13315/It's just a LITTLE favor.
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It's just a LITTLE favor. | |
Date of Scene: | 17 May 2021 |
Location: | Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village |
Synopsis: | Skye agrees to help Bucky despite the risk because well... it's what friends do. |
Cast of Characters: | Winter Soldier, Quake |
Tinyplot: | Digging Up The Past |
- Winter Soldier has posed:
It's not like Bucky to show up unannounced and even less like him to show up with cookies and a rose. But here he is, knocking lightly on Skye's door holding a box of gourmet cookies from a quaint little village bakery and a single, but perfect, yellow rose. He's heard women still like these sorts of gestures! He's dressed in typical Bucky fashion, comfortable jeans, boots, a dark hoodie, his favorite leather jacket and leather gloves.
- Quake has posed:
Skye was laying on the couch, surfing the internet when she heard a knock. "Come on in if you are a friend." Because everyone knows if the door was unlocked, just come on in! Of course, it could be a real person knocking on the door, in which she would have to get up to answer it.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
"Well, I like to think we're friends," Bucky calls out as he pushes the door open. He closes it behind himself and... locks it. Old habits die hard and he's not being paranoid if they're really out to get him. "You like cookies?" he asks as he holds up the box and that one single rose. "I hope you like cookies because I have a really really big favor to ask."
- Quake has posed:
"Always got time for cookies." Skys flipped herself up on the couch so she was sitting upright, and quirked a brow. "And a rose?! What do you have, really. Come, sit down. What's the trouble?"
- Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky flashes a little lopsided, toothy grin as he wanders on in, settles down on a chair near the sofa. He hands off the cookies and the flower "Well, it's a rose worthy favor," he says, still sporting that grin. But his expression falters and his brow furrows and creases the way it does when he's being all 'serious face'. "It's a big ask Skye, so I'm cool if you say no. I need a hacker, off the records. If the shit stink I've picked up on leads to where I think it might, you'll be digging dirt on a high up."
- Quake has posed:
Oh, but Skye is laughing to herself.
"Always to help out a friend. And here is the perfect place for it." Then she sobers. "I mean it. We don't have to have anything on the records unless you want it there."
- Winter Soldier has posed:
"We're talking the Deputy Director of Homeland Security, Skye," Bucky spells out plain and clear to make sure his friend is absolutely aware of how serious the stakes are in this whole mess. "I think he put a hit out on my friend." Wow, that's... "I mean if we get caught looking into him like this it could be mean your career with SHIELD is over or..." Worse.
- Quake has posed:
Skye puts her laptop aways, and then faces him. One on one, so to speak. "Have you ever known me to be afraid of the consequences?" Remember for the longest time she was under the edict of, 'work for us, or else'. The 'or else' was a maximum security prison. "You're my friend. It's important to you." She shrugs. "Besides, if SHIELD craps out, I've got a back up plan." She winks.
- Winter Soldier has posed:
The whole concept of having friends that care enough about him to risk everything for him is a little new to Bucky. Sure, there's always been Steve, but he's been the only one until recently. He actually has to take a beat to make sure he doesn't sound all emotional when he says, "I know. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the risk. I think Nick should be present when you get started. That's the friend. ...and it does mean a lot."
- Quake has posed:
"Sure. Come here, and you should be safe while we look around." God but Skye loved her home. Her home was as tight as any place could be, including out of SHIELD's nose. "Does that work?"
- Winter Soldier has posed:
"Yeah, that'd be great, Skye, really." Bucky pushes himself to his feet and takes the few steps to clear the space between himself and Skye. He leans in and offers her an awkward little hug. He's still not good at that, the whole 'affection' thing but he's trying. "Thanks," he whispers again before straightening back up. "I'll be in touch, let you know when he's available."