2446/Another Day with the Titans

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Another Day with the Titans
Date of Scene: 14 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Aqualad, Raven, Supergirl, 87, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl

Stardust has posed:
It's early evening at the Titan's Tower. Time when the day patrol returns, and night patrol starts.

Kidding. The Titans aren't that organized.

It's early evening at the Titan's Tower. Just like any other time of day, there's no telling who's going to be around. However it's a better time than most to find people in residence, which is why Stardust has picked it.

Stardust, or Colette as she is known to virtually everyone who's ever met her, due to the fact that she can't quite take the whole secret identity thing seriously, is on a mission. She has flown to the Tower carrying a mysterious package contained in a courier bag. She is in costume, though it's sometimes hard to be certain of that apart from the whites and pale grays color-scheme, because that's the only thing that doesn't change about her costume. Today it's domino mask, jacket, leotard and leggings, with ankle boots.

  Making her way up the elevator side-shaft, conveniently placed there for flyers, Stardust arrives at the Ops room, and places her package very carefully down on the table in front of the large sofa, and steps over to the communications panel on the wall. The contents of that bag are what has brought her here, and she's going to need the help of the Titans to deal with it.

"(*Click* Calling all Titans currently available. This is Stardust. Please come to the Ops room at once, the pizzas are getting cold!")]

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur's door slides open, and the dusky-skinned Atlantean sticks his head out. He's damp and shirtless-- he must have been soaking in his saline pod.

"Pizza? Very kind of you, Colette," the Atlantean warrior remarks. "I will be along presently."

The door shuts, and moments later Kaldur emerges wearing gym shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, barefoot as is his custom. He dashes water from his short-cropped blonde hair with a towel and flings the cloth back through the door before it seals shut.

"Pizza must rank quite highly among the finest accomplishments of the surface world," Kaldur remarks, ambling towards the little dining area. "It was very considerate of you to pick some up for everyone, Colette," he says, thanking the French girl with a bow of his shoulders. He looks through two of the boxes before finding a meat lovers, and folds it in half so he can start chawing hungrily on the slice of pie.

Raven has posed:
Was Raven there before she put out the call? Is she some sort of speedster that nobody knows about? Who knows.

What's important is that when Colette turns around from the panel on the wall, there is Raven, hood up, but missing her boots. It's late, so she wasn't really planning on kicking anyone. She is sipping idly at some form of tea or coffee, both of which she takes so black it's difficult to tell the difference. How she can handle something so bitter is one of life's genuine mysteries.

"That's not entirely what that line is for." she states, moving to the fridge and quietly taking a bottle of mustard out of it, which she then levitates onto a shelf, up high, and places aaaaaaaall the way in the back.

"I'm not very hungry, but I can eat." she notes, then, moving quietly over to the box. It's a ginger sort of movement, nice and fluid, and frankly, it's deathly quiet- without her boots on, she barely makes a sound. She hops in line behind Kaldur, waiting her turn at one of the pizzas, from which she takes a single slice.

She'll leave the mystery of whether she was going to bed, or waking up, to everyone else. She isn't telling.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara had had a long night, the Tower resident came in late. Peeking her head out, her hair is mussed but she wanders out in a pair of Met U sweat pants and a shirt with a flower smiling in it. She has her glasses perched on her head and pats her pockets looking for her glasses. "Pizza? Sounds great."

Stardust has posed:
Stardust turns from the panel to find Raven standing there. She glances momentarily back at the panel before greeting Raven with a wave. "Question. You like teleport everywhere, right? How do you know where you're going? I mean just now, did you pick a spot, or did you just do a kind of 'five feet behind Colette' thing? I'm not asking because I'm planning to put traps down five feet behind me or anything like that, I'm just curious."

Not curious enough to wait around for an answer rather than getting herself a share of pizza before it's all gone. "Hey Kaldur!" she greets with a broad grin, as she passes pizza boxes out from the courier bag. "I figured it was my turn to supply pizza. I keep eating other people's when I'm here. Pizza is good. And social. But I think you may be exaggerating its qualities somewhat. There is plenty of surface cuisine that..." she stops for a moment, blinking. "Come to that, what do you guys eat under the sea? I mean cooking must be tricky. Is it sushi three meals a day?"

  Kara's arrival is a bit of a surprise to Colette, who has not seen the woman before, and can't place her from team reports. However Colette isn't technically on the roster herself and knows the Titans tend to keep their allies close. Thus rather than taking Kara for an intruder and immediately launching in to what would be an ill-advised attempt to restrain her, she bounces over with a friendly grin and offers Kara her hand. "Hi! We haven't met. I'm Colette... uh I mean Stardust, though Colette is better for you know, pizza nights. Who are you?"

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur turns to look over at Kara as the blonde woman emerges-- he hoists an elbow at her in a wave, as he's otherwise quite occupied snacking on his pizza.

"Kara, isn't it?" Kaldur says to the woman. "I do not believe we've met formally," he says, once his mouth is empty. "I am Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis," he offers. "Please, though, call me Kaldur."

He seats himself near the pizza near where Colette had been standing, but she shoots away to greet Supergirl before he has a chance to explain Atlantean cuisine to her.

Which is fine-- more pizza for Kaldur. He looks to Raven and greets her with a salute, toasting the darkling magi with the pizza in his fingers. "Greetings, friend Raven. How does this day find you?"

Raven has posed:
Raven stares impassively at Colette, sipping from her drink all throughout the inquiry into how her powers work. At the end of it, she gives a form of noncommittal response: "When I teleport," she begins, as if to completely muddle whether or not she did this time, "I hone in on familiar signatures. Like radio waves, except these are made by people who are either angry, or sad, or just too happy for their own good- typically for no discernable reason at all- for me not to find them. I guess you could say that I always know where you are, at all times." That last bit is -kind- of a mistruth, but not -really- and certainly it's... Well, it is meant to sound as creepy as it sounds.

She then takes a bite of pizza, eating like a bird, in the colloquial sense, rather then the literal. When she sees Cassie approach, she glances from the woman to something else, and then back. It wasn't Cassie at all- instead, another college aged athletically built blonde. This one with glasses.

"Good morning." she offers everyone present, further cloaking whether or not she'd just woken, "It finds me fine, no matter how much I hide from it."

Supergirl has posed:
"Umm, hi." Kara offers to Kaldur and Collette who seem not to know her. She finds her glasses on her head and places them on her nose before offering her hand. "Ah-Supergirl, hi. Kara though, you know, pjs." She gestures to herself and takes a breath, still smiling and propping her hands on her hips. "So. This is cool. I was umm, north, doing a thing, with my cousin."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
A tear in the fabric of time and space disturbs the air in the Ops room for a brief moment, closing behind Vorpal once he steps through.

"Did somebody say Pizza? 'cause I kinda heard there was pizza involved." The Cheshire cat stops, though, when he sees the size of the assembly into which he has just dropped.

"Huh. I think this is the first time I've seen so many people around without us being in mortal danger or something. That counts for something!"

He looks over the faces of those assembled. "Wait. There are three blondes where there only used to be two." He tilts his head and waves at Kara. "Hi, I'm Vorpal. I don't believe we've met."

Stardust has posed:
"PJs are fine, it's only pizza." Colette tells Kara with a nod "I'm planning to cook some real food for the Titans soon. When I do that, I'm gonna insist on something at least a little more formal though!" She gives a wink and a smile. "Supergirl, huh? Cool. Big hitter. So you're an alien? I seem to meet a lot of aliens lately. Cool. Especially the ones who aren't dead. The ones who are seem to be annoying. Nice to meet you, come in and grab pizza!"

"Hi Chaos Cat," Colette greets Vorpal as she bounces away from Kara and back over to Kaldur, Raven and pizza. "Pizza's over there, I brought lots, help yourself!" Without missing a beat, she turns to Raven and asks "Always know where I am, huh? You sound like my mom. She says that too. 'I'll know if you're up to something, Colette!'. Maybe she's got your brain radar thing too. So, sushi three meals a day?" This last, though said in the same breath, is aimed at Kaldur. Colette does not allow things like oxygen getting in the way of having three conversations at once."

"Oh, Vorpal!" Make that four conversations. "Have you been messing around with portals at the tower? There was a portal. Did you see the report?"

Miss Martian has posed:
    A perimeter security alert goes off, an intruder is lurking too close to the Tower. Where? A peek at the security monitor shows a figure outside - young woman. A green young woman with flaming red hair. Curious, she is floating outside looking into one of the reflective windows that make up the T of the building.

    M'gann is pressed up against the window, peering in, her fingers splayed as she touches it. Her nose is flattened against the material as she looks. She can't be seeing anything, though.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Did someone say there was- ok wait, that's her line!

Really, it just seems like a whiff of greasy cheese and warm crust is enough to bring all the Titans crawling out of their rooms. Cassie had herself showed up a bit earlier in the evening, after classes, but then sequestered herself to study and otherwise make vague attempts at pretending to be a serious student. It's hard with all the interruptions to brawl with scheming organizations and interdimensional monsters!

She comes down the hall the normal way, no bamfing involved, happily barging in on the gathering and seemingly unbothered by the size of it. "Hey guys, that smells great- oh!" She spots that they have visitors. Or maybe more like returning friends? "Kara!" she doesn't quite squee, but seems very happy to see the other blonde bruiser, and immediately launches across toward her in one of her usual flying-tackle-hugs. She tends to reserve them for fellow Amazons and other similar sorts, the ones who can hold up to full-strength, unrestrained affection without losing a few ribs.

Aqualad has posed:
"It is not so differnt than how surfacers eat," Kaldur points out. "Fish are not the only part of our diet. Kelp, seaweed-- some corals, and whatnot," he explains to Colette. "Not as much protein as you might suspect."

"Good day, Vorpal," Kaldur says, greeting the Cat with nine lives. "I am glad you've returned from your travels. Come, join us," he suggests. "There is pizza enough for us all--"

And then the perimeter alarms go off, and Kaldur looks at the window-- where a green-skinned girl is hovering.

He eyes the others, then gets to his feet and walks to the windowpane. The electrostatic charge is adjusted, and Kaldur and the others are revealed to Meggan, all looking at her.

Kaldur waves at Meggan, one brow lofting, then activates the exterior speakers. "Good day, miss. Can we be of assistance?" he inquires, speaking into the Tower intercom.

Raven has posed:
Raven is the only one who doesn't necessarily -look- or react to the presence of someone pressed up against the window. Though she's made little psychic connection with M'gann, just the low level empathic field allows her to understand that the martian girl isn't a threat. She chews quietly at her pizza while the others converse, and her brow raises when Vorpal arrives.

"There are hallways and elevators, Vorpal. Spacetime might feel a touch violated if you don't use them every so often." Haha, yeah, because space time is totally just the moodiest. She doesn't introduce herself to the two... New-adjacent people. She had never worked with Kara or M'gann before, but at the same time, she sort of expects that they'll recognize the gloomy one in the hoody. It's not as if she's particularly hard to pin down, identity-wise.

"Yes, we seem to be... Buzzing with blondes, as a matter of fact. I feel like this is becoming some sort of cheer-meet, which is the one rule I personally made." To be honest, a rule banning cheerleader gatherings sounds legitimate enough that Raven might have campaigned for it. It's probably safe to actually check the Titans rulebook for it, if one doesn't just believe her outright. (She's kidding, of course, but it just sounds so sincere.)

Taking a sip of her tea, she allows herself to essentially quiet down, and remain on the fringe of conversation. Because nothing is better than occasionally sniping in snarky comments while other people are trying to be nice to each other.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking at Vorpal, Kara thrusts a hand into one of his, shaking it. Distracted from more greeting she's near tackled and catches Cassie with a delighted squeal and hugs the other girl tight. "Hi hi hi!" She calls out and looks to the window. "Oh, Miss Martain, cool! Look! All kinds of people." she beams and straightens her glasses. To Collette she nods "Yeah, alien, but I do ok here."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The Cheshire cat observes the shenanigans and raises an eyebrow. Wonder Girl tackles someone, Stardust accuses him of portalling, and now they have someone peering in through the window. "I really do find this rather disconcerting. I'm the one who is supposedly mad around here and yet I find myself at a loss."

He grabs a pizza slice, "Think about that."

He gives Kaldur and the others a nod of greeting and just observes the unfolding scene for a moment, before whispering to Raven, "I wouldn't worry too much about Space having its feelings hurt, it has its hands full. And as for time, he'll forgive anything as long as you don't kill time. The Mad Hatter can tell you how badly *that* goes."

Stardust has posed:
"Hi Cassie!" Colette calls out. "I brought pizza. There's plenty, and it's fully one-hundred percent mustard free. At least for now. Help yourself!"

  "We could all dye our hair black?" Colette suggest to Raven. "Then we could have brood-meets instead. Might get Robin over-excited though."

Colette hops to her feet, following Kaldur over to the window to stand beside him. She has a slice of pizza in one hand, which she nibbles at while canting her head curiously. "Coral? Really, you eat coral? I didn't know it was edible. Another alien. See! Why do so many aliens have green skin, I wonder. Is it a chlorophyll thing? We should offer her pizza rather than leaving her outside. Fair bet she's no threat, 'cos honestly if she can handle all of us, she doesn't need to knock to come in. "

Wonder Girl has posed:
Even as her feet eventually settle back onto the ground, Cassie squeezes for all she's worth, because for once, she can get away with it!

"I'm glad to see you back around. Oh?" And with Kara drawing attention out the window, she turns her gaze that direction as well and just kind of waves out at the floating girl before she fully phases through. "Seems like a big party." And then Colette draws attention to the food (or maybe, just draws it back there, since it's what brought her out in the first place). "I see! It smells great. Did you just tell everyone about it and see who'd show up?" Seems like it worked. Pizza bait.

Once she's let go of Supergirl, she does go to help herself to a slice, and then looks over at Raven and frowns a bit. "First, what's wrong with a bunch of us? Second, I've never been a cheerleader, though I was on a few sports teams. I went to a bunch of different boarding schools, and a few of them weren't even co-ed." Looks can be deceiving! "Soo.... I don't think you're at much risk of me yanking out the pom-poms and chants."

Aqualad has posed:
The green-skinned girl vanishes as strangely as she'd arrived, and Kaldur shakes his head before seating himself next to Colette. He watches Cassie tackling Kara with a tolerant, amused smile on his face, and then looks back to the French woman near him.

"Coral is quite good if prepared correctly," Kaldur tells her. "Anemones and certain other delicacies as well," he suggests. "I know of one deep sea city where plankton is harvested on a rather large scale-- I suppose it is much akin to... flour?" he hazards. "It's used in almost all of our cooking as a binding and thickening agent," he explains to the girl.

Moar pizza. Kaldur likes cheese, it seems.

Raven has posed:
Raven tends to close herself off from emotions that aren't specifically relevant to defense- meaning, she won't necessarily feel if someone is happy or confused, because to reach out for that is basically a breach of privacy- and if there's anything Raven loves, it's privacy, judging by her reaction to Vorpal's whispering.

"Personal space. Gotta stay out of that personal space." she states, sort of halfway chiding Vorpal- You have to get slightly close to whisper, and even though he probably isn't -really- in her personal space... She's still saying it.

To Cassie, she offers this bland look, eyes half-lidded over the rim of her steaming drink. "That's just what you want me to think. Then, when I least expect it, it's Give-you-a-this and What's-this-spell." It's delivered so dry that were it not for the preposterousness of it, one might actually think Raven believes in deceptive cheerleading conspiracies. "No thanks," she offers, after a moment, "I'll be keeping an eye on you three." Seems she's included Colette in it.

Which is profiling. And that's wrong.

Supergirl has posed:
"Could you imagine, cheerleading?" Kara shakes her head, bumping Cassie. "I'd have to reel it in so much. Or toss pom pom wavers across the stadium." She murmurs and eyes the pizza. Who doesn't like pizza really? This alien is sure a fan. She gets a slice and looks at Cassie. "Oh! You missed it! Giant alien worm that breathed fire last night." She says around bites.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal gives Raven a look of respect for the word-play, but he does step back a bit. "Brood meets and an over-excited Robin? How could you *tell* he was over-excited? His voice drops an octave and he starts contemplating buying a new Trent Reznor retrospective?" the cat quips, and frowns. "We do seem to be missing one robin redbreast in this zoo. Has anyone seen the little tyrant as of late? He's probably up in that batcave. Pfff. Who'd live in a cave, right?" he grins.

He tries to imagine Kara cheerleading, and briefly wonders if there could be money in aerial cheerleading stunts.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Right? I mean I'm sure they've got a squad at the university. And nowadays I *could* actually fit in," as she's grown up a bit from the troubled and tomboyish youngster she was, "... until I accidentally put some girl through the roof." Grinning at Kara, Cassie's first response to Raven's is just to roll her eyes a bit. "Oh yeah, because sneaky plans are tooootally my thing." A laugh at the end of that, to show that she doesn't take any of it, including her friend's purported conspiracy theories, with any actual seriousness.

"Giant fire breathing worm? Well, if you got it, I'm sure it's handled, right? There's always so much of that going on I can barely keep up, especially on top of classes." Like Diana telling her about some Godzilla-esque ocean monster a bit after the fact. A girl can barely keep up!

She takes a few bites from her slice, and glances over at Vorpal, shaking her head. "I haven't seen too much of either of them. Although I expected they're working on tracking down the dudes that took smaller-Robin." They need numbers for them, or something.

Stardust has posed:
"Neat trick," Colette comments about the martian vanishing act, as she retreats to the sofa with pizza and Kaldur. "So I guess you eat the whatever it is inside the coral that makes the reef, not the coral itself? You don't eat lumps of minerals, do you? You'd need some pretty powerful teeth for that. How do you cook, though? I mean it would be hard to heat up a pan under water."

"On the plus side, Kara, think how easy pyramids would be when you have super strength and can fly." *FLASHBACK* Colette, a few years ago, one of a group of cheerleaders who are lying painfully on the floor, clutching various limbs. The result, surely, of an over-ambitious pyramid. Profiling may be wrong, but it seems to have worked. "Sure that was an alien worm, though?" Colette looks skeptical. "Sounds like a dragon to me.

"No no, Rae," Colette says, shaking her head. "Broodsquad, right? Mopeleaders. All gothed up. It'll be Don't-give-us-anything-see-if-we-care, and Cast-that-spell. You got three eyes then? Cool, where do you keep the spare?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh, I got it, and it oozed all over. So gross. Gotta wash it like, fifty more times." Kara wrinkles her nose and inhales her slice of pizza. She slides her hands into her pockets and nods. "Totally a worm. A really rare, weird alien worm. Naturally my cousin was *so excited* he loves brining home new pets." She says dryly. Might explain why Kara racked out in her room here.

Aqualad has posed:
"What is cheerleading?" Kaldur asks Raven, unable to follow the conversation-- pyramids, pom-poms, and everything else seem a little outside of his lexicon. "Is this a social event among surfacers?"

He looks to Colette when she seats herself, lifting a brow. "Oh, you have only even seen dry coral," Kaldur says. "It's quite possible to eat coral if it's cooked hot enough in a certain oil," Kaldur explains. "The coral leeches from the minerals, and you gather the oil and separate it from the water. It's some work," he admits, "but it's possible to process a great deal of coral fairly quickly. Certain breeds will grow back in a matter of days, which makes it somewhat sustainable for our farmers." He takes another bite of pizza. "Food in Atlantis is not the easiest to prepare, though it's easy to procure-- we use magma vents or hotstones to heat our food as best we are able."

Raven has posed:
Raven leaves the statement from Colette alone, again, instead focusing on the stories they were telling. She'd let Vorpal linger on the idea of them dying their hair black and having Uncheer Meets. "A fire breathing alien worm?" She ponders, "I think I read about one of those once. I can't remember if it was in one of my tomes, or in something from Japan." She seems pensive for about half a moment, before offering this light shrug, and finishing off the rest of her pizza.

"It's good that it's gone, though. Someone may have tried to use it to fish. That would have been unfortunate." There's a little lilt and a pause as she says unfortunate- which likely hints that the -real- sentiment from her is 'unfortunately hilarious.'

Raven turns to Kaldur for half a moment, and explains. "Have you ever seen Dawn of the Dead?" she begins, "It's like that, but mostly in high school and college." That totally explains to the foreign Atlantean hero/dignitary what cheerleading is in a not at all confusing manner.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Man. Atlantean cuisine sounds like a very long episode of Survivor mixed with Iron Chef. The surface world at least gets that right... although nothing beats cooking in Wonderland." The cat grins. "I rememeber stuffing myself with muchness." He looks at Colette, "Have you ever seen a well-prepared Muchness? It's to die for."

He is lost in reminiscing for a second before looking at Kara. "Sounds like your cousin belongs to the extreme version of the humane society. What does he do when vaccination season comes along?..." he pauses. "They do believe in vaccines back in ol' homeplanet, right?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Vaccines, oh, no, I don't think we get sick." Kara shakes her head, waving that idea off. "No way." She pffts and looks to Cassie. "I mean, you girls don't get vaccinated..." She pauses and looks worried for a moment. "Do you? Should I be vaccinated?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Sounds gross," Cassie replies to Kara, getting the most important point of the whole thing. Smoosh a space worm, get space goop. The logic checks out! "So were you off with Kal all this while? How is he? Or just in space doing spacey things or what?"

At Kaldur's question, she pauses, happy to let Raven explain... except Raven doesn't actually explain. "Kaldur, basically, a lot of schools have teams that encourage and cheer on their athletic teams. Kind of like, a morale boosting thing? Like at big matches, the cheerleaders come out and get both the players and the audience all pepped up, and even maybe taunt the other team. Except it's such a big deal that it's turned into its own sport-activity kind of thing, with competitions and whatnot. Also its usually ninety-five percent girls, often cheering on the male sports teams, because, you know, the 1950s or whatever." Ok, here's where she's gone off track and just like Raven, stops being quite as helpful. From the sound of it, she's not much bigger of a fan than her dark-haired friend, though!

"But yeah, I'll stick to pizza over coral." Then a weird glance at Kara. "Vaccinated for what? I mean I got mine when I was a kid, sure. But I grew up human. And nowadays I don't really get sick, unless it's like, some magical plague from Hades."

Stardust has posed:
"The problem with Muchness is overeating," Colette replies to Vorpal. "One bite too many and it turns into a plate of Too Much instead. On the other hand, if you don't eat enough, it turns into Too Little. So I guess a Muchness is always well prepared, or it becomes something quite different."

  Colette offers her own interpretation on cheerleading to Kaldur, just to add to the confusion. "It's an athletic performance," she explains. "A mixture of dance and gymnastic, that kind of thing. Usually performed during the boring bits of sporting events. It can be very skilled." Spot the blonde who's not completely down on cheerleading.

  When the talk turns to vaccinations, Colette looks thoughtful. "I haven't thought about that," she admits. "I haven't had superpowers for very long, so it never came up. Um. I wonder if it would even be possible? I'm pretty sure a needle would just snap off. That might turn out to be inconvenient." She glances around the assembled group. "So uh. Pizza, sitting around, chatting. Would this be a good time for a get-to-know thing? Like... I've had super powers for less than half a year. So proper newbie here. I'm kind of a sidekick? Only the hero I'm a sidekick to died decades before I was born. I have to admit it can be pretty satisfying sometimes. You know, saving people."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur pays diligent attention to all the explanations, even Raven's rather less-than-helpful version. He shakes his head at the gothling sorcereress' question. "I have not been privy to that event," Kaldur tells Raven, seriously. "But it sounds most disturbing. Is that a religious observation, or a memorial of some dark occult ritual?"

Colette's at least giving him some context, and he 'ahs!' and nods at the French girl. When she finishes speaking, he looks at the others; sitting next to her, he seems the logical next speaker.

"I believe most of you are acquainted with my situation," Kaldur remarks in his mild, gravelly voice. "I suppose I am more and less experienced than some or others; I have been in the military for several years, but only recently come to the surface. I have been enjoying my service among you, however," he tells the others in the room-- even Supergirl, who he really hasn't talked with much yet.

Raven has posed:
Raven nods along with the others as they explain Cheerleading to Kaldur, but once they're finished, she continues. "To go into more detail, they're sugar coating it. It all begins as two teams of trained primates line up on a long field. They clash with one another, gaining and losing ground until one of them has gone far enough that the opposing team then has to admit that he deserves a reward for going that far, and so his team is given points. At that point, they release the zombies." She pauses there, for a moment, letting it sink it. "They have been told that if they fling themselves around appealingly enough, they will be able to consume one or more of the crowd. It is grisly to watch."

She doesn't necessarily comment on vaccines. Raven has never been sick, and isn't sure she can get sick at all. Being half-demon is weird and it's best not discussed. Which is why, after Colette's suggestion, Raven shakes her head. "I am not the getting to know type." she offers, retreating again from any form of social opening.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"So you don't get sick, you get all the best powers, and you can fly?" The cat smirks, "Did you guys just get the cosmic lottery or something? Seriously, can I be reborn a Kryptonian? It sounds super-awesome."

And then he pauses. His eyes go wide, and he realizes what he just said. "Oh look, my foot is super tasty today." He grabs anotherr slice of pizza and stuffs his face. Shut up, Vorpal. Shut up, Vorpal. Shut up, Vorpal.

"Say Kaldur, do they ever have swimming competitions in Atlantis?" Because if he's going to go for the Golden Bubotuber Award for the stupidest things said, he might as well go for the lifetime award, right?

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, that puts a new twist on the whole high school thing." Kara chuckles. She looks at Collette a moment before nodding to Cassie. "Yeah, at the place, I think he's around, doing his human life thing right now." She looks to Collette, "Short version, my planet exploded and basically no one survived but here we have super powers so we protect and defend and all that." She shrugs. It's not the cheeriest story and she's inclined to people watch a little.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Ok, now Cassie does start laughing a bit more as Raven continues in her description, though after going on for a bit, she has to point out: "I think he knows what *sports* are, Raven. At least, like, the concept and general idea. We actually played a game of basketball, once. Plus I figure any warrior culture has to have some of its own athletic competitions too, right?" Though she's not actually sure, glancing at Kaldur for an explanation.

"You could come watch one of the NYU teams if you wanted, sometime," she goes on to suggest, thinking that might be a little more informative than their second-hand descriptions. "Not just to watch the game, but to get an idea what the whole school-sports atmosphere is like. It's kind of a whole 'thing.' Or, of course, there's plenty of pro teams in the tri-state. They have cheerleaders too." Which is about as much as she should say on the subject. Let's not overstimulate the Atlantean!

And since they're doing intros: "My dad's Zeus." I mean, that sort of covers it, and she could leave it there, but adds, context wise: "Didn't know that for a long time, though. My mom's an archeologist so I *guess* that's how she met him." Eyeroll. "But that also meant she wasn't around much growing up, and obviously he wasn't. Uh, and I met Diana when she came to work for my mom at her museum. And I started following her around, 'borrowing' some of her magic toys to help, until eventually I met my dad during some Olympian dramaaaaz and he 'unlocked' my gifts. Or whatever." Pause. "Oh and my brother gave me a sweet lasso and I've been training with the Amazons."

Kara gets a smile. "I think happy backgrounds are forbidden or something, by hero-statute."

Stardust has posed:
"There are no zombies," Colette objects. "And no ritual cannibalism. Apart from that, Rae's explanation isn't that far off," she concedes. "And Cassie's right that there's a lot of sexism involved. It's kind of a bit ogle-y. But half the time you'll see better athletes doing the cheering than actually on the field."

"So what brought you up here, Kaldur?" Colette leans back in the sofa, folding her legs under her and making herself comfortable. "Got bored of military duty and wanted to see the world? Or is it some kind of official thing, like a military attache?"

  "Ouch. Sorry to hear that Kara." Colette raises an eyebrow at Vorpal. "Yeah so maybe you don't want to be born a Kryptonian. Losing your whole planet must suck. How did it... no, probably don't want to talk about that. <<We are sorry to hear of your loss>>" The last sentence, Colette says in badly-pronounced but just about understandable Kryptonian, sounding as if she'd read it somewhere and tried to memorize it.

"Your dad was Zeus? And your mentor was Wonder Woman? Bof. That's quite a story, Cassie." She pauses thoughtfully, then repeats "Your dad is Zeus?" She frowns, deeper in thought, then her face lights up. "So you're actually Helen of Troy's half sister? That... that's pretty cool. Do the Titans own a ship? We should totally launch a ship."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods at Cassie's invitation. "I would enjoy seeing mortal games. Yours seem to focus around playing with spheres," he remarks. "Atlantean games usually involve races; it is difficult to throw anything but a harpoon underwater," he points out, wryly. "The closest thing I can imagine is Conch, I suppose; it is quite violent."

He frowns at Cassie's addendum. "It is?" he asks, with a little concern. "That is vexing-- I miss my home in Atlantis quite dearly. My parents have sent me letters, as did my ... friends," he says, clearly changing whatever he was about to say.

"At any rate, no-- I am here formally. I am technically a component of the Atlantean diplomatic consulate," he tells the little group, polishing off more pizza. "Except I am not serving as a formal ambassador for Poseidius."

Supergirl has posed:
"What's done is done." Kara murmurs and reaches for another slice. "Rau, I'll take growing up like Cassie or Kaldur. I bet Atlantean art is really fascinating." She says and looks to Kaldur. "What is art like under water?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Was, is," Cassie agrees, with a nod to Colette. "Dude's still up there, dicking around on Olympus, and obviously, occasionally down here on earth." Ahem. There's no hiding that she's not exactly thrilled with the general exploits of her infamously unfaithful father. "But I give Diana all the credit. She's been like a big sister, aunt, mom-when-mine's-too-busy sort of figure my whole life, and I was really kind of a brat because of everything. She's really been wonderful. And after spending a bit of time away from things, learning on Themyscira, I think I'm a lot better adjusted now, too."

Then a grin at Kaldur. "Yeah, dudes playing with balls summarizes our human sports pretty well, though we've definitely got the races and things, too. But no one fills stadiums to watch those the same way. I'm sure you'd enjoy watching the games, and," with a wink over at Colette, as she did mention the typical ogle-worthiness, "Probably the cheerleaders, too."

Kara of course gets a soft look for her particularly sad history, even if its not getting much open discussion. "You should come visit on Themyscira again sometime. I'm sure they'd all be happy to see you, too."

Stardust has posed:
"I know what art is like under water," Colette offers. "Wet! What about music? Water is not the best for sound. Are there special underwater instruments? Do you only have instrumentals? Hard to imagine how you could sing. We probably shouldn't get Kaldur to do karaoke."

"You guys all seem to have interesting stories," Colette says. "Apart from the past few months, mine has been completely... uh. I was just about to say dull. But that's not right. Just... just normal. No gods and heroes babysitting me, no underwater military, no alien worlds, no mystical training, no... no whatever Vorpal is. I have nine hundred and ninety seven dead people living in my head and I'm the one without a story. Huh."

  Colette goes for another slice of pizza. "So, outing? A mission to take Kaldur to a game, and introduce him to the delights of stadium hot dogs?"

Aqualad has posed:
A smile flickers across Kaldur's composed features at Kara's question. "Much akin to on the surface, I suspect," he remarks. "Perhaps more transient in some cases. Unless specially prepared, few pigment stains will hold in saltwater for more than a few years," he remarks. "We focus a great deal on engravings and statues; there are rock formations that are nearly as old as Poseidius itself, carefully maintained for millennia," he explains. "Decorative tile is the most common form of artwork, aside from the arborists," he explains.

At the mention of Themyscira, his brows furrow, then lift. "Themyscira!" he remarks. "I met the Wonder Woman two days ago," Kaldur says. "She invited me to attend her there at some point. Are we referring to the same location?" he inquires, finishing his pizza. He sits a little stiff-backed on the sofa next to Colette, looking pleased at being able to (finally) contribute a bit. "That is very kind of you to offer, Colette. And I would not be so swift to dismiss your own stories; simply because something is not exciting does not mean it is unimportant," he reminds her. "I regret it is impossible to share Atlantean music with you, however. My people do not sing, and our instruments are designed to be used under water."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Whatever I am? My dear lady, I'll have you know that I am-"

A ring interrupts Vorpal and, with an annoyed expression, the cat reaches into his pocket and takes out a smartphone. He looks at the screen and his eyes go wide. "I am late, is what I am!" He reaches out and grabs a slice of pizza, "Great to see y'all, but I've got a study group starting in ten I totally forgot about! See ya tomorrow!"

He darts through another rabbit hole. Whether time and space have any objections, none of them are voiced.

At least, in any way that is understandable to human ears.

Supergirl has posed:
"My mother was an artist. I had considered going that way, before. I still like to make art now and then." Kara admits and watches as Vorpal vanishes with a blink. "Spar on Themyscira? Hang out with other women I don't need to hold back against? I'm down!" She tells Cassie and punches the girl's arm lightly.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Well, you'll make up for it hanging out with us, I'm sure," Cassie points out to Colette. "You've already been through a few scrapes, people kidnapping friends, enemies - who are maybe us from the future??? - sneaking around the tower. Et cetera. Never any shortage around here."

Then she bobs her head at Kaldur. "Yeah, that's it, there's only one that I know of. That's cool, that she wants you to visit! I guess she has been pretty keen on keeping good relations now that more of the world knows about it, and your people, of course, are probably a little more... I guess you might have a similar kind of perspective on things, with the Amazons, compared to the normal human population. The Amazons may look pretty much the same, but they're pretty far apart in every sense of their culture, their identity really. And they're into warrior stuff like no one else, so you'll fit right in!" She grins a bit more. "Lemme know when you're going, I wouldn't mind tagging along. Always nice to grab a chance to visit my new second family."

Vorpal's zipping off only gives her enough time to barely raise a hand to wave after him, and then she settles back in a shrug, reaching for another slice, even as Kara pounds her arm. "Well I think it goes without saying that you're welcome. The dudes need special invitation."

Stardust has posed:
"I didn't mean unimportant, Kaldur," Colette replies. "But when everyone else has exciting, 'One time I almost got bitten by a rattle snake' doesn't cut it. Yeah Cass... I have been through a few scrapes now, but that's not so great for show and tell either. 'Hey, one time there was this robot... oh you were there. Wait, okay, so these aliens... oh you were there for that too.' Ironically I probably have the best stories in my head, but where I can't get at them. Oh well. I'll make up for the lack of stories with pizza." Colette breaks into a broad grin and takes a bite.

"I'm still angling for that visit to the consulate, Cassie. I guess I'm the only person here who hasn't met Wonder Woman yet." Colette's eyes slide slowly towards Kara. She is absolutely not trying to imagine an Amazon and a Kryptonian arm-wrestling now.

Aqualad has posed:
"That was roughly what Diana suggested," Kaldur nods at Cassie. "My people predate Themyscira by a substantial amount, but I understand the Amazons are much longer lived than we are. But we are both nations with strong traditions of culture and martial aspects, so I intend to establish if we have more common ground than not."

"We might speak to Diana and make it a group trip, then," he suggests. "Though I know not the customs of Themyscira; perhaps Cassie, as her protege, is best suited to speak to her?" he suggests.

He shifts on the sofa so there's more room, as Vorpal scoots off, bumping next to Colette so everyone can get comfortable. "Kara," he says, looking to Supergirl. "Tell me more of the art you do," he inquires. "Sculpture? Pottery?" he inquires, fingers spreading slightly in an encoruaging gesture.

Supergirl has posed:
"Good!" Kara smiles and pushes her glasses up. Her attention is diverted. "Oh, sculpting, sure, painting too." She tells Kaldur. "I used to sit by my mom's feet and watch her work at her easel. I'm trying to find a balance between Kryptonian and Earth art."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to get into other whacky weirdness," Cassie continues to point out. "And you get it without having, like, one of the *original* crazy families, like the people who taught everyone else how to ruin a Thanksgiving without trying, as your people." She gives a laugh, and then admits: "The embassy visit was, like, code-talk for figuring out who you were and what you could do, when we were thinking about inviting you to join the team." She looks a little amused explaining the whole thing. "Since its a place we can spar freely. But now that you're one of us?" She shrugs. "You may as well just come along with us, right? Though if you want to swing by any time and say hi to Diana, it's not like she'd mind. She's nice!"

Kaldur's more serious analysis of the diplomatic implications just earns a kind of 'if you say so' look, as she hardly shares Diana's wisdom or experience in politics, her role as a representative for her people. So she answers, vaguely: "Sure, yeah, makes sense." Yep, totally. "And, oh, I mean, if you've worked it out with her that's fine. I just meant that it'd be nice for some of the rest of us to tag along. I'll let her know, but I don't think there'll be much question over the other girls, definitely not Kara." Sexism! "I imagine she'll take the jet." She doesn't bring up the invisible part. "So there's plenty of room, and we can all relax on the way."

Stardust has posed:
"I still wanna swing a sword about Cass." Colette replies with a grin. "So long as I get to do a bit of that, I don't mind where." Colette bumps Kaldur back, hogging a large stretch of sofa, but only for a moment before giving way with a laugh and shoving up to allow more room on the sofa. "Actually I really would like to do a bit of sparring. I don't have a lot of experience in fighting people who actually know how to fight."

"Maybe we should do some kind of cultural exchange exhibition," Colette suggests. Probably jokingly. Probably. "Themysciran, Atlantean, Tamaranean and Kryptonian art. I wonder what Tamaranean art is like. Probably involves mustard."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods at Kara and flickers a smile. "A well-rounded warrior does not devote themselves merely to combat. The arts are a way to feed the spirit," he says, nodding.

"Cassie, that sounds like a fine proposal. And your idea has merit as well, Colette," Kaldur tells the French girl. "A cultural exchange is a large part of why I am here. I would like to learn more of the culture of the Surface world, as well. Perhaps the Titans could host something," he suggests.

Supergirl has posed:
Smiling back at Kaldur, Kara is clearly pleased with his comment. She looks to Collette and Kaldur. "Oh a surface culture exchange? I'd love to learn more about Earth. And go throw down with Cassie." She teases and flexes. Clearly she's thrilled to see Cassie in Titan's tower. Someone she can interact with out holding back.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"... Colette, everyone Themyscira can swing a sword, and have been doing it for thousands of years. Any given woman you see in the town square makes little-Robin's 'oh I've spent my life in brooding ninja training to become the bestest assassin evar,'" this is a full impression, including a (bad) attempt at his voice, "look cute. And make me look like a total clueless amateur, which I absolutely am by comparison. Trust me, if you're just looking to knock around a bit, you'll have ten times the fun on the trip." Basically, Cassie is sure her friend is gonna have a good time!

"Though for the less impressive version, we've always got the gym here. I should probably do more myself, just so I suck a little less. Without my powers I'm probably one of the worst-trained people we've got." That thought makes her do a 'bleh' face, as she flops back on a seat. "Showing off some of our different cultures could be a lot of fun, though, yeah. Not that I have the lifetime of immersion in one that you do." She grins over at Kara. "We can put something together. And if you ever want to go knock around a little, I'm totally game!"

Stardust has posed:
"I'll take you on at worst-trained any day, Cassie!" Colette challenges with a laugh. "We could spar no-powers and score points for being terrible. You know, when I got my powers, I said, 'Hey, maybe someone who's ever trained for anything remotely useful for crime-fighting would be a better choice?' But apparently they're stuck with me. So yeah. Luckily the whole being bullet proof and very strong thing goes a long way to compensate. Yeah so I'll never be fast enough to deflect bullets with my wrists, but I don't really need to be."

Colette finished the last of her pizza and hops to her feet. "Well I'm gonna leave you guys to hammer out this cultural exchange thing, but if you like I'll bring along some French cuisine, now that's what I call art. Not tonight though. Got some revision to do before tomorrow. See you guys later!"

Colette doesn't have any Vorpal style rabbit holes to jump through, but there is the lift shaft. That's a hole! Colette walks to it, turns and jumps backwards into it, giving a cheery wave as she falls out of sight.