is done, the quicker she can go see to that. She's got stakes of her own to see this through, and they are the picky habits of the consummate nurse.
Then, the trajectory changes on the shots, and she ducks against another splat of paint, eyes wide. Great.
"Hell of an HR introduction," Claire mumbles to herself, trying to think on her feet. This is what she's supposed to be good at. Then it hits her.
"I think I get it," she says to Skye and Jennifer. "Maybe. Probably not. But I see this like triage. You go on hoping to keep everyone alive, but you have to be OK losing. This is about the objective, not about us all surviving." Her face goes grim. "I'm gonna regret this. I'm bait. I'll be your smoke. You two get the hell to that door. Got me?!"
Claire gives no time for argument. Because she's already stepping out of cover, turning with her gun pointing, hoping to fire cover shots toward the direction of that last snipe.
- Melinda May has posed:
And where, pray tell, has Agent May been this whole time? Did she really just drive the Bus out to this field trip only to sit back and take a nap while the junior agents got shot at by one of the world's deadliest snipers since WWI?
Actually, that's still a possibility. The driver of the car that suddenly barrels out of an alleyway and toward Claire to cut her off of reaching that target doorway appears to be driven by someone completely concealed in black -- black racing helmet with tinted visor, black gloves, black racing suit....
It's like being chased down by the Stig driving the Reasonably Priced Car.
The moment the car seems poised to either run down or sideswipe the field-medic-to-be, a tiny but deft adjustment in trajectory has the zippy little car zooming past the woman while the driver sticks one hand out of the open driver's side window and fires a pistol at her. It's the same kind of red paint rounds that the sniper above has been using. Though most likely a smaller caliber.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda ducks down again. "Fuck!" She ducks down again, shoving more foam into the tire even faster, before fastening it with tape and tucking the gas can into the very center after dumping about half into the foam. "Okay... This shit better work..." She lights a flare, shoving it in so it should reach the foam after about thirty seconds, before giving her monstrosity a kick so it starts rolling down the street, hopefully spewing oily black smoke when the flare ignites the foam. ...And then Claire decides to play the bait. SHIT! Well, only one thing to do... She starts sprinting down the street, following the trail of smoke from her tire, popping off shots at anything vaguely humanoid that appears on rooftops or windows on her way. She doesn't have to hit them... Just suppress them. ...And then there's a car behind her. Great! More shots fired to the rear as well, hoping that she can at least cover up May's windshield.
- Quake has posed:
Claire's announcement is a bit of a surprise, but it makes sense. "You just want to check out those ribs," she mutters to empty space as Claire didn't wait for the others, merely made a target of herself.
The next volley of shots have her hunkered down but good behind the car telling Jennifer, "Shit better work is right Here's how we're playing it. We're going to go in shifts. You head out first - I'm going to come up behind you and pass. Then you're going to come up behind me and pass. One of us is goinng to make it to that door. Got it? You cover the person running until they give the signal. Thumbs up. Go!" And Jenn is waved on out, Skye giving covering fire. Shots aimed first at the oncoming car, then towards the windows and other covering spots. She's got several magazines to spare. Daisy empties her first, and switches to a fresh one while Jenn establishes herself.
- Claire Temple has posed:
"That too!" Claire yells back to Skye: consider it her courageous last words to ephitaph her totally-not-real training exercise headstone.
Running a mental reminder that she is totally, absolutely, undeniably an idiot, Temple pulls herself out of cover, establishing herself at the first and most obvious target. She turns her body toward the possible-but-unseen sniper's direction, providing herself as a bodyguard's physical cover for Jennifer and Skye to make their escape, unloading a few cover shots to deter anyone from potshots.
She doesn't even spare the time to glance back over her shoulder, trusting the fellow agents to hit the objective -- that is until the car steals into the picture and takes all of Claire Temple's attention with it.
"Aw hell --" she mouths, before lifting her gun, rubber bullets fired at its oncoming windows. It seems to be coming for her. Her heartrate triples. They wouldn't run her over for a training exercise, would they?
Holding her breath, something snaps inside Claire to hold her ground and continue firing, even if she's near pissing herself, shuddering aloud as the car makes a sudden, stunt turn and avoids her by hairs.
The bullets, however, don't, as May's shots pinpoint paint across Temple's armor. Another dead!
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint is on a rooftop now, watching the trainees, he smiles. They were pretty good. As they come on playing leap frog, he grabs an arrow from his quiver and puts it to his string. << Buck. They thaw you out to play Skyrim back in the day? >> he asks and snaps off a shot at Jenn's knee before he ducks down again. Wounding shot. Not a kill. << I used to be a SHIELD trainee, then I took an arrow to the knee >> he chortles over comms.
- Hazmat has posed:
"OW! MOtherFUCKER!" Cap would be oh so very disappointed. Fortunately he's not here. "BARTON YOU ASSHAT THAT HURT! I SWEAR TO FUCK I WILL MICROWAVE YOU LATER!" She's not sure how much experience he had during the Hydra raid, but there's probably still camera footage of her stunning the invaders. She fires off a few more rounds at the archer, reloading on the run, and hunkering down behind a dumpster. "Skye! Move up!" She pops up again, alternating between firing at any scope glints, jerks in sleeveless vests, and May.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
The tactical thinking of Jennifer and Skye is rewarded. They have a rough idea of where the sniper is now. Thanks to the covering fire from Skye as Jennifer heads for the building, and Jenn's own run-and-gun firing as she moves, the sniper does not try to fire on them again.
Maybe the sniper is also distracted by Claire's self-sacrifice ploy, and the fact she nearly gets run down by a CAR. Somewhere, Bucky just facepalms, as he repositions.
Then Clint is quipping. There is a hesitant silence. Steve would have said 'I don't get that reference' by now.
"<<I tried playing the Xbox in the tenth floor break room once,>>" he eventually admits. "<<But some people told me I was an aimbot.>>"
There is a pause. "<<What's an aimbot?>>"
- Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't need a second invitation. She's got the basic layout of the alleyway still in mind, despite the oily smoke that Jenn put into place. The car? That was a whole new obstacle, and the driver was still active, which meant she was going to have to hightail it fast and shoot on the move. That was going to be.. well, fun was the word, but even her mental tones were sardonic. None of this was fun. Not in the strictest sense. She sort of regretted prior thoughts about lamenting missing the pew-pew portions of the evening. Still, it was a necessary part of being an Agent. If she couldn't hack it here, she was a desk jockey, and that rankled.
Ske takes off like a flash, aiming dead on for the car - first the front windshield, and, as necessary, for the driver. It's no holds barred as the woman streaks on past, aiming for a pile of old matresses and a beat up oilbarrel that she remembers from on ahead. Once there, she'll wave Jenn on.
- Melinda May has posed:
The little car, despite having at least two good hits to the windshield, executes a picture-perfect handbrake turn and accelerates again, this time aiming for Jenn and Skye who are trying to make a run for the doorway that is their salvation from this training scenario. It scoots neatly past the now 'dead' Claire, and with a burst of speed passes Jenn as she takes an arrow to the knee. Clearly, the car is now after Skye.
The hacker makes a good showing for herself, forcing the car to abandon the charging straight forward tactic. However, that means that it's free to give chase, and it does. Catching up just before Skye gets to those matresses, the driver's side door pops open, aiming to swat the young woman in the rear as it zips past.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda picks up the pace, throwing herself to one side just in time to avoid May's speeding car. "SHIT!" She leans back out around the trash can, firing after May in some attempt to knock out the rear windshield and maybe stop her. "THIS IS CHEATING, RUBBER BULLETS CAN'T STOP CARS!"
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
<< I am >> Clint answers Bucky as he stands, scanning the range then finding the one thing he shouldn't be able to hit, he draws his bow back and fires. The target? Jenn's gun, stuck around the trash can. << See? >> he says sinking back down into cover.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
As a man who lived his life mastering the art of stealth and ambush killing, Bucky feels that there is a certain lesson to be taught here before he lets the kids off the hook for the exercise.
A sudden crack of the sniper rifle, aiming one of those paintball rounds unerringly towards the amount of noise Jennifer is making as she leans out, seems to be the particular lesson he wants to give.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda magdumps one final time, reaching for a new magazine, when suddenly the blunt tipped arrow smacks her right in the back of the hand. "F-FFFFU-" And then she's knocked back by the impact, red splattered all over her visor, lying still.
- Quake has posed:
That shot to the ass? HURT. Even through the armour, Skye felt it. Making it to her cover only to see the mess left behind for Jenn.
She didn't curse when she got hit, but when Jenn is taken out, a lone, drawn out "Fuuuuck" is given, the young woman no longer with time to spare, or any covering fire.
It was all her now.
Thirteen bullets is what she had between herself and that door, and by god, she was going to make them count, letting Jenn's swandive onto the car hood be her opening volley of distraction. The moving arrows.. those she couldn't fully anticipate, other than to suspect they weren't going to come from the same place twice. That narrowed her shots down, with every second or third shot going towards the far sniper perch. That one has remained stble. She shoots her final bullets that way, and makes the last few yards to the door. "Better fucking be unlocked," she grunts, tugging on the thing. Because if she got this far and it wasn't.. she was going to be pissy. There was training, and there was cruel.
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Everything comes to a sudden stop. The pop ups that have still been playing peek-a-boo in the windows lock into place, some down, some up. The fire that was blazing in the one car goes out completely, leaving smoldering metal in it's place. There are no more gunshots. The street is suddenly as silent.
Natasha pulls herself up off he ground and holsters her weapon. Then she walks over to Claire, offering a hand up to the other woman before walking down the street toward the other pair.
The other senior agents may or may not appear, as behooves their preferences. Might be easier to hide on a rooftop than to face the fury of the traineess.
"You all did a great job. Excellent creativity and teamwork. I have to say for a level one excercise, I'm very impressed." She moves toward Jennifer, giving that same offered hand up as he did with Claire.
"Most first timeers don't make it to the door."
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda remains down, playing dead until Nat gets close, before her hand blurs out and presses something against the agent's ankle: A file, attatched to the leatherman clutched in her fist that she had salvaged from the car trunk. "Could've been a knife blade. Now you only get one foot, and I can't see." She tries to wipe the paint away, but it just ends up smearing across her visor and hand. "Fuck." She finally accepts Nat's hand, clambering to her feet. "Now you're going to have to guide me back to the car."
- Winter Soldier has posed:
A low whistle over the comms is Buck's reaction to Clint's explanation of aimbots. "<<OK yep,>>" he says, "<<That illustrates it.>>"
Then, the training session grinds to a halt, much to the likely relief of the trainees.
A few moments later, as if by magic, Bucky materializes, walking down the street with his rifle slung over his shoulder. He's rather done with hiding his responsibility for things. Too much of that, during his time as Winter Soldier. "Good work," he offers them, in his typical taciturn way, before his eyes track over to Natasha and the paintball splat on her front. He looks, predictably, guilty.
"...Buy you a drink later for that," he grimaces, before turning to Claire and dusting her off a little to walk her back. "Self-sacrifice play? I shoulda expected that from you, I guess."
- Melinda May has posed:
The car doesn't continue to chase Skye, leaving her to the snipers. And the moment she opens that door it comes to a stop in the middle of the roadway, the engine cutting off equally promptly.
May appears next to Natasha as the redhead helps Jenn stand, wearing a racing suit but no helmet or gloves. She cracks open the small bottle of water in her hand and pours it carefully onto the hazmat suit's visor before using a cloth to wipe the water and paint off. It's not perfect, but it's better than being completely blind.
- Claire Temple has posed:
Remaining dutifully out for the count ever since May high nooned her good and true, Claire Temple sits aside another dead, gutted-out car, taking the ensuing silence to try to get her heartrate back to normal. Helmet long pulled off, because that crap is hot, she finger-counts her own pulse until it's back to normal. What's up with that? She's usually much cooler than this. Then again, not every day she stares down a /moving car/. Who was /driving that/?!
Her eyes crinkle with gratitude as Natasha arises from the dead to offer her a hand up, which she happily takes. "Thanks for the compliment," she says, though she's not taking all the glory. That's on the other two who made the race for the door. It appears the Night Nurse is good at just being as /dumb/ as the heroes she treats. This is her karma. "You took that shot hard. It gets difficult to breathe, you call me fast."
And then /Bucky/ comes in, and Claire seems to get the punchline one beat too late, because of COURSE it's him behind that.
"Hope you expected this too," she she grouses half-heartedly, with a light punch for his right shoulder.
- Quake has posed:
Everything stops once she's opened the door. Including the car.
Skye needs a moment to collect herself, adrenaline and exertion getting to her, leaned over, hands on her thighs, back against the door, watching the others rise from the dead. It wasn't what she'd expected, that was for sure.
When she thinks she's had enough of a breather, Skye heads back towards the others, eyes widening as others reveal themselves. "Figures." Jenn gets a "You're crazy, you know that? Totally batshit." Then, "You, too, Claire. I know, the objective wasn't the bodies, it was the door. Still."
Skye just shakes her head.
- Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda gives Skye a grin through her still paint-smeared visor. "Says the hacker girl. Turns out when you take teenagers, give them horribly dangerous powers that mean that they can never be part of society, THEY GET A LITTLE WEIRD! But we're all weird. And that's why we're here."
- Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the movement toward her ankle, Natasha's hand landed on the grip of her gun an tightened. She managed to not draw as the touch came. The words from Jennifer receive a smile. "I like the way you think. Just because you're down never means you're out." She gives the woman a wink.
They've had a rough lesson. It's expected they would want a little payback. She can't begrudge them that.
Her next clance is to Claire as she waves off the concern. "I'm fine. Nothing broken. Nice self sacrifice out there to reach your objective." Bruised to hell and back but she's not going to let on.
Next to get her focus is Skye, "You've got some good skills when you're not behind a computer too."
She gives a nod to each of her fellow agents as well, tossing a jaunty salute up to the roofline where the third foe in this scenario is still perched.
"Let's all go home. And Soldier, you owe me an entire bottle. Not one drink."