145/In the Light of the Moon
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In the Light of the Moon | |
Date of Scene: | 25 April 2017 |
Location: | Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Summary needed. |
Cast of Characters: | Batman, Cyberdragon, Crusader
- Batman has posed:
Midnight in Gotham:
Shadowy figures race across the rooftops and swing between buildings every night here. But tonight it's different.
Tonight, the figure of note is wanted. For murder.
Heavy footsteps stomp across a slanted tile roof before their owner pushes off, somersaulting into the air over an alley to land on a flat tar top across the way. Some distance behind it, a police helicopter searches with its floodlight for the figure among the shadows and gargoyles of the old buildings here.
This figure, you see, was recognized in a few leaked frames of video footage from Wayne Enterprises.
This figure may very well be Bruce Wayne's murderer.
This figure...is Batman.
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Moving through the Skies Cyber is flying casually doing his best to stay nice and high for once. After Domino had managed to detect him he is doing his best to stay well above what might be the range of human vision.
His Wings Flap silently The Wings have the structure of an owl's feathers. his colors are all black as he does his best to avoid being seen. Still as he is watching his area, he can Perceieve the electro field down below him with various degrees of intensity.
The Sight of such a field moving so rapidly through the field on the top of the roofs catches his attention. It is very much to his sight like a heat distortion. He can't make it out clearly as to who or what it is as the dark colors blend in better but having eaten and taken care of business earlier Cyberdragon angles his wings, John and Cyber curious as to who it is.
Of course Cyberdragon, hasn't decided if he wants to be a Super hero. Still he is adjusting to his new abilities. That is John and Cyber getting to know each other.
- Crusader has posed:
Crusader happened to be in the neighborhood. Gotham was a haven of crime and thus a good place to do some good! Crusader was in the area, watching the policechopter searching
He had heard of Bruce Waynes murder, but was surprised to learn that Batman was evidently consider a prime suspect and wanted for murder. But why would Batman suddenl go bad?
Well it seem this was the time to find out, Seeing just a flicker of the bat, Crusader gives chase! He runs and jumps the roof landing on the next one with a bit of a thump. But he never slows as he begins to try and chase down Batman, only vaguly aware of the other being above.
When he get close enough though, the bulb on the polic chopter will brighten and then burst from a surge of electricty. He wasn't here for a man hunt, he just wanted answers.
- Batman has posed:
Batman's cape flows out behind him as he jukes a hard right on the edge of a building to grab a higher windowsill on an adjacent building. Then, he reaches out with his other hand and fires a grappling line with a soft *paff*.
It finds purchase on a streetlamp across the street, and he swings in a tight arc before launching himself up to another rooftop. An old tile rattles and falls behind him as he picks up speed.
In the air, the helicopter overcorrects in response to the surprising floodlight malfunction, and a request for backup is radioed in. "He's got to be here," the pilot says. "No way this is coincidence."
- Cyberdragon has posed:
As Cyberdragon flys through the Air, he notes the Police Helichopter and then he does notice the Swining figure, He is not sure what is going on as he angles his flight and soon Cyber Has Identified the form of Batman in the darkness, and soon he will actually swing down. He's Curious as well and then he will actually do something extremely insane? He flies above Batman and calls down.
"Any chance you want a Hand loosiing the the police? I am guessing they had enough of you being a Vigilante here huh? Put that Grapple around my legs and tail and I'll get you in a different area of the City faster than you can run." and he will then surge ahead of Batman as the Dragon does his best to stay above the skylines. He honestly doesn't know that there were leaked photos. He's been out all day testing out his powers and abilities.
- Crusader has posed:
Well the thing about a chase... you kind of had to chase the person in question. He overheard the helichopter, but by now he was too far from the chopter to affect it radio signal. So onward he moves!
And than a dragon swoops down in front of bats...offering a ride. Close enough to hear, but not close enough to stop what may happen, Crusader picks up speed. Sure he could fly...but he still avoiding that. Luckily the swoosh of cape, combined with the form of a dragon overhead is not hard to see!
- Batman has posed:
In response to the sudden appearance of a flying, talking dragon, Batman frowns and cartwheels at an angle away. "I'm not going back," is all he says.
In mid-flip, he retrieves something from his belt--and fires it at Cyberdragon. The object creates a burst of multicolored chaff to obscure his shape and position, while Batman dives over the edge of the building onto another rooftop nearby, where he continues his race away from the police.
In the distance, the faint sound of at least two more helicopters can be heard slowly growing louder. Barely visible on one, hanging out its door, is the shape of a police sniper.
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon is confused at that and he listens as the pellet is thrown at him and the speed of it surprised the dragon as it hit him. Coloring him in the Chaff as he pulls out of it choosing to land. He turns his head to the Choppers and Cyber homes in on the device in the hands of ones of the Police, and then he realizes.
"Sniper? What the hell?" Now Cyber knows something is seriously wrong in Gotham. Aas far as he knows of the Dark Knight or The Bat. He's helped the City, why the hell would he be hunted by Snipers. Still Cyber reflexively hardens his armored form and bares his teeth. He wants to drive the choppers off, but he promised Tony he wouldn't cause trouble. And That has him torn, and he wants information and answers.
So Cyber does the Stupid thing, making his colores Black and pulls his wings up to a Cape. And then he starts to Run across the roofs, he is able to run faster than before moving at a 90 degree angle to the direction Batman was heading. He's reasonibly sure he can take the round, although it it is pushing anti material calibur. And he jumps across the roofs to tumble downand roll as he moves with intent and speed.
He knows the general direction of Gotham harbor if he can get there he can dive into the water and swim to saftey.
- Crusader has posed:
Crusader notes the sniper. Frankly he was a slight be ticked. Seriously one rich guy dies and they bring out the sniper, but for every other murder they just send out the regular police? Sure any death is bad, but still, come on!
And now BatDragon is their as well. He was still keeping good watch. Well hopefully the chopter follow, for he himself was still comming for the bats
Crusader puts the pedal to the metal, he saw Batman dive down onto another nearby roof, and followed. Cathing up to batman wouldn't be easy but he had to try. He was starting to gain ground after having a late start.
- Batman has posed:
The sniper's chopper gets closer, although it lacks a floodlight--that's provided by a second chopper, which swings the light in a wide arc toward the area where Batman and Cyberdragon had their confrontation.
Below, Batman races across the diagonal of a flat roof, leaping atop the stairwell access door before he leaps out to glide above a large intersection. There, he fires his grappling line again, twisting himself into a left turn down March Street.
The floodlight nearly catches him as he pulls his body into a straight line, legs angled up. Instead, just the edge of his cape is illuminated, causing the helicopters to begin triangulating their search. "Oh shit!" can be heard over the radio by all three pilots, almost simultaneously.
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Alright As The Choppers are not taking his bait. Cyberdragon needs to change his tactics, and he narrows his eyes coming to a Stop on one of the rooftops, and then he resumes his normal form and colors, If they have Thermal cameras they are about to get an Eyefull.
Inhaling Cyber charges his Plasma fire. He takes very careful Aim making sure that he will in no way shape of form come near the Choppers as he opens his mouth and then across their bow and below it so it streams into the sky harmlessly, he unleashes a Plasma stream. Several thousand decrees of plasma streaks from his mouth across the sky produsing a bright light. The Line and fire lasts only a half second. But those thermal cameras will show the temp as being exceedingly hot.
He has no intention of hitting them. But he wants to make sure they know something just gave them a warning shot that something dangerous is up there with them. As he flaps his wings taking to the air. A Single shot might be all that is needed to distract them. Of course if that doesn't work, he'll have no choice but to get involved personally. Of course Cyber most likely appears ont heir radar now...
- Crusader has posed:
Crusader was running and running, getting closer and closer. But so where those chopters, which were proving a nuisance. He himself did he best to stay out of any flood light. But good lord this Batman was fast!
And then quite suddenly, the sky is ignited in a brilliant flare of heat and light. Crusader is startled and more or less blinded by the sudden display. And just when he was jumping a roof too!
When he does jump when the light goes off, he couldn't see where to land or was supposed to land. He miss the ledge and fails to the ground. When he hits the ground, it was a very loud crash and boom, like someone just dropped two cars down from 30ft in the air!
It takes a moment to recover and he climbs back up as soon as possible. He quickly scans for any hint of batman still moveing
- Batman has posed:
"There's more than one of them!" a pilot calls out over the radio as the spotlight passes over Cyberdragon's black guise moments before he reverts to his normal appearance.
One of the helicopters veers upward despite not being close to the sudden gout of flame. "Jeez!" squawks over the radio. "Do they have anti-aircraft weapons or something?" Then there's the loud BOOM from Crusader's landing.
"Hard to tell," replies another pilot, or maybe the sniper, as the airborne vehicles attempt to maneuver nimbly in anticipation of unknown opposition. "Have to get that light square on 'em to know for sure. Careful, though, because we're nearing a spot where a lot of these bastards manage to slip away."
"Crime Alley, right?"
Batman, meanwhile, rockets upward as his grappling gun retracts its line, which sends the dark knight to the central spire of Gotham Cathedral. He touches down there for a moment, but then he dives off once more, his trajectory making it seem, for just a moment, like he's flying.
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Finally Cyberdragon seems to have their attention as he will tuck and dive moving across the sky flapping his wings hard. Making sure to Rocket Skywards above the Choppers issuing a roar of a dragon that fills the air. Of course Cyberdragon knows that those rifles can do some serious damage, and not wanting to Risk it flies above the Choppers keeping himself High enough to avoid the downdraft of their blades. Roaring keeping above the blades of the one that has the Sniper in side it. He is also doing his best to keep track of the other two. He knows at least the Sniper most likely will not fire up between the blades and risk hitting the Rotors.
The issue with Cyber is that the area even one as old as Gotham has a electro field to it and the farther he gets out the harder it is for him to see changes in the field. So for all Cyber knows is that there is another Sniper ready to take a Shot at him.
- Crusader has posed:
Crusader glances upwards at the roar. Gothic Medevial Cathedral, a flying fire breathing dragon, and a Crusader chaseing a Dark Knight. Is there a theme here? He can't be the only one thinking about this.
Daydreaming latter! He catches sight of Batman making that nearly verticle dive almost appearing to fly! But the chopter were in full search. Hopefully that dragon is /not/ trouble and just providing a distraction.
His coloring shifts to blend in with the enviroment. As he move he only appears as a distortion in the enviroment. But he did so only to get by the flood lights.
He takes a roundabout way, hopscotching the roofs around the Catherdrals northern border to hopefully catch up with Batman.
- Batman has posed:
The Batman continues gliding through the shadows, with just glimpses of his form visible amid the darkness.
In the air above the cathedral, the helicopters begin to converge. The floodlights pass across the dragon and manage to catch Batman as well.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" cries the sniper, who begins firing wildly--first at Cyberdragon and then at the caped crusader (little C).
"Christ, Ramirez!" shouts the pilot. "You are not cleared to fire!"
"Screw that--he's right there!" the sniper replies, firing again, attempting to fire past--or even through--the dragon to hit Batman, who's nearing a dead end in Crime Alley.
- Cyberdragon has posed:
The Firing Wildly is enough to catch Cyber's attention and he actually does allow himself to be hit. The Impact is like a Punch tot he chest, the armor plates spark and blow open. Batman does require heavy artilery as the shot knocks Cyber off course. Forcing him to turn and his wings Faulter.
Cyber absorbed Most of the energy but it still penetrated into John's upper Torso, but thankfully not by much.
It's enough to send him careening wildly into the Cathedral hitting the top of it as he tumbles and rolls. Holding his Chest John feels the pain inside as Cyber snaps him out of his shock at having been shot telling him to move and Run. Cyberdragon runs to the East and tries to take off once more wings flaring. The damage to the suit is covered over as he shows some signs of labored movement.
Oh he's gonna have a lot to tell Stark and a lot to explain. As he tries to avoid and draw at least one chopper off of batman.
- Crusader has posed:
Okay. First a sniper for a hero. And now said snipers are fireing WILDLY down into the city? WHat are they doing, hireing nutcases for the police force? This was going south and fast. Granted it not everday your up agaist a dragon
Crusader eyes narrow as Cyber begins to fall, but is relieved when it seem the creature is alright. And trying to get away it seems. May draw a chopter off, which means less trouble
But Crusader changes tactics, this was no longer about chasing bats and trying to figure out what has happened. It was about making sure those bullets do not hit innocents.
His form becomes visible once more, but instead of looking like Crusader, he looked like a gold amorphouse humanoid glob of goo. His form begins stretching over roofs instead of jumping. Specificly trying to anticpate where the man may shoot those bullets and trying to get in their paths. He should hopefully be able to stop the bullets from getting through.
- Batman has posed:
"Disengage, sniper! That is an order!" another voice commands over the radio.
"Fuu...yes, sir," Ramirez replies, and the rifle goes silent. Meanwhile, the floodlight attempts to catch Batman again. It races down the alley right behind the swinging vigilante.
But--right before it catches up, Batman disappears into the pitch-black dead end. A split second later, the floodlight brightens the dead end's brick walls. Nowhere that anyone could have gone.
"Wrong alley?" one voice asks.
"Not a chance. I'm tellin' you, that guy is inhuman."
"You all had /better/ find him, because there is going to be a /lot/ of explaining and paperwork to do," the commanding voice interjects.
"What is /that/?!" one of the pilots shouts, likely in response to the golden blob moving across the rooftops. "A dragon--a ... thing ... man, we are outgunned here!"
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyber's Priority is to protect john, his host. And right now Cyber is trying to convince john to Leave to get medical attention. Cyber flows into the wound to staunch the blood flow and get circulation established. It's far from mortal. John how ever says that if he is to be a hero, he can't runaway when he gets a cut. So he stands his Ground and turns around as he will open his wings and then once more take to the sky roaring ducking down under the Chopper witht he Sniper on it. Then he Changes tactic as John doesn't grapple the chopper like he was planning he swings around behind the area making sure the Choppers can see him as he swings up and over against the choppers Then Dives down to fly down a street where he can turn and duck. Interrestingly enough it is in the area of Crime Aleey turning a street as he is Climbs up to a wall and alters his colors and textures to match the brick work and goes perfectly still.
Now they have a foe that can fly and has harrassed them, one amorphis blob, and lost the batman... this area just got dangerous.
- Crusader has posed:
When the light shines off the metalic almost liquid metal gold blob it seems to shudder a moment. Crusader well heard the order to his relief. Hopefully they will back off now.
The gold blob in full view gradually seems to dissappear as Crusader again blends into the enviroment.
Once that done, he oozes down into the alleyway Batman seemed to dissappear. He carefully looked about and reach out with his cyberpathy to see if there was anything hidden at all...at least from a technological level. Anything to give him a clue
But if what he hears is true...it is doubtful Batman will be so easy to find, as losing his trail is more or less saying the search is over. Normally anyways. But still dosn't hurt to try. And then there was that Dragon who also seemed to dissappear
- Batman has posed:
The floodlight passes back over the solid brick wall where Batman was last seen before its operator begins scanning the wider area again.
"Either this is a trap or we are way outclassed," one of the pilots says. "I can't even see any of them any more."
"Okay, attempt to patrol from a distance /only/. We'll see what support we can get in the air for you ASAP," replies the voice of authority. "And sniper," the voice continues, "you'd better not fire one more damn round until you have a green light to do so."
"Roger that," a pilot replies. "Not that we'll see a damn thing down there."
- Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon holds his position and only when he senses the choppers moving off at a greater distance, will Cyber remove hid disuise. It will be right infront of Crusader, as he can see the shimmer and shift of the red and black dragon as he will push off the waller down to the street, and then his wings spread and he takes off flying low moving across the streets to an alley across the way.
He finds what he is looking for, a manhole cover and with great ease lifts it up flips it around and then he drops down inside with a soft click clang of the manhole cover closing. And with it Cyber races off down the sewer line. He is very very glad Cyber filters out the smells. And cleaning won't be an issue either....
- Crusader has posed:
Crusader for his part stays still. He dosn't need to move much, he will stay and search for a bit. But once he feel he cannot find anything Crusader will take the form of Bjorn in his casual clothes and head off. No point in looking for nothing after all