13327/Wizard for Hire

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Wizard for Hire
Date of Scene: 19 May 2021
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Illyana came looking for the wizard to find something for her. Harry agreed to take the job. Easy yet professional conversation about the missing necklace.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Magik

Harry Dresden has posed:
Macanally's isn't over crowded, but busy none the less. Various sorts take up space in the pub. A strong magic user would sense the place is set up to disperse active magic without powerful wards. Mac is behind the bar, cleaning it and watching the steaks that are cooking.

Leaning on the bar, slumped forward just a bit is an tall man with a beer bottle in his hand,"I'll need some to take home after dinner Mac." he tells the man, the Chicago accent is present in his tone. Even in here some people are wary of him, but he doesn't do anything aggressive, yet those who can sense magic can sense it all over him.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana walks into the bar, glancing around appraisingly. Well, it's nicer than what she was expecting, based on the outside. But when you've lived for years in a place that others would call a 'hell dimension', your standards aren't super-high anyway. She didn't come here for the food or drink. She actually came here for what she'd consider housekeeping. In that she needs an artifact to put the demon-faction-of-the-week in line. And she heard through the grapevine that a local was able to maybe find it for her.
    Of course, he wasn't home, but local bars that have noticeably strong magical wards are the kind of thing that would not only pique her interest, but also might contain a local that lives/works across the street. So now here she is, eyeing each of the patrons in turn, looking for who would meet the description of the man she's looking for.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Ahh yes. A thick steak sandwich that arrives infront of Harry. He thanks the barkeep and inhales slowly. There is a smile of anticipation and pure bliss on the face of the local wizard. He picks it up and just before he can take a bite he pauses. His brow furrows a little and he turns slowly towards the door.

He doesn't stare really, only catching her eyes for a second before considering the rest of her. His head cocks to the side a moment, then he just nods. How in the world could he pick her out of the crowd? He turns his attention to the sandwich again and takes a bite of the beefy goodness. Yup, intersted, but steak sandwich. It's important.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana sifts through the people in the bar. Demon. Demon. Half-demon. Some kind of creature she's not familiar with. Only a handfull of humans here. And a few of them have nothing magical about them of note as far as she can tell, so that narrows things down. There are maybe 3 people who could be the guy she's here to see: guy at the bar, guy at the table who looks to be on a date, and guy by the dartboard. Three people is more people than she wants to sort through, so despite her better judgement, she starts towards the bar, ignoring the look of the man who glances at her as she enters.
    When she gets to the bar though, instead of asking the man there with the sandwich who he is, she looks to the barkeep. "1 beer...", she starts before adding, "...and some information. Is Harry Dresden here today?" She asks it, knowing full well that the answer probably won't be particularly easy.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     People look her way, recognizing power in her way. Nobody lingers too long since the place is one of peace and strictly enforced. So nobody tries anything with the new face. Instead people go back to their business.

     From behind the bar Mac puts a homebrew on the bar. It might surprise her to find it is served warm and everyone, most everyone, accepts that. Mac nods to her and isn't terrible talkative. He leaves Harry to his own introductions and so it is. Neutral ground and trying to use magic in here is practically impossible so Harry turns towards her and after finishing his first bite of sandwich he tells her,"As a general rule I keep regular hours, but somehow I don't think you are interested in coming back tomorrow." He slides a card on the bar faceup that indicates Harry Dresden, Wizard and Private Investigator. Not so hard.

Magik has posed:
    As Illyana takes the glass, she /does/ notice that it's warm, but it doesn't matter. The drink wasn't what she came there for anyway. She could do that with people she knows and a lot closer to home. As the bartender withdraws with the insinuation that she's at the right place, Illyana isn't especially surprised that the guy at the bar with the sandwich is the one she came here to see. He was in her top 3 guesses. And that he's here at all is a good thing. And so she smiles.
    "No. I'm not. I'm here now. Let's talk." And at that, she takes a seat at the bar, eyeing the card for the moment. "You have a reputation for being able to find things. I'm looking for something specific. An artifact. Are you accepting new business?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     The thing about Harry is, he sticks out pretty much everywhere, overly tall and not as gangly as before, in good shape. Magic really does seep off him and his charms. Once she is settled into a seat he takes a drink of his beer. He leaves the card there for the time being letting her choose to pick it up or not. Once he is done there he nods,"I'm accepting business yes. Are you comfortable with talking about it here or should we go across the street where we can talk in private?"

Magik has posed:
    Illyana shrugs at that answer, taking a glance around the room. "I think we're fine. This is not a matter of life and death. If I'm interrupting your lunch, I don't need to make this any more of an interruption." She takes a sip from her glass before she continues. "I am looking for an artifact. Nothing of tremendous power... but rare enough that it takes some effort to find. I understand that you may know people who might find something like this for me?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
A meeting in a pub becomes a working dinner. He takes another bite and listens to the explination of what she is looking for. Taking a few moments to file everything mentally he nods,"All right. I find lost things regularly. What do you have to start with? Where the power comes from? What is the source? Anything you can give me to start with."

Magik has posed:
    "It is a necklace of Tarasntoaff", Illyana answers. "It is set with a purple gemstone that glows under certain dimensional lights. Alone it does nothing, but it is an incredient in something larger I want to do." She pauses, "If you aren't familiar with it, it's okay. I am almost anyone who has one will know what it is. I just don't know anyone who has one. Which is where you would come in." She takes another sip of her drink at this point, eyeing Dresden to see if there are any problems with her request.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "I might have heard the name before just because I read too much." he admits,"I can't say for sure, but I have a few sources that can help me in the search." He takes another bite of the sandwich and considers her while he is chewing it. Once done with that he adds,"I'll take the job. My rates are on the back of the card. It will probably not be an over night location, but I will get on it. I have one other case on the books, but it isn't too involved so it shouldn't take too long. Where can I reach you to keep you up to date?"

Magik has posed:
    "That's alright. I'm not in a hurry", Illyana answers. Idly, she flips over the card to look at the rates. She doesn't deal with dollars a lot. In Limbo, there's no real economy, but she's confident she can use her resources from Limbo to generate whatever she needs to acquire the talisman. And for paying Dresden himself, well, she does have /some/ money she can work with. "You can reach me at this number", she says, reaching into her pocket and passing over a slip of paper to Dresden. "If I'm not there, just leave a message. I don't always get acceptable service." She smiles and stands, taking a last swallow of her beer. "I was nice to meet you, Mr. Dresden."