12/Metropolis Robbery

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Metropolis Robbery
Date of Scene: 07 April 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: An attempted robbery at the Metropolis Mint! The heroes rush in to foil the caper.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Miss Martian, Crusader, 52, Starr, 64

Supergirl has posed:
It's a lovely spring day in Metropolis. The sun is out and shining and the air is in that pleasant middle range between the icy chill of winter and the blazing heat of summer. School's outfor the day, and most of the children and teenagers of Metropolis are out having fun and ejoying the weather. Among them is Kara Danvers; secretly Kara Zor-El, the cousin of Superman. The brunette teen is enjoying a hot dog from one of the many carts that set up in the Central Business District every day, one of the many delights Kara has discovered since landing on Earth last summer. It seems like nothing can ruin the relaxed feeling of the day...

However, fate seems to have somethign else other than idylic relaxation in mind for today. An explosion shatters the afteroon tranquility, originating from the Metropolis Mint. Citizens begin running in fear and terror. And into the breach of the mint's walls, several large humanoid robots begin to enter the now exposed vault.

Miss Martian has posed:
the last few days have been very busy for M'gann. She spent them in a place called the Embassy by Donna, learning more about herself and this world...and especially herself ON this world. Fire she had learnedto face up to, though it wsas difficult. She had learned that she is far stronger here than she ever was back on Mars. Even with the heavier gravity she can move things she could scarcely imagine moving back home. They did some tests to learn why, but are still waiting on the results. Similarly she is far tougher, can fly, and has these energy blasts.

So what is she doing here? She has to learn control of her powers, and the best place to learn to control her telepathy is a crowded street...she needs to learn to shield her mind...especially when a wave of fear and panic erupts from the crowd. The loud noise hurt the Martian's semsitive ears, and the fear threatens to overwhelm her fragile mind shields. She Assumes her Green Martian form, and disperses her mass so that people run through her as she flies toweards the source of the troubles.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn happened to be going to the bank, sure there were closer ones in Brooklyne, but the people of Metropolis were just so nice! He had no idea what was in store that day. And as he neared the bank, that when he heard the explosion... comming from the bank he was about to go too. He groans "By the cosmos, really universe, really? WHy must you do this to Bjorn"

But there was no time to delay, the man slips into an alleyway, and takes on the form of The Crusader. And makes his way quickly towards the bank, as he was nearby. By the time he get there... he hopes that people will not confuse him with being in with the robots, considering he kind of resembles a man in power armor.

The Captain (52) has posed:
    Metropolis was a sweet, little town. Every now and then, you could look up and catch one person or another zipping by overhead... Plenty of buisness, especially if you were in construction! Know who's not in construction?

The Captain!

The Captain pulled a few crumpled bills from his pocket and passed it over to a man at the other side of a food cart. They exchanged niceties-

"Thanks pal, enjoy!"
"Yeah, sure."

And parted.

The Captain went to work on the tough, over-done pretzel, it even gave his super-powered jaws a moment of pause as he tore a hunk from it.

Soft pretzel his ***.

Then the explosion kicked off, it was nearby, a street or two over, close enough to make car alarms scream!

People prattle, expositing about the direction of the explosion.

A mint? Mints had money! The Captain didn't.. who would notice if...

Whipping the concrete like pretzel over his shoulder, The Captain kicked off from the sidewalk and soared up into the air! He didn't pass for much but he was mildly heroic as he thrust his fists forward and streaked overhead towards the danger!

Starr has posed:
    "uuuuuugh....Where is that club?" Elycia says to herself as she drives through the streets. "Well.....I'll find it eventually." She says as her amulet beeps a couple of times, and shows an 'incident' near where she's driving. "Oh yeah, like that'll make a difference in how I'm gonna find that club." She then shakes her head. "I guess I might as well see and help." That's when she pulls into a parking lot, parks and locks her car.

"All right. Lets get this started." And after taking a bit of a hiding place, and a rather loud flash of lightning, She was stumbling out of the alley...over a foot taller and carrying a staff. "this is going to take some getting used to." She says to herself as she slowly starts to rise into the air. "So will this. All right. Let's get to the mint." And off she goes....

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Amidst the number of people at the bank, one person is not inside. One of them is outside the bank, busking. She happens to have a tablet out with a pencil as well as colored pencils. She is sitting there with a hat which is working for a tip jar. The cyan haired girl is doing her best, barking to people trying to get thier attention to have some artwork done and maybe make a couple bucks.

Its a difficult day for Holly Winters. Most people are a little too busy to even look her way. Still she keeps trying. She's not been able to get into school since she ran away. Not been able to do much of anything really. Still she is doing her best and hasn't really been in too deep over her head thankfully.

when trouble went walking into the bank in the form of Robots, She started panicking a little. Her heart is racing now. She's drawing the image of those robots. All around her, the temperature is starting to drop and she knows it. She doesn't feel it. But she knows it beyond everything. A small sheet of ice begins extending out from her. "Oh no... I... I need to do something..."

Supergirl has posed:
There's about a dozen or more robots, each of them over 10 feet tall. The guards of the mint fire their weapons at the automatons, but the bullets richochet off without even leaving marks. There are ground tremors as the robots advance deeper into the building, until they reach the main vault door. Twenty feet tall and made from 3 foot thick alloy steel, the vault door is the last barrier before the robots reach the depository of gold inside. Wordlessly, the lead robot slams it's claws into the vault door, then begins the struggle of pulling it back. Some of it's fellows aid in pulling, or using torches to cut at the door, slowly bringing the door open.

When the explosion happens, Kara looks around in surprise. "Oh my gosh..." Her Super-senses pinpoint what's going on and she gasps to see the robbery occuring. The teenaged Kryptonian bites her lip in nervousness; this is a job for Superman. Only, Superman isn't around. So, it looks like it's time for Supergirl to make her debut...

Tossing away the remains of her hot dog, Kara runs for an empty alleyway. She does a quick check to see if there's anyone around, then changes at super-speed, taking off her outer clothes to reveal the costume she had recently designed and created. The brown wig and fake glasses were also taken off and hidden along with her normal clothing. And with a rush of air, Supergirl flies into the mint, confronting the robots with, "You know, I don't think you're supposed to be in here..."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann pauses as she sees the cutting torches...fire! No, control the panic, do not give in to it. OK, stay back, fire will not hurt if it it far enough away. Use your abilities from a distance. That vision thing, not her Martian senses, the one the Amazons called Force Vision...

M'gann hits the hindmost robot with a blast of force that could punch a fist sixed hole through a tank. She says, "I quite agree, looks to me like they belong on a scrap heap."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader narrows his eyes "This one requests he gets the spares after they are torn apart" he could tell they weren't sapient creatures... but gaining control of advanced robots through cyberpathy is difficult... let alone when there several of them

So Crusader opts for a more... electrifying method. A spear made out of lightning formsin his hand and he hurls it forward to shoot into what appeared to be the lead robots back, lightning arching off to hit the others. How much effect it would have, he does not know

The Captain (52) has posed:
    It's not hard to find, the dust from the rubble and the smoke from the explosion marking it as well as any way point he could have hoped for. The Captain banked upwards in the sky above the mint, coming to a halt. The wind whipped at his long coat, chilled the sweat upon his brow. He peered downwards, not making out much for the debris but the metal titans were hard to miss.

He aligned himself in the air, aiming himself downwards before launching into motion

He dips, a swoop through the air that has him rocketing through the breach in the exterior wall, through the smoke and into the building proper. There must have been some dust in his eyes however, he could have sworn that he just caught sight of some blonde broad in a cape, a green one as well and a smaller robot...

He doesn't think about it. Generally, he just doesn't think. Ahead, there is a ten-foot tall Robber-bot. He barrels into it, fists held forward like battering rams.

Starr has posed:
    Floating in behind Super Girl and Crusader, Elycia tilts her head at the robots. "This is different..." As she lightly bonks her head on the doorframe. "Ow..." She then lands on her feet and looks at the robots. "really? Robots? Someone really thinks that robots will be able to conquer the world? Who's controlling them? Skynet?" She just waits for one of them to say 'Ah'll be back.'

Then the Captain barrels into one. "And...this shows how inadequate I feel."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
The young cyan haired girl rushes into the building. She's panicked. The air around her continuing to get colder. The ground beneath her feet becoming ice. Darting inside, the young girls now white gaze looks around the place.

She speaks up, "Umm, any hope of you guys not doing this today. I... I'm really worried about what will happen." She frowns as she continues trying to bring herself under control. Outside clouds begin to gather.

Supergirl has posed:
The robot that M'gann hits with a blast of force stumbles slightly from the impact. It's casing has a serious dent, but it's still functional and now turns and advances on the martian, swinging wildly.

The lightning bolt thrown by Crusader creates a dazzling shower of sparks as it hits. Smoke is pouring from the casing of the lead robot and a couple of the nearby robots show off a bit of sparking ionization along their casings. The lead robot is remaining still, but there's now 6 robots targeting Crusader, all of them firing energy basts from apatures in their chests.

The Captain rams into the robot he was targeting, knocking it off it's feet and slamming the both of them into a vault wall. The robot is on it's back and heavily damaged, but is still trying to put up a fight, swinging and blasting at The Captain.

With the fight now underway, Supergirl fires off an extended blast of her heat vision on one of the robots. There's some scoring and melting, but not much damage. The robot responds by hitting Supergirl with an energy blast that knocks he back through the wall behind her and into the alleyway.

The remainder of the robots turn to face the impromtu gathering of heroes and start blasting at the others.

Miss Martian has posed:
Ok, M'gann thinks, random blasting is not going to do the trick. She flies back and up as she uses her keem Martian Senses to look for a weaker point in the armor to target. Possibly on the joints, many armors need to trade strength for flexibility. She finds what she hopes is a weak point and releases a blast with her greatest force, about twice as strong as the last one.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader growls and dodges to the left and then right avoiding the first few blasts. But than he is hit squared in the chest and flung back, skidding along the floor, and stopping by Holly. But he is quick to get back up with a grow as the 6 robots were still good. But...he was reading a change in temperature and glanced to Holly and noticed the ice beneath her.


"Little girl, do one favor and ice the floors if you have such capability" he requests of the girl. He wasn't 100 percent sure it was Holly, but it was an educated guess

Regardless he begins moving away from Holly in order to make sure the robots wouldn't be fireing at her. For now he puts up his hands contineing to tank some shots and avoid others

Starr has posed:
    "And...I suddenly feel over my head." Elycia says as Supergirl is blasted into the alleyway....then a second voice beeps. "Switching to close quarters..." And her staff turns into gauntlets. "You are....rather interesting, Blauensturm." 'ROUND SHIELD' And the incoming lasers are stopped by a circular area that looks a lot like a mage circle. "All right." she says watching them for a second. "A cannon in their chests? there must be a structural weakness in their chest armor then." She says as her fists get a high pitched whine, when they begin to glow. "All right. Lets test this." And she aims one magically charged punch at one of the robots near Crusader.....to relieve SOME of the pressure off of that crime fighter. if the punch hits, it'll add it's own magical concussive force behind it.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
"No... No... NO!! PLEASE STOP!" Holly cries out, begging for the fighting to end. Sadly it's not enough her hands raise as she begs. With no warning. A gout of ice is unleashed at one of the giant robots. A few people around her start to shiver as she simply can not stop herself from lowering the temperature in the area.

Outside of the building, The clouds rumble and lightning begins arcing between clouds. It starts with rain but the cold air outside begins descending causing the rain to turn to freezing rain and then over to snow.

Suddenly things stop as Crusader addresses her. That distraction is enough to stir her out of her fearing mental state. She looks at him and her blue eyes return. "I.. I can try." Her eyes close and ice starts rapidly spreading towards the giant robots.

The Captain (52) has posed:
    "Yuh' you like that, you jumped up giant ****-bot?!" The Captain demanded of the fallen machine as he reeled, resting on it's chest as he lurched back to his feet. He raked his fingers back through his hair as he shook off the impact, "That's right, you just got your ass kicked by the motherf-!" Was it from the eyes? All of the best robots have lasers in their eyes. Look at Kara go; Eye Lasers! She must be one of the Best Robots!

A energy shot pounds into The Captain's face, causing his head to snap backwards as if the energy had a palpable force behind it. The man in the camo pants staggers backwards, fighting to keep his footing on the machine's metal torso. He complains loudly of his mistreatment, vulgarity running from his lips like a open faucet. Amongst his displeasures was, "My god damned mouth was open! Tasted like deep-fried orange nutsack!"

He could not continue with his diatribe for long! The machine reaching around and swatting at him with a metal limb. He is forcefully dismounted, flung away by the impact and smashing against a wall. It is not kind nore graceful, The Captain dropping in a heap on the floor.

And then... then he feels cold. So cold. His body trembles as he works himself to his feet, leaning heavily against the wall. What.. what was this, was he-

Wait, no, no no, ice powers, right. He heaves a sigh of relief, breath clouding as it escapes. He was worried for a moment.

Sorting himself out, he spurrsback into the action once more, bounding into the air and then coming down like a dart! Heels together, he aims his feet at the fallen robot's brow.

Supergirl has posed:
M'gann blasts the robot with everything she has. And the result is a massive crack forming in the robot's body. It's having difficulty withstanding the psychic onslaught from the martian girl, and it's flailing blows miss. Instead, It switches to it's cannon and prepares to fire.

The half dozen robots on Crusader fire, pummeling the hero with the same concussive force that was used to breach the wall of the mint. After the initial barrage, 2 of them switch targets while the other 4 continue to attack the electrical-blasting hero.

Elycia's attack slams into the robot's chest while it concentrated on Crusader. Something happens akin to a chain reaction, becasue the robot comes to a shuddering halt ans smoke starts pouring out of it's joints. The lighted eyes and chest blaster go dim.

The robots advancing on Holly and Crusader stop as their feet become frosted over and trapped in floor ice. Those four begin to start punching away at the ice to try and free themselves.

The robot that The Captain is curb-stomping flails, but the damage to it's cranial unit eventually ends it's functioning, and the mechanism goes still.

Supergirl extracts herself from the rubble outside and shakes off the dust. "Okay then..." Moving at super-speed, the Girl of Steel charges back in, slamming a fist right into the center of a robot, breaking the lens of the chest blaster. Thrusting her other hand inside the robot's chest, Supergirl plants her feet on the ground, strains, and tears the robot in half, with circuits and sparks flying everywhere. "Four down," she comments as the separated halves thud to the floor.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann disperses and, with some concentration, sinks through the ground. She comes up behind the robot and kicks it like a runaway locomotive in the weakened leg. She say, "Ice girl...or whatever you call yourself...see if you can freeze the cutting torches." If those are taken out of the finger, M'gann can be much more effective.

Starr has posed:
    "Go for the chests or the heads. Seems the lasers are also their power cores!" Elycia says as M'gann comes out of the ground and punts one of the robots to the ground. "How dense can you become?" She asks M'gann before balling up a fist and firing a white hot blast at another of the robots on Crusader, trying to knock it off of him at least, if she doesn't disable it outright.....

Crusader has posed:
Thank goodness those robots are now at least partially trapped in ice. "Thank you little ice girl... and green one has good idea" He looks to The Captain as he curves stomp that poor robot. Boy is he glad he wasnt one of them!

But no time for that, an opertunity has come up. Crusader jumps up onto one of the robots stuck in the ice "Time for a system shock!" and he begins letting loose arcs of lightning to hit the robot he is on, as well as those within the general vacinity. "And hopefully four more about to go down!" he quirps in response to Supergirl. He resgisters how Elyciser attack seem to have completly circuited the robot she attacked. An impressive display for sure

The Captain (52) has posed:
    Crunch, Crack, Smash, Crush!

The Captin pounds his feet into the cranium of the giant robot, grinding it's thinking-bits beneath his boots until they are less about thinking and more about bits!

This done and the Tobber-bot going still, he takes a moment to catch his breath, leaning forward and bracing his hands on his knees. A drink, he needed a drink badly... A Drink, mind you. This thirst was for more than water! Spitting, he tried to clear the taste from his mouth as he ambled out of the robot's skull, and took stock.

"Eight to go..." he observed, unintentionally finishing a line.

Plnting a foot against the machine's side, The Captain reaches down and takes hold of it's arm. With effort, he draws b ack and ddrips the limb from it's socket, granting him a unwieldy club. Even so, as awkward as it was to hold, he managed. Whipping it around in a test swing, he found it satisfactory. Taking flight once more, he drove at the back of the remnants that assailed the Shock-Bot, Cold Girl and the tall, Magic Broad. He whips it around at one, swinging it as best he could a giant robot arm like a baseball bat.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly blinks a few times as she opens her eyes and sees that she actually did good! They bots are stuck. She lets out a little cheer, "Woo hoo!! Yeah!" She giggles and quickly does a little spin as up until this this point, She's only ever caused disaster with her powers.

Then there is the request from the green girl. She blushes a little. "Ummm Okay! I will do my best." She moves as best she can to get into position to target the torches. She makes her attempt, trying to launch enough ice to freeze those torches.

A frown crosses her lips. "Dammit! Its no good! They are too hot. They're melting my ice before it gets there. Ummm. I've got an idea but umm, you may want to get some people back. Its going to get really cold in here." She takes off running towards the bots with the touches. "Cover me!" Waves of cold begins pouring out of the young girl's body. It goes from, nice, to cold, to bitter, to yikes with no sign of slowing.

Supergirl has posed:
M'gann's kick shatters the leg of the robot she popped up behind, sending it to the floor. It starts flopping around, like a turtle trying to right itself, to get on it's back and use it's chest cannon. With a clunk, it finally succeeds, although the cannon isn't quite primed yet...

The robot being targeted by Elycia tries to block the incoming attack, but Elicia's blow hits the mechanical arm and severs it at the elbow, leaving a series of sparks shooting from the dismembered joint.

Cursader's lightning bolt strikes home, despite the target bringing up both arms in an attempt to block. This time, the lightning bolt enters the robot's cranium and sends a series of internal mini-explosions shuddering through the robot.

The Captain steps up to the plate with his new club, swings, and knocks the head off of one of the ice-trapped robots.

As Holly summons her powers, the large room quickly starts to become a blizzard zone, hampering the movement of the robots. And some of the heroes. The remaining vault guards aren't doing to well in the extreme cold either...

With the blizzard poping up inside, Supergirl notices the guards starting to shiver and struggling to get out. Kara moves to a point in the room in front of the humans and thrusts her hands into the floor. With the sound of tearing solid material, Supergirl rips up a sizable portion of the floor, holding it up to act as a barrier against the snowstorm to give the guards relief. "Go!" She shouts to them. "We'll handle it here..." Nodding their thanks, the chilled guards start moving away as fast as they can. Heading for the coffee machine to warm up inside, most likely.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader is unaffected by the cold as he drops off the robot he just fried. With the robots movements further hampered, this will be a cake walk... unless they pull out a new trick. He takes the oppertunity to try and dive into one of the down robots programming and see if he might gather any infomation from them... like perhaps who was behind all this.

The Captain (52) has posed:
    The head breaks free and is sent hurtling through the air, tumbling end over end. The way the ice broke, the way it snapped. That sharp, clean sound of breaking that it left ringing in his ears. It brought up a memory.

The bat jarred in his hands, kicking with the impact of the ball, the crack of wood on leather was still in his ears when he looked up, watching it sail away towards the outfield. The sparse crowd cheered, exaltations of doting parents and well wishers. The Captain's 9 year old jaw hung slack. and then his mother's voice cut through the din.

'Run you worthless little shit!'

Ah... Mom. Such a joker.

The wind whipped around him, cold, sharp, frost formed over his skin, ice made the beads of sweat at his brow freeze and sparkle. He had to fight to maintain position but he was good at fighting if nothing else. Of course, he wasn't that good at fighting or anything else. Being able to bench 95 tons makes up for a lot. The Captain brought the arm around again, wheeling it back to his left side and then whipping it around towards the right.

Starr has posed:
    "Maybe next time you won't try to rob a bank." ELycia says as she blasts the same robot with another blast, distracting it from the trio of force balls she's sending at it from different directions.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Opens her hands as the temperature continues to plumet. Her eyes white as snow due to her powers going full force. Outside thunder crashes and wind whips around. Inside its a full on Blizzard. "You should have quit. You should have listened to me." Blood begins to drip from her nose as a blast of cold and ice, easily reaching near absolute zero goes flying at the the various torches. It is absolutely brutal. Both for the target and the young girl who has never wielded this much power.

Without warning, the girl drops to her knees. The air around her begins to warm up. Her attack complete as she just winces from it. Her body trembles, not from the cold but from the fear of herself. The fear of her own power and what she was capable of. Slowly the weather outside picks up a little but inside the blizzard starts to subside.

Supergirl has posed:
Within the brutal temeprature extreme of the blizzard, some of the robots start to malfunction as the cold damages their circuits and joints. A few more of the Robots topple over, sparking. Other robots fall to the attacks of the various heroes. Crusaders manages to capture the programming logs of the robot he was focusing on.

And then, the remaining robots start fleeing. Rather than press the attack, they start running towards the hole in the wall they came through, and start flying away for freedom.

With the action subsiding, Supergirl start putting down the chunk of floor she was using to shield the retreating human guards. "Is everyone alright?" she asks as she looks around. Aside from the heroes, there's 6 deactivated or destroyed robots, and robotic parts littering the floor. But the main vault is still, relatively, intact.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann walks over to Winter, apparently unharmed by the cold, "It is all right. We have a lot of power, you and I, but with control it can help others. We do not have to be monsters, no matter whaqt otherse would make us." Being telepathic, the thoughts and feeling of others, espeially strong ones, tend to leak in.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia watches as the robots flee, and she just floats over the ice and towards Holly. "you okay, hun?' She says gently putting a hand on Holly's shoulder....

Crusader has posed:
Crusader is quiet as he captures the programming log. Duplicate, save and done. Redundant file in case something goes wrong, it was at least a start.

Crusader looks over to where the girl with ice powers was as well as ELycia and the martion. Seems the young girl is in good hands.

He looks over to The Captain "Nice swing, almost a home run" but only almost. And with that he looks to address supergirl and everyone else "Any idea what all that was about?" though he was actually begining to tear into a robot, to get to the insides

The Captain (52) has posed:
    The arm is loosed, allowed to fall heavily to the floor.

He lowered himself, drifting lowe through the air until his boots found the ground at last. He is praised. A rare event, he doesn't even mind that it seems to have come from a robot.

"Been told I've got a good arm on me!" he reporterd instead of offering thanks, "Good thing that he did too." he thumb hooked over his shoulder towards the robot he had smashed into at the start of it all. "Oh hey, anyone used a Skynet line, yet?!" he asked aloud, raising his voice, maybe if he was quick-!

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters is still down and still shaking. When Elycia and M'gann get closer, they would notice two things. First, It is a lot colder around this young girl then it is anywhere else. Second, She may smell a bit funky. Not from her powers or anything but the fact that she's spent a long while living on the streets. She looks up and wipes the blood from her nose. "I... I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted it to stop. I needed the fighting to stop. It was scaring me and I was afraid I'd lose control again."

Outside the snow continues to fall. Its rough but it could be a lot worse. "I caused my school to collapse in Maine. I didn't want to. I just did. I put a bunch of people in the hospital. When that happened I just ran. I've been on my own since. I just.... I'm sorry." She frowns. "I was trying to hold back so I wouldn't hurt anyone.

Supergirl has posed:
By now, police sirens are getting louder, heralding the arrival of Metropolis' Finest. Supergirl looks around, appearing to be slightly worried that someone else might be showing up. But with everyone seeming to be alright, and nothing stolen, everything looks to be in good hands. She walks over to the hole in the wall, taking a last look at the other heroes. "Nice...ummm...working with you all." And before the police start to enter, Supergirl flies off, ducking back into anther alleyway to change back to Kara Danvers and melt into the crowd...