11732/Well, it wasn't roses.

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Well, it wasn't roses.
Date of Scene: 07 July 2020
Location: St. Margaret's Church, Bushwick
Synopsis: Jimmy and Tandy spent some time talking about the Danger ROom and the mansion after he did a install for a solar hot water heater. No need for electricity in the church for hot water.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Dagger

Warpath has posed:
     He was just here last night right? Some people might think he's infatuated. The fact that he pulls up in the back lot of the church in a pickup. He shuts it off and takes two large boxes out of the back.

     With one on each shoulder he walks up to the building in the dark. It's not total dark, but it is difficult to see what he is doing. With one foot he kicks the bottom of the back door and waits patiently.

Dagger has posed:
Within the dark throat of the church, Tandy is currently back to her book reading, which this time it happens to be a home improvement magazine. She looks bored as she turns the pages, staring at perfect houses with perfect gardens and perfect lives. None of which she will ever have. At least not anymore.

At the sound of the bang, she jumps with a start, flashing her hand upwards as light pulses from her fingers as she glances over towards the door. She heads over slowly, reaching out to nudge the door open, springed and ready to strike. "Oh. Hey. Uh .. do you need help with that?"

She opens the door wider to let him in, giving a quick glance out into the alley before stepping backwards and to the side.

Warpath has posed:
     He shakes his head and replies,"I have it for now, just show me a way to the roof." Looking around when he first comes in as usual,"Our conversation last night gave me an idea."
     The funny thing about being ridiculously strong is, well you are strong. Both boxes are as tall as Tandy or more and pretty large around as well,"You got me thinking last night. That was just wrong." he teases mildly.

Dagger has posed:
"I got you thinking last night about huge boxes full of ... what is it you have in there?" Tandy says as she curiously makes her way towards the back of the church. She opens the door to reveal some stairs as she starts up them. Once she reaches the top, she opens the door and steps out on to the roof of the church. There is a small flat space that reaches the AC unit, enough for a few people to move about between the steeples.

"Do you not think often?"

Warpath has posed:
     "This is a solar water heater." he replies as he continues to follow. Really, through the door and up the stairs. Nothing to it. Of course, getting through the doors takes a little work so he nods for you to help him wedge it through.

     "Oh I think, but usually it is about tactics and the classes I teach." he replies,"Not this sort of thing. It took me a while to find this, but it was time spent well enough I think."

Dagger has posed:
"You .. got us a solar water heater? You didn't have to do that. It probably cost a lot. I don't need hot water. I'm fine taking cold showers." Tandy says as her eyes widen. Grasping one of the boxes, she helps him wedge it through the door, then helps drag one over to the middle. She looks to be a bit shocked and even confused. ".. What do you want in return? Nothing comes without a price .."

Warpath has posed:
     "Once in a while everyone deserves a hot shower." he replies with a shrug,"Just not a wine and roses kind of guy." he jokes somewhat lamely. He puts them both down and turns back towards you with a shake of his head,"I'm not independently wealthy, but I have more than enough."

     He looks at the boxes and considers thoughtfully,"As far as price? Having a place to escape from the students, even for a little while is a good trade. Even if all we do is sit and stare. Sometimes the quiet is appealing." He shrugs and reaches back to pull out a knife from the back of his belt. It doesn't glow like hers, but it is clearly well made. He cuts through the bands holding the boxes closed without any effort,"Even that isn't necessary. Sometimes I look out for those that will potentially have my back." He really is bad at putting together long amounts of talking.

Dagger has posed:
"So you want to use the church for a clubhouse?" Tandy asks with an amused noise in her throat. ".. Okay. That's cool. Just don't give Cloak any crap. He'll eat you .. like .. literally.. and all your strength won't be able to stop him if he sucks you up. So, just let him skulk in one corner, you can skulk in the other. Who knows, maybe you two will become besties. You can bond over the thrill of hurting people."

Looking about, she leans against one of the chimney stacks, taking mind to make sure she isn't pushing up against it too close. No need to get dirty. "So, how has your day been? Everything okay?"

Warpath has posed:
     There is a laugh. It doesn't last long, just a few moments and it is passed. Shaking his head, the knife goes back to the scabbard,"I won't bother your partner in crime and likely I won't wander around enough to be the guest who never leaves. Just the occasional escape."

     He starts to take thing out and assemble the basics. Apparently he sees pretty well in the dark too,"Good enough yes." he replies,"A day spent teaching actual history to a bunch of children that can't quite understand that bad things really did happen and still do." He sighs and looks at you,"One of them believed the Cherokee left to go west to make room for their new white neighbors. The Trail of Tears was a foreign concept to her."

Dagger has posed:
"It's a foreign concept to me also. History was boring and I would sleep through it." Tandy jokes as she watches him work. "I can't even remember high school. Geez. It feels so long ago and it was three years ago.. a little bit more." She licks her lips in thought, rubbing the back of her neck.

Sliding down to her rump, she leans forward to rest herself against a knee that she pulls to her chest. "I really wish I paid more attention at the time. I figured I was going to graduate, become a famous ballerina, and never look back or do math ever again."

Warpath has posed:
     "The old addage goes 'those who forget their history is doomed to repeat it'." he comments softly. The pieces go together and he looks around the roof to make the solar panel won't be obvious. He looks back at the hallway and nods thoughfully.

     "We'll leave the storage tank through there so it isn't obvious and a little plumbing will have to be done. I've been the ranch handy man enough times to get that done." He laughs softly and tells you,"I could talk to Jean about letting you audit American History." Of course he's teasing...right?

Dagger has posed:
"Oh. No thanks. No more school for me." Tandy says with a laugh. "I don't think I'd really fit in .. kinda would stand out with my white jumpsuit." Her lips curve upwards a bit, amused.

"So, handyman, huh?" She squints her eyes some, then snorts out a laugh. "Yeah, I can see that. I'm sure the ladies had you make a ton of housecalls for the most silliest things, huh?"

Warpath has posed:
     Again, the soft and short lived laugh,"I think you would be popular with at least half the student body." he muses and gets the solar cell lined up and ready. The tricky part, making sure it is low enough to not be seen, but still in direct sunlight to warm the water.

     "Only when I need to be." he comments about the handyman thing,"Most women look at me like something out of the circus freak show or something off the body builder circuit, but too..." he considers for a quiet moment,"...intense or scary I guess. Most would rather wait to call a plumber or electrician."

Dagger has posed:
"Uh, no. I'm pretty sure that most girls look at you like a tree they want to climb." Tandy says with a loud snort in her throat. "You're a good looking guy who's built like a bull."

"Don't mistake the big eyes as fear. You'd have been incredibly popular at my old school. Bunch of stuck up rich white girls with too much money. They'd see you as a challenge and probably pass money around trying to see who can take you out first. That's how boring my old life was."

Warpath has posed:
     "I'm going to have to take your word for it." he replies and makes sure the panel is secured to the roof. He nods and seems satisfied with where the panel is set. Standing up again he walks over to the other box and takes it apart.

     "Forty gallons. It will probably get you 30 to 45 minutes if you really want it too, but when it's gone it's going to get cold. Probably not much warning." A shake of his head and he offers,"I must have gone to the wrong stuck up prep school." Considering for a moment, beacuse that's ever a good idea,"I've never been too fond of the uppity crowd. I'd have to..." he considers,"...what's the phrase? Play hard to get, just to see how much money they would waste. If I was ever smart enough to catch on that is. Never had time for that I guess."

Dagger has posed:
"I was definitely part of the uppity crowd. Born with a silver spoon. Popular girl. All the hottest friends." Tandy says as she shrugs her shoulders. "Looking back I was such a shallow bitch. Life gave me a wake up call that night on the docks."

Her brow pinches some, lips pressed together before she leans in to bump her shouler to his once she rises upwards. "I'm sure you'd have at least enjoyed yourself. Most guys who caught their eyes did." She starts for the door as she gives a stretch. "So, tomorrow do you want to go shopping for plumbing stuff? I don't know how this works."

Warpath has posed:
     "Nobody's perfect. Not even you." he teases mildly. See, he can almost hold his own at this sort of thing,"If you were still a shallow bitch I'm not sure I could stand your company." Well, he tries.

     The shoulder bump gets a smirk, more for the contact than the comment about having enjoyed himself. He considers and nods,"I'll have some classes in the morning, but after that yes." he replies,"I can pick you up some time after noon?" He gets the tank situated and secures how he wants it,"It's been a while since I've enjoyed the company of much of anyone."

Dagger has posed:
"I'm definitely not perfect. Far from it. But I can at least fake it really well when I want to." Tandy says as she heads down the stairs, creating a glow in front of her to lead the way. "But I like hanging out with you also." She calls over her shoulder.

"And tomorrow afternoon sounds fine. I should be awake and cold showered by then. Cloak doesn't need to sleep anymore, so I'll make sure he knows I'm going out when he gets back tonight, whenever that is." Hopping off the last step and into the main part of the church, she looks around with a sigh.

Warpath has posed:
     Following you down the stairs, he rubs his hands with a rag from his back pocket. He's nothing if not always prepared,"The question of your perfection will never be repeated." he teases. He considers what you say and smirks a little.

     "I'll see you at twelve thirty. The hardware store I have used is a drive, but not too far." There is a nod and he adds,"Maybe we can grab lunch and try not to find too much trouble while we're out. Fair warning. Trouble seems to follow some of us." The sigh gets a questioning look and he nudges you with his elbow,"I think I have a penny."

Dagger has posed:
"It'll be fine, I'm sure. There is no way we can get into trouble." Tandy says as she flops down into a pew. She gives a few flicks of her hand, sending up a few glowing balls that floats in front of her. "But if you want to find some, I'm sure we can look for some in Hell's Kitchen."

"Twelve-thirty is good." She concurs to him, pulling her thick blonde hair back berhind her in a pony tail. "So, what is the rest of your plans now that you came over and installed a surprise water heater?" She asks curiously.

Warpath has posed:
     He nods considers what she is saying,"Maybe some night we'll wander through Hell's Kitchen and see what happens." he agrees with a shrug. It helps to be fairly impervious to most things.

     When she settles into the seat and asks her question he shrugs,"Worst case scenario I thought I'd go back to the mansion and break things in the Danger Room or try to figure out the most recent annoyance in my life." he admits,"LeBeau and a few others convinced me to play pool with them. Kitty tried to help me figure it out, but so far I am still pretty much the rank amateur."

Dagger has posed:
"You have a 'Danger Room'? Is that like a room full of plates and you throw them at the wall and scream your frustrations out?" Tandy asks as she looks up at him with a raise of her brows. "You X-Men are so weird. I bet you guys get up to some weird stuff back at your place. Kurt mentioned having me visit one day to speak with your Professor. You know, to find maybe some help for Cloak, give him a normal life. But I think our powers are more bibilical than mutagenic."

Warpath has posed:
     And there it is. She's made him laugh quietly and briefly, but this time he laughs. Loud and for several seconds, echoing in the abandoned church. He sits down on the pew near you and shakes his head. It's not so much he's laughing at you as much as just something in the question itself,"As it comes to weird, you have no idea." he tells her finally, settling a little bit. She's broke through the warrior's wall and let the laugh out. Silly Tandy.

     "The Danger Room is a training facility. High powered illusions and mechanical constructs are involved. X-Men train there almost from the time they start going to school there. Helps hone powers and physical prowess. Juset about any weather condition or landscape you can imagine can be replicated." The mention of Xavier gets a pause and he considers briefly,"Professor Xavier is a good man, but we don't always agree with methodology. You may be right about your powers, but a meeting with Xavier or Jean might be helpful in its own way."