2464/Hellish Kitchen

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Hellish Kitchen
Date of Scene: 14 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Black Knight, Indiana Jones, Katherine, Doctor Strange

Jessica Jones has posed:
2:45 pm on a Friday.

Jessica jones hadn't eaten in since yesterday... She was starving. There was a taco shop just down the street from her apartment. Mexican food? Taco shop... thats what she prefered to call it.

Jessica had placed a call to her newly surfaced 'grandfather' and asked him to come meet her for lunch, she even told him she'd buy (which is rare as hell). Something happened this past weekened, and she believed it had something to do with him, for very specific reasons.

So this is where Jess is right now, inside the open storefront with her hands inside of her leather jacket's pockets, the jacket was unzipped and she had a white tshirt on beneath it, some blue jeans and black boots...

Jess stood fairly patiently in line, waiting for her time to order some awesome tacos.

Black Knight has posed:
    About three people behind in the line, his own clothing equally low key, thugh a bit more nerdy, is the erstwhile Black Knight, Dane Whitman. He is also waiting in line for tacos, because this shop has the best damn tacos. He rubs at his eyes, as he has slight dark circles under them. A couple of late nights have left him a little rough around the edges. Frankly, the drinking with Thor got a little out of hand after Jack Burton passed out, and two days later, Dane is still hung over. Rubbing at his face, Dane mutters, softly, but audibly, "Never again."

Indiana Jones has posed:
It's been a little while since Indy had paid a visit to his granddaughter. He's been busy, and neither of them are exactly the reach out and touch someone kind of people. So when she calls and wants to meet, let alone is offering to pay for lunch, he knows it must be important.

He makes his way to the given address, wandering through the doors of the taco shop and pausing in the doorway to allow his eyes to adjust to the light difference. He gazes over the small store, spotting Jessica.

Dressed in his normal work attire of khaki pants, leather jacket and button down shirt, he strolls over to her side...cutting in front of Dane without a thought. "Hey, kid." he says, shifting the hat on his head slightly, raising it up over his brow to give himself a better field of vision. "You ain't gotta buy me lunch, I'll cover it. Things sounded important, what's up?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica had taken note of Dane behind her - she'd taken note of everyone in the joint - because thats what paranoid P.I.'s kind of learn to do. She hadn't looked at him long though, just enough to get a police-level-rundown of his description if she needed it. She was kind of crazy like that.

Jess stepped forward in line when a couple of guys holding hands the whole time they were in line finally got their odrder placed and went to sit down to wait for their number to get called. And thats when Doctor Jones strolled in with his silhouette framed against the bright sunny outdoors behind him. When he got near to her, Jessica noted his hat and then smiled faintly at him.

"You look like a 1920s gangaster." She said at the older man. "Ready for some good food?" She asked him.

Katherine has posed:
And, of all things, Katherine goes into the Taco shop with a bit of a quizzical look on her face. She looks around for a moment, "Huh." And she gets in line with a happy smile on her face. Standing there, smiling, revealing top, professional quality and obviously costl materials and pants, but... still no shoes. Then she reaches forward to tap the person in line in front of her on the shoulder, "Did you too get the alert from Yelp that this place was very recently added to the top 10 taco shops in this neighborhood?" She wonders excited, before hrming a bit, "There are only 11 Taco shops -in- this neighborhood... that definitely seems like it is an article that needed more research." And she is slightly distracted and talking somewhat audibly, though hears a comment, "1920s gangsters would not have had the leather jacket, though the button down, add a tie, and change the khaki color to a dark choice... most things in the 20s and 30s were of a darker coloration in men's fashion due to the duality of work life and professional life." She says it loudly enough to make sure Jessica can even hear it quite a few people in front of her, and then she just goes back to smiling.

Black Knight has posed:
    That elicits a faint chuckle from Dane. The older guy is pretty sharply dressed. Huh. Leather jacket, he could wear that with his armour and helpmet. That would look totally retro and awesome. He should try that? Dane rubs his chin and steps up in line. He doesn't seem to mind the cutting into line. It's not like she asn't going to order for him? Dane pulls his sunglasses off his shirt and puts them on. "Hey? Anyone know how hot the hot sauce is?" he asks no one in particular. "I need to sweat some of this out, I think."

Indiana Jones has posed:
"Well you got the '20's down right. I was about that age when I picked up my first hat." says Indy with a lopsided grin. He looks up at the menu, placing his hands on his hips as he conceders the options available. "What the hell are 'Carne Asada Fries' anyway?" He shrugs, "I'll defer to your palate on this one. Not that I won't eat pretty much anything, you should hear about some of the things I have had to put in my mouth."

He looks over at Katherine and grins, "Don't forget the all important accessory of a 1920's gangster. I'm missing my Tommy gun."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica glanced back at the words coming from Katherine, and then DAne... she was used to New Yorkers being pretty mouthy and openly commenting on just about anything around her, it didn't mean she replied to them very often though. She was perpetually in a bad mood afterall, and always had some sort of a headache from last night's drinking.

Jess just eye rolled at all three of them and their words. "I'll pass on finding out what you've had in your mouth." She said in a dry tone back at the man in the Fedora.

Jessica stepped up to the counter and she placed her order. "Twelve of your supreme tacos. Carne Asada Fries, large, two cokes and a cup of extra ice." She pulled out a $20 and set it down on the counter for the employee, waited for her changed and then put into her jacket pocket and stepped aside for Dane to step up.

Jessica grabbed their cups and handed one to Indy. "I got a visit from some guys, they were... looking for you. They didn't seem very happy."

Katherine has posed:
Sniffing the air coming from Dane, Katherine shakes her head, "The hot sauce scores only 3 tears on Spicy Janes Food Blog. Though one person indicated if you are white, you have to ask for the mexican hot sauce. Like in Thai restaurants. Another person indicated that means you will get your food spat in, and a third thinks... well, something worse will happen if you ask." She grimaces a little at the last comment, "I apologize, although it is starred out, it is very easy to discern what that 'something worse' would be."

The Tommy Gun comment gets a bit of a smirk from Katherine as she nods her head, "Certainly, though, only if you were in the streets wanting to shoot everyone inside of here dead." Still smiling.

Black Knight has posed:
    And that is it for this taco shop. Dane blanches, and steps out of the line at that. "Uhm, thanks." he tells the girl falling out of her top with a little smile. "Go ahead. I am good." he shakes his head and searches his pocket for change from a nearby soda machine. Some variety of diet soda will have to do the trick. He suddenly isn't in the mood for tacos.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Well that is certainly interesting news. "You had guys come by looking for me?" Indy says as he arches an eyebrow at Jessica, following her towards a table and taking the offered cup. "Usually guys coming to look for me think I have something that belongs to them, or something they think belongs to them. What were they looking for?" the former archeologist asks to the PI.

He glances over at Katherine and Dane, smirking. "Look, buddy, she's pulling your leg. I don't think that a place like this is going to tamper with your food. And if they ever did 'something worse' to the food here....well, lets just say I have friends in places that would rain down so much hurt here that they wouldn't even know what hit them." Being an agent of SHIELD has to account for something right? "Belly up, have a taco. And at the very least be safe in the knowledge at least you aren't eating monkey brains."

Katherine has posed:
Waiting a moment, Katherine looks around, and then back to Dane before stepping out of line. "Yes, me as well." She indicates, "I would not wish to eat here either now." And she moves over to the soda machine and looks at it. "You are going to buy a soda here, but not the tacos?" She looks at the machine, it is one of those ones that only takes change no card swipe, and she tilts her head while looking at it. "Unfortunate. I would have purchased your soda for you at least."

As Indy speaks up, she looks at him and then offers, "You are sounding like a 1920s gangster from the movies. Some of my favorites have gangsters boistering about physical violence in response to the mere possibility of a slight." Turning her attention back to Dane, "What he has said may be true... about me pulling your leg." She looks down, "Though, not literally."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica glanced at Dane and the talkative Kathrine and she frowned a little, but paid the girl's warnings no heed, this eatery had been good to Jessica on many occassions so she didn't fear their food.

Her dark eyes went back to Indy and she nodded her head once at him. "They were in black suites, black hates... kinda like yours... but... somehow nerdier looking. I'm not a hat expert." She shook that thought away while going to get a straw and offer one to Indy as well.

"They didn't say what they wanted. Just that they knew you'd come to see me and they wanted to know if I had any idea where you were." She went to slide her draw into her drink cup and glanced down at it a moment. "I told them to get the hell out of my office before I fed them their underpants." She signed again and looked back up at Indy.

Her drink cup came up and she sipped from it. "Want me to look into them? I got their license plate info."

Black Knight has posed:
    "Weak stomach." Dane admits. "Monkey brains didn't sit right either. Was out all night a couple of nights ago drinking with Thor..." Oh shit. Dane pauses. "I am a science geek for the Maria Stark Foundation." Technically true. "I ... he is the real deal. I'm just not myself at all." Dane admits it easily. His smile is muted, and he does look pale, even by his standards. His left hand slides through his hair, pushing it off his face.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Some people aren't even here for the tacos. Some people aren't even here. In fact, it can be said nearly the entire human race and all other races aren't inside of this tiny taco place in the middle of Clinton. But there's one human who's impossibly far away. And yet...

Approximately nine and three fifth's feet above the ground floor of the place, reality herself seems to waver as if it were a mirage in the Arizona sun, incredibly heat wave type effect ripples above everyone's heads for a brief moment before the illusion is further warped. A thousand small shards of space-time crack for a brief instant before shattering and raining down onto the colorful tables, worn out chairs and stained concrete floor before they evaporate into a whisp of nothingness.

The cause of such a pervasion of our normal perception of the order of things is not easy to miss, in fact, he's wearing a vibrant red cloak over his incredibly dark blue tunic that gets all kinds of soda and food on it from him falling down into our gravity and smacking a table with his ribs and rolling off onto the floor with echo groans of pain.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones shrugs at Katherine, "I grew up in the '20's. Can't help if I retain some of the vernacular, sweetheart. Old habits and all."

He turns his head back to Jessica, taking the straw and filling his cup with one of the sodas from the machine. "Nerdier looking...that's a helpful description, Jess. Aren't you supposed to be the one with an eye for detail?" Indy smirks again, shoving the straw into the top of the cup and taking a sip. "Yeah, look into them. Hell, I can have Lara look into them as well, in case this is something that has to do with the WAND devision. All I know is that guys in black suits don't tend to be friendly." Indy grins, reaching out and picking up a fry with his fingers, popping it into his mouth and chewing, then looking down at the fries. "Damn. Those are good....holy shit!"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica planned on eating one taco and letting Indy have the rest, whatever may be left over she'd just take home. She nodded her head at his response though. "I'll start brushing up on my 'old man hats' as soon as I get back to my laptop." She told him with a sweetly sardonic smirk. "Who's Lara?" She asked, because she was just that nosey. "Girlfriend?" She asked, chewing on the corner of the tastey food. "Am I going to get a new Grandma I never knew about too?" She smirked at him.

But. Thats when things got Strange.

Jessica started to look around at the madness that the world took the shape of around her, like she'd been drinking a lot of shots and mixing it with some weird cheap beer! She took a step back and then... the guy in the red cape and blue tunic just dropped down out of no where.

"God damn, I hate this city..." She grumbled out.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange slowly puts his hands beneath himself and pushes up with a cough and a bit of blood splattering the floor beneath him.

"That's not good." He says diagnosing his own situation. Above him reaches down through the hole in existence a hand, but just the bone, only it's not bone either, it's glowing a red light and occasionally down a finger or up through the metacarpals, as if lighting of a mysictal or completely alien existance. The hand reaches down and wraps around Strange's torso and quickly pulls him back up towards the ceiling.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indy really isn't that much of a stranger to mystical things, but usually they are not so utterly blatant and in your face...or if they are it is right before your face melts off. He drops his soda and reaches for his Webley, which isn't there, nor is his trusty whip. He really should carry them with him, since he carries a badge now.

"Jessica! Get out of here!" Then, Letting out a curse that would make a sailor blush, and make his Granddaughter proud, the 'old' professor does the only other thing he can...takes a flying leap at Strange to try and grab at the man before he is pulled back to wherever it is he came from.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just watched... she wasn't the type to jump to heroics like so many others who had abilities like she did. If something looked like it wasn't her problem, then she was highly likely to stay the hell out of it... and that is precisely what the black haired young woman was doing.

Indy shouted at her to get out, but Jessica just took a step back and took another bite out of her taco. She didn't know Stephen Strange... but she felt like she'd seen him before, on the news or some such. But when her elder leapt at him, she stepped forward and momentarily looked concerned. "Hey... stay out of it!" She shouted at Indy, but he was already lunging. Oh god. He's just like the rest of her friends.

Black Knight has posed:
    Conveniently, He had stepped away. What steps back is armoured, and cannot possibly be Dane Whitman. nope. Not Dane. Clad in magical steel and armed with his Sword of light, the Black Knight makes his way towards Doctor Strange and the yawning portal to who knows where. The man in the fedora seems capable, as he approaches, the Black knight draws and ignites his photonic sword and will hold it out towards the fellow as he approaches. The blade hums, and is yellow white in color. "Think you can use this?" he asks, putting a little more bass into his voice and letting it rattle around the helmet a little. As he approaches, he is hurried, but not rushing. His red-rimmed, hung over eyes barely visible inside the helm.
    On a nearby rooftop there is a skittering of shod hooves on concrete as Stride, the great white-winged horse materializes. The Black Knight does not leap to the attack.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange is being pulled quickly by the large unseen being, until Indy steps up and tries to prevent Strange from being sucked into the abyss he fell from. The added weight of Jones does slow the hand, but it seems the red skeleton can still handle the weight and pulls the two of them upwards.

    Strange for his part sends his hands out and two large circles appear around his hands and he pushes them backwards up towards the ceiling, (as he's facing downwards) and tries to brace against the portal. The doctor seems like he's in pretty bad shape but does seem appreciative of the assist from Doctor Jones.

    "Let go, I can't hold this thing off and you wont like where we're going." Strange warns Indy. The blows from the fall having rattled him enough to not be observant enough to notice Dane or Jess or anyone else really.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Well, that didn't work. It never really does, but you have to try anyway, right? Indy kicks at the 'wrist' of the skeletal creature with his foot trying to dislodge the two doctors from its grasp. He looks around, seeing 'The Black Knight' with his lightsaber type sword and utters, "Hey, glowstick! Get over here and give us a hand, will ya!" To Strange, Indy just shakes his head, "Like hell, pal. I ain't giving up without a fight, and neither should you."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica finished her taco.

She took a sip from her coke and then set it down on the counter where all the employees were hiding and screaming for their lives. Her brown eyes went to the man who'd been in line and was now hold "A lightsaber." Jessica said. "Because.... WHY NOT." She spread her hands out to the sides in disbelief.

When she heard Indy shouting down from above she looked back up at the portal. "I can punch it." She offered in a raised-voice tone. "If... you'd like me to jump up and try and punch it?" She sighed and shook her head from right to left. "And people ask me why I drink..."

Black Knight has posed:
    With a firm hand, Black Knight attempts to slap the lightsaber into Indy's hand. "Make like Luke Skywalker." he instructs. His other hand has the sword of Light in it, and as he steps up, he attempts a single-handed overhand blow at the glowing skeletal hand. "Doctor Strange, just what is following you into our reality sir? Should I be using the other sword?" It is hard to try and block out the crowd while not obscuring the target for Strange and Doctor Jones.
    Despite the metallic bulk, the man's movements are relatively quick and sure. His shoulder's square, as if to prevent whatever it is from getting past him.
    Up from the rooftop, the horse gives a warning trumpet, as if concerned about the portal. "Thanks for the warning." Black Knight quips to the horse.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange's spells, Indy's added weight, Dane's overhanded attack and Jessica's offer of assistance all play their part in keeping Strange and a portion of the being in this reality, but the struggle is real, as Stephen is still pulled by his belly backwards, up into the blackness of the other dimension.

    "I'm not sure Black Knight. It could be a minion of Dor-- Dormammu's or maybe one of Nightmare's creations-"

    The bone's creak and there's an audible crack after Dane's attack and Indy's tugging, the beast reacts to the damage with a slip, the grip around Strange is loosened, even if for a moment and they do pull him back, slightly even if for a moment.

Indiana Jones has posed:
It's not a machete, nor any type of blade that Indy has ever used, but it has a hilt and some semblance of a blade. As soon as the hilt is pressed into his hand, Indy starts to hack away at the boney forearm and wrist with all the grace of a guy who is used to hacking his way through a jungle with a machete.

"Yes, Jess! Hit the damn thing!" he says to his granddaughter, "Hard!"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica watches the lot of them... the lightsaber getting handed over to her Grandfather and then the hacking with it, and the shouted comments from all three of the men trying to fight the creature.

Jessica shook her head and took a step back. "Just... don't cut anything off of me with that thing. Alright?" She shouted up at Indy.

Jessica put her left foot on the back wall of the Taco Shop and tried to get the angle right, she didn't want to be a Cue Ball going right into the corner pocket...

A second later and she launched herself with her full force of uncontrolled flight and she aimed right at the midsection of the Monster that had Strange!

Like a bullet, Jessica threw a powerful punch at the Creature while hoping to collide with Stephen's lower half and tackle him OUT of the portal's mouth and back down into the Taco Shop!

Black Knight has posed:
    "Yes. Just whack the hell out of it." The blade master in him is agonizing at that, but the intent is clear. This beast needs gone. Though he could be drawing his other sword, Black Knight remains intent with this one. He clutches the sword two handed and attempts to hack through then tumbles backwards as Jessica Jones comes hurling herself at it,
    He reaches his left hand down and attempts to grab Strange and haul at him. He grabs whatever is convenient. That thick lock of hair is just there for the grabbing, so Black Knight yanks at the Sorcerer Supreme by the hair to try and help the others get him free and clear. It is inelegant and uncertain a grip. "Sorry." he hisses at the older man. "Sorry." He does not let go as he tugs though, biting his bottom lip as he tugs.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Again, the combonation of Stephen bracing via his spells against the ceiling/mouth of the portal, Indy hacking at the red lightning charged hand and wrist along with Dane tugging at Stephen's hair inelegantly. and finally with the speeding beligerent bullet that is Jessica, the hand shatters much like when the portal opened. This time it falls to the ground and the wrist of the thing disappears up into the void.

    Stephen tumbles through the air along with the three other 'heroes' like a team of people playing tug of war when the rope snaps.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Landing with an audible 'Oaf!' the elder Jones rises to his feet, glowing sword still in hand. "Ok...someone want to explain to me what the hell that was?" Indy sports a cut over his eye which was likely caused by a random fragment of bone splinter, leaving a slight trickle of blood streaming down the left side of his face. However, the hat remains on his head. He looks over to Dane, tossing the blade slow and hilt first towards the knight, "Here, son."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica didn't so much land as she did fly out the front door and roll across the sidewalk and out into the street where she came to a stop in front of a parked Post Office truck.... she kept her eyes clenched shut as she just laid there on her back for several seconds, her black hair all a mess around her head... some people coming over to check on her.

"I hate my life." She said then, reaching up to take the offered hand from a large bald white guy who offered it to her. With grunts and and more cursing, Jess rose up to her feet and turned around to look back toward the Taco Shop.

"You guys okay in there?" She called inside.

Black Knight has posed:
    Well, the toss at least makes Dane get his fingers out of Strange's hair? Catching the blade in his left hand, and saluting with a little flourish, Black Knight turns it off and hooks onto his belt. He sheathes his sword to his left hip, then offers Strange a hand up. "Good job, sir." He tells Doctor Jones. His nod to Jessica is also respectful. As he attempts to help Doctor Strange to his feet he asks, "You intact, Doctor?" He looks about, as if uncertain about being seen here, or for other portals. "Is this linked to that explosion in Metropolis?" He adds.
    The horse spreads its wings and leaps off to the roof to glide over behind Black Knight, looking all majestic while doing so. Black Knight notes, "You could have helped pull him out, Strider." The horse nickers back as if such a thing is below him, and tosses his mane.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen lands on another table and bounces off of it onto the floor. Again. The doctor is on his back and his face is scrunched up in pain but he has the wherewithal and knowledge to look back up and see the portal is still open, which he snaps closed by clasping his hands together, makes a quick pair of gestures and then, sighs a breath of relief. His hands drop to the floor beside him and he's content to lay on the hard ground in a pile of tacos and nachos. Poor cloak is gonna need a bath.

    With the help from Dane back to his feet, Stephen is struggling, he must have gotten his back side handed to him today before landing in the taco-shack. "I'm alive, thank you Black Knight and ..." Stephen squints towards Doctor Jones, "I don't believe we've met."

    Jessica herself is outside and thus outside of Strange's line of sight, so she doesn't get the greeting and appreciation of the Sorcerer Supreme just yet.

Indiana Jones has posed:
"Yeah, we're alright Jess." calls Indy from inside the taco shop. He grabs a napkin from one of the tables and presses it to his forehead, "Just a little blood, nothing that won't heal."

He looks to Doctor Strange, "Jones. Doctor Indiana Jones. What the hell was that?" Indy says as he looks at the costumed sorcerer. "I've seen some pretty weird stuff in my time, but magical portals are a new one for me."

The archeologist walks over to the remains of the skeletal hand and starts to study it closely, "And this is certainly not human."

Black Knight has posed:
    The Knight will casually place his shoulder to Strange, just another spot to hold himself up with. Under his helmet, the Black Knight's right brow raises. "Doctor?" he asks Doctor Jones. "Medical, or?" His arms cross in front of his chest. He's impressed already. "Do go on?" He prompts. He remains still though, as a point for Strange to use to get his strength recovered. "Do you need medical Attention, Doctor Strange? And should Doctor Jones worry about that wound... Doctor Strange." He left hands rubs his helmet as his dialogue turns into a comedic routine. Outside the shop, the horse gives another mocking little bricker to its rider, flicking his tail in annoyance and tossing its mane again. It's daytime, he is out, and no one is fawning all over him. This is so wrong. An annoyed stamp follows thereafter as the primadona stallion snorts.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica shakes the hand of the large man who helped her up and then she turns and walks back toward the Taco Shop. She strides back in and... stares at the horse... "Right, yeah, of course. Makes total sense." She mutters before moving back toward where she left her soda and food. "Cops are on the way, Fire and Medical too. Can hear them down the street... traffic's bad though." She told the others, specifically the employees and other customers that were still inside.

When she heard something about wounds, Jess turned and looked at them, both of the Doctors in particular. "Who's hurt?" She asked.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen braces against Dane for a few moments, seemingly catching his breath from the double falls, that we know of. After a moment of listening to Dane and Indy, Stephen nods his own name. "Doctor Strange, former leading neurosurgeon at, well, everywhere. Now; Sorcerer Supreme." The doctor says somewhat braggingly somewhat casually, and somehow this doctor has said that enough that he can do both.

    With a glance to Jessica and a nod, "She's right, I think it's best if we make a hastey retreat unless you like to deal with badges and inquiries." Most of the time he prefer to not explain himself to everyone in the city.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones shakes his head to Dane. "Archeology." says Indy, dabbing the blood away form his face. "And i'll be fine. It's just a scratch. Believe me, kid, I've had worse."

He glances to Jessica as she makes her way back in, "I got a scratch on the head, it's a bleeder but it won't kill me."

Being immortal has its perks.

Indy looks over at Jessica and sighs, shaking his head. He reaches into his jacket and attaches a SHIELD badge to his belt pocket, "I can deal with the cops. Tell me, is this thing dangerous now?" Indy says as he taps the inanimate bones with his foot. "Should I call someone in to contain this thing. "

Black Knight has posed:
    "We need Avengers badges." Dane quips from behind the helmet. "Aye." He agrees. "I am not exactly in the mood to deal with the police." because he is still hung over from Thor. He looks at the horse. "Roof." The stallion snorts, pouts, stamps a hoof, then flies up onto the roof, where it is supposed to be. He gives a soft sigh at that, and looks over his shoulder at the lady who has walked in. "Nice kick."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica eyed Doctor Strange, she wasn't terribly happy about what he did here today... trashing her favorite feed bucket like this... but, it probably could've gone a lot worse. Jess eyed Indy's cut and then saw him whip out his badge and just nodded her head once. "Right. Okay... On that note."

And then she saw Dane and his horse and pointed at them. "And that note too... I'mma head back to my place!"

Jessica turned and walked to the counter where an enployeed had bagged up her food and offered it to her with a shakey 'Come back any time.' offer. "Love the service in this place." She muttered while heading for the doorway, her black hair bouncing around her shoulders.

"I'll call you later, Gramps." Jessica said to Indy. "If I come up with any leads on the people I told you about."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"It appeared to be some sort of skeletal based being, but it's certainly too large to be human. I hadn't encountered anything like it in all my studies or adventures." Stephen notes before he looks at the taco place and with a sad sigh he walks over towards the counter and pulls out a wad of money and puts it on the counter. "For the damages my good sir." And then he quickly turns around and starts towards the door himself.

    As he passes Dane he notes, "Yes, you do need some sort of Avengers identifier, but you might not like the ramifications of it." He snickers afterwards and continues to leave, allowing the SHIELD archeologist to have the bones. They aren't that important to Stephen, he knows where the rest of the creature is if he needs anything later.