14684/Crazy and the Cat

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Crazy and the Cat
Date of Scene: 29 January 2023
Location: Grounds - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ivory, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Batman

Ivory has posed:
When the night closes in, Gotham starts to turn into a glittering net of artificial jewels, illuminated from within. At least from the distance, it appears as a wonderful place, a crown jewel, visible from the edge of the cliff Wayne Manor sits atop. It's a sight to behold. From the other side of the manor, the gothic facade of the building extends against the darkening sky, almost a haunted appearing facade with only few windows illuminated, creating an even more eery look than the facade does at daytime, the snow dusted grounds around it keeping it way better visible.

If the weather was less cold and the rain had come as a downpour, one might believe that a couple singing about a light in the dark might come by - if there was a road nearby that people other than those that want to go to the mansion take. But that road is missing, so whoever comes... has a reason.

The wrought iron fence poses no obstacle for the latest arrival. An uninvited one. One that wasn't here ever before. But also one that is small and wearing the perfect color to try and blend in with the white dusted surfaces of the lawn: It's a white cat. One of the fluffy persian kind, possibly tripping up all the alerts that something is getting on the Wayne Manor Grounds, unless 10 pounds cat are not enough.
Catwoman has posed:
It certainly is cold out tonight, and Selina is bundled up in her usual long black wool coat. All the better to blend in with her surroundings. She called Bruce ahead of time of her arrival, although he's probably used to her regular visits by now as she has made a habit of checking in on Harley every week or so. As usual she arrives in a taxi, not exactly making an effort to sneak in. And why should she? Shes not planning on robbing this place Afterall.
Harley Quinn has posed:
all you hear is FREEEEEEESSSHHHH SNOOOOOOOOOW " before a girl who is almost as white as snow leaps into the air ..Spread equals and whoomp! Right into the show to start flailing her arm and legs.. apparently, Harley doesn't care about the cold as she's making a snow angel in the middle of the garden!

     Harley is showing her crazy, too, because she's still wearing her normal type outfit despite the temperature then again. Harley's not exactly normal anymore, anyways! Though she Jerks her head up when she hears the taxi " eh? "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne laughs as he comes out long black leather duster over his Navy Blue suit. His head cocks to Harley and chuckles. "Glad the snow can make you so happy Harls." He says though the cat does catch his eye and of course the Taxi pulling up does as well. "Hey Harle
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne says, "Harls our friend has arrived to check on you." He says with a smile. "You want to say hello?""
Ivory has posed:
The arrival of a girl screaming about the snow on the top of her lungs, making snow-angels and other pictograms does send the foot of white fuzz into a scamper to the opposite direction, but then the head turns to the taxi. Like a little snot figure, the small beast halts in the movement, the eyes affixed to the yellow vehicle. When Miss Kyle gets out, meeting someone, the cat seems to need to decide...

...and then dashes towards the car, leaving behind further spread little imprints in the white dusting on the lawn. Nigh no sound but crunching snow.
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle steps out of the taxi, peering around. Oh, there's Harley playing in the snow and acting crazy as usual. And there's Bruce. "Good evening, you two.." she's still not sure how she feels about Harley being in such close proximity to Bruce, and she's not sure if it's strictly rehabilitation but.

Selina is suddenly distracted by a curiously familiar collar and turns to pick up the approaching cat. "Well hello there, we have met before..Have we not..?" she frowns a bit, trying to recall when that was, as it was a while ago.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Looks up "Kitty " She beams before she Jumps up and runs over for a tackle hug! " Oh wow, double kitty yay! " She says of course, her body is super cold as she gives big hugs to Selina!
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles approaching Selina and stopping in front of her. "Good Evening Selina how are you? Well I hope." He then looks to the cat in her hands. "A friend of yours?" Bruce asks with a laugh.
Ivory has posed:
Narrowly avoiding getting trampled by a female pouncing Selina, the cat retreats some yard, waiting for the 163 cm tall blue eyed pale girl to calm down enough to close in again and not get under the soles. When the feline returnes, it's with an attempt of feline dignity, nudging against the leg of the coated woman, then brushing the head a tad agains the boot.
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles as she gently strokes the cat's fur, while searching the collar for ID. "Hmm, think the name is Ivory, although you're more than just a cat, aren't you?" she smirks, "Seems we have something in common..I wonder what brings you here..?"

Of course then she is tackled by Harley, the kitty slips out of her hands despite her best efforts and Selina finds herself hugging Harle instead. "Hey there hun, have you been behaving yourself?" she winks playfully at her, steadying the other woman by her shoulders as she peers around to see where the kitty went. Ahh, by her feet.

Glancing to Bruce she smiles thoughtfully and nods, "We have met before, yes..But I'm sure this cat is more than a cat. Some sort of shapeshifter, although I doubt she's here to spy on us. I hope.." she peers down at the cat, "Youre on my side, right?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn laughs " Never," as she answers her friend but then she blinks " shape shifter neato " She giggles as she peers down at the kitty at the woman's feet "Don't get alot of that kind here in gotham.. the stronger types tend to avoid us " she smirks before she squats down to the cat " So you can shape shift that's kinda neat.. can I see? " though her eye's are all kins of crazy like that kid that just saw a new toy.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods his head. "Shape changer and sneaking onto the property?" He says with a chuckle. "Either a spy or a curious kid." He than looks down to Harley. "Harls come on don't spook the poor thing, she needs some space if she agrees to shift for you."
Ivory has posed:
There's a tiny meow at the notion of them being more than one can see, though as Selina spills the beans about them being a shapechanger of sort, there's almost a protesting sound as it stalks away two feet or such. It's like the cat dissolves into fog, expanding to about a full square yard before the cloud condenses back to a body again. Just one that's human, kneeling on the ground and clad in a winter coat.

"Way to introduce someone..." they remark, sending a little look with raised eyebrows to Selina, then moving on to Bruce. "Why again should I spy on you?" they ask as they get up, the voice somewhere between a typical male or female voice, the coat obscurring the shape. "I take... she's Harley and you must be... wait for it... Mr. Bruce wayne, Millionaire Philantrope of Gotham City, yes? I'm just Ivory, yes."
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle hmms, "Curiosity no doubt, still.." hmm, no ID, no 'owners'. "You really are a mysterious thing, aren't you?" Huh? where did the cat go? She frowns, peering around when out of the fog comes a human. No less mysterious in this form. "Hello again, Ivory. How have you been? What brings you here?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne chuckles holding out his hand. "Well that's precisely why, because I am Bruce Wayne Billionaire Philanthrope of Gotham." He laughs and looks to Selina. "Looks like Ivory was a bit bummed you ratted her put Selina." He says playfully. "But yes this is Harley. It's a pleasure to meet you Ivory, you aren't from Gotham are you?"
Ivory has posed:
Shrugging a moment, Ivory takes the hand, the handshake not the most firm but casual. No signs of hard work or fighting on them. "At least she could have let me into the warm house first, because it's rather cold without a good fur coat. Not that I advocate for fur coats you don't grow, but having it can be so handy. And no, I'm jsut a tiny scale Ney York Designer," they introduce themselves.

"What brings me here? Oh, I was just following a fellow white head..."
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle smirks, shaking her head at the white cat. "Sorry my dear, but I needed to know that Bruce had your trust as well. Can hardly let a mole into a lovely mansion like that now, can we?" well, she knows what she'd do if she had those powers! She arches a brow at Ivory, "Fellow White Head..?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne chuckles and nods towards the Manor. "Come on let's head inside Alrfred can get us coffee, Tea, coco what ever it is that we want. I'm sure Harley has run off inside already to get some." He laughs. "Yea I'm actually curious too what's a white head?"
Ivory has posed:
"Me? A Mole? Last I checked those are not feline." Ivory almost teases, stretching the arms a little, the head tilting. "Alfred, hm? That's not like your AI or something that Mr. Stark would have, right? Because that so wouldn't fit to the house," they muse, brushing through their white hair, making sure that the ponytail has all gathered. "You call someone with red hair a redhead, so what you call someone with white?"
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle smirks, following after Bruce. "Not that kind of mole." she gives Bruce a meaningful look before stepping into the warmth of the mansion. "Ahh you were being literal..Wait, are there more white cat shifters around here or..?" she peers around thoughtfully.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne laughs leading into the Manor. "No Ivory, Alfred isn't an AI he's my Butler." He laughs leading the way in through the main entry way. He looks back at Selina and smiles nodding before speaking again to Ivory. "Hmmm...I guess that makes sense for what a white head is." He leads into the Parlour and gestures for folks to take a seat around the fire.
Ivory has posed:
"I thought I saw someone I know take the road that lead here. Curious, the road is like miles and no other drive in..." Ivory allows to peek into the cards only so much as they follow along, hands tucked into the pockets. "After all there's only so many that have long white hair naturally. Though then again, cars are faster than cats."
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle hmms, "Strange, I didn't see anyone on my way here..Hopefully they're a friendly." she nods to Bruce, "I think I'll check on Harley, all that jumping around in the snow, she should be more careful. Talk to you in a bit." and she turns on her heel and takes off after Harley.
Batman has posed:
Alfred does appear almost as if by magic the butler is rather quiet and stealthy. "So Ivory, would you like coffee, coco, tea, something stronger?" He asks with a smile. "Alfred this is Miss. Ivory, she's our guest for the afternoon." He says before taking a seat in his favorite chair by the fire.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn sighs as she flops onto a couch herself though mostly upside down with her legs on the back rest so her pig tails touch the floor .
Ivory has posed:
Following in, Ivory stretches, shaking out the coat and allowing warm air to get under it, but not leaving the jeans jacket at the wardrobe at once. There was after all a couple cats embroidered onto the back. A white persian, a black bobtail and a turkish angora in deep black with a white streak on the head, playing together with a ball of yarn.

    "Sorry, but please, no Miss or Sir or anything like that... Ivory is a first name. Last name's Valentine, but there's no good nonbinary sir or miss thing, so... just Ivory, ok?" they offer with a slightly pained smile.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods his head. "Ah well that may play havoc on my old butler but I know he can accommodate." He says and of course Alfred bows slightly. "Of course Master Bruce." Is the reply. "Glass of scotch for me Alfred, and whatever the Lady and Person here want."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn thinks for a moment then she pushe sup into a hand stand and then moves to one hand then back to two but her eye's are watching the other girl.. she's still bruce talk to her for right now as she's mostly watching
Ivory has posed:
The silk scarf stays around the neck when they finally slip out of the coat to put it over their arm. "I know, old habbits die hard, and we still got to figure out how to fix the whole language part. I do kinda like the phrase Gentlebeings for the plural, maybe Gentleperson or Gentlebeing for the singular, if you must. Oh... I'll have a tea. No rum, no shot, no nothing... shifting with some in the systme gets the worst hangovers and makes me all trippy..."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods his head looking to Harley. "Harls sweet heart, the blood is going to rush to your head if you keep that up." He laughs and then looks to Ivory. "I think within certain communities the language will change and evolve, however I lament that it is unlikely that the whole language ever will."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Walks over on her hands " i know that's the point help me think " She says brightly as she looks back " I still wanna cuddle her " She sasy frowng she sighs " i knows she's a person but I wanna pet her so I'm doing this to think about it "
Ivory has posed:
Ivory sighs a moment as Harley calls them a her. "Them. It's them and they. Or my name. Because even if you are right, I might decide to turn a fast one and jump that fence..." And in fact, there is some tiny subtleties that shift about them, but it's like... very slight. The timbre isn't what changes, or the general posture, but the way the feet stand shifts slightly as something seems to... ripple of their form. "But I do apprechiate the thought that you find felines petable. But you know to treat them like the royalty they are, right?"

21... 22... 23... As if they had counted before revealing them, a pair of rounded fuzzy feline ears flip free from the hair... oh right, THAT had changed too: the hair had shifted some, the ears hidden by the hair. Or were they gone, shifted?
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne gets up and walks to Ivory holding out his hand. "May I?" He asks about feeling their ears and hair. Bruce is a clinical and scientific mind. "Harls be a good girl and refer to them as Ivory requested ok?" He asks but the question leaves no doubt what he means. "You been able to do this all your life?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn flips back onto the couch and smirks " I was gonna " She says and lays back " my fault .. thanks for tellin me yer pro nouns " she says brightly
Ivory has posed:
"It's ok, but you could have asked too, right?" Ivory replies to Harley, shrugging a moment, just when Mr. Wayne comes up and reaches for the feline ears, which twitch to try and avoid being touched. "H...hey... they're sensitive." they warn before letting the short test go on.

Only once the hands are gone away, they continue, brushing over the head in a fashion to not brush over the ears directly. "All I can remember, Mr. Wayne. It's magic, and I got that on my driver's license." Which, as if to proove a point, they pull out to show that the entry for gender someone filled out with both letters. "See?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn cocks her head and blinks shes about to say something and sighs and shakes her head instead before she smirks " Maybe she's one of them mutant types you know they have that on the news " She says and thinks " but if you think it's magic maybe we need to talk to wonder gal "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles as he softly strokes Ivory's ears and starts to pet her head softly too. "I get the sensitive spots thing." He says before looking to Harley. "So Harls what do you think?" He asks with a chuckle before looking back to Ivory. "Oh I was merely referring to how long you've been able to shift, not your gender identity."
Ivory has posed:
Ivory shakes the head a moment. "That's the same to me. I mean... Look." Taking of the scarf and folding it, now there's an adam's apple visible. Then, there's another ripple running over the figure and it vanishes. Another, and it's back, just before Ivory puts the scarf back on and closes the eyes a moment. "See what I mean?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Blinks " So you were born a shape shifter? " She asks softly as she stands up and looks over " Like I said if this is a maigc thing I know who we can ask.. if not " she taps her chin " i know a couple of peope who are born with powers and didn't get em from stuff like me "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne pets Ivory a little more as he looks them over watching the changes. "I see, interesting. Thank you for sharing, so as far as you know you've always been like this." He nods and sits on the couch next to Harls he will tug Ivory down next to him as well as Alfred brings Bruce his scotch and Ivory their tea. "Miss Quinzell a drink?"
Ivory has posed:
"Eh... not exactly..." Ivory remarks, once more pulling the scarf down, to expose that neckband that the cat wore like a collar. "As far as the story goes, it started when this hand me down got to me some days after my birth, but I don't need it to do stuff."

The continued petting of Bruce does finally earn a hand trying to stop it. "I know it's tempting but please, you tell... Harley was the name, right? You tell Harley not to do it and then indulge yourself? That's mean."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Looks to Alfred and walks over and kisses his cheek " no thanks " she says brightly before she smirks " yep Harley Quinns the name " She chuckles " but if it's magic We know some magic types who could check it out if you want " she shrugs " Depends if you wanna look into it "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne stops the stroking and petting. "My apologies, it was more of a scientific thing on my end. I mean that you're not cute." He laughs sipping his Scotch watching Harley's movements he than nods his head a bit. "Oh yes we know people who could help, but again that's depending in whether you want to look into it."
Ivory has posed:
"It's not a problem to me. Well, unless someone got a cat hair allergy, then it's a real bother." Ivory notes, chuckling before offering Harley a hand. "So, you are friends with Miss Kyle?"

"Though, what kinda help you mean here?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn grins " Oh yeah were old friends we ran together in a team a few times too she's amazing loving hanging out with her " She taps her chin "As for helping ya .. ya know figuring out where the collar is from .. if the magic is good or bad for you.. hero stuff ""
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne laughs and stands up moving next to Harley. "Hero stuff you say Harls." He laughs. "Wasn't to long ago you were on the other side of that game if memory serves." He teases putting an arm around her. "But we've known Selina for a very long time, she's good people."
Ivory has posed:
"Where it's from? Oh, I know it's an heirloom. Like, was gifted to some great grandmom of my mom. Passed down to the third kids, or the youngest kid in case it were less. I guess it's with my family since like... 1850 or something." Ivory explains, sipping of the tea before looking for somewhere to sit down. "Hero Stuff, Villain Stuff... who cares? As long as I don't get smushed by Galactus or need to fence off pricks, I have fun."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Gasps and wraps her arms around ivory " You get me " She says brightly and giggles " See that's exactly Me " she says brightly maybe she gets a nuzzle in but she says " Villian hero.. I'm just trying to have fun "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "No see there's gotta be a code, without that the whole world goes to crap." He says moving to both Harls and Ivory. "However that doesn't mean we can't still have fun and get crazy." He laughs a bit here.
Ivory has posed:
Suddenly hugged, Ivory gasps for air, trying to gently make a little bit space. "Careful, ok?"

"Code... How about don't kill what you don't want to eat, try to be the best you you can be and sleep on the warm spots?" the genomorph suggests, shrugging a tad. "And of course, have fun doing what you do."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Grins and giggles " And people said you don't know how to smile and crack jokes " then ivory speaks and she stands infront of bruce and narrows her eye's " My warm spot "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne laughs and shakes his head. "Well actually this warmspot belongs to me." He says with a playful wink of course he means the manor right? right? "Fine you're code is very cat like Ivory. But seriously, I'm helping my girl here to get better." He gestures to Harls. "Is there anything I can do to help you with anything at all, you seem like good people I'd like to be friends."
Ivory has posed:
Ivory says, "Oh, well... if you happen to be in clothing business, I could leave you my card, but then again, if you do't want to, I understand. It's a rather nieche spectrum. Anyway..." taking another sip from the tea. "For now a cup of hot tea and warm air after Selina got me out of my fur is enough to revitalize. If you ever got dumped into icy air after having been in a cozy coat... that's what shifting to human in the snow feels like. Even if I keep my clothes, there's much to little warm air trapped in my cat fur.""
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Nods her head and holds out her hand " Card please " she smiles " Always like having new threads " She grins but she cocks her head " that sucks " she scrunches her nose
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and nods his head. "Sure I'll take your card, I'll even promote your business if you like. If you need investors to help with anything I can get them for you or even throw a big fashion show for you to display your stuff, I can get you models too." He says with a nod. "But yes not keeping warmth does suck."
Ivory has posed:
Ivory searches her coat's pocket for a pair company cards, pulling it out. It's simple, white, the address in New York, the label as a Designer. They have a slight embossed feel to them, as they were made on an old printing machine with a plate, not a mere inkjet printer. "Here. Yea, it sucks when putting on skin, but keeping fur kind of freaks everybody out."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn cocks her head " i wouldn't mind but you got a touching thing " She says as she shrugs " Pitty I give great cuddles " She comments before she grabs bruces arm and rubs her nose in his big shoulder
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and leans a bit closer to Harls. "Well keeping fur won't bother me if that's what you wish to do." He says with a smile. "Harls does give great cuddles, but I understand your not liking touching." He says with a thoughtful expression on his face.
Ivory has posed:
"Well, only on one condition..." Ivory remarky, emptying the cup and putting it down to some side table. "I mean, I don't have something *against* cuddles or petting, but it's a little... you know, you don't do that with humans. It's OK if I wear my cat skin." Stretching, Ivory seems to dissolve into mist that rapidly clumps and condenses back as a little foot of 10 pounds cat, quite some of the volume of it floof and white fur.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and pets Ivory in their cat form. "So don't pet you in your human skin, makes sense, I of course wouldn't have done that in the company of ottheir people that's just asking for trouble." He says. "Are you able to speak in cat form or is it just cat sounds you can make?" He asks realizing with a laugh that if it's just cat sounds they wouldn't be able to reply.