16167/Searching for Recruits

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Searching for Recruits
Date of Scene: 06 April 2024
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Firestar

Polaris has posed:
It's a quiet evening at the club and to be fair it's still early before tonight's show begins. And that's just fine with Lorna, she always preferred solitude anyway.

She sits in a quiet corner of the club, drumming her fingers as she stares at her drink, pondering the words of her father from their meeting earlier today.
Firestar has posed:
Angelica doesn't make it to the clubs often, but tonight maybe she is looking for some relief from the rank and file of college. She has on a pair of comfortable fitting blue jeans and an NYU sweatshirt.

She show her id and then makes her way inside. She looks around the area and then notices Lorna. While always understanding of someone wanting their time, she does wander over if only long enough to offer,"Hey sister. It's been a while. You good?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane peers up from her gin and tonic long enough to notice a familiar and friendly face.

And while she doesn't know Angelica super well, ever since the heat generating mutant assisted her in containing an inter dimensional entity, she had hoped to change that.

She smiles and beckons her over. "Hey there, Angelica, how've you been? Can I buy you a drink? it's the least I can do for helping me out way back when."
Firestar has posed:
A moment of consideration and she nods then takes a seat. Once she is settled, she slides her clutch onto the table to rest,"I am doing well. I have been doing the college routine and working with the League some." she replies,"A shot of Evan Willams would be good sure. As for the helping out, have to take care of our own right. Mutants need to stick together...within reason of course. I made peace with Emma, but that doesn't make me want to line up and join her current cause. Whatever that might be."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane hmms and nods, waving down the server to buy another round of drinks. "Sounds like you're pretty busy,must be fun.." she smirks. "So what's the history between you and Ms Frost? Can't say I know her or her background too well myself but I am curious."
Firestar has posed:
"It's never dull." she replies with a soft chuckle,"I would hate to be bored right? That's a lie. Sometimes boring would be ideal." she admits.

A polite nod to the server and she gives her order. Attention back to Lorna and she smiles a little,"There is some history yes. We buried the hatchet, but there is a past."

She sighs softly,"My father didn't know how to deal with the mutant problem in his house. So Emma arrived to take me away to her school. He said yes. As she left, Charles Xavier arrived. Timing is everything. So I went and joined the Hellions. I was there about a year before I realized that she was honing me to take out the Black Queen of the Hellfire club." She shrugs as she adds,"So I burned down Emma's school for manipulating me and let her know where the next wave of fire would go if she tried anything like that again."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, shaking her head and sighs. "I get it, I've been manipulated, even brainwashed more times than I can count on my fingers." she clenched her hands around her glass of gin and tonic.

"I got over it, moved on with my life..Until recently when some butch decided to impersonate me, to try and steal my boyfriend, to take over my life. As if that wasn't bad enough, Logan did not trust me when I said i had a double out there who was committing crimes in mutant town. He brought me to see Xavier. now I'm not sure I trust the Xmen..But I need help for a few things."
Firestar has posed:
"It's hard to get over, but it takes time." Angelica replies, thanking the waitress for the drink that arrives. She sighs softly again and adds,"I have been a puppet a time or two. We have that in common. It still gives me nightmares."

She sips the drink as opposed to shooting it and admits,"Yes. The imitation Lorna is unsettling. If she is a vampire she needs to be cooked. Particularly if she has been culling the mutant herd for it."

A nod and she adds,"Logan is a hard sell. He trusts what he sees first, then processes the rest. If he was within scent of her, he would never have questioned. I understand the unsure about the trust. I have tried to at least build a foot bridge back to them. I have been at the mansion with Sam." She is thoughtful and she adds,"Well. If you want to trust me, then tell me what you need help with."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane scowls a bit, "She is very elusive, but I will find her and make her pay for what she did to me." there is a brief but dangerous glint in her eyes as she says that, shaking her head.

"Actually I have another problem I need help with..my father, Magneto, is trying to stop the ruse of Apocalypse. I have seen what these relics can do, they are impossible to destroy and some dangerous organization. is after them..."

She pauses to take a long sip, it's a lot to process. "While I do not completely trust my father, I do not want to see Apocalypse be revived. I need to find these relics and stop him. But I can't do it alone. The Brotherhood is scattered, there is only a fraction of us left. Magneto wants me to find people who might help us stop those who want to revive this monster."
Firestar has posed:
"Patience. We'll get there." she comments about the doppleganger,"If I get a clean shot on her I will end her suffering once and for all." She sips her drink again and adds,"So she is making enemies."

The mention of Magneto gets a twitch from Angelica. They have talked in the past about her feeings. Hard to trust one that tried to kill her and her two best friends. She doesn't mention it again however.

The mention of Apocalypse gets a pause,"Umm. So if we get some of these relics we can prevent his return then?" Curious and clearly already up to something,"Move them apart and place them in areas not easily found again?"
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods. "She's fairly powerful but that's not what's been tricky so far. More than that, she likes to hide behind her minions, turn oriole against me by pretending to be me..She's cunning but I'm sure we'll get her sooner or later, even if she's a vampire now too. I'll bet your heat based powers would help a lot.."

She studies Angelica's face thoughtfully as she talks of Magneto, frowning a bit. "I get it, he's done a lot of bad things even if he seems to be turning over a new leaf. But, I'm more concerned about the threat of Apocalypse than anything else. We have found only one relic so far, Magneto also has the location of the four or five others, we just don't have enough manpower to cover all those places all at once, before the organization gets there first."
Firestar has posed:
She nods about the other mutant. That one will be dealt with and if she is given the option she'll burn her though she does add lastly,"I know someone that hunts them for her calling. If we can reach her when we go one way or another we will bring that one down."

A nod and she doesn't debate about him. She's had her say. She conisders and says,"If you want to give me that one or another one I can see about getting it someone way out of the reach of most. I am sure Superman or Wonder Woman have some sort of hiding place. I'd guaruntee Batman does. I think he has secrets that his secrets don't know of. If separating them is possible to keep them apart I can ask one of them."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane nods and smiles. "I would appreciate it, thanks. Seems I'm in your debt again." she pulls out a piece of paper, scribbling something on it and passes it to Angelica..

"Here, my number, let's keep in touch, with everything going o right now it would be good to keep in contact. especially as I am not sure if I will return to the Xmen any time soon at least."
Firestar has posed:
Angelica takes the paper and slides it into her clutch. She scribbles her number on a napkin and passes it as well,"If you want me to talk to one of them about taking it off planet somewhere let me know."

She smiles a little and nods,"I can understand that. It took me a time to go back. Just be safe there OK. Whatever you decide."